LicensesService: Documentation & minor cleanups

Original commit: elastic/x-pack-elasticsearch@5ce349e2f5
This commit is contained in:
Areek Zillur 2014-10-30 12:17:10 -04:00
parent 50fb5250ee
commit b79757bb91
3 changed files with 122 additions and 27 deletions

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ public class TransportDeleteLicenseAction extends TransportMasterNodeOperationAc
protected void masterOperation(final DeleteLicenseRequest request, ClusterState state, final ActionListener<DeleteLicenseResponse> listener) throws ElasticsearchException {
final DeleteLicenseRequestHolder requestHolder = new DeleteLicenseRequestHolder(request, "delete licenses []");
licensesManagerService.unregisterLicenses(requestHolder, new ActionListener<ClusterStateUpdateResponse>() {
licensesManagerService.removeLicenses(requestHolder, new ActionListener<ClusterStateUpdateResponse>() {
public void onResponse(ClusterStateUpdateResponse clusterStateUpdateResponse) {
listener.onResponse(new DeleteLicenseResponse(clusterStateUpdateResponse.isAcknowledged()));

@ -20,13 +20,26 @@ import static org.elasticsearch.license.plugin.core.LicensesService.PutLicenseRe
public interface LicensesManagerService {
//TODO: documentation
* Registers new licenses in the cluster
* <p/>
* This method can be only called on the master node. It tries to create a new licenses on the master
* and if provided license(s) is VALID it is added to cluster state metadata {@link org.elasticsearch.license.plugin.core.LicensesMetaData}
public void registerLicenses(final PutLicenseRequestHolder requestHolder, final ActionListener<LicensesUpdateResponse> listener);
public void unregisterLicenses(final DeleteLicenseRequestHolder requestHolder, final ActionListener<ClusterStateUpdateResponse> listener);
* Remove only signed license(s) for provided features from the cluster state metadata
public void removeLicenses(final DeleteLicenseRequestHolder requestHolder, final ActionListener<ClusterStateUpdateResponse> listener);
* @return the set of features that are currently enabled
public Set<String> enabledFeatures();
* @return a list of licenses, contains one license (with the latest expiryDate) per registered features sorted by latest issueDate
public List<ESLicense> getLicenses();

@ -47,10 +47,9 @@ import static org.elasticsearch.license.core.ESLicenses.reduceAndMap;
* Service responsible for managing {@link org.elasticsearch.license.plugin.core.LicensesMetaData}
* Interfaces through which this is exposed are:
* - LicensesManagerService - responsible for adding/deleting signed licenses
* - LicensesClientService - allow interested plugins (features) to register to licensing notifications
* - LicensesManagerService - responsible for managing signed and one-time-trial licenses
* - LicensesClientService - responsible for feature registration and notification to consumer plugin(s)
* <p/>
* TODO: documentation
public class LicensesService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent<LicensesService> implements ClusterStateListener, LicensesManagerService, LicensesClientService {
@ -65,12 +64,26 @@ public class LicensesService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent<LicensesService>
private final TransportService transportService;
* Currently active consumers to notify to
private final List<ListenerHolder> registeredListeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
* Currently pending consumers that has to be registered
private final Queue<ListenerHolder> pendingListeners = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
* Currently active scheduledNotifications
* All finished notifications will be cleared in {@link #clusterChanged(org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterChangedEvent)}
* and {@link #scheduleNextNotification(long)}
private final Queue<ScheduledFuture> scheduledNotifications = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
* The last licensesMetaData that has been notified by {@link #notifyFeatures(LicensesMetaData)}
private final AtomicReference<LicensesMetaData> lastObservedLicensesState;
@ -81,14 +94,13 @@ public class LicensesService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent<LicensesService>
this.threadPool = threadPool;
this.transportService = transportService;
this.lastObservedLicensesState = new AtomicReference<>(null);
transportService.registerHandler(REGISTER_TRIAL_LICENSE_ACTION_NAME, new RegisterTrialLicenseRequestHandler());
if (DiscoveryNode.dataNode(settings) || DiscoveryNode.masterNode(settings)) {
transportService.registerHandler(REGISTER_TRIAL_LICENSE_ACTION_NAME, new RegisterTrialLicenseRequestHandler());
* Registers new licenses in the cluster
* <p/>
* This method can be only called on the master node. It tries to create a new licenses on the master
* and if provided license(s) is VALID it is added to cluster metadata.
