Add smoketest support for published packages

the tool now also downloads and verfyfies the
released packages from S3. It checks integrity based on the sha1
checksums and runs the smoketest against the specs in the current branch.
This commit is contained in:
Simon Willnauer 2013-12-23 10:19:48 +01:00
parent e4244268fa
commit af10b65fe1

View File

@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ import hmac
import urllib
import fnmatch
import socket
import urllib.request
from http.client import HTTPConnection
@ -114,7 +116,10 @@ def verify_mvn_java_version(version, mvn):
# Returns the hash of the current git HEAD revision
def get_head_hash():
return os.popen('git rev-parse --verify HEAD 2>&1').read().strip()
return get_hash('HEAD')
def get_hash(version):
return os.popen('git rev-parse --verify %s 2>&1' % (version)).read().strip()
# Returns the name of the current branch
def get_current_branch():
@ -238,7 +243,7 @@ def build_release(run_tests=False, dry_run=True, cpus=1):
def wait_for_node_startup(host='', port=9200,timeout=15):
for _ in range(timeout):
conn = HTTPConnection(host, port, timeout);
conn = HTTPConnection(host, port, timeout)
log('Waiting until node becomes available for 1 second')
@ -268,8 +273,11 @@ def find_release_version(src_branch):
raise RuntimeError('Could not find release version in branch %s' % src_branch)
def artifact_names(release, path = ''):
return [os.path.join(path, 'elasticsearch-%s.%s' % (release, t)) for t in ['deb', 'tar.gz', 'zip']]
def get_artifacts(release):
common_artifacts = [os.path.join('target/releases/', 'elasticsearch-%s.%s' % (release, t)) for t in ['deb', 'tar.gz', 'zip']]
common_artifacts = artifact_names(release, 'target/releases/')
for f in common_artifacts:
if not os.path.isfile(f):
raise RuntimeError('Could not find required artifact at %s' % f)
@ -300,7 +308,28 @@ def generate_checksums(files):
res = res + [os.path.join(directory, checksum_file), release_file]
return res
def smoke_test_release(release, files):
def download_and_verify(release, files, base_url=''):
print('Downloading and verifying release %s from %s' % (release, base_url))
tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
downloaded_files = []
for file in files:
name = os.path.basename(file)
url = '%s/%s' % (base_url, name)
abs_file_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, name)
print(' Downloading %s' % (url))
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, abs_file_path)
url = ''.join([url, '.sha1.txt'])
checksum_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, ''.join([abs_file_path, '.sha1.txt']))
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, checksum_file)
print(' Verifying checksum %s' % (checksum_file))
run('cd %s && sha1sum -c %s' % (tmp_dir, os.path.basename(checksum_file)))
smoke_test_release(release, downloaded_files, get_hash('v%s' % release))
def smoke_test_release(release, files, expected_hash):
for release_file in files:
if not os.path.isfile(release_file):
raise RuntimeError('Smoketest failed missing file %s' % (release_file))
@ -329,7 +358,7 @@ def smoke_test_release(release, files):
raise RuntimeError('Expected version [%s] but was [%s]' % (release, version['number']))
if version['build_snapshot']:
raise RuntimeError('Expected non snapshot version')
if version['build_hash'].strip() != get_head_hash():
if version['build_hash'].strip() != expected_hash:
raise RuntimeError('HEAD hash does not match expected [%s] but got [%s]' % (get_head_hash(), version['build_hash']))
print(' Running REST Spec tests against package [%s]' % release_file)
run_mvn('test -Dtests.class=*.*RestTests' % (""))
@ -418,7 +447,11 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
help='The remote to push the release commit and tag to. Default is [origin]')
parser.add_argument('--publish', '-d', dest='dryrun', action='store_false',
help='Publishes the release. Disable by default.')
parser.add_argument('--smoke', '-s', dest='smoke', default='',
help='Smoke tests the given release')
args = parser.parse_args()
src_branch = args.branch
@ -426,6 +459,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
run_tests = args.tests
dry_run = args.dryrun
cpus = args.cpus
build = not args.smoke
smoke_test_version = args.smoke
if not dry_run:
print('WARNING: dryrun is set to "false" - this will push and publish the release')
@ -436,58 +471,63 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
print(' JAVA_HOME is [%s]' % JAVA_HOME)
print(' Running with maven command: [%s] ' % (MVN))
release_version = find_release_version(src_branch)
