Painless: Types Section Clean Up (#30283)
Clean up of types section, casting section, and a large number of examples.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,172 +1,456 @@
=== Casting
Casting is the conversion of one type to another. Implicit casts are casts that
occur automatically, such as during an assignment operation. Explicit casts are
casts where you use the casting operator to explicitly convert one type to
another. This is necessary during operations where the cast cannot be inferred.
A cast converts the value of an original type to the equivalent value of a
target type. An implicit cast infers the target type and automatically occurs
during certain <<painless-operators, operations>>. An explicit cast specifies
the target type and forcefully occurs as its own operation. Use the *cast
operator* to specify an explicit cast.
To cast to a new type, precede the expression by the new type enclosed in
parentheses, for example
The following sections specify the implicit casts that can be performed and the
explicit casts that are allowed. The only other permitted cast is casting
a single character `String` to a `char`.
* If during a cast there exists no equivalent value for the target type.
* If an implicit cast is given, but an explicit cast is required.
cast: '(' TYPE ')' expression
==== Numeric Casting
The following table shows the allowed implicit and explicit casts between
numeric types. Read the table by row. To find out if you need to explicitly
cast from type A to type B, find the row for type A and scan across to the
column for type B.
* Valid casts.
<1> int i = (int)5L;
<2> Map m = new HashMap();
<3> HashMap hm = (HashMap)m;
<1> declare `int i`;
explicit cast `long 5` to `int 5` -> `int 5`;
assign `int 5` to `i`
<2> declare `Map m`;
allocate `HashMap` instance -> `HashMap reference`;
implicit cast `HashMap reference` to `Map reference` -> `Map reference`;
assign `Map reference` to `m`
<3> declare `HashMap hm`;
access `m` -> `Map reference`;
explicit cast `Map reference` to `HashMap reference` -> `HashMap reference`;
assign `HashMap reference` to `hm`
IMPORTANT: Explicit casts between numeric types can result in some data loss. A
smaller numeric type cannot necessarily accommodate the value from a larger
numeric type. You might also lose precision when casting from integer types
to floating point types.
==== Numeric Type Casting
A <<primitive-types, numeric type>> cast converts the value of an original
numeric type to the equivalent value of a target numeric type. A cast between
two numeric type values results in data loss when the value of the original
numeric type is larger than the target numeric type can accommodate. A cast
between an integer type value and a floating point type value can result in
precision loss.
The allowed casts for values of each numeric type are shown as a row in the
following table:
| | byte | short | char | int | long | float | double
| byte | | implicit | implicit | implicit | implicit | implicit | implicit
| short | explicit | | explicit | implicit | implicit | implicit | implicit
| char | explicit | explicit | | implicit | implicit | implicit | implicit
| int | explicit | explicit | explicit | | implicit | implicit | implicit
| long | explicit | explicit | explicit | explicit | | implicit | implicit
| float | explicit | explicit | explicit | explicit | explicit | | implicit
| | byte | short | char | int | long | float | double
| byte | | implicit | implicit | implicit | implicit | implicit | implicit
| short | explicit | | explicit | implicit | implicit | implicit | implicit
| char | explicit | explicit | | implicit | implicit | implicit | implicit
| int | explicit | explicit | explicit | | implicit | implicit | implicit
| long | explicit | explicit | explicit | explicit | | implicit | implicit
| float | explicit | explicit | explicit | explicit | explicit | | implicit
| double | explicit | explicit | explicit | explicit | explicit | explicit |
* Valid numeric type casts.
int a = 1; // Declare int variable a and set it to the literal
// value 1
long b = a; // Declare long variable b and set it to int variable
// a with an implicit cast to convert from int to long
short c = (short)b; // Declare short variable c, explicitly cast b to a
// short, and assign b to c
byte d = a; // ERROR: Casting an int to a byte requires an explicit
// cast
double e = (double)a; // Explicitly cast int variable a to a double and assign
// it to the double variable e. The explicit cast is
// allowed, but it is not necessary.
<1> int a = 1;
<2> long b = a;
<3> short c = (short)b;
<4> double e = (double)a;
==== Reference Casting
A reference type can be implicitly cast to another reference type as long as
the type being cast _from_ is a descendant of the type being cast _to_. A
reference type can be explicitly cast _to_ if the type being cast to is a
descendant of the type being cast _from_.
<1> declare `int a`;
assign `int 1` to `a`
<2> declare `long b`;
access `a` -> `int 1`;
implicit cast `int 1` to `long 1` -> `long 1`;
assign `long 1` to `b`
<3> declare `short c`;
access `b` -> `long 1`;
explicit cast `long 1` to `short 1` -> `short 1`;
assign `short 1` value to `c`
<4> declare `double e`;
access `a` -> `int 1`;
explicit cast `int 1` to `double 1.0`;
assign `double 1.0` to `e`;
(note the explicit cast is extraneous since an implicit cast is valid)
* Invalid numeric type casts resulting in errors.
List x; // Declare List variable x
ArrayList y = new ArrayList(); // Declare ArrayList variable y and assign it a
// newly allocated ArrayList [1]
x = y; // Assign Arraylist y to List x using an
// implicit cast
y = (ArrayList)x; // Explicitly cast List x to an ArrayList and
// assign it to ArrayList y
x = (List)y; // Set List x to ArrayList y using an explicit
// cast (the explicit cast is not necessary)
y = x; // ERROR: List x cannot be implicitly cast to
// an ArrayList, an explicit cast is required
Map m = y; // ERROR: Cannot implicitly or explicitly cast [2]
// an ArrayList to a Map, no relationship
// exists between the two types.
<1> int a = 1.0; // error
<2> int b = 2;
<3> byte c = b; // error
[1] `ArrayList` is a descendant of the `List` type.
[2] `Map` is unrelated to the `List` and `ArrayList` types.
<1> declare `int i`;
*error* -> cannot implicit cast `double 1.0` to `int 1`;
(note an explicit cast is valid)
<2> declare `int b`;
assign `int 2` to `b`
<3> declare byte `c`;
access `b` -> `int 2`;
*error* -> cannot implicit cast `int 2` to `byte 2`;
(note an explicit cast is valid)
==== def Type Casting
All primitive and reference types can always be implicitly cast to
`def`. While it is possible to explicitly cast to `def`, it is not necessary.
==== Reference Type Casting
However, it is not always possible to implicitly cast a `def` to other
primitive and reference types. An explicit cast is required if an explicit
cast would normally be required between the non-def types.
A <<reference-types, reference type>> cast converts the value of an original
reference type to the equivalent value of a target reference type. An implicit
cast between two reference type values is allowed when the original reference
type is a descendant of the target type. An explicit cast between two reference
type values is allowed when the original type is a descendant of the target type
or the target type is a descendant of the original type.
