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synced 2025-03-09 14:34:43 +00:00
OpenID Connect realm settings and rest API docs (#40740)
This commit adds the relevant docs for the OpenID Connect realm settings and the REST APIs that are exposed.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1074,8 +1074,7 @@ they cannot have individual passwords.
If you are loading the IdP metadata over SSL/TLS (that is, `idp.metadata.path`
is a URL using the `https` protocol), the following settings can be used to
configure SSL. If these are not specified, then the
<<ssl-tls-settings,default SSL settings>> are used.
configure SSL.
NOTE: These settings are not used for any purpose other than loading metadata
over https.
@ -1204,6 +1203,247 @@ If this setting is used, then the Kerberos realm does not perform role mapping a
instead loads the user from the listed realms.
See {stack-ov}/realm-chains.html#authorization_realms[Delegating authorization to another realm]
===== OpenID Connect realm settings
In addition to the <<ref-realm-settings,settings that are valid for all realms>>, you
can specify the following settings:
A verifiable Identifier for your OpenID Connect Provider. An Issuer
Identifier is usually a case sensitive URL using the https scheme that contains
scheme, host, and optionally, port number and path components and no query or
fragment components. The value for this setting should be provided by your OpenID
Connect Provider.
The URL for the Authorization Endpoint at the
OpenID Connect Provider. The value for this setting should be provided by your OpenID
Connect Provider.
The URL for the Token Endpoint at the OpenID Connect Provider.
The value for this setting should be provided by your OpenID Connect Provider.
The URL for the User Info Endpoint at the OpenID Connect Provider.
The value for this setting should be provided by your OpenID Connect Provider.
The URL for the End Session Endpoint at the OpenID Connect
Provider. The value for this setting should be provided by your OpenID Connect Provider.
The path or URL to a JSON Web Key Set with the key material that the OpenID Connect
Provider uses for signing tokens and claims responses.
If a path is provided, then it is resolved relative to the {es} config
If a URL is provided, then it must be either a `file` URL or a `https` URL.
{es} automatically caches the retrieved JWK set to avoid unnecessary HTTP
requests but will attempt to refresh the JWK upon signature verification
failure, as this might indicate that the OpenID Connect Provider has
rotated the signing keys.
File based resources are polled at a frequency determined by the global {es}
`resource.reload.interval.high` setting, which defaults to 5 seconds.
The OAuth 2.0 Client Identifier that was assigned to {es} during registration
at the OpenID Connect Provider
The OAuth 2.0 Client Secret that was assigned to {es} during registration
at the OpenID Connect Provider
The Redirect URI within {kib}. Typically this is the
"api/security/v1/oidc" endpoint of your Kibana server. For example,
OAuth 2.0 Response Type value that determines the authorization
processing flow to be used. Can be `code` for authorization code grant flow,
or one of `id_token`, `id_token token` for the implicit flow.
The signature algorithm that will be used by {es} in order to verify the
signature of the id tokens it will receive from the OpenID Connect Provider.
Defaults to `RSA256`
The scope values that will be requested by the OpenID Connect Provider as
part of the Authentication Request. Optional, defaults to `openid`
The Redirect URI (usually within {kib}) that the OpenID Connect Provider
should redirect the browser to after a successful Single Logout.
The name of the OpenID Connect claim that contains the user's principal (username).
The name of the OpenID Connect claim that contains the user's groups.
The name of the OpenID Connect claim that contains the user's full name.
The name of the OpenID Connect claim that contains the user's email address.
The name of the OpenID Connect claim that contains the user's X.509
_Distinguished Name_.
A Java regular expression that is matched against the OpenID Connect claim specified
by `claims.principal` before it is applied to the user's _principal_ property.
The attribute value must match the pattern and the value of the first
_capturing group_ is used as the principal. For example, `^([^@]+)@example\\.com$`
matches email addresses from the "example.com" domain and uses the local-part as
the principal.