head_hash = get_head_hash()
run_mvn('clean') # clean the env!
print(' Release version: [%s]' % release_version)
create_release_branch(remote, src_branch, release_version)
print(' Created release branch [%s]' % (release_branch(release_version)))
success = False
pending_files = [POM_FILE, VERSION_FILE]
remove_maven_snapshot(POM_FILE, release_version)
remove_version_snapshot(VERSION_FILE, release_version)
pending_files = pending_files + update_reference_docs(release_version)
print(' Done removing snapshot version')
add_pending_files(*pending_files) # expects var args use * to expand
print(' Committed release version [%s]' % release_version)
print(''.join(['-' for _ in range(80)]))
print('Building Release candidate')
input('Press Enter to continue...')
print(' Running maven builds now and publish to sonartype- run-tests [%s]' % run_tests)
build_release(run_tests=run_tests, dry_run=dry_run, cpus=cpus)
artifacts = get_artifacts(release_version)
artifacts_and_checksum = generate_checksums(artifacts)
smoke_test_release(release_version, artifacts)
print(''.join(['-' for _ in range(80)]))
print('Finish Release -- dry_run: %s' % dry_run)
input('Press Enter to continue...')
print(' merge release branch, tag and push to %s %s -- dry_run: %s' % (remote, src_branch, dry_run))
merge_tag_push(remote, src_branch, release_version, dry_run)
print(' publish artifacts to S3 -- dry_run: %s' % dry_run)
publish_artifacts(artifacts_and_checksum, dry_run=dry_run)
pending_msg = """
Release successful pending steps:
* create a version tag on github for version 'v%(version)s'
* check if there are pending issues for this version (
* publish the maven artifacts on sonartype:
- here is a guide:
* check if the release is there
* announce the release on the website / blog post
* tweet about the release
print(pending_msg % { 'version' : release_version} )
success = True
if not success:
run('git reset --hard HEAD')
run('git checkout %s' % src_branch)
elif dry_run:
run('git reset --hard %s' % head_hash)
run('git tag -d v%s' % release_version)
# we delete this one anyways
run('git branch -D %s' % (release_branch(release_version)))
if not smoke_test_version and not dry_run:
smoke_test_version = release_version
elif smoke_test_version:
print("Skipping build - smoketest only against version %s" % smoke_test_version)
if build:
head_hash = get_head_hash()
run_mvn('clean') # clean the env!
print(' Release version: [%s]' % release_version)
create_release_branch(remote, src_branch, release_version)
print(' Created release branch [%s]' % (release_branch(release_version)))
success = False
pending_files = [POM_FILE, VERSION_FILE]
remove_maven_snapshot(POM_FILE, release_version)
remove_version_snapshot(VERSION_FILE, release_version)
pending_files = pending_files + update_reference_docs(release_version)
print(' Done removing snapshot version')
add_pending_files(*pending_files) # expects var args use * to expand
print(' Committed release version [%s]' % release_version)
print(''.join(['-' for _ in range(80)]))
print('Building Release candidate')
input('Press Enter to continue...')
print(' Running maven builds now and publish to sonartype- run-tests [%s]' % run_tests)
build_release(run_tests=run_tests, dry_run=dry_run, cpus=cpus)
artifacts = get_artifacts(release_version)
artifacts_and_checksum = generate_checksums(artifacts)
smoke_test_release(release_version, artifacts, get_head_hash())
print(''.join(['-' for _ in range(80)]))
print('Finish Release -- dry_run: %s' % dry_run)
input('Press Enter to continue...')
print(' merge release branch, tag and push to %s %s -- dry_run: %s' % (remote, src_branch, dry_run))
merge_tag_push(remote, src_branch, release_version, dry_run)
print(' publish artifacts to S3 -- dry_run: %s' % dry_run)
publish_artifacts(artifacts_and_checksum, dry_run=dry_run)
pending_msg = """
Release successful pending steps:
* create a version tag on github for version 'v%(version)s'
* check if there are pending issues for this version (
* publish the maven artifacts on sonartype:
- here is a guide:
* check if the release is there
* announce the release on the website / blog post
* tweet about the release
print(pending_msg % { 'version' : release_version} )
success = True
if not success:
run('git reset --hard HEAD')
run('git checkout %s' % src_branch)
elif dry_run:
run('git reset --hard %s' % head_hash)
run('git tag -d v%s' % release_version)
# we delete this one anyways
run('git branch -D %s' % (release_branch(release_version)))
if smoke_test_version:
download_and_verify(smoke_test_version, artifact_names(smoke_test_version))