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synced 2025-03-09 14:34:43 +00:00
Simplify sorted top docs merging in SearchPhaseController (#23881)
Today we have several code paths to merge top docs based on the number of search results returned from the shards. If there is a only a single shard holding any hits we go a different code path with quite some complexity while if there are more than one the code is basically duplicated to safe the creation of a dense array of top docs which can be large if there are many results. This commit removes the need of the dense array and in-turn the justification for the optimization. This commit introduces a single code path to merge top docs.
This commit is contained in:
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ final class FetchSearchPhase extends SearchPhase {
final int numShards = context.getNumShards();
final boolean isScrollSearch = context.getRequest().scroll() != null;
List<SearchPhaseResult> phaseResults = queryResults.asList();
ScoreDoc[] sortedShardDocs = searchPhaseController.sortDocs(isScrollSearch, phaseResults, context.getNumShards());
ScoreDoc[] sortedShardDocs = searchPhaseController.sortDocs(isScrollSearch, phaseResults);
String scrollId = isScrollSearch ? TransportSearchHelper.buildScrollId(queryResults) : null;
final SearchPhaseController.ReducedQueryPhase reducedQueryPhase = resultConsumer.reduce();
final boolean queryAndFetchOptimization = queryResults.length() == 1;
@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ import org.apache.lucene.search.TopFieldDocs;
import org.apache.lucene.search.grouping.CollapseTopFieldDocs;
import org.elasticsearch.common.collect.HppcMaps;
import org.elasticsearch.common.component.AbstractComponent;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.Lucene;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.BigArrays;
import org.elasticsearch.script.ScriptService;
@ -147,156 +146,109 @@ public final class SearchPhaseController extends AbstractComponent {
* @param ignoreFrom Whether to ignore the from and sort all hits in each shard result.
* Enabled only for scroll search, because that only retrieves hits of length 'size' in the query phase.
* @param results Shard result holder
* @param results the search phase results to obtain the sort docs from
public ScoreDoc[] sortDocs(boolean ignoreFrom, Collection<? extends SearchPhaseResult> results, int numShards) throws IOException {
public ScoreDoc[] sortDocs(boolean ignoreFrom, Collection<? extends SearchPhaseResult> results) throws IOException {
if (results.isEmpty()) {
return EMPTY_DOCS;
final QuerySearchResult result;
boolean canOptimize = false;
int shardIndex = -1;
if (results.size() == 1) {
canOptimize = true;
result = results.stream().findFirst().get().queryResult();
shardIndex = result.getShardIndex();
} else {
boolean hasResult = false;
QuerySearchResult resultToOptimize = null;
// lets see if we only got hits from a single shard, if so, we can optimize...
for (SearchPhaseResult entry : results) {
if (entry.queryResult().hasHits()) {
if (hasResult) { // we already have one, can't really optimize
canOptimize = false;
canOptimize = true;
hasResult = true;
resultToOptimize = entry.queryResult();
shardIndex = resultToOptimize.getShardIndex();
result = canOptimize ? resultToOptimize : results.stream().findFirst().get().queryResult();
assert result != null;
if (canOptimize) {
int offset = result.from();
if (ignoreFrom) {
offset = 0;
ScoreDoc[] scoreDocs = result.topDocs().scoreDocs;
ScoreDoc[] docs;
int numSuggestDocs = 0;
final Suggest suggest = result.queryResult().suggest();
final List<CompletionSuggestion> completionSuggestions;
if (suggest != null) {
completionSuggestions = suggest.filter(CompletionSuggestion.class);
for (CompletionSuggestion suggestion : completionSuggestions) {
numSuggestDocs += suggestion.getOptions().size();
} else {
completionSuggestions = Collections.emptyList();
int docsOffset = 0;
if (scoreDocs.length == 0 || scoreDocs.length < offset) {