As per `claim_patterns.principal`, but for the _group_ property.
As per `claim_patterns.principal`, but for the _name_ property.
As per `claim_patterns.principal`, but for the _mail_ property.
As per `claim_patterns.principal`, but for the _dn_ property.
The maximum allowed clock skew to be taken into consideration when validating
id tokens with regards to their creation and expiration times.
Specifies whether to populate the {es} user's metadata with the values that are
provided by the OpenID Connect claims. Defaults to `true`.
Controls the behavior of the http client used for back-channel communication to
the OpenID Connect Provider endpoints. Specifies the timeout until a connection
is established. A value of zero means the timeout is not used. Defaults to `5s`
Controls the behavior of the http client used for back-channel communication to
the OpenID Connect Provider endpoints. Specifies the timeout used when
requesting a connection from the connection manager. Defaults to `5s`
Controls the behavior of the http client used for back-channel communication to
the OpenID Connect Provider endpoints. Specifies the socket timeout (SO_TIMEOUT)
in milliseconds, which is the timeout for waiting for data or, put differently,
a maximum period inactivity between two consecutive data packets). Defaults to
Controls the behavior of the http client used for back-channel communication to
the OpenID Connect Provider endpoints. Specifies the maximum number of
connections allowed across all endpoints.
Controls the behavior of the http client used for back-channel communication to
the OpenID Connect Provider endpoints. Specifies the maximum number of
connections allowed per endpoint.
===== OpenID Connect realm SSL settings
The following settings can be used to configure SSL for all outgoing http connections
to the OpenID Connect Provider endpoints.
NOTE: These settings are _only_ used for the back-channel communication between
{es} and the OpenID Connect Provider
Specifies the path to the PEM encoded private key to use for http client
authentication (if required). `ssl.key` and `ssl.keystore.path` cannot be used
at the same time.
Specifies the passphrase to decrypt the PEM encoded private key (`ssl.key`) if it is
encrypted. Cannot be used with `ssl.secure_key_passphrase`.
`ssl.secure_key_passphrase` (<<secure-settings,Secure>>)::
Specifies the passphrase to decrypt the PEM encoded private key (`ssl.key`) if it is
encrypted. Cannot be used with `ssl.key_passphrase`.
Specifies the path to the PEM encoded certificate (or certificate chain) that is associated
with the key (`ssl.key`). This setting can be used only if `ssl.key` is set.
Specifies the paths to the PEM encoded certificate authority certificates that should be
trusted. `ssl.certificate_authorities` and `ssl.truststore.path` cannot be
used at the same time.
Specifies the path to the keystore that contains a private key and certificate.
Must be either a Java Keystore (jks) or a PKCS#12 file.
`ssl.key` and `ssl.keystore.path` cannot be used at the same time.
The type of the keystore (`ssl.keystore.path`). Must be either `jks` or `PKCS12`.
If the keystore path ends in ".p12", ".pfx" or "pkcs12", this setting defaults
to `PKCS12`. Otherwise, it defaults to `jks`.
The password to the keystore (`ssl.keystore.path`). This setting cannot be used
with `ssl.keystore.secure_password`.
`ssl.keystore.secure_password` (<<secure-settings,Secure>>)::
The password to the keystore (`ssl.keystore.path`).
This setting cannot be used with `ssl.keystore.password`.
The password for the key in the keystore (`ssl.keystore.path`).
Defaults to the keystore password. This setting cannot be used with
`ssl.keystore.secure_key_password` (<<secure-settings,Secure>>)::
The password for the key in the keystore (`ssl.keystore.path`).
Defaults to the keystore password. This setting cannot be used with
The path to the keystore that contains the certificates to trust.
Must be either a Java Keystore (jks) or a PKCS#12 file.
`ssl.certificate_authorities` and `ssl.truststore.path` cannot be used at the
same time.