* Valid reference type casts.
def x; // Declare def variable x and set it to null
x = 3; // Set the def variable x to the literal 3 with an implicit
// cast from int to def
double a = x; // Declare double variable a and set it to def variable x,
// which contains a double
int b = x; // ERROR: Results in a run-time error because an explicit cast is
// required to cast from a double to an int
int c = (int)x; // Declare int variable c, explicitly cast def variable x to an
// int, and assign x to c
<1> List x;
<2> ArrayList y = new ArrayList();
<3> x = y;
<4> y = (ArrayList)x;
<5> x = (List)y;
<1> declare `List x`;
assign default value `null` to `x`
<2> declare `ArrayList y`;
allocate `ArrayList` instance -> `ArrayList reference`;
assign `ArrayList reference` to `y`;
<3> access `y` -> `ArrayList reference`;
implicit cast `ArrayList reference` to `List reference` -> `List reference`;
assign `List reference` to `x`;
(note `ArrayList` is a descendant of `List`)
<4> access `x` -> `List reference`;
explicit cast `List reference` to `ArrayList reference`
-> `ArrayList reference`;
assign `ArrayList reference` to `y`;
<5> access `y` -> `ArrayList reference`;
explicit cast `ArrayList reference` to `List reference` -> `List reference`;
assign `List reference` to `x`;
(note the explicit cast is extraneous, and an implicit cast is valid)
* Invalid reference type casts resulting in errors.
<1> List x = new ArrayList();
<2> ArrayList y = x; // error
<3> Map m = (Map)x; // error
<1> declare `List x`;
allocate `ArrayList` instance -> `ArrayList reference`;
implicit cast `ArrayList reference` to `List reference` -> `List reference`;
assign `List reference` to `x`
<2> declare `ArrayList y`;
access `x` -> `List reference`;
*error* -> cannot implicit cast `List reference` to `ArrayList reference`;
(note an explicit cast is valid since `ArrayList` is a descendant of `List`)
<3> declare `ArrayList y`;
access `x` -> `List reference`;
*error* -> cannot explicit cast `List reference` to `Map reference`;
(note no cast would be valid since neither `List` nor `Map` is a descendant
of the other)
==== Dynamic Type Casting
A <<dynamic-types, dynamic (`def`) type>> cast converts the value of an original
`def` type to the equivalent value of any target type or converts the value of
any original type to the equivalent value of a target `def` type.
An implicit cast from any original type value to a `def` type value is always
allowed. An explicit cast from any original type value to a `def` type value is
always allowed but never necessary.
An implicit or explicit cast from an original `def` type value to
any target type value is allowed if and only if the cast is normally allowed
based on the current type value the `def` type value represents.
* Valid dynamic type casts with any original type to a target `def` type.
<1> def d0 = 3;
<2> d0 = new ArrayList();
<3> Object o = new HashMap();
<4> def d1 = o;
<5> int i = d1.size();
<1> declare `def d0`;
implicit cast `int 3` to `def`;
assign `int 3` to `d0`
<2> allocate `ArrayList` instance -> `ArrayList reference`;
implicit cast `ArrayList reference` to `def` -> `def`;
assign `def` to `d0`
<3> declare `Object o`;
allocate `HashMap` instance -> `HashMap reference`;
implicit cast `HashMap reference` to `Object reference`
-> `Object reference`;
assign `Object reference` to `o`
<4> declare `def d1`;
access `o` -> `Object reference`;
implicit cast `Object reference` to `def` -> `def`;
assign `def` to `d1`
<5> declare `int i`;
access `d1` -> `def`;
implicit cast `def` to `HashMap reference` -> HashMap reference`;
call `size` on `HashMap reference` -> `int 0`;
assign `int 0` to `i`;
(note `def` was implicit cast to `HashMap reference` since `HashMap` is the
child-most descendant type value that the `def` type value
* Valid dynamic type casts with an original `def` type to any target type.
<1> def d = 1.0;
<2> int i = (int)d;
<3> d = 1;
<4> float f = d;
<5> d = new ArrayList();
<6> List l = d;
<1> declare `def d`;
implicit cast `double 1.0` to `def` -> `def`;
assign `def` to `d`
<2> declare `int i`;
access `d` -> `def`;
implicit cast `def` to `double 1.0` -> `double 1.0`;
explicit cast `double 1.0` to `int 1` -> `int 1`;
assign `int 1` to `i`;
(note the explicit cast is necessary since a `double` value cannot be
converted to an `int` value implicitly)
<3> assign `int 1` to `d`;
(note the switch in the type `d` represents from `double` to `int`)
<4> declare `float i`;
access `d` -> `def`;
implicit cast `def` to `int 1` -> `int 1`;
implicit cast `int 1` to `float 1.0` -> `float 1.0`;
assign `float 1.0` to `f`
<5> allocate `ArrayList` instance -> `ArrayList reference`;
assign `ArrayList reference` to `d`;
(note the switch in the type `d` represents from `int` to `ArrayList`)
<6> declare `List l`;
access `d` -> `def`;
implicit cast `def` to `ArrayList reference` -> `ArrayList reference`;
implicit cast `ArrayList reference` to `List reference` -> `List reference`;
assign `List reference` to `l`
* Invalid dynamic type casts resulting in errors.
<1> def d = 1;
<2> short s = d; // error
<3> d = new HashMap();
<4> List l = d; // error
<1> declare `def d`;
implicit cast `int 1` to `def` -> `def`;
assign `def` to `d`
<2> declare `short s`;
access `d` -> `def`;
implicit cast `def` to `int 1` -> `int 1`;
*error* -> cannot implicit cast `int 1` to `short 1`;
(note an explicit cast is valid)
<3> allocate `HashMap` instance -> `HashMap reference`;
implicit cast `HashMap reference` to `def` -> `def`;
assign `def` to `d`
<4> declare `List l`;
access `d` -> `def`;
implicit cast `def` to `HashMap reference`;
*error* -> cannot implicit cast `HashMap reference` to `List reference`;
(note no cast would be valid since neither `HashMap` nor `List` is a
descendant of the other)
==== String to Character Casting
Use the *cast operator* to convert a <<string-type, `String` type>> value into a
<<primitive-types, `char` type>> value.
* If the `String` type value isn't one character in length.
* If the `String` type value is `null`.
* Casting string literals into `char` type values.
<1> char c = (char)"C"
<2> c = (char)'c'
<1> declare `char c`;
explicit cast `String "C"` to `char C` -> `char C`;
assign `char C` to `c`
<2> explicit cast `String 'c'` to `char c` -> `char c`;
assign `char c` to `c`
* Casting a `String` reference into a `char` value.
<1> String s = "s";
<2> char c = (char)s;
<1> declare `String s`;
assign `String "s"` to `s`;
<2> declare `char c`
access `s` -> `String "s"`;
explicit cast `String "s"` to `char s` -> `char s`;
assign `char s` to `c`
==== Boxing and Unboxing
Boxing is where a cast is used to convert a primitive type to its corresponding
reference type. Unboxing is the reverse, converting a reference type to the
corresponding primitive type.
Boxing is a special type of cast used to convert a primitive type to its
corresponding reference type. Unboxing is the reverse used to convert a
reference type to its corresponding primitive type.
