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synced 2025-02-15 09:25:40 +00:00
Compliant SAML Response destination check (#31175)
Make SAML Response Destination check compliant Only validate the Destination element of an incoming SAML Response if Destination is present and the SAML Response is signed. The standard [1] - and [2] - 3.2.2 does mention that the Destination element is optional and should only be verified when the SAML Response is signed. Some Identity Provider implementations are known to not set a Destination XML Attribute in their SAML responses when those are not signed, so this change also aims to enhance interoperability. [1] https://docs.oasis-open.org/security/saml/v2.0/saml-bindings-2.0-os.pdf [2] https://docs.oasis-open.org/security/saml/v2.0/saml-core-2.0-os.pdf
This commit is contained in:
@ -159,8 +159,10 @@ class SamlAuthenticator extends SamlRequestHandler {
private void checkResponseDestination(Response response) {
final String asc = getSpConfiguration().getAscUrl();
if (asc.equals(response.getDestination()) == false) {
throw samlException("SAML response " + response.getID() + " is for destination " + response.getDestination()
if (response.isSigned() || Strings.hasText(response.getDestination())) {
throw samlException("SAML response " + response.getID() + " is for destination " + response.getDestination()
+ " but this realm uses " + asc);
@ -523,13 +523,59 @@ public class SamlAuthenticatorTests extends SamlTestCase {
"</assert:Attribute></assert:AttributeStatement>" +
"</assert:Assertion>" +
SamlToken token = token(signDoc(xml));
SamlToken token = randomBoolean() ? token(signDoc(xml)) : token(signAssertions(xml, idpSigningCertificatePair));
final ElasticsearchSecurityException exception = expectSamlException(() -> authenticator.authenticate(token));
assertThat(exception.getMessage(), containsString("destination"));
assertThat(exception.getCause(), nullValue());
assertThat(SamlUtils.isSamlException(exception), is(true));
public void testMissingDestinationIsNotRejectedForNotSignedResponse() throws Exception {
Instant now = clock.instant();
Instant validUntil = now.plusSeconds(30);
String sessionindex = randomId();
final String xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n" +
"<proto:Response ID='" + randomId() + "' InResponseTo='" + requestId +
"' IssueInstant='" + now + "' Version='2.0'" +
" xmlns:proto='urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol'" +
" xmlns:assert='urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion'" +
" xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'" +
" xmlns:xs='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'" +
" xmlns:ds='http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#' >" +
"<assert:Issuer>" + IDP_ENTITY_ID + "</assert:Issuer>" +
"<proto:Status><proto:StatusCode Value='urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Success'/></proto:Status>" +
"<assert:Assertion ID='" + sessionindex + "' IssueInstant='" + now + "' Version='2.0'>" +
"<assert:Issuer>" + IDP_ENTITY_ID + "</assert:Issuer>" +
"<assert:Subject>" +
"<assert:NameID SPNameQualifier='" + SP_ENTITY_ID + "' Format='" + TRANSIENT + "'>randomopaquestring</assert:NameID>" +
"<assert:SubjectConfirmation Method='" + METHOD_BEARER + "'>" +
"<assert:SubjectConfirmationData NotOnOrAfter='" + validUntil + "' Recipient='" + SP_ACS_URL + "' " +
" InResponseTo='" + requestId + "'/>" +
"</assert:SubjectConfirmation>" +
"</assert:Subject>" +
"<assert:AuthnStatement AuthnInstant='" + now + "' SessionNotOnOrAfter='" + validUntil +
"' SessionIndex='" + sessionindex + "'>" +
"<assert:AuthnContext>" +
"<assert:AuthnContextClassRef>" + PASSWORD_AUTHN_CTX + "</assert:AuthnContextClassRef>" +
"</assert:AuthnContext>" +
"</assert:AuthnStatement>" +
"<assert:AttributeStatement><assert:Attribute " +
" NameFormat='urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri' Name='urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1'>" +
"<assert:AttributeValue xsi:type='xs:string'>daredevil</assert:AttributeValue>" +
"</assert:Attribute></assert:AttributeStatement>" +
"</assert:Assertion>" +
SamlToken token = token(signAssertions(xml, idpSigningCertificatePair));
final SamlAttributes attributes = authenticator.authenticate(token);
assertThat(attributes, notNullValue());
assertThat(attributes.attributes(), iterableWithSize(1));
final List<String> uid = attributes.getAttributeValues("urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1");
assertThat(uid, contains("daredevil"));
assertThat(uid, iterableWithSize(1));
assertThat(attributes.name(), notNullValue());
assertThat(attributes.name().format, equalTo(TRANSIENT));
public void testIncorrectRequestIdIsRejected() throws Exception {
Instant now = clock.instant();
Instant validUntil = now.plusSeconds(30);
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