[Docs] Add profile section to the Search API documentation (#25880)

This commit is contained in:
Tanguy Leroux 2017-07-26 10:31:46 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent ca4f77039c
commit 90ebaaa9a8
2 changed files with 167 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionListener;
import org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.action.search.ClearScrollRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.action.search.ClearScrollResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.action.search.SearchRequest;
@ -52,6 +53,11 @@ import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.avg.Avg;
import org.elasticsearch.search.builder.SearchSourceBuilder;
import org.elasticsearch.search.fetch.subphase.highlight.HighlightBuilder;
import org.elasticsearch.search.fetch.subphase.highlight.HighlightField;
import org.elasticsearch.search.profile.ProfileResult;
import org.elasticsearch.search.profile.ProfileShardResult;
import org.elasticsearch.search.profile.aggregation.AggregationProfileShardResult;
import org.elasticsearch.search.profile.query.CollectorResult;
import org.elasticsearch.search.profile.query.QueryProfileShardResult;
import org.elasticsearch.search.sort.FieldSortBuilder;
import org.elasticsearch.search.sort.ScoreSortBuilder;
import org.elasticsearch.search.sort.SortOrder;
@ -70,6 +76,7 @@ import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import static org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders.matchQuery;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.greaterThan;
@ -105,7 +112,7 @@ public class SearchDocumentationIT extends ESRestHighLevelClientTestCase {
Arrays.asList("kimchy", "tanguy"), "innerObject", Collections.singletonMap("key", "value")));
BulkResponse bulkResponse = client.bulk(request);
assertSame(bulkResponse.status(), RestStatus.OK);
assertSame(RestStatus.OK, bulkResponse.status());
@ -244,7 +251,7 @@ public class SearchDocumentationIT extends ESRestHighLevelClientTestCase {
.source(XContentType.JSON, "company", "Elastic", "age", 40));
BulkResponse bulkResponse = client.bulk(request);
assertSame(bulkResponse.status(), RestStatus.OK);
assertSame(RestStatus.OK, bulkResponse.status());
@ -317,7 +324,7 @@ public class SearchDocumentationIT extends ESRestHighLevelClientTestCase {
request.add(new IndexRequest("posts", "doc", "4").source(XContentType.JSON, "user", "cbuescher"));
BulkResponse bulkResponse = client.bulk(request);
assertSame(bulkResponse.status(), RestStatus.OK);
assertSame(RestStatus.OK, bulkResponse.status());
@ -364,7 +371,7 @@ public class SearchDocumentationIT extends ESRestHighLevelClientTestCase {
Arrays.asList("kimchy", "tanguy"), "innerObject", Collections.singletonMap("key", "value")));
BulkResponse bulkResponse = client.bulk(request);
assertSame(bulkResponse.status(), RestStatus.OK);
assertSame(RestStatus.OK, bulkResponse.status());
@ -412,6 +419,74 @@ public class SearchDocumentationIT extends ESRestHighLevelClientTestCase {
public void testSearchRequestProfiling() throws IOException {
RestHighLevelClient client = highLevelClient();
IndexRequest request = new IndexRequest("posts", "doc", "1")
.source(XContentType.JSON, "tags", "elasticsearch", "comments", 123);
IndexResponse indexResponse = client.index(request);
assertSame(RestStatus.CREATED, indexResponse.status());
SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest();
// tag::search-request-profiling
SearchSourceBuilder searchSourceBuilder = new SearchSourceBuilder();
// end::search-request-profiling
searchSourceBuilder.query(QueryBuilders.termQuery("tags", "elasticsearch"));
SearchResponse searchResponse = client.search(searchRequest);
// tag::search-request-profiling-get
Map<String, ProfileShardResult> profilingResults = searchResponse.getProfileResults(); // <1>
for (Map.Entry<String, ProfileShardResult> profilingResult : profilingResults.entrySet()) { // <2>
String key = profilingResult.getKey(); // <3>
ProfileShardResult profileShardResult = profilingResult.getValue(); // <4>
// end::search-request-profiling-get
ProfileShardResult profileShardResult = profilingResults.values().iterator().next();
// tag::search-request-profiling-queries
List<QueryProfileShardResult> queryProfileShardResults = profileShardResult.getQueryProfileResults(); // <1>
for (QueryProfileShardResult queryProfileResult : queryProfileShardResults) { // <2>
// end::search-request-profiling-queries
assertThat(queryProfileShardResults.size(), equalTo(1));
for (QueryProfileShardResult queryProfileResult : queryProfileShardResults) {
// tag::search-request-profiling-queries-results
for (ProfileResult profileResult : queryProfileResult.getQueryResults()) { // <1>
String queryName = profileResult.getQueryName(); // <2>
long queryTimeInMillis = profileResult.getTime(); // <3>
List<ProfileResult> profiledChildren = profileResult.getProfiledChildren(); // <4>
// end::search-request-profiling-queries-results
// tag::search-request-profiling-queries-collectors
CollectorResult collectorResult = queryProfileResult.getCollectorResult(); // <1>
String collectorName = collectorResult.getName(); // <2>
Long collectorTimeInMillis = collectorResult.getTime(); // <3>
List<CollectorResult> profiledChildren = collectorResult.getProfiledChildren(); // <4>
// end::search-request-profiling-queries-collectors
// tag::search-request-profiling-aggs
AggregationProfileShardResult aggsProfileResults = profileShardResult.getAggregationProfileResults(); // <1>
for (ProfileResult profileResult : aggsProfileResults.getProfileResults()) { // <2>
String aggName = profileResult.getQueryName(); // <3>
long aggTimeInMillis = profileResult.getTime(); // <4>
List<ProfileResult> profiledChildren = profileResult.getProfiledChildren(); // <5>
// end::search-request-profiling-aggs
assertThat(aggsProfileResults.getProfileResults().size(), equalTo(1));
public void testScroll() throws IOException {
RestHighLevelClient client = highLevelClient();
@ -424,7 +499,7 @@ public class SearchDocumentationIT extends ESRestHighLevelClientTestCase {
.source(XContentType.JSON, "title", "The Future of Federated Search in Elasticsearch"));
BulkResponse bulkResponse = client.bulk(request);
assertSame(bulkResponse.status(), RestStatus.OK);
assertSame(RestStatus.OK, bulkResponse.status());