There are two places Painless performs implicit boxing and unboxing:
Implicit boxing/unboxing occurs during the following operations:
* When you call methods, Painless automatically boxes and unboxes arguments
so you can specify either primitive types or their corresponding reference
* When you use the `def` type, Painless automatically boxes and unboxes as
needed when converting to and from `def`.
* Conversions between a `def` type and a primitive type will be implicitly
boxed/unboxed as necessary, though this is referred to as an implicit cast
throughout the documentation.
* Method/function call arguments will be implicitly boxed/unboxed as necessary.
* A primitive type value will be implicitly boxed when a reference type method
call is invoked on it.
The casting operator does not support any way to explicitly box a primitive
type or unbox a reference type.
Explicit boxing/unboxing is not allowed. Use the reference type API to
explicitly convert a primitive type value to its respective reference type
value and vice versa.
If a primitive type needs to be converted to a reference type, the Painless
reference type API supports methods that can do that. However, under normal
circumstances this should not be necessary.
* If an explicit cast is made to box/unbox a primitive type.
* Uses of implicit boxing/unboxing.
Integer x = 1; // ERROR: not a legal implicit cast
Integer y = (Integer)1; // ERROR: not a legal explicit cast
int a = new Integer(1); // ERROR: not a legal implicit cast
int b = (int)new Integer(1); // ERROR: not a legal explicit cast
<1> List l = new ArrayList();
<2> l.add(1);
<3> Integer I = Integer.valueOf(0);
<4> int i = l.get(i);
<1> declare `List l`;
allocate `ArrayList` instance -> `ArrayList reference`;
assign `ArrayList reference` to `l`;
<2> access `l` -> `List reference`;
implicit cast `int 1` to `def` -> `def`;
call `add` on `List reference` with arguments (`def`);
(note internally `int 1` is boxed to `Integer 1` to store as a `def` type
<3> declare `Integer I`;
call `valueOf` on `Integer` with arguments of (`int 0`) -> `Integer 0`;
assign `Integer 0` to `I`;
<4> declare `int i`;
access `I` -> `Integer 0`;
unbox `Integer 0` -> `int 0`;
access `l` -> `List reference`;
call `get` on `List reference` with arguments (`int 0`) -> `def`;
implicit cast `def` to `int 1` -> `int 1`;
assign `int 1` to `i`;
(note internally `int 1` is unboxed from `Integer 1` when loaded from a
`def` type value)
* Uses of invalid boxing/unboxing resulting in errors.
<1> Integer x = 1; // error
<2> Integer y = (Integer)1; // error
<3> int a = Integer.valueOf(1); // error
<4> int b = (int)Integer.valueOf(1); // error
<1> declare `Integer x`;
*error* -> cannot implicit box `int 1` to `Integer 1` during assignment
<2> declare `Integer y`;
*error* -> cannot explicit box `int 1` to `Integer 1` during assignment
<3> declare `int a`;
call `valueOf` on `Integer` with arguments of (`int 1`) -> `Integer 1`;
*error* -> cannot implicit unbox `Integer 1` to `int 1` during assignment
<4> declare `int a`;
call `valueOf` on `Integer` with arguments of (`int 1`) -> `Integer 1`;
*error* -> cannot explicit unbox `Integer 1` to `int 1` during assignment
==== Promotion
Promotion is where certain operations require types to be either a minimum
numerical type or for two (or more) types to be equivalent.
The documentation for each operation that has these requirements
includes promotion tables that describe how this is handled.
Promotion is when a single value is implicitly cast to a certain type or
multiple values are implicitly cast to the same type as required for evaluation
by certain operations. Each operation that requires promotion has a promotion
table that shows all required implicit casts based on the type(s) of value(s). A
value can be promoted to a `def` type at compile-time; however, the promoted
type value is derived from what the `def` type value represents at run-time.
When an operation promotes a type or types, the resultant type
of the operation is the promoted type. Types can be promoted to def
at compile-time; however, at run-time, the resultant type will be the
promotion of the types the `def` is representing.
* If a specific operation cannot find an allowed promotion type for the type(s)
of value(s) given.
* Uses of promotion.
2 + 2.0 // Add the literal int 2 and the literal double 2.0. The literal
// 2 is promoted to a double and the resulting value is a double.
def x = 1; // Declare def variable x and set it to the literal int 1 through
// an implicit cast
x + 2.0F // Add def variable x and the literal float 2.0.
// At compile-time the types are promoted to def.
// At run-time the types are promoted to float.
<1> double d = 2 + 2.0;
<2> def x = 1;
<3> float f = x + 2.0F;
<1> declare `double d`;
promote `int 2` and `double 2.0 @0` -> `double 2.0 @0`;
implicit cast `int 2` to `double 2.0 @1` -> `double 2.0 @1`;
add `double 2.0 @1` and `double 2.0 @0` -> `double 4.0`;
assign `double 4.0` to `d`
<2> declare `def x`;
implicit cast `int 1` to `def` -> `def`;
assign `def` to `x`;
<3> declare `float f`;
access `x` -> `def`;
implicit cast `def` to `int 1` -> `int 1`;
promote `int 1` and `float 2.0` -> `float 2.0`;
implicit cast `int 1` to `float 1.0` -> `float `1.0`;
add `float 1.0` and `float 2.0` -> `float 3.0`;
assign `float 3.0` to `f`;
(note this example illustrates promotion done at run-time as promotion
done at compile-time would have resolved to a `def` type value)
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
=== Comments
Use the `//` token anywhere on a line to specify a single-line comment. All
characters from the `//` token to the end of the line are ignored. Use an
opening `/*` token and a closing `*/` token to specify a multi-line comment.
Multi-line comments can start anywhere on a line, and all characters in between
the `/*` token and `*/` token are ignored. Comments can be included anywhere
within a script.
Use a comment to annotate or explain code within a script. Use the `//` token
anywhere on a line to specify a single-line comment. All characters from the
`//` token to the end of the line are ignored. Use an opening `/*` token and a
closing `*/` token to specify a multi-line comment. Multi-line comments can
start anywhere on a line, and all characters in between the `/*` token and `*/`
token are ignored. Comments can be included anywhere within a script.
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
=== Identifiers
Specify identifiers to <<declaration, declare>>, <<assignment, assign>>, and
<<painless-operators, use>> variables, <<dot-operator, access fields>>, and
<<dot-operator, call methods>>. <<painless-keywords, Keywords>> and
<<painless-types, types>> cannot be used as identifiers.
Use an identifier as a named token to specify a
<<painless-variables, variable>>, <<painless-types, type>>,
<<dot-operator, field>>, <<dot-operator, method>>, or function.
<<painless-keywords, Keywords>> cannot be used as identifiers.
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
=== Keywords
The keywords in the table below are reserved for built-in language
features. These keywords cannot be used as
<<painless-identifiers, identifiers>> or <<painless-types, types>>.
