Add parsing method for ElasticsearchException.generateThrowableXContent() (#22783)

The output of the ElasticsearchException.generateThrowableXContent() method can be parsed back by the ElasticsearchException.fromXContent() method.

This commit adds unit tests in the style of the to-and-from-xcontent tests we already have for other parsing methods. It also relax the strict parsing of the ElasticsearchException.fromXContent() so that it does not throw an exception when custom metadata and headers are parsed, as long as they are either strings or arrays of strings. Every other type is ignored at parsing time.
This commit is contained in:
Tanguy Leroux 2017-01-26 15:17:07 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent f128b7a7fe
commit be96278c95
3 changed files with 502 additions and 67 deletions

View File

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import;
import org.elasticsearch.transport.TcpTransport;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
@ -50,7 +51,6 @@ import static java.util.Collections.singletonMap;
import static java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap;
import static org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.IndexMetaData.INDEX_UUID_NA_VALUE;
import static org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentParserUtils.ensureExpectedToken;
import static org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentParserUtils.throwUnknownField;
* A base class for all elasticsearch exceptions.
@ -391,12 +391,125 @@ public class ElasticsearchException extends RuntimeException implements ToXConte
protected void metadataToXContent(XContentBuilder builder, Params params) throws IOException {
* Generate a {@link ElasticsearchException} from a {@link XContentParser}. This does not
* return the original exception type (ie NodeClosedException for example) but just wraps
* the type, the reason and the cause of the exception. It also recursively parses the
* tree structure of the cause, returning it as a tree structure of {@link ElasticsearchException}
* instances.
public static ElasticsearchException fromXContent(XContentParser parser) throws IOException {
XContentParser.Token token = parser.nextToken();
ensureExpectedToken(XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME, token, parser::getTokenLocation);
return innerFromXContent(parser);
private static ElasticsearchException innerFromXContent(XContentParser parser) throws IOException {
XContentParser.Token token = parser.currentToken();
ensureExpectedToken(XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME, token, parser::getTokenLocation);
String type = null, reason = null, stack = null;
ElasticsearchException cause = null;
Map<String, List<String>> metadata = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, List<String>> headers = new HashMap<>();
for (; token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME; token = parser.nextToken()) {
String currentFieldName = parser.currentName();
token = parser.nextToken();
if (token.isValue()) {
if (TYPE.equals(currentFieldName)) {
type = parser.text();
} else if (REASON.equals(currentFieldName)) {
reason = parser.text();
} else if (STACK_TRACE.equals(currentFieldName)) {
stack = parser.text();
} else if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) {
metadata.put(currentFieldName, Collections.singletonList(parser.text()));
} else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) {
if (CAUSED_BY.equals(currentFieldName)) {
cause = fromXContent(parser);
} else if (HEADER.equals(currentFieldName)) {
while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
currentFieldName = parser.currentName();
} else {
List<String> values = headers.getOrDefault(currentFieldName, new ArrayList<>());
if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) {
} else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_ARRAY) {
while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_ARRAY) {
if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) {
} else {
} else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) {
headers.put(currentFieldName, values);
} else {
// Any additional metadata object added by the metadataToXContent method is ignored
// and skipped, so that the parser does not fail on unknown fields. The parser only
// support metadata key-pairs and metadata arrays of values.
} else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_ARRAY) {
// Parse the array and add each item to the corresponding list of metadata.
// Arrays of objects are not supported yet and just ignored and skipped.
List<String> values = new ArrayList<>();
while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_ARRAY) {
if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) {
} else {
if (values.size() > 0) {
if (metadata.containsKey(currentFieldName)) {
metadata.put(currentFieldName, values);
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder("Elasticsearch exception [");
message.append(TYPE).append('=').append(type).append(", ");
if (stack != null) {
message.append(", ").append(STACK_TRACE).append('=').append(stack);
ElasticsearchException e = new ElasticsearchException(message.toString(), cause);
for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : metadata.entrySet()) {
//subclasses can print out additional metadata through the metadataToXContent method. Simple key-value pairs will be
//parsed back and become part of this metadata set, while objects and arrays are not supported when parsing back.
