Implementation of iterable.
This commit is contained in:
@ -138,15 +138,15 @@ public final class Variables {
public void decrementScope() {
int remove = scopes.pop();
while (remove > 0) {
Variable variable = variables.pop();
// TODO: is this working? the code reads backwards...
if ( {
throw variable.location.createError(new IllegalArgumentException("Variable [" + + "] never used."));
@ -263,11 +263,9 @@ public final class Walker extends PainlessParserBaseVisitor<Object> {
if (ctx.trailer() != null) {
SBlock block = (SBlock)visit(ctx.trailer());
return new SFor(location(ctx),
settings.getMaxLoopCounter(), initializer, expression, afterthought, block);
return new SFor(location(ctx), settings.getMaxLoopCounter(), initializer, expression, afterthought, block);
} else if (ctx.empty() != null) {
return new SFor(location(ctx),
settings.getMaxLoopCounter(), initializer, expression, afterthought, null);
return new SFor(location(ctx), settings.getMaxLoopCounter(), initializer, expression, afterthought, null);
} else {
throw location(ctx).createError(new IllegalStateException("Illegal tree structure."));
@ -275,12 +273,16 @@ public final class Walker extends PainlessParserBaseVisitor<Object> {
public Object visitEach(EachContext ctx) {
if (settings.getMaxLoopCounter() > 0) {
String type = ctx.decltype().getText();
String name = ctx.ID().getText();
AExpression expression = (AExpression)visit(ctx.expression());
SBlock block = (SBlock)visit(ctx.trailer());
return new SEach(location(ctx), type, name, expression, block);
return new SEach(location(ctx), settings.getMaxLoopCounter(), type, name, expression, block);
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public final class LBrace extends ALink {
throw createError(new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal array access made without target."));
final Sort sort = before.sort;
Sort sort = before.sort;
if (sort == Sort.ARRAY) {
index.expected = Definition.INT_TYPE;
@ -19,19 +19,40 @@
package org.elasticsearch.painless.node;
import org.elasticsearch.painless.AnalyzerCaster;
import org.elasticsearch.painless.Definition;
import org.elasticsearch.painless.Definition.Cast;
import org.elasticsearch.painless.Definition.Method;
import org.elasticsearch.painless.Definition.MethodKey;
import org.elasticsearch.painless.Definition.Sort;
import org.elasticsearch.painless.Definition.Type;
import org.elasticsearch.painless.Location;
import org.elasticsearch.painless.MethodWriter;
import org.elasticsearch.painless.Variables;
import org.elasticsearch.painless.Variables.Variable;
import org.objectweb.asm.Label;
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes;
public class SEach extends AStatement {
final int maxLoopCounter;
final String type;
final String name;
AExpression expression;
AStatement block;
public SEach(final Location location, final String type, final String name, final AExpression expression, final SBlock block) {
Variable variable = null;
Variable iterator = null;
Method method = null;
Method hasNext = null;
Method next = null;
Cast cast = null;
public SEach(final Location location, final int maxLoopCounter,
final String type, final String name, final AExpression expression, final SBlock block) {
this.maxLoopCounter = maxLoopCounter;
this.type = type;
|||| = name;
this.expression = expression;
@ -41,11 +62,107 @@ public class SEach extends AStatement {
AStatement analyze(Variables variables) {
return null;
expression.expected = expression.actual;
expression = expression.cast(variables);
Sort sort = expression.actual.sort;
if (sort == Sort.ARRAY) {
throw location.createError(new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot execute for each against array type."));
} else if (sort == Sort.DEF) {
throw location.createError(new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot execute for each against def type."));
} else if (Iterable.class.isAssignableFrom(expression.actual.clazz)) {
final Type type;
try {
type = Definition.getType(this.type);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) {
throw createError(new IllegalArgumentException("Not a type [" + this.type + "]."));
Type itr = Definition.getType("Iterator");
variable = variables.addVariable(location, type, name, false, false);
iterator = variables.addVariable(location, itr, "#itr" + location.getOffset(), true, false);
method = expression.actual.struct.methods.get(new MethodKey("iterator", 0));
if (method == null) {
throw location.createError(new IllegalArgumentException(
"Unable to create iterator for the type [" + + "]."));
hasNext = itr.struct.methods.get(new MethodKey("hasNext", 0));
if (hasNext == null) {
throw location.createError(new IllegalArgumentException("Method [hasNext] does not exist for type [Iterator]."));
} else if (hasNext.rtn.sort != Sort.BOOL) {
throw location.createError(new IllegalArgumentException("Method [hasNext] does not return type [boolean]."));
next = itr.struct.methods.get(new MethodKey("next", 0));
if (next == null) {
throw location.createError(new IllegalArgumentException("Method [next] does not exist for type [Iterator]."));
} else if (next.rtn.sort != Sort.OBJECT) {
throw location.createError(new IllegalArgumentException("Method [next] does not return type [Object]."));
cast = AnalyzerCaster.getLegalCast(location, Definition.getType("Object"), type, true, true);
if (block == null) {
throw location.createError(new IllegalArgumentException("Extraneous for each loop."));
block = block.analyze(variables);
block.statementCount = Math.max(1, block.statementCount);
if (block.loopEscape && !block.anyContinue) {
throw createError(new IllegalArgumentException("Extraneous for loop."));
statementCount = 1;
if (maxLoopCounter > 0) {
loopCounterSlot = variables.getVariable(location, "#loop").slot;
return this;
} else {
throw location.createError(new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal for each type [" + + "]."));
void write(MethodWriter writer) {
if (java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isInterface(method.owner.clazz.getModifiers())) {
writer.invokeInterface(method.owner.type, method.method);
} else {
writer.invokeVirtual(method.owner.type, method.method);
writer.visitVarInsn(iterator.type.type.getOpcode(Opcodes.ISTORE), iterator.slot);
Label end = new Label();
writer.visitVarInsn(iterator.type.type.getOpcode(Opcodes.ILOAD), iterator.slot);
writer.invokeInterface(hasNext.owner.type, hasNext.method);
writer.ifZCmp(MethodWriter.EQ, end);
writer.visitVarInsn(iterator.type.type.getOpcode(Opcodes.ILOAD), iterator.slot);
writer.invokeInterface(next.owner.type, next.method);
writer.visitVarInsn(variable.type.type.getOpcode(Opcodes.ISTORE), variable.slot);
@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ public final class SFor extends AStatement {
ANode initializer, AExpression condition, AExpression afterthought, SBlock block) {
this.maxLoopCounter = maxLoopCounter;
this.initializer = initializer;
this.condition = condition;
this.afterthought = afterthought;
this.block = block;
this.maxLoopCounter = maxLoopCounter;
@ -125,6 +125,11 @@ public class BasicStatementTests extends ScriptTestCase {
public void testEachStatement() {
assertEquals(6, exec("List l = new ArrayList(); l.add(1); l.add(2); l.add(3); int total = 0;" +
" for (int x : l) total += x; return x"));
public void testDeclarationStatement() {
assertEquals((byte)2, exec("byte a = 2; return a;"));
assertEquals((short)2, exec("short a = 2; return a;"));
Reference in New Issue