Keywords are reserved tokens for built-in language features and cannot be used
as <<painless-identifiers, identifiers>> within a script. The following are
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Painless syntax is similar to Java syntax along with some additional
features such as dynamic typing, Map and List accessor shortcuts, and array
initializers. As a direct comparison to Java, there are some important
differences, especially related to the casting model. For more detailed
conceptual information about the basic constructs that Java and Painless share,
conceptual information about the basic constructs that Painless and Java share,
refer to the corresponding topics in the
||||[Java Language
@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
=== Literals
Use literals to specify different types of values directly in a script.
Use a literal to specify a value directly in an
<<painless-operators, operation>>.
==== Integers
Use integer literals to specify an integer value in decimal, octal, or hex
notation of the <<primitive-types, primitive types>> `int`, `long`, `float`,
Use an integer literal to specify an integer type value in decimal, octal, or
hex notation of a <<primitive-types, primitive type>> `int`, `long`, `float`,
or `double`. Use the following single letter designations to specify the
<<primitive-types, primitive type>>: `l` or `L` for `long`, `f` or `F` for
`float`, and `d` or `D` for `double`. If not specified, the type defaults to
`int`. Use `0` as a prefix to specify an integer literal as octal, and use
`0x` or `0X` as a prefix to specify an integer literal as hex.
primitive type: `l` or `L` for `long`, `f` or `F` for `float`, and `d` or `D`
for `double`. If not specified, the type defaults to `int`. Use `0` as a prefix
to specify an integer literal as octal, and use `0x` or `0X` as a prefix to
specify an integer literal as hex.
@ -46,11 +47,10 @@ HEX: '-'? '0' [xX] [0-9a-fA-F]+ [lL]?;
==== Floats
Use floating point literals to specify a floating point value of the
<<primitive-types, primitive types>> `float` or `double`. Use the following
single letter designations to specify the <<primitive-types, primitive type>>:
`f` or `F` for `float` and `d` or `D` for `double`. If not specified, the type defaults
to `double`.
Use a floating point literal to specify a floating point type value of a
<<primitive-types, primitive type>> `float` or `double`. Use the following
single letter designations to specify the primitive type: `f` or `F` for `float`
and `d` or `D` for `double`. If not specified, the type defaults to `double`.
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ EXPONENT: ( [eE] [+\-]? [0-9]+ );
==== Strings
Use string literals to specify <<string-type, String>> values with
Use a string literal to specify a <<string-type, `String` type>> value with
either single-quotes or double-quotes. Use a `\"` token to include a
double-quote as part of a double-quoted string literal. Use a `\'` token to
include a single-quote as part of a single-quoted string literal. Use a `\\`
@ -117,26 +117,6 @@ STRING: ( '"' ( '\\"' | '\\\\' | ~[\\"] )*? '"' )
==== Characters
Use the <<painless-casting, casting operator>> to convert string literals or
<<string-type, String>> values into <<primitive-types, char>> values.
<<string-type, String>> values converted into
<<primitive-types, char>> values must be exactly one character in length
or an error will occur.
* Casting string literals into <<primitive-types, char>> values.
* Casting a <<string-type, String>> value into a <<primitive-types, char>> value.
String s = "s";
char c = (char)s;
A character literal cannot be specified directly. Instead, use the
<<string-character-casting, cast operator>> to convert a `String` type value
into a `char` type value.
@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ operator. See Function Calls [MARK] for more information.
The brackets operator `[]` is used to create and access arrays, lists, and maps.
The braces operator `{}` is used to intialize arrays.
===== Creating and Initializing Arrays
You create and initialize arrays using the brackets `[]` and braces `{}`
@ -248,9 +249,49 @@ initialize each dimension with are specified as a comma-separated list enclosed
in braces. For example, `new int[] {1, 2, 3}` creates a one dimensional `int`
array with a size of 3 and the values 1, 2, and 3.
For more information about allocating and initializing arrays, see <<array-type,
Array Type>>.
To allocate an array, you use the `new` keyword followed by the type and a
set of brackets for each dimension. You can explicitly define the size of each dimension by specifying an expression within the brackets, or initialize each
dimension with the desired number of values. The allocated size of each
dimension is its permanent size.
To initialize an array, specify the values you want to initialize
each dimension with as a comma-separated list of expressions enclosed in braces.
For example, `new int[] {1, 2, 3}` creates a one-dimensional `int` array with a
size of 3 and the values 1, 2, and 3.
When you initialize an array, the order of the expressions is maintained. Each expression used as part of the initialization is converted to the
array's type. An error occurs if the types do not match.
declare_array: TYPE ('[' ']')+;
array_initialization: 'new' TYPE '[' ']' '{' expression (',' expression) '}'
| 'new' TYPE '[' ']' '{' '}';
int[] x = new int[5]; // Declare int array x and assign it a newly
// allocated int array with a size of 5
def[][] y = new def[5][5]; // Declare the 2-dimensional def array y and
// assign it a newly allocated 2-dimensional
// array where both dimensions have a size of 5
int[] x = new int[] {1, 2, 3}; // Declare int array x and set it to an int
// array with values 1, 2, 3 and a size of 3
int i = 1;
long l = 2L;
float f = 3.0F;
double d = 4.0;
String s = "5";
def[] da = new def[] {i, l, f*d, s}; // Declare def array da and set it to
// a def array with a size of 4 and the
// values i, l, f*d, and s
===== Accessing Array Elements
Elements in an array are stored and accessed using the brackets `[]` operator.
@ -298,6 +339,7 @@ return d[z]; // Access the 1st element of array d using the
NOTE: The use of the `def` type in the second example means that the types
cannot be resolved until runtime.
===== Array Length
Arrays contain a special member known as 'length' that is a read-only value that contains the size of the array. This member can be accessed from an array using the dot operator.
@ -727,6 +769,7 @@ def e; // declares the def variable e
e = new HashMap(m); // sets e to a newly allocated HashMap using the constructor with a single argument m
==== New Array
An array type instance can be allocated using the new operator. The format starts with the new operator followed by the type followed by a series of opening and closing braces each containing an expression for the size of the dimension.
@ -1,269 +1,466 @@
=== Types
Painless supports both dynamic and static types. Static types are split into
_primitive types_ and _reference types_.
==== Dynamic Types
Painless supports one dynamic type: `def`. The `def` type can represent any
primitive or reference type. When you use the `def` type, it mimics the exact
behavior of whatever type it represents at runtime. The default value for the
def type is `null.`
Internally, if the `def` type represents a primitive type, it is converted to the
corresponding reference type. It still behaves like the primitive type, however,
including within the casting model. The `def` type can be assigned to different
types during the course of script execution.
IMPORTANT: Because a `def` type variable can be assigned to different types
during execution, type conversion errors that occur when using the `def` type
happen at runtime.
Using the `def` type can have a slight impact on performance. If performance is
critical, it's better to declare static types.
def x = 1; // Declare def variable x and set it to the
// literal int 1
def l = new ArrayList(); // Declare def variable l and set it a newly
// allocated ArrayList
A type is a classification of data used to define the properties of a value.