//Those key-value pairs become part of the metadata set and inherit the "es." prefix as that is currently required
//by addMetadata. The prefix will get stripped out when printing metadata out so it will be effectively invisible.
//TODO move subclasses that print out simple metadata to using addMetadata directly and support also numbers and booleans.
//TODO rename metadataToXContent and have only SearchPhaseExecutionException use it, which prints out complex objects
e.addMetadata("es." + entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> header : headers.entrySet()) {
e.addHeader(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
return e;
* Static toXContent helper method that renders {@link org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException} or {@link Throwable} instances
* as XContent, delegating the rendering to {@link #toXContent(XContentBuilder, Params)}
* or {@link #innerToXContent(XContentBuilder, Params, Throwable, String, String, Map, Map, Throwable)}.
* This method is usually used when the {@link Throwable} is rendered as a part of another XContent object.
* This method is usually used when the {@link Throwable} is rendered as a part of another XContent object, and its result can
* be parsed back using the {@link #fromXContent(XContentParser)} method.
public static void generateThrowableXContent(XContentBuilder builder, Params params, Throwable t) throws IOException {
t = ExceptionsHelper.unwrapCause(t);
@ -455,71 +568,6 @@ public class ElasticsearchException extends RuntimeException implements ToXConte
* Generate a {@link ElasticsearchException} from a {@link XContentParser}. This does not
* return the original exception type (ie NodeClosedException for example) but just wraps
* the type, the reason and the cause of the exception. It also recursively parses the
* tree structure of the cause, returning it as a tree structure of {@link ElasticsearchException}
* instances.
public static ElasticsearchException fromXContent(XContentParser parser) throws IOException {
XContentParser.Token token = parser.nextToken();
ensureExpectedToken(XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME, token, parser::getTokenLocation);
String type = null, reason = null, stack = null;
ElasticsearchException cause = null;
Map<String, List<String>> metadata = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Object> headers = new HashMap<>();
do {
String currentFieldName = parser.currentName();
token = parser.nextToken();
if (token.isValue()) {
if (TYPE.equals(currentFieldName)) {
type = parser.text();
} else if (REASON.equals(currentFieldName)) {
reason = parser.text();
} else if (STACK_TRACE.equals(currentFieldName)) {
stack = parser.text();
} else {
metadata.put(currentFieldName, Collections.singletonList(parser.text()));
} else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) {
if (CAUSED_BY.equals(currentFieldName)) {
cause = fromXContent(parser);
} else if (HEADER.equals(currentFieldName)) {
} else {
throwUnknownField(currentFieldName, parser.getTokenLocation());
} while ((token = parser.nextToken()) == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME);
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder("Elasticsearch exception [");
message.append(TYPE).append('=').append(type).append(", ");
if (stack != null) {
message.append(", ").append(STACK_TRACE).append('=').append(stack);
ElasticsearchException e = new ElasticsearchException(message.toString(), cause);
for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : metadata.entrySet()) {
//subclasses can print out additional metadata through the metadataToXContent method. Simple key-value pairs will be
//parsed back and become part of this metadata set, while objects and arrays are not supported when parsing back.
//Those key-value pairs become part of the metadata set and inherit the "es." prefix as that is currently required
//by addMetadata. The prefix will get stripped out when printing metadata out so it will be effectively invisible.
//TODO move subclasses that print out simple metadata to using addMetadata directly and support also numbers and booleans.