* {@inheritDoc}
public void registerLicenses(final PutLicenseRequestHolder requestHolder, final ActionListener<LicensesUpdateResponse> listener) {
@ -141,8 +153,11 @@ public class LicensesService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent<LicensesService>
* {@inheritDoc}
public void unregisterLicenses(final DeleteLicenseRequestHolder requestHolder, final ActionListener<ClusterStateUpdateResponse> listener) {
public void removeLicenses(final DeleteLicenseRequestHolder requestHolder, final ActionListener<ClusterStateUpdateResponse> listener) {
final DeleteLicenseRequest request = requestHolder.request;
clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask(requestHolder.source, new AckedClusterStateUpdateTask<ClusterStateUpdateResponse>(request, listener) {
@ -177,6 +192,9 @@ public class LicensesService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent<LicensesService>
* {@inheritDoc}
public Set<String> enabledFeatures() {
Set<String> enabledFeatures = Sets.newHashSet();
@ -188,6 +206,9 @@ public class LicensesService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent<LicensesService>
return enabledFeatures;
* {@inheritDoc}
public List<ESLicense> getLicenses() {
LicensesMetaData currentMetaData = clusterService.state().metaData().custom(LicensesMetaData.TYPE);
@ -239,6 +260,11 @@ public class LicensesService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent<LicensesService>
return status;
* Master-only operation to generate a one-time trial license for a feature.
* The trial license is only generated and stored if the current cluster state metaData
* has no signed/one-time-trial license for the feature in question
private void registerTrialLicense(final RegisterTrialLicenseRequest request) {
clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask("register trial license []", new ProcessedClusterStateUpdateTask() {
@ -334,19 +360,31 @@ public class LicensesService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent<LicensesService>
* When there is no global block on {@link org.elasticsearch.gateway.GatewayService#STATE_NOT_RECOVERED_BLOCK}:
* - tries to register any {@link #pendingListeners} by calling {@link #registeredListeners}
* - if any {@link #pendingListeners} are registered successfully or if previous cluster state had a block on
* {@link org.elasticsearch.gateway.GatewayService#STATE_NOT_RECOVERED_BLOCK}, calls
* {@link #notifyFeaturesAndScheduleNotification(LicensesMetaData)}
* - else calls {@link #notifyFeaturesAndScheduleNotificationIfNeeded(LicensesMetaData)}
* clears up any finished notifications on every call
public void clusterChanged(ClusterChangedEvent event) {
if (!event.state().blocks().hasGlobalBlock(GatewayService.STATE_NOT_RECOVERED_BLOCK)) {
LicensesMetaData oldLicensesMetaData = event.previousState().getMetaData().custom(LicensesMetaData.TYPE);
LicensesMetaData currentLicensesMetaData = event.state().getMetaData().custom(LicensesMetaData.TYPE);
logLicenseMetaDataStats("old", oldLicensesMetaData);
logLicenseMetaDataStats("new", currentLicensesMetaData);
// Check pending feature registrations and try to complete registrations
boolean addedNewRegisteredListener = false;
if (!pendingListeners.isEmpty()) {
ListenerHolder pendingRegistrationLister;
boolean masterAvailable = false;
while ((pendingRegistrationLister = pendingListeners.poll()) != null) {
masterAvailable = registerListener(pendingRegistrationLister);
boolean masterAvailable = registerListener(pendingRegistrationLister);"trying to register pending listener for " + pendingRegistrationLister.feature + " masterAvailable: " + masterAvailable);
if (!masterAvailable) {
// if the master is not available do not, break out of trying pendingListeners
@ -355,24 +393,21 @@ public class LicensesService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent<LicensesService>
} else {"successfully registered listener for: " + pendingRegistrationLister.feature);
// make sure to notify new registered feature
// notifications could have been scheduled for it before it was registered
addedNewRegisteredListener = true;
if (masterAvailable) {
// make sure to notify new registered feature
// notifications could have been scheduled for it before it was registered
// notify all interested plugins
// notifyFeaturesIfNeeded will short-circuit with -1 if the currentLicensesMetaData has been notified on earlier
// Change to debug"calling notifyFeaturesAndScheduleNotificationIfNeeded from clusterChanged");
if (event.previousState().blocks().hasGlobalBlock(GatewayService.STATE_NOT_RECOVERED_BLOCK)) {
if (event.previousState().blocks().hasGlobalBlock(GatewayService.STATE_NOT_RECOVERED_BLOCK) || addedNewRegisteredListener) {"calling notifyFeaturesAndScheduleNotification from clusterChanged");
} else {"calling notifyFeaturesAndScheduleNotificationIfNeeded from clusterChanged");
} else {
@ -380,6 +415,10 @@ public class LicensesService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent<LicensesService>
* Calls {@link #notifyFeaturesAndScheduleNotification(LicensesMetaData)} with <code>currentLicensesMetaData</code>
* if it was not already notified on
private void notifyFeaturesAndScheduleNotificationIfNeeded(LicensesMetaData currentLicensesMetaData) {