These properties specify what data a value represents and the rules for how a
value is evaluated during an <<painless-operators, operation>>. Each type
belongs to one of the following categories: <<primitive-types, primitive>>,
<<reference-types, reference>>, or <<dynamic-types, dynamic>>.
==== Primitive Types
Primitive types are allocated directly onto the stack according to the standard
Java memory model.
A primitive type represents basic data built natively into the JVM and is
allocated to non-heap memory. Declare a primitive type
<<painless-variables, variable>>, and assign it a primitive type value for
evaluation during later operations. The default value for a newly-declared
primitive type variable is listed as part of the definitions below. A primitive
type value is copied during an assignment or as an argument for a
method/function call.
Primitive types can behave as their corresponding (<<boxing-unboxing, boxed>>)
reference type. This means any piece of a reference type can be accessed or
called through the primitive type. Operations performed in this manner convert
the primitive type to its corresponding reference type at runtime and perform
the field access or method call without needing to perform any other
A primitive type has a corresponding reference type (also known as a boxed
type). Use the <<field-access, field access operator>> or
<<method-access, method call operator>> on a primitive type value to force
evaluation as its corresponding reference type value.
Painless supports the following primitive types.
The following primitive types are available:
An 8-bit, signed, two's complement integer.
Range: [-128, 127].
Default value: 0.
Reference type: Byte.
8-bit, signed, two's complement integer
* range: [`-128`, `127`]
* default value: `0`
* reference type: `Byte`
A 16-bit, signed, two's complement integer.
Range: [-32768, 32767].
Default value: 0.
Reference type: Short.
16-bit, signed, two's complement integer
* range: [`-32768`, `32767`]
* default value: `0`
* reference type: `Short`
A 16-bit Unicode character.
Range: [0, 65535].
Default value: 0 or `\u0000`.
Reference type: Character.
16-bit, unsigned, Unicode character
* range: [`0`, `65535`]
* default value: `0` or `\u0000`
* reference type: `Character`
A 32-bit, signed, two's complement integer.
Range: [-2^32, 2^32-1].
Default value: 0.
Reference type: Integer.
32-bit, signed, two's complement integer
* range: [`-2^32`, `2^32-1`]
* default value: `0`
* reference type: `Integer`
A 64-bit, signed, two's complement integer.
Range: [-2^64, 2^64-1].
Default value: 0.
Reference type: Long.
64-bit, signed, two's complement integer
* range: [`-2^64`, `2^64-1`]
* default value: `0`
* reference type: `Long`
A 32-bit, single-precision, IEEE 754 floating point number.
Range: Depends on multiple factors.
Default value: 0.0.
Reference type: Float.
32-bit, signed, single-precision, IEEE 754 floating point number
* default value: `0.0`
* reference type: `Float`
A 64-bit, double-precision, IEEE 754 floating point number.
Range: Depends on multiple factors.
Default value: 0.0.
Reference type: Double.
64-bit, signed, double-precision, IEEE 754 floating point number
* default value: `0.0`
* reference type: `Double`
A logical quanity with two possible values: true and false.
Range: true/false.
Default value: false.
Reference type: Boolean.
logical quantity with two possible values of `true` and `false`
* default value: `false`
* reference type: `Boolean`
* Primitive types used in declaration, declaration and assignment.
int i = 1; // Declare variable i as an int and set it to the
// literal 1
double d; // Declare variable d as a double and set it to the
// default value of 0.0
boolean b = true; // Declare variable b as a boolean and set it to true
<1> int i = 1;
<2> double d;
<3> boolean b = true;
Using methods from the corresponding reference type on a primitive type.
<1> declare `int i`;
assign `int 1` to `i`
<2> declare `double d`;
assign default `double 0.0` to `d`
<3> declare `boolean b`;
assign `boolean true` to `b`
* Method call on a primitive type using the corresponding reference type.
int i = 1; // Declare variable i as an int and set it to the
// literal 1
i.toString(); // Invokes the Integer method toString on variable i
<1> int i = 1;
<2> i.toString();
<1> declare `int i`;
assign `int 1` to `i`
<2> access `i` -> `int 1`;
box `int 1` -> `Integer 1 reference`;
call `toString` on `Integer 1 reference` -> `String '1'`
==== Reference Types
Reference types are similar to Java classes and can contain multiple pieces
known as _members_. However, reference types do not support access modifiers.
You allocate reference type instances on the heap using the `new` operator.
A reference type is a named construct (object), potentially representing
multiple pieces of data (member fields) and logic to manipulate that data
(member methods), defined as part of the application programming interface
(API) for scripts.
Reference types can have both static and non-static members:
A reference type instance is a single set of data for one reference type
object allocated to the heap. Use the
<<constructor-call, new instance operator>> to allocate a reference type
instance. Use a reference type instance to load from, store to, and manipulate
complex data.
* Static members are shared by all instances of the same reference type and
can be accessed without allocating an instance of the reference type. For
example `Integer.MAX_VALUE`.
* Non-static members are specific to an instance of the reference type
and can only be accessed through the allocated instance.
A reference type value refers to a reference type instance, and multiple
reference type values may refer to the same reference type instance. A change to
a reference type instance will affect all reference type values referring to
that specific instance.
The default value for a reference type is `null`, indicating that no memory has
been allocated for it. When you assign `null` to a reference type, its previous
value is discarded and garbage collected in accordance with the Java memory
model as long as there are no other references to that value.
Declare a reference type <<painless-variables, variable>>, and assign it a
reference type value for evaluation during later operations. The default value
for a newly-declared reference type variable is `null`. A reference type value
is shallow-copied during an assignment or as an argument for a method/function
call. Assign `null` to a reference type variable to indicate the reference type
value refers to no reference type instance. The JVM will garbage collect a
reference type instance when it is no longer referred to by any reference type
values. Pass `null` as an argument to a method/function call to indicate the
argument refers to no reference type instance.
A reference type can contain:
A reference type object defines zero-to-many of each of the following:
* Zero to many primitive types. Primitive type members can be static or
non-static and read-only or read-write.
* Zero to many reference types. Reference type members can be static or
non-static and read-only or read-write.
* Methods that call an internal function to return a value and/or manipulate
the primitive or reference type members. Method members can be static or
* Constructors that call an internal function to return a newly-allocated
reference type instance. Constructors are non-static methods that can
optionally manipulate the primitive and reference type members.
static member field::
Reference types support a Java-style inheritance model. Consider types A and B.
Type A is considered to be a parent of B, and B a child of A, if B inherits
(is able to access as its own) all of A's fields and methods. Type B is
A static member field is a named and typed piece of data. Each reference type
*object* contains one set of data representative of its static member fields.