//TODO rename metadataToXContent and have only SearchPhaseExecutionException use it, which prints out complex objects
e.addMetadata("es." + entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> header : headers.entrySet()) {
e.addHeader(header.getKey(), String.valueOf(header.getValue()));
return e;
* Returns the root cause of this exception or multiple if different shards caused different exceptions

View File

@ -27,8 +27,10 @@ import
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.block.ClusterBlockException;
import org.elasticsearch.common.ParsingException;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Strings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.breaker.CircuitBreakingException;
import org.elasticsearch.common.bytes.BytesArray;
import org.elasticsearch.common.bytes.BytesReference;
import org.elasticsearch.common.collect.Tuple;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.ToXContent;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContent;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder;
@ -54,11 +56,17 @@ import org.hamcrest.Matcher;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import static java.util.Collections.emptyList;
import static java.util.Collections.singleton;
import static org.elasticsearch.test.hamcrest.ElasticsearchAssertions.assertToXContentEquivalent;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.hasItem;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.hasItems;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasSize;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.startsWith;
@ -516,6 +524,89 @@ public class ElasticsearchExceptionTests extends ESTestCase {
assertThat(cause.getMetadata("es.index_uuid"), hasItem("_na_"));
* Test that some values like arrays of numbers are ignored when parsing back
* an exception.
public void testFromXContentWithIgnoredMetadataAndHeaders() throws IOException {
final XContent xContent = randomFrom(XContentType.values()).xContent();
// The exception content to parse is built using a XContentBuilder
// because the current Java API does not allow to add metadata/headers
// of other types than list of strings.
BytesReference originalBytes;
try (XContentBuilder builder = XContentBuilder.builder(xContent)) {
builder.field("metadata_int", 1);
builder.array("metadata_array_of_ints", new int[]{8, 13, 21});
builder.field("reason", "Custom reason");
builder.array("metadata_array_of_boolean", new boolean[]{false, false});
builder.field("type", "custom_exception");
builder.field("metadata_long", 1L);
builder.array("metadata_array_of_longs", new long[]{2L, 3L, 5L});
builder.field("metadata_other", "some metadata");
builder.field("header_string", "some header");
builder.array("header_array_of_strings", new String[]{"foo", "bar", "baz"});
originalBytes = builder.bytes();
ElasticsearchException parsedException;
try (XContentParser parser = createParser(xContent, originalBytes)) {
assertEquals(XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT, parser.nextToken());
parsedException = ElasticsearchException.fromXContent(parser);
assertEquals(XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT, parser.currentToken());
assertEquals("Elasticsearch exception [type=custom_exception, reason=Custom reason]", parsedException.getMessage());
assertEquals(2, parsedException.getHeaderKeys().size());
assertThat(parsedException.getHeader("header_string"), hasItem("some header"));
assertThat(parsedException.getHeader("header_array_of_strings"), hasItems("foo", "bar", "baz"));
assertEquals(1, parsedException.getMetadataKeys().size());
assertThat(parsedException.getMetadata("es.metadata_other"), hasItem("some metadata"));
public void testThrowableToAndFromXContent() throws IOException {
final XContent xContent = randomFrom(XContentType.values()).xContent();
final Tuple<Throwable, ElasticsearchException> exceptions = randomExceptions();
final Throwable throwable = exceptions.v1();
BytesReference throwableBytes = XContentHelper.toXContent((builder, params) -> {
ElasticsearchException.generateThrowableXContent(builder, params, throwable);
return builder;
}, xContent.type(), randomBoolean());
ElasticsearchException parsedException;
try (XContentParser parser = createParser(xContent, throwableBytes)) {
assertEquals(XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT, parser.nextToken());
parsedException = ElasticsearchException.fromXContent(parser);
assertEquals(XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT, parser.currentToken());
ElasticsearchException expected = exceptions.v2();
do {
assertEquals(expected.getMessage(), parsedException.getMessage());
assertEquals(expected.getHeaders(), parsedException.getHeaders());
assertEquals(expected.getMetadata(), parsedException.getMetadata());
assertEquals(expected.getResourceType(), parsedException.getResourceType());
assertEquals(expected.getResourceId(), parsedException.getResourceId());
expected = (ElasticsearchException) expected.getCause();
parsedException = (ElasticsearchException) parsedException.getCause();
if (expected == null) {
} while (expected != null);
* Builds a {@link ToXContent} using a JSON XContentBuilder and check the resulting string with the given {@link Matcher}.
@ -533,4 +624,123 @@ public class ElasticsearchExceptionTests extends ESTestCase {
return builder;
}, expectedJson);
private static Tuple<Throwable, ElasticsearchException> randomExceptions() {
Throwable actual;
ElasticsearchException expected;
int type = randomIntBetween(0, 5);
switch (type) {
case 0:
actual = new ClusterBlockException(singleton(DiscoverySettings.NO_MASTER_BLOCK_WRITES));
expected = new ElasticsearchException("Elasticsearch exception [type=cluster_block_exception, " +
"reason=blocked by: [SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE/2/no master];]");
case 1:
actual = new CircuitBreakingException("Data too large", 123, 456);
expected = new ElasticsearchException("Elasticsearch exception [type=circuit_breaking_exception, reason=Data too large]");
case 2:
actual = new SearchParseException(new TestSearchContext(null), "Parse failure", new XContentLocation(12, 98));
expected = new ElasticsearchException("Elasticsearch exception [type=search_parse_exception, reason=Parse failure]");
case 3:
actual = new IllegalArgumentException("Closed resource", new RuntimeException("Resource"));
expected = new ElasticsearchException("Elasticsearch exception [type=illegal_argument_exception, reason=Closed resource]",
new ElasticsearchException("Elasticsearch exception [type=runtime_exception, reason=Resource]"));
case 4:
actual = new SearchPhaseExecutionException("search", "all shards failed",
new ShardSearchFailure[]{
new ShardSearchFailure(new ParsingException(1, 2, "foobar", null),
new SearchShardTarget("node_1", new Index("foo", "_na_"), 1))
expected = new ElasticsearchException("Elasticsearch exception [type=search_phase_execution_exception, " +
"reason=all shards failed]");
expected.addMetadata("es.phase", "search");
case 5:
actual = new ElasticsearchException("Parsing failed",
new ParsingException(9, 42, "Wrong state",
new NullPointerException("Unexpected null value")));
ElasticsearchException expectedCause = new ElasticsearchException("Elasticsearch exception [type=parsing_exception, " +
"reason=Wrong state]", new ElasticsearchException("Elasticsearch exception [type=null_pointer_exception, " +
"reason=Unexpected null value]"));
expected = new ElasticsearchException("Elasticsearch exception [type=exception, reason=Parsing failed]", expectedCause);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No randomized exceptions generated for type [" + type + "]");
if (actual instanceof ElasticsearchException) {
ElasticsearchException actualException = (ElasticsearchException) actual;
if (randomBoolean()) {
int nbHeaders = randomIntBetween(1, 5);
Map<String, List<String>> randomHeaders = new HashMap<>(nbHeaders);
for (int i = 0; i < nbHeaders; i++) {
List<String> values = new ArrayList<>();
int nbValues = randomIntBetween(1, 3);
for (int j = 0; j < nbValues; j++) {
values.add(frequently() ? randomAsciiOfLength(5) : "");
randomHeaders.put("header_" + i, values);
for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : randomHeaders.entrySet()) {
actualException.addHeader(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
expected.addHeader(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
if (rarely()) {
// Empty or null headers are not printed out by the toXContent method
actualException.addHeader("ignored", randomBoolean() ? emptyList() : null);
if (randomBoolean()) {
int nbMetadata = randomIntBetween(1, 5);
Map<String, List<String>> randomMetadata = new HashMap<>(nbMetadata);
for (int i = 0; i < nbMetadata; i++) {
List<String> values = new ArrayList<>();
int nbValues = randomIntBetween(1, 3);
for (int j = 0; j < nbValues; j++) {
values.add(frequently() ? randomAsciiOfLength(5) : "");
randomMetadata.put("es.metadata_" + i, values);
for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : randomMetadata.entrySet()) {
actualException.addMetadata(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
expected.addMetadata(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
if (rarely()) {
// Empty or null metadata are not printed out by the toXContent method
actualException.addMetadata("ignored", randomBoolean() ? emptyList() : null