View File

@ -163,6 +163,19 @@ the text `kmichy`
We will later see how to <<java-rest-high-retrieve-suggestions,retrieve suggestions>> from the
===== Profiling Queries and Aggregations
The {ref}/search-profile.html[Profile API] can be used to profile the execution of queries and aggregations for
a specific search request. in order to use it, the profile flag must be set to true on the `SearchSourceBuilder`:
Once the `SearchRequest` is executed the corresponding `SearchResponse` will
<<java-rest-high-retrieve-profile-results,contain the profiling results>>.
==== Synchronous Execution
@ -339,3 +352,77 @@ include-tagged::{doc-tests}/SearchDocumentationIT.java[search-request-suggestion
type of Suggestion class (here `TermSuggestion`), otherwise a `ClassCastException` is thrown
<3> Iterate over the suggestion entries
<4> Iterate over the options in one entry
===== Retrieving Profiling Results
Profiling results are retrieved from a `SearchResponse` using the `getProfileResults()` method. This
method returns a `Map` containing a `ProfileShardResult` object for every shard involved in the
`SearchRequest` execution. `ProfileShardResult` are stored in the `Map` using a key that uniquely
identifies the shard the profile result corresponds to.
Here is a sample code that shows how to iterate over all the profiling results of every shard:
<1> Retrieve the `Map` of `ProfileShardResult` from the `SearchResponse`
<2> Profiling results can be retrieved by shard's key if the key is known, otherwise it might be simpler
to iterate over all the profiling results
<3> Retrieve the key that identifies which shard the `ProfileShardResult` belongs to
<4> Retrieve the `ProfileShardResult` for the given shard
The `ProfileShardResult` object itself contains one or more query profile results, one for each query
executed against the underlying Lucene index:
<1> Retrieve the list of `QueryProfileShardResult`
<2> Iterate over each `QueryProfileShardResult`
Each `QueryProfileShardResult` gives access to the detailed query tree execution, returned as a list of
`ProfileResult` objects:
<1> Iterate over the profile results
<2> Retrieve the name of the Lucene query
<3> Retrieve the time in millis spent executing the Lucene query
<4> Retrieve the profile results for the sub-queries (if any)
The Rest API documentation contains more information about {ref}/_profiling_queries.html[Profiling Queries] with
a description of the {ref}/_profiling_queries.html#_literal_query_literal_section[query profiling information]
The `QueryProfileShardResult` also gives access to the profiling information for the Lucene collectors:
<1> Retrieve the profiling result of the Lucene collector
<2> Retrieve the name of the Lucene collector
<3> Retrieve the time in millis spent executing the Lucene collector
<4> Retrieve the profile results for the sub-collectors (if any)
The Rest API documentation contains more information about profiling information
{ref}/_profiling_queries.html#_literal_collectors_literal_section[for Lucene collectors].
In a very similar manner to the query tree execution, the `QueryProfileShardResult` objects gives access
to the detailed aggregations tree execution:
<1> Retrieve the `AggregationProfileShardResult`
<2> Iterate over the aggregation profile results
<3> Retrieve the type of the aggregation (corresponds to Java class used to execute the aggregation)
<4> Retrieve the time in millis spent executing the Lucene collector
<5> Retrieve the profile results for the sub-aggregations (if any)
The Rest API documentation contains more information about {ref}/_profiling_aggregations.html[Profiling Aggregations]