Use the <<field-access, field access operator>> in correspondence with the
reference type object name to access a static member field for loading and
storing to a specific reference type *object*. No reference type instance
allocation is necessary to use a static member field.
non-static member field::
A non-static member field is a named and typed piece of data. Each reference
type *instance* contains one set of data representative of its reference type
object's non-static member fields. Use the
<<field-access, field access operator>> for loading and storing to a non-static
member field of a specific reference type *instance*. An allocated reference
type instance is required to use a non-static member field.
static member method::
A static member method is a function called on a reference type *object*. Use
the <<method-access, method call operator>> in correspondence with the reference
type object name to call a static member method. No reference type instance
allocation is necessary to use a static member method.
non-static member method::
A non-static member method is a function called on a reference type *instance*.
A non-static member method called on a reference type instance can load from and
store to non-static member fields of that specific reference type instance. Use
the <<method-access, method call operator>> in correspondence with a specific
reference type instance to call a non-static member method. An allocated
reference type instance is required to use a non-static member method.
A constructor is a special type of function used to allocate a reference type
*instance* defined by a specific reference type *object*. Use the
<<constructor-call, new instance operator>> to allocate a reference type
A reference type object follows a basic inheritance model. Consider types A and
B. Type A is considered to be a parent of B, and B a child of A, if B inherits
(is able to access as its own) all of A's non-static members. Type B is
considered a descendant of A if there exists a recursive parent-child
relationship from B to A with none to many types in between. In this case, B
inherits all of A's fields and methods along with all of the fields and
methods of the types in between. Type B is also considered to be a type A
in both relationships.
inherits all of A's non-static members along with all of the non-static members
of the types in between. Type B is also considered to be a type A in both
For the complete list of Painless reference types and their supported methods,
see the[Painless API Reference].
For more information about working with reference types, see
<<field-access, Accessing Fields>> and <<method-access, Calling Methods>>.
* Reference types evaluated in several different operations.
ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); // Declare variable al as an ArrayList and
// set it to a newly allocated ArrayList
List l = new ArrayList(); // Declare variable l as a List and set
// it to a newly allocated ArrayList, which is
// allowed because ArrayList inherits from List
Map m; // Declare variable m as a Map and set it
// to the default value of null
<1> List l = new ArrayList();
<2> l.add(1);
<3> int i = l.get(0) + 2;
<1> declare `List l`;
allocate `ArrayList` instance -> `ArrayList reference`;
implicit cast `ArrayList reference` to `List reference` -> `List reference`;
assign `List reference` to `l`
<2> access `l` -> `List reference`;
implicit cast `int 1` to `def` -> `def`
call `add` on `List reference` with arguments (`def`)
<3> declare `int i`;
access `l` -> `List reference`;
call `get` on `List reference` with arguments (`int 0`) -> `def`;
implicit cast `def` to `int 1` -> `int 1`;
add `int 1` and `int 2` -> `int 3`;
assign `int 3` to `i`
* Sharing a reference type instance.
<1> List l0 = new ArrayList();
<2> List l1 = l0;
<3> l0.add(1);
<4> l1.add(2);
<5> int i = l1.get(0) + l0.get(1);
<1> declare `List l0`;
allocate `ArrayList` instance -> `ArrayList reference`;
implicit cast `ArrayList reference` to `List reference` -> `List reference`;
assign `List reference` to `l0`
<2> declare `List l1`;
access `l0` -> `List reference`;
assign `List reference` to `l1`
(note `l0` and `l1` refer to the same instance known as a shallow-copy)
<3> access `l0` -> `List reference`;
implicit cast `int 1` to `def` -> `def`
call `add` on `List reference` with arguments (`def`)
<4> access `l1` -> `List reference`;
implicit cast `int 2` to `def` -> `def`
call `add` on `List reference` with arguments (`def`)
<5> declare `int i`;
access `l0` -> `List reference`;
call `get` on `List reference` with arguments (`int 0`) -> `def @0`;
implicit cast `def @0` to `int 1` -> `int 1`;
access `l1` -> `List reference`;
call `get` on `List reference` with arguments (`int 1`) -> `def @1`;
implicit cast `def @1` to `int 2` -> `int 2`;
add `int 1` and `int 2` -> `int 3`;
assign `int 3` to `i`;
* Using the static members of a reference type.
<1> int i = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
<2> long l = Long.parseLong("123L");
<1> declare `int i`;
access `MAX_VALUE` on `Integer` -> `int 2147483647`;
assign `int 2147483647` to `i`
<2> declare `long l`;
call `parseLong` on `Long` with arguments (`long 123`) -> `long 123`;
assign `long 123` to `l`
Directly accessing static pieces of a reference type.
==== Dynamic Types
A dynamic type value can represent the value of any primitive type or
reference type using a single type name `def`. A `def` type value mimics
the behavior of whatever value it represents at run-time and will always
represent the child-most descendant type value of any type value when evaluated
during operations.
Declare a `def` type <<painless-variables, variable>>, and assign it
any type of value for evaluation during later operations. The default value
for a newly-declared `def` type variable is `null`. A `def` type variable or
method/function parameter can change the type it represents during the
compilation and evaluation of a script.
Using the `def` type can have a slight impact on performance. Use only primitive
types and reference types directly when performance is critical.
* If a `def` type value represents an inappropriate type for evaluation of an
operation at run-time.
* General uses of the `def` type.
Integer.MAX_VALUE // a static field access
Long.parseLong("123L") // a static function call
<1> def dp = 1;
<2> def dr = new ArrayList();
<3> dr = dp;
<1> declare `def dp`;
implicit cast `int 1` to `def` -> `def`;
assign `def` to `dp`
<2> declare `def dr`;
allocate `ArrayList` instance -> `ArrayList reference`;
implicit cast `ArrayList reference` to `def` -> `def`;
assign `def` to `dr`
<3> access `dp` -> `def`;
assign `def` to `dr`;
(note the switch in the type `dr` represents from `ArrayList` to `int`)
* A `def` type value representing the child-most descendant of a value.
<1> Object l = new ArrayList();
<2> def d = l;
<3> d.ensureCapacity(10);
<1> declare `Object l`;
allocate `ArrayList` instance -> `ArrayList reference`;
implicit cast `ArrayList reference` to `Object reference`
-> `Object reference`;
assign `Object reference` to `l`
<2> declare `def d`;
access `l` -> `Object reference`;
implicit cast `Object reference` to `def` -> `def`;
assign `def` to `d`;
<3> access `d` -> `def`;
implicit cast `def` to `ArrayList reference` -> `ArrayList reference`;
call `ensureCapacity` on `ArrayList reference` with arguments (`int 10`);
(note `def` was implicit cast to `ArrayList reference`
since ArrayList` is the child-most descendant type value that the
`def` type value represents)
==== String Type
A `String` is a specialized reference type that is immutable and does not have
to be explicitly allocated. You can directly assign to a `String` without first
allocating it with the `new` keyword. (Strings can be allocated with the `new`
keyword, but it's not required.)