docs = new ScoreDoc[numSuggestDocs];
} else {
int resultDocsSize = result.size();
if ((scoreDocs.length - offset) < resultDocsSize) {
resultDocsSize = scoreDocs.length - offset;
docs = new ScoreDoc[resultDocsSize + numSuggestDocs];
for (int i = 0; i < resultDocsSize; i++) {
ScoreDoc scoreDoc = scoreDocs[offset + i];
scoreDoc.shardIndex = shardIndex;
docs[i] = scoreDoc;
for (CompletionSuggestion suggestion: completionSuggestions) {
for (CompletionSuggestion.Entry.Option option : suggestion.getOptions()) {
ScoreDoc doc = option.getDoc();
doc.shardIndex = shardIndex;
docs[docsOffset++] = doc;
return docs;
final int topN = result.queryResult().size();
final int from = ignoreFrom ? 0 : result.queryResult().from();
final TopDocs mergedTopDocs;
if (result.queryResult().topDocs() instanceof CollapseTopFieldDocs) {
CollapseTopFieldDocs firstTopDocs = (CollapseTopFieldDocs) result.queryResult().topDocs();
final Sort sort = new Sort(firstTopDocs.fields);
final CollapseTopFieldDocs[] shardTopDocs = new CollapseTopFieldDocs[numShards];
fillTopDocs(shardTopDocs, results, new CollapseTopFieldDocs(firstTopDocs.field, 0, new FieldDoc[0],
sort.getSort(), new Object[0], Float.NaN));
mergedTopDocs = CollapseTopFieldDocs.merge(sort, from, topN, shardTopDocs, true);
} else if (result.queryResult().topDocs() instanceof TopFieldDocs) {
TopFieldDocs firstTopDocs = (TopFieldDocs) result.queryResult().topDocs();
final Sort sort = new Sort(firstTopDocs.fields);
final TopFieldDocs[] shardTopDocs = new TopFieldDocs[numShards];
fillTopDocs(shardTopDocs, results, new TopFieldDocs(0, new FieldDoc[0], sort.getSort(), Float.NaN));
mergedTopDocs = TopDocs.merge(sort, from, topN, shardTopDocs, true);
} else {
final TopDocs[] shardTopDocs = new TopDocs[numShards];
fillTopDocs(shardTopDocs, results, Lucene.EMPTY_TOP_DOCS);
mergedTopDocs = TopDocs.merge(from, topN, shardTopDocs, true);
ScoreDoc[] scoreDocs = mergedTopDocs.scoreDocs;
final Collection<TopDocs> topDocs = new ArrayList<>();
final Map<String, List<Suggestion<CompletionSuggestion.Entry>>> groupedCompletionSuggestions = new HashMap<>();
// group suggestions and assign shard index
int from = -1;
int size = -1;
for (SearchPhaseResult sortedResult : results) {
Suggest shardSuggest = sortedResult.queryResult().suggest();
if (shardSuggest != null) {
for (CompletionSuggestion suggestion : shardSuggest.filter(CompletionSuggestion.class)) {
List<Suggestion<CompletionSuggestion.Entry>> suggestions =
groupedCompletionSuggestions.computeIfAbsent(suggestion.getName(), s -> new ArrayList<>());
/* We loop over all results once, group together the completion suggestions if there are any and collect relevant
* top docs results. Each top docs gets it's shard index set on all top docs to simplify top docs merging down the road
* this allowed to remove a single shared optimization code here since now we don't materialized a dense array of
* top docs anymore but instead only pass relevant results / top docs to the merge method*/
QuerySearchResult queryResult = sortedResult.queryResult();
if (queryResult.hasHits()) {
from = queryResult.from();
size = queryResult.size();
TopDocs td = queryResult.topDocs();
if (td != null && td.scoreDocs.length > 0) {
setShardIndex(td, queryResult.getShardIndex());
Suggest shardSuggest = queryResult.suggest();
if (shardSuggest != null) {
for (CompletionSuggestion suggestion : shardSuggest.filter(CompletionSuggestion.class)) {
List<Suggestion<CompletionSuggestion.Entry>> suggestions =
groupedCompletionSuggestions.computeIfAbsent(suggestion.getName(), s -> new ArrayList<>());
if (groupedCompletionSuggestions.isEmpty() == false) {
int numSuggestDocs = 0;
List<Suggestion<? extends Entry<? extends Entry.Option>>> completionSuggestions =
new ArrayList<>(groupedCompletionSuggestions.size());
for (List<Suggestion<CompletionSuggestion.Entry>> groupedSuggestions : groupedCompletionSuggestions.values()) {
final CompletionSuggestion completionSuggestion = CompletionSuggestion.reduceTo(groupedSuggestions);