The type of the truststore (`ssl.truststore.path`). Must be either `jks` or
`PKCS12`. If the keystore path ends in ".p12", ".pfx" or "pkcs12", this setting
defaults to `PKCS12`. Otherwise, it defaults to `jks`.
The password to the truststore (`ssl.truststore.path`). This setting cannot be
used with `ssl.truststore.secure_password`.
`ssl.truststore.secure_password` (<<secure-settings,Secure>>)::
The password to the truststore (`ssl.truststore.path`). This setting cannot be
used with `ssl.truststore.password`.
One of `full` (verify the hostname and the certificate path), `certificate` (verify the
certificate path, but not the hostname) or `none` (perform no verification).
Defaults to `full`.
See <<ssl-tls-settings,`ssl.verification_mode`>> for a more detailed explanation of these values.
Specifies the supported protocols for TLS/SSL. Defaults to `TLSv1.3,TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1` if
the JVM supports TLSv1.3, otherwise `TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1`.
Specifies the cipher suites that should be supported.
===== Load balancing and failover
@ -76,6 +76,15 @@ native realm:
* <<security-api-enable-user,Enable users>>
* <<security-api-get-user,Get users>>
=== OpenID Connect
You can use the following APIs to authenticate users against an OpenID Connect
authentication realm
* <<security-api-oidc-prepare-authentication, Prepare an authentication request>>
* <<security-api-oidc-authenticate, Submit an authentication response>>
* <<security-api-oidc-logout, Logout an authenticated user>>
@ -102,3 +111,6 @@ include::security/has-privileges.asciidoc[]
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
=== OpenID Connect Authenticate API
Submits the response to an oAuth 2.0 authentication request for consumption from {es}. Upon successful validation, {es}
will respond with an {es} internal Access Token and Refresh Token that can be subsequently used for authentication. This
API endpoint basically exchanges successful OpenID Connect Authentication responses for {es} access and refresh tokens
to be used for authentication.
{es} exposes all the necessary OpenID Connect related functionality via the OpenID Connect APIs. These APIs
are used internally by {kib} in order to provide OpenID Connect based authentication, but can also be used by other,
custom web applications or other clients. See also
<<security-api-oidc-prepare-authentication,OpenID Connect Prepare Authentication API>> and
<<security-api-oidc-logout,OpenID Connect Logout API>>
==== Request
`POST /_security/oidc/authenticate`
==== Request Body
The URL to which the OpenID Connect Provider redirected the User Agent in response to an authentication request, after a
successful authentication. This URL is expected to be provided as-is (URL encoded), taken from the body of the response
or as the value of a `Location` header in the response from the OpenID Connect Provider.
String value used to maintain state between the authentication request and the response. This value needs to be the same
as the one that was provided to the call to `/_security/oidc/prepare` earlier, or the one that was generated by {es}
and included in the response to that call.
String value used to associate a Client session with an ID Token, and to mitigate replay attacks. This value needs to be
the same as the one that was provided to the call to `/_security/oidc/prepare` earlier, or the one that was generated by {es}
and included in the response to that call.
==== Examples
The following example request exchanges the response that was returned from the OpenID Connect Provider after a successful
authentication, for an {es} access token and refresh token to be used in subsequent requests. This example is from an
authentication that uses the authorization code grant flow.