The `String` type is a specialized reference type that does not require
explicit allocation. Use a <<strings, string literal>> to directly evaluate a
`String` type value. While not required, the
<<constructor-call, new instance operator>> can allocate `String` type
When assigning a value to a `String`, you must enclose the text in single or
double quotes. Strings are allocated according to the standard Java Memory Model.
The default value for a `String` is `null.`
* General use of the `String` type.
String r = "some text"; // Declare String r and set it to the
// String "some text"
String s = 'some text'; // Declare String s and set it to the
// String 'some text'
String t = new String("some text"); // Declare String t and set it to the
// String "some text"
String u; // Declare String u and set it to the
// default value null
<1> String r = "some text";
<2> String s = 'some text';
<3> String t = new String("some text");
<4> String u;
<1> declare `String r`;
assign `String "some text"` to `r`
<2> declare `String s`;
assign `String 'some text'` to `s`
<3> declare `String t`;
allocate `String` instance with arguments (`String "some text"`)
-> `String "some text"`;
assign `String "some text"` to `t`
<4> declare `String u`;
assign default `null` to `u`
==== void Type
The `void` type represents the concept of no type. In Painless, `void` declares
that a function has no return value.
The `void` type represents the concept of a lack of type. Use the `void` type to
indicate a function returns no value.
* Use of the `void` type in a function.
void addToList(List l, def d) {
==== Array Type
Arrays contain a series of elements of the same type that can be allocated
simultaneously. Painless supports both single and multi-dimensional arrays for
all types except void (including `def`).
An array type is a specialized reference type where an array type instance
represents a series of values allocated to the heap. All values in an array
type instance are of the same type. Each value is assigned an index from within
the range `[0, length)` where length is the total number of values allocated for
the array type instance.
You declare an array by specifying a type followed by a series of empty brackets,
where each set of brackets represents a dimension. Declared arrays have a default
value of `null` and are themselves a reference type.
Use the <<new-array, new array operator>> or the
<<array-initialization, array initialization operator>> to allocate an array
type instance. Declare an array type <<painless-variables, variable>>, and
assign it an array type value for evaluation during later operations. The
default value for a newly-declared array type variable is `null`. An array type
value is shallow-copied during an assignment or as an argument for a
method/function call. Assign `null` to an array type variable to indicate the
array type value refers to no array type instance. The JVM will garbage collect
an array type instance when it is no longer referred to by any array type
values. Pass `null` as an argument to a method/function call to indicate the
argument refers to no array type instance.
To allocate an array, you use the `new` keyword followed by the type and a
set of brackets for each dimension. You can explicitly define the size of each dimension by specifying an expression within the brackets, or initialize each
dimension with the desired number of values. The allocated size of each
dimension is its permanent size.
Use the <<array-length, array length operator>> to retrieve the length of an
array type value as an int type value. Use the
<<array-access, array access operator>> to load from and store to individual
values within an array type value.
To initialize an array, specify the values you want to initialize
each dimension with as a comma-separated list of expressions enclosed in braces.
For example, `new int[] {1, 2, 3}` creates a one-dimensional `int` array with a
size of 3 and the values 1, 2, and 3.
When an array type instance is allocated with multiple dimensions using the
range `[2, d]` where `d >= 2`, each dimension in the range `[1, d-1]` is also
an array type. The array type of each dimension, `n`, is an array type with the
number of dimensions equal to `d-n`. For example, consider `int[][][]` with 3
dimensions. The 3rd dimension, `d-3`, is the primitive type `int`. The 2nd
dimension, `d-2`, is the array type `int[]`. And the 1st dimension, `d-1` is
the array type `int[][]`.
When you initialize an array, the order of the expressions is maintained. Each expression used as part of the initialization is converted to the
array's type. An error occurs if the types do not match.
* General use of single-dimensional arrays.
declare_array: TYPE ('[' ']')+;
array_initialization: 'new' TYPE '[' ']' '{' expression (',' expression) '}'
| 'new' TYPE '[' ']' '{' '}';
<1> int[] x;
<2> float[] y = new float[10];
<3> def z = new float[5];
<4> y[9] = 1.0F;
<5> z[0] = y[9];
<1> declare `int[] x`;
assign default `null` to `x`
<2> declare `float[] y`;
allocate `1-d float array` instance with `length [10]`
-> `1-d float array reference`;
assign `1-d float array reference` to `y`
<3> declare `def z`;
allocate `1-d float array` instance with `length [5]`
-> `1-d float array reference`;
implicit cast `1-d float array reference` to `def` -> `def`;
assign `def` to `z`
<4> access `y` -> `1-d float array reference`;
assign `float 1.0` to `index [9]` of `1-d float array reference`
<5> access `y` -> `1-d float array reference @0`;
access `index [9]` of `1-d float array reference @0` -> `float 1.0`;
access `z` -> `def`;
implicit cast `def` to `1-d float array reference @1`
-> `1-d float array reference @1`;
assign `float 1.0` to `index [0]` of `1-d float array reference @1`
* Use of a multi-dimensional array.
int[] x = new int[5]; // Declare int array x and assign it a newly
// allocated int array with a size of 5
def[][] y = new def[5][5]; // Declare the 2-dimensional def array y and
// assign it a newly allocated 2-dimensional
// array where both dimensions have a size of 5
int[] x = new int[] {1, 2, 3}; // Declare int array x and set it to an int
// array with values 1, 2, 3 and a size of 3
int i = 1;
long l = 2L;
float f = 3.0F;
double d = 4.0;
String s = "5";
def[] da = new def[] {i, l, f*d, s}; // Declare def array da and set it to
// a def array with a size of 4 and the
// values i, l, f*d, and s
<1> int[][][] ia3 = new int[2][3][4];
<2> ia3[1][2][3] = 99;
<3> int i = ia3[1][2][3];
<1> declare `int[][][] ia`;
allocate `3-d int array` instance with length `[2, 3, 4]`
-> `3-d int array reference`;
assign `3-d int array reference` to `ia3`
<2> access `ia3` -> `3-d int array reference`;
assign `int 99` to `index [1, 2, 3]` of `3-d int array reference`
<3> declare `int i`;
access `ia3` -> `3-d int array reference`;
access `index [1, 2, 3]` of `3-d int array reference` -> `int 99`;
assign `int 99` to `i`
@ -1,29 +1,31 @@
=== Variables
<<declaration, Declare>> variables to <<assignment, assign>> values for
<<painless-operators, use>> in expressions. Specify variables as a
<<primitive-types, primitive type>>, <<reference-types, reference type>>, or
<<dynamic-types, dynamic type>>. Variable operations follow the structure of a
standard JVM in relation to instruction execution and memory usage.
A variable loads and stores a value for evaluation during
<<painless-operators, operations>>.
==== Declaration
Declare variables before use with the format of <<painless-types, type>>
<<painless-identifiers, identifier>>. Specify a comma-separated list of
<<painless-identifiers, identifiers>> following the <<painless-types, type>>
to declare multiple variables in a single statement. Use an
<<assignment, assignment>> statement combined with a declaration statement to
immediately assign a value to a variable. Variables not immediately assigned a
value will have a default value assigned implicitly based on the
<<painless-types, type>>.
