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synced 2025-03-25 01:19:02 +00:00
Build: Allow for file based deploy, sign packages
This allows for a local file based deploy without needed nexus auth information. Also signing of packages has been added, either via gradle.properties or using system properties as a fallback. The property build.repository allows to configure another endpoint if no snapshot build is done. Fix creation of .asc file for tar.gz distribution Closes #17405
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
import com.bmuschko.gradle.nexus.NexusPlugin
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.RepositoryBuilder
import org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.SourceFolder
// common maven publishing configuration
@ -50,21 +52,37 @@ subprojects {
javadoc = true
tests = false
nexus {
Repository repo = new RepositoryBuilder().findGitDir(new File('.')).build()
String shortHash = repo.resolve('HEAD')?.name?.substring(0,7)
String buildSnapshot = System.getProperty('build.snapshot', 'true')
if (buildSnapshot == 'false') {
repositoryUrl = project.hasProperty('build.repository') ? project.property('build.repository') : "file://${System.getenv('HOME')}/elasticsearch-releases/${version}-${shortHash}/"
// we have our own username/password prompts so that they only happen once
// TODO: add gpg signing prompts
// TODO: add gpg signing prompts, which is tricky, as the buildDeb/buildRpm tasks are executed before this code block
project.gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { taskGraph ->
if (taskGraph.allTasks.any { it.name == 'uploadArchives' }) {
Console console = System.console()
if (project.hasProperty('nexusUsername') == false) {
String nexusUsername = console.readLine('\nNexus username: ')
// no need for username/password on local deploy
if (project.nexus.repositoryUrl.startsWith('file://')) {
project.rootProject.allprojects.each {
it.ext.nexusUsername = nexusUsername
it.ext.nexusUsername = 'foo'
it.ext.nexusPassword = 'bar'
if (project.hasProperty('nexusPassword') == false) {
String nexusPassword = new String(console.readPassword('\nNexus password: '))
project.rootProject.allprojects.each {
it.ext.nexusPassword = nexusPassword
} else {
if (project.hasProperty('nexusUsername') == false) {
String nexusUsername = console.readLine('\nNexus username: ')
project.rootProject.allprojects.each {
it.ext.nexusUsername = nexusUsername
if (project.hasProperty('nexusPassword') == false) {
String nexusPassword = new String(console.readPassword('\nNexus password: '))
project.rootProject.allprojects.each {
it.ext.nexusPassword = nexusPassword
@ -287,6 +287,15 @@ configure(subprojects.findAll { ['deb', 'rpm'].contains(it.name) }) {
we see it. We'll add it back on to the file name though. */
version project.version.replace('-SNAPSHOT', '')
// signing setup
if (project.hasProperty('signing.password') && System.getProperty('build.snapshot', 'true') == 'false') {
signingKeyId = project.hasProperty('signing.keyId') ? project.property('signing.keyId') : 'D88E42B4'
signingKeyPassphrase = project.property('signing.password')
signingKeyRingFile = project.hasProperty('signing.secretKeyRingFile') ?
project.file(project.property('signing.secretKeyRingFile')) :
new File(new File(System.getProperty('user.home'), '.gnupg'), 'secring.gpg')
String scripts = "${packagingFiles}/scripts"
preInstall file("${scripts}/preinst")
postInstall file("${scripts}/postinst")
@ -26,5 +26,8 @@ task buildTar(type: Tar) {
artifacts {
'default' buildTar
archives buildTar
project.afterEvaluate {
// gradle is broken for extensions that contain a dot, so we must be explicit about the name of the .asc file
project.signArchives.singleSignature.type = 'tar.gz.asc'
Reference in New Issue
Block a user