Merge pull request from rmuir/gradle_windoze_integ_tests

Fix integration tests and 'gradle run' to work on windoze
This commit is contained in:
Robert Muir 2015-11-29 12:15:30 -05:00
commit 93758874fb

@ -316,11 +316,8 @@ class ClusterFormationTasks {
/** Adds a task to start an elasticsearch node with the given configuration */
static Task configureStartTask(String name, Project project, Task setup, NodeInfo node) {
String executable
List<String> esArgs = []
if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS)) {
executable = 'cmd'
} else {
executable = 'sh'
@ -350,6 +347,9 @@ class ClusterFormationTasks {
ant.exec(executable: executable, spawn: node.config.daemonize, dir: node.cwd, taskname: 'elasticsearch') {
node.env.each { key, value -> env(key: key, value: value) }
if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS)) {
arg(value: '/C')
arg(value: script)
node.args.each { arg(value: it) }