Declare a variable before use with the format of <<painless-types, type>>
followed by <<painless-identifiers, identifier>>. Declare an
<<array-type, array type>> variable using an opening `[` token and a closing `]`
token for each dimension directly after the identifier. Specify a
comma-separated list of identifiers following the type to declare multiple
variables in a single statement. Use an <<assignment, assignment operator>>
combined with a declaration to immediately assign a value to a variable.
A variable not immediately assigned a value will have a default value assigned
implicitly based on the type.
* If a variable is used prior to or without declaration.
declaration : type ID assignment? (',' ID assignment?)*;
type: ID ('[' ']')*;
type: ID ('.' ID)* ('[' ']')*;
assignment: '=' expression;
@ -35,27 +37,43 @@ assignment: '=' expression;
<1> int x;
<2> List y;
<3> int x, y, z;
<4> def[] d;
<3> int x, y = 5, z;
<4> def d;
<5> int i = 10;
<6> float[] f;
<7> Map[][] m;
<1> declare a variable of type `int` and identifier `x`
<2> declare a variable of type `List` and identifier `y`
<3> declare three variables of type `int` and identifiers `x`, `y`, `z`
<4> declare a variable of type `def[]` and identifier `d`
<5> declare a variable of type `int` and identifier `i`;
assign the integer literal `10` to `i`
<1> declare `int x`;
assign default `null` to `x`
<2> declare `List y`;
assign default `null` to `y`
<3> declare `int x`;
assign default `int 0` to `x`;
declare `int y`;
assign `int 5` to `y`;
declare `int z`;
assign default `int 0` to `z`;
<4> declare `def d`;
assign default `null` to `d`
<5> declare `int i`;
assign `int 10` to `i`
<6> declare `float[] f`;
assign default `null` to `f`
<7> declare `Map[][] m`;
assign default `null` to `m`
==== Assignment
Use the `equals` operator (`=`) to assign a value to a variable. Any expression
Use the *assignment operator* to store a value in a variable. Any operation
that produces a value can be assigned to any variable as long as the
<<painless-types, types>> are the same or the resultant
<<painless-types, type>> can be implicitly <<painless-casting, cast>> to
the variable <<painless-types, type>>. Otherwise, an error will occur.
<<reference-types, Reference type>> values are shallow-copied when assigned.
<<painless-types, types>> are the same or the resultant type can be
<<painless-casting, implicitly cast>> to the variable type.
* If the type of value is unable to match the type of variable.
@ -65,7 +83,7 @@ assignment: ID '=' expression
* Variable assignment with an <<integers, integer literal>>.
* Variable assignment with an integer literal.
@ -73,10 +91,11 @@ assignment: ID '=' expression
<2> i = 10;
<1> declare `int i`
<2> assign `10` to `i`
<1> declare `int i`;
assign default `int 0` to `i`
<2> assign `int 10` to `i`
* <<declaration, Declaration>> combined with immediate variable assignment.
* Declaration combined with immediate assignment.
@ -84,11 +103,12 @@ assignment: ID '=' expression
<2> double j = 2.0;
<1> declare `int i`; assign `10` to `i`
<2> declare `double j`; assign `2.0` to `j`
<1> declare `int i`;
assign `int 10` to `i`
<2> declare `double j`;
assign `double 2.0` to `j`
* Assignment of one variable to another using
<<primitive-types, primitive types>>.
* Assignment of one variable to another using primitive types.
@ -96,11 +116,13 @@ assignment: ID '=' expression
<2> int j = i;
<1> declare `int i`; assign `10` to `i`
<2> declare `int j`; assign `j` to `i`
<1> declare `int i`;
assign `int 10` to `i`
<2> declare `int j`;
access `i` -> `int 10`;
assign `int 10` to `j`
* Assignment with <<reference-types, reference types>> using the
<<constructor-call, new operator>>.
* Assignment with reference types using the *new instance operator*.
@ -108,12 +130,15 @@ assignment: ID '=' expression
<2> Map m = new HashMap();
<1> declare `ArrayList l`; assign a newly-allocated `Arraylist` to `l`
<2> declare `Map m`; assign a newly-allocated `HashMap` to `m`
with an implicit cast to `Map`
<1> declare `ArrayList l`;
allocate `ArrayList` instance -> `ArrayList reference`;
assign `ArrayList reference` to `l`
<2> declare `Map m`;
allocate `HashMap` instance -> `HashMap reference`;
implicit cast `HashMap reference` to `Map reference` -> `Map reference`;
assign `Map reference` to `m`
* Assignment of one variable to another using
<<reference-types, reference types>>.
* Assignment of one variable to another using reference types.
@ -123,8 +148,52 @@ assignment: ID '=' expression
<4> m = k;
<1> declare `List l`; assign a newly-allocated `Arraylist` to `l`
with an implicit cast to `List`
<2> declare `List k`; assign a shallow-copy of `l` to `k`
<1> declare `List l`;
allocate `ArrayList` instance -> `ArrayList reference`;
implicit cast `ArrayList reference` to `List reference` -> `List reference`;
assign `List reference` to `l`
<2> declare `List k`;
access `l` -> `List reference`;
assign `List reference` to `k`;
(note `l` and `k` refer to the same instance known as a shallow-copy)
<3> declare `List m`;
<4> assign a shallow-copy of `k` to `m`
assign default `null` to `m`
<4> access `k` -> `List reference`;
assign `List reference` to `m`;
(note `l`, `k`, and `m` refer to the same instance)
* Assignment with an array type variable using the *new array operator*.
<1> int[] ia1;
<2> ia1 = new int[2];
<3> ia1[0] = 1;
<4> int[] ib1 = ia1;
<5> int[][] ic2 = new int[2][5];
<6> ic2[1][3] = 2;
<7> ic2[0] = ia1;
<1> declare `int[] ia1`;
assign default `null` to `ia1`
<2> allocate `1-d int array` instance with `length [2]`
-> `1-d int array reference`;
assign `1-d int array reference` to `ia1`
<3> access `ia1` -> `1-d int array reference`;
assign `int 1` to `index [0]` of `1-d int array reference`
<4> declare `int[] ib1`;
access `ia1` -> `1-d int array reference`;
assign `1-d int array reference` to `ib1`;
(note `ia1` and `ib1` refer to the same instance known as a shallow copy)
<5> declare `int[][] ic2`;
allocate `2-d int array` instance with `length [2, 5]`
-> `2-d int array reference`;
assign `2-d int array reference` to `ic2`
<6> access `ic2` -> `2-d int array reference`;
assign `int 2` to `index [1, 3]` of `2-d int array reference`
<7> access `ia1` -> `1-d int array reference`;
access `ic2` -> `2-d int array reference`;
assign `1-d int array reference` to
`index [0]` of `2-d int array reference`;
(note `ia1`, `ib1`, and `index [0]` of `ia2` refer to the same instance)
Reference in New Issue