assert completionSuggestion != null;
numSuggestDocs += completionSuggestion.getOptions().size();
scoreDocs = new ScoreDoc[mergedTopDocs.scoreDocs.length + numSuggestDocs];
System.arraycopy(mergedTopDocs.scoreDocs, 0, scoreDocs, 0, mergedTopDocs.scoreDocs.length);
int offset = mergedTopDocs.scoreDocs.length;
Suggest suggestions = new Suggest(completionSuggestions);
for (CompletionSuggestion completionSuggestion : suggestions.filter(CompletionSuggestion.class)) {
for (CompletionSuggestion.Entry.Option option : completionSuggestion.getOptions()) {
scoreDocs[offset++] = option.getDoc();
if (size != -1) {
final ScoreDoc[] mergedScoreDocs = mergeTopDocs(topDocs, size, ignoreFrom ? 0 : from);
ScoreDoc[] scoreDocs = mergedScoreDocs;
if (groupedCompletionSuggestions.isEmpty() == false) {
int numSuggestDocs = 0;
List<Suggestion<? extends Entry<? extends Entry.Option>>> completionSuggestions =
new ArrayList<>(groupedCompletionSuggestions.size());
for (List<Suggestion<CompletionSuggestion.Entry>> groupedSuggestions : groupedCompletionSuggestions.values()) {
final CompletionSuggestion completionSuggestion = CompletionSuggestion.reduceTo(groupedSuggestions);
assert completionSuggestion != null;
numSuggestDocs += completionSuggestion.getOptions().size();
scoreDocs = new ScoreDoc[mergedScoreDocs.length + numSuggestDocs];
System.arraycopy(mergedScoreDocs, 0, scoreDocs, 0, mergedScoreDocs.length);
int offset = mergedScoreDocs.length;
Suggest suggestions = new Suggest(completionSuggestions);
for (CompletionSuggestion completionSuggestion : suggestions.filter(CompletionSuggestion.class)) {
for (CompletionSuggestion.Entry.Option option : completionSuggestion.getOptions()) {
scoreDocs[offset++] = option.getDoc();
return scoreDocs;
} else {
// no relevant docs - just return an empty array
return EMPTY_DOCS;
return scoreDocs;
static <T extends TopDocs> void fillTopDocs(T[] shardTopDocs,
Collection<? extends SearchPhaseResult> results, T empytTopDocs) {
if (results.size() != shardTopDocs.length) {
// TopDocs#merge can't deal with null shard TopDocs
Arrays.fill(shardTopDocs, empytTopDocs);
private ScoreDoc[] mergeTopDocs(Collection<TopDocs> results, int topN, int from) {
if (results.isEmpty()) {
return EMPTY_DOCS;
for (SearchPhaseResult resultProvider : results) {
final T topDocs = (T) resultProvider.queryResult().topDocs();
assert topDocs != null : "top docs must not be null in a valid result";
// the 'index' field is the position in the resultsArr atomic array
shardTopDocs[resultProvider.getShardIndex()] = topDocs;
final boolean setShardIndex = false;
final TopDocs topDocs = results.stream().findFirst().get();
final TopDocs mergedTopDocs;
final int numShards = results.size();
if (numShards == 1 && from == 0) { // only one shard and no pagination we can just return the topDocs as we got them.
return topDocs.scoreDocs;
} else if (topDocs instanceof CollapseTopFieldDocs) {
CollapseTopFieldDocs firstTopDocs = (CollapseTopFieldDocs) topDocs;
final Sort sort = new Sort(firstTopDocs.fields);
final CollapseTopFieldDocs[] shardTopDocs = results.toArray(new CollapseTopFieldDocs[numShards]);
mergedTopDocs = CollapseTopFieldDocs.merge(sort, from, topN, shardTopDocs, setShardIndex);
} else if (topDocs instanceof TopFieldDocs) {
TopFieldDocs firstTopDocs = (TopFieldDocs) topDocs;
final Sort sort = new Sort(firstTopDocs.fields);
final TopFieldDocs[] shardTopDocs = results.toArray(new TopFieldDocs[numShards]);
mergedTopDocs = TopDocs.merge(sort, from, topN, shardTopDocs, setShardIndex);
} else {
final TopDocs[] shardTopDocs = results.toArray(new TopDocs[numShards]);
mergedTopDocs = TopDocs.merge(from, topN, shardTopDocs, setShardIndex);
return mergedTopDocs.scoreDocs;
private static void setShardIndex(TopDocs topDocs, int shardIndex) {
for (ScoreDoc doc : topDocs.scoreDocs) {
if (doc.shardIndex != -1) {
// once there is a single shard index initialized all others will be initialized too
// there are many asserts down in lucene land that this is actually true. we can shortcut it here.