POST /_security/oidc/authenticate
"redirect_uri" : "https://oidc-kibana.elastic.co:5603/api/security/v1/oidc?code=jtI3Ntt8v3_XvcLzCFGq&state=4dbrihtIAt3wBTwo6DxK-vdk-sSyDBV8Yf0AjdkdT5I",
"state" : "4dbrihtIAt3wBTwo6DxK-vdk-sSyDBV8Yf0AjdkdT5I",
"nonce" : "WaBPH0KqPVdG5HHdSxPRjfoZbXMCicm5v1OiAj0DUFM"
// TEST[skip:These are properly tested in the OpenIDConnectIT suite]
The following example output contains the access token that was generated in response, the amount of time (in
seconds) that the token expires in, the type, and the refresh token:
"access_token" : "dGhpcyBpcyBub3QgYSByZWFsIHRva2VuIGJ1dCBpdCBpcyBvbmx5IHRlc3QgZGF0YS4gZG8gbm90IHRyeSB0byByZWFkIHRva2VuIQ==",
"type" : "Bearer",
"expires_in" : 1200,
"refresh_token": "vLBPvmAB6KvwvJZr27cS"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
=== OpenID Connect Logout API
Submits a request to invalidate a refresh token and an access token that was generated as a response to a call to
`/_security/oidc/authenticate`. If the OpenID Connect authentication realm in {es} is accordingly configured, the
response to this call will contain a URI pointing to the End Session Endpoint of the OpenID Connect Provider in
order to perform Single Logout
{es} exposes all the necessary OpenID Connect related functionality via the OpenID Connect APIs. These APIs
are used internally by {kib} in order to provide OpenID Connect based authentication, but can also be used by other,
custom web applications or other clients. See also <<security-api-oidc-authenticate,OpenID Connect Authenticate API>>
and <<security-api-oidc-prepare-authentication,OpenID Connect Prepare Authentication API>>
==== Request
`POST /_security/oidc/logout`
==== Request Body
The value of the access token to be invalidated as part of the logout.
The value of the refresh token to be invalidated as part of the logout. (Optional)
==== Examples
The following example performs logout
POST /_security/oidc/logout
"token" : "dGhpcyBpcyBub3QgYSByZWFsIHRva2VuIGJ1dCBpdCBpcyBvbmx5IHRlc3QgZGF0YS4gZG8gbm90IHRyeSB0byByZWFkIHRva2VuIQ==",
"refresh_token": "vLBPvmAB6KvwvJZr27cS"
// TEST[skip:These are properly tested in the OpenIDConnectIT suite]
The following example output of the response contains the URI pointing to the End Session Endpoint of the
OpenID Connect Provider with all the parameters of the Logout Request, as HTTP GET parameters
"redirect" : "https://op-provider.org/logout?id_token_hint=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ.SflKxwRJSMeKKF2QT4fwpMeJf36POk6yJV_adQssw5c&post_logout_redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Foidc-kibana.elastic.co%2Floggedout&state=lGYK0EcSLjqH6pkT5EVZjC6eIW5YCGgywj2sxROO"
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
=== OpenID Connect Prepare Authentication API
Creates an oAuth 2.0 authentication request as a URL string based on the configuration of the respective
OpenID Connect authentication realm in {es}. The response of this API is a URL pointing to the Authorization Endpoint
of the configured OpenID Connect Provider and can be used to redirect the browser of the user in order to continue
the authentication process.
{es} exposes all the necessary OpenID Connect related functionality via the OpenID Connect APIs. These APIs
are used internally by {kib} in order to provide OpenID Connect based authentication, but can also be used by other,
custom web applications or other clients. See also <<security-api-oidc-authenticate,OpenID Connect Authenticate API>>
and <<security-api-oidc-logout,OpenID Connect Logout API>>
==== Request
`POST /_security/oidc/prepare`
==== Request Body
The following parameters can be specified in the body of the request:
The name of the OpenID Connect realm in {es} the configuration of which should be used in order to
generate the authentication request. Cannot be specified when `iss` is specified.
String value used to maintain state between the authentication request and the response, typically used
as a Cross-Site Request Forgery mitigation. If the caller of the API doesn't provide a value, {es} will
generate one with sufficient entropy itself and return it in the response.
String value used to associate a Client session with an ID Token, and to mitigate replay attacks.
If the caller of the API doesn't provide a value, {es} will generate one with sufficient entropy itself
and return it in the response.
In the case of a 3rd Party initiated Single Sign On, this is the Issuer Identifier for the OP that the RP is
to send the Authentication Request to. Cannot be specified when `realm` is specified.