final LicensesMetaData lastNotifiedLicensesMetaData = lastObservedLicensesState.get();
if (lastNotifiedLicensesMetaData != null && lastNotifiedLicensesMetaData.equals(currentLicensesMetaData)) {
@ -389,6 +428,10 @@ public class LicensesService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent<LicensesService>
* Calls {@link #notifyFeatures(LicensesMetaData)} with <code>currentLicensesMetaData</code>
* if needed, also schedules the earliest expiry notification for registered feature(s)
private void notifyFeaturesAndScheduleNotification(LicensesMetaData currentLicensesMetaData) {
long nextScheduleFrequency = notifyFeatures(currentLicensesMetaData);
if (nextScheduleFrequency != -1l) {
@ -396,6 +439,16 @@ public class LicensesService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent<LicensesService>
* Checks license expiry for all the registered feature(s), upon completion
* sets <code>currentLicensesMetaData</code> to {@link #lastObservedLicensesState}
* to ensure the same license(s) are not notified on from
* {@link #clusterChanged(org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterChangedEvent)}
* @return -1 if there are no expiring license(s) for any registered feature(s), else
* returns the minimum of the expiry times of all the registered feature(s) to
* schedule an expiry notification
private long notifyFeatures(LicensesMetaData currentLicensesMetaData) {
long nextScheduleFrequency = -1l;
long offset = TimeValue.timeValueMillis(100).getMillis();
@ -463,6 +516,9 @@ public class LicensesService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent<LicensesService>
* {@inheritDoc}
public void register(String feature, TrialLicenseOptions trialLicenseOptions, Listener listener) {
final ListenerHolder listenerHolder = new ListenerHolder(feature, trialLicenseOptions, listener);
@ -482,7 +538,8 @@ public class LicensesService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent<LicensesService>
* then notifies features to be disabled
* @param listenerHolder of the feature to register
* @return true if registration has been completed, false otherwise (if masterNode is not available)
* @return true if registration has been completed, false otherwise (if masterNode is not available & trail license spec is provided
* or if there is a global block on {@link org.elasticsearch.gateway.GatewayService#STATE_NOT_RECOVERED_BLOCK})
private boolean registerListener(final ListenerHolder listenerHolder) {"Registering listener for " + listenerHolder.feature);
@ -554,6 +611,10 @@ public class LicensesService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent<LicensesService>
* Clears out any completed notification future from
* {@link #scheduledNotifications}
private void clearFinishedNotifications() {
while (!scheduledNotifications.isEmpty()) {
ScheduledFuture notification = scheduledNotifications.peek();
@ -571,6 +632,9 @@ public class LicensesService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent<LicensesService>
return ThreadPool.Names.GENERIC;
* Schedules an expiry notification with a delay of <code>nextScheduleDelay</code>
private void scheduleNextNotification(long nextScheduleDelay) {
@ -583,6 +647,12 @@ public class LicensesService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent<LicensesService>
* Job for notifying on expired license(s) to registered feature(s)
* In case of a global block on {@link org.elasticsearch.gateway.GatewayService#STATE_NOT_RECOVERED_BLOCK},
* the notification is not run, instead the feature(s) would be notified on the next
* {@link #clusterChanged(org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterChangedEvent)} with no global block
public class LicensingClientNotificationJob implements Runnable {
public LicensingClientNotificationJob() {}
@ -639,6 +709,9 @@ public class LicensesService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent<LicensesService>
* Stores configuration and listener for a feature
private class ListenerHolder {
final String feature;
final TrialLicenseOptions trialLicenseOptions;
@ -665,6 +738,10 @@ public class LicensesService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent<LicensesService>
* Thin wrapper to work with {@link org.elasticsearch.license.plugin.core.LicensesMetaData}
* Never mutates the wrapped metaData
private static class LicensesWrapper {
public static LicensesWrapper wrap(LicensesMetaData licensesMetaData) {
@ -690,13 +767,15 @@ public class LicensesService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent<LicensesService>
* Request for trial license generation to master
private static class RegisterTrialLicenseRequest extends TransportRequest {
private int maxNodes;
private String feature;
private TimeValue duration;
private RegisterTrialLicenseRequest() {
private RegisterTrialLicenseRequest() {}
private RegisterTrialLicenseRequest(String feature, TimeValue duration, int maxNodes) {
this.maxNodes = maxNodes;
@ -722,6 +801,9 @@ public class LicensesService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent<LicensesService>
* Request handler for trial license generation to master
private class RegisterTrialLicenseRequestHandler extends BaseTransportRequestHandler<RegisterTrialLicenseRequest> {
public RegisterTrialLicenseRequest newInstance() {