doc.shardIndex = shardIndex;
public ScoreDoc[] getLastEmittedDocPerShard(ReducedQueryPhase reducedQueryPhase,
ScoreDoc[] sortedScoreDocs, int numShards) {
ScoreDoc[] lastEmittedDocPerShard = new ScoreDoc[numShards];
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ final class SearchScrollQueryAndFetchAsyncAction extends AbstractAsyncAction {
private void innerFinishHim() throws Exception {
List<QueryFetchSearchResult> queryFetchSearchResults = queryFetchResults.asList();
ScoreDoc[] sortedShardDocs = searchPhaseController.sortDocs(true, queryFetchResults.asList(), queryFetchResults.length());
ScoreDoc[] sortedShardDocs = searchPhaseController.sortDocs(true, queryFetchResults.asList());
final InternalSearchResponse internalResponse = searchPhaseController.merge(true, sortedShardDocs,
searchPhaseController.reducedQueryPhase(queryFetchSearchResults), queryFetchSearchResults, queryFetchResults::get);
String scrollId = null;
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ final class SearchScrollQueryThenFetchAsyncAction extends AbstractAsyncAction {
private void executeFetchPhase() throws Exception {
sortedShardDocs = searchPhaseController.sortDocs(true, queryResults.asList(), queryResults.length());
sortedShardDocs = searchPhaseController.sortDocs(true, queryResults.asList());
if (sortedShardDocs.length == 0) {
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ public class SearchPhaseControllerTests extends ESTestCase {
int nShards = randomIntBetween(1, 20);
int queryResultSize = randomBoolean() ? 0 : randomIntBetween(1, nShards * 2);
AtomicArray<SearchPhaseResult> results = generateQueryResults(nShards, suggestions, queryResultSize, false);
ScoreDoc[] sortedDocs = searchPhaseController.sortDocs(true, results.asList(), nShards);
ScoreDoc[] sortedDocs = searchPhaseController.sortDocs(true, results.asList());
int accumulatedLength = Math.min(queryResultSize, getTotalQueryHits(results));
for (Suggest.Suggestion<?> suggestion : reducedSuggest(results)) {
int suggestionSize = suggestion.getEntries().get(0).getOptions().size();
@ -90,9 +90,9 @@ public class SearchPhaseControllerTests extends ESTestCase {
AtomicArray<SearchPhaseResult> results = generateQueryResults(nShards, Collections.emptyList(), queryResultSize,
randomBoolean() || true);
boolean ignoreFrom = randomBoolean();
ScoreDoc[] sortedDocs = searchPhaseController.sortDocs(ignoreFrom, results.asList(), nShards);
ScoreDoc[] sortedDocs = searchPhaseController.sortDocs(ignoreFrom, results.asList());
ScoreDoc[] sortedDocs2 = searchPhaseController.sortDocs(ignoreFrom, results.asList(), nShards);
ScoreDoc[] sortedDocs2 = searchPhaseController.sortDocs(ignoreFrom, results.asList());
assertArrayEquals(sortedDocs, sortedDocs2);
@ -354,31 +354,4 @@ public class SearchPhaseControllerTests extends ESTestCase {
public void testFillTopDocs() {
final int maxIters = randomIntBetween(5, 15);
for (int iters = 0; iters < maxIters; iters++) {
TopDocs[] topDocs = new TopDocs[randomIntBetween(2, 100)];
int numShards = topDocs.length;
AtomicArray<SearchPhaseResult> resultProviderAtomicArray = generateQueryResults(numShards, Collections.emptyList(),
2, randomBoolean());
if (randomBoolean()) {
int maxNull = randomIntBetween(1, topDocs.length - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < maxNull; i++) {
resultProviderAtomicArray.set(randomIntBetween(0, resultProviderAtomicArray.length() - 1), null);
SearchPhaseController.fillTopDocs(topDocs, resultProviderAtomicArray.asList(), Lucene.EMPTY_TOP_DOCS);
for (int i = 0; i < topDocs.length; i++) {
if (topDocs[i] == Lucene.EMPTY_TOP_DOCS) {
} else {
assertSame(resultProviderAtomicArray.get(i).queryResult().topDocs(), topDocs[i]);
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