In the case of a 3rd Party initiated Single Sign On, a string value to be included in the authentication
request, as the `login_hint` parameter. This parameter is not valid when `realm` is specified
==== Examples
The following example generates an authentication request for the OpenID Connect Realm `oidc1`
POST /_security/oidc/prepare
"realm" : "oidc1"
// TEST[skip:These are properly tested in the OpenIDConnectIT suite]
The following example output of the response contains the URI pointing to the Authorization Endpoint of the
OpenID Connect Provider with all the parameters of the Authentication Request, as HTTP GET parameters
"redirect" : "https://op-provider.org/login?scope=openid&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Foidc-kibana.elastic.co%3A5603%2Fkmi%2Fapi%2Fsecurity%2Fv1%2Foidc&state=4dbrihtIAt3wBTwo6DxK-vdk-sSyDBV8Yf0AjdkdT5I&nonce=WaBPH0KqPVdG5HHdSxPRjfoZbXMCicm5v1OiAj0DUFM&client_id=0o43gasov3TxMWJOt839",
"state" : "4dbrihtIAt3wBTwo6DxK-vdk-sSyDBV8Yf0AjdkdT5I",
"nonce" : "WaBPH0KqPVdG5HHdSxPRjfoZbXMCicm5v1OiAj0DUFM"
The following example generates an authentication request for the OpenID Connect Realm `oidc1`, where the
values for the state and the nonce have been generated by the client
POST /_security/oidc/prepare
"realm" : "oidc1",
"state" : "lGYK0EcSLjqH6pkT5EVZjC6eIW5YCGgywj2sxROO",
"nonce" : "zOBXLJGUooRrbLbQk5YCcyC8AXw3iloynvluYhZ5"
// TEST[skip:These are properly tested in the OpenIDConnectIT suite]
The following example output of the response contains the URI pointing to the Authorization Endpoint of the
OpenID Connect Provider with all the parameters of the Authentication Request, as HTTP GET parameters
"redirect" : "https://op-provider.org/login?scope=openid&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Foidc-kibana.elastic.co%3A5603%2Fkmi%2Fapi%2Fsecurity%2Fv1%2Foidc&state=lGYK0EcSLjqH6pkT5EVZjC6eIW5YCGgywj2sxROO&nonce=zOBXLJGUooRrbLbQk5YCcyC8AXw3iloynvluYhZ5&client_id=0o43gasov3TxMWJOt839",
"state" : "lGYK0EcSLjqH6pkT5EVZjC6eIW5YCGgywj2sxROO",
"nonce" : "zOBXLJGUooRrbLbQk5YCcyC8AXw3iloynvluYhZ5"
The following example generates an authentication request for a 3rd party initiated single sign on, specifying the
issuer that should be used for matching the appropriate OpenID Connect Authentication realm
POST /_security/oidc/prepare
"issuer" : "https://op-issuer.org:8800",
"login_hint": "this_is_an_opaque_string"
// TEST[skip:These are properly tested in the OpenIDConnectIT suite]
The following example output of the response contains the URI pointing to the Authorization Endpoint of the
OpenID Connect Provider with all the parameters of the Authentication Request, as HTTP GET parameters
"redirect" : "https://op-provider.org/login?scope=openid&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Foidc-kibana.elastic.co%3A5603%2Fkmi%2Fapi%2Fsecurity%2Fv1%2Foidc&state=lGYK0EcSLjqH6pkT5EVZjC6eIW5YCGgywj2sxROO&nonce=zOBXLJGUooRrbLbQk5YCcyC8AXw3iloynvluYhZ5&client_id=0o43gasov3TxMWJOt839&login_hint=this_is_an_opaque_string",
"state" : "4dbrihtIAt3wBTwo6DxK-vdk-sSyDBV8Yf0AjdkdT5I",
"nonce" : "WaBPH0KqPVdG5HHdSxPRjfoZbXMCicm5v1OiAj0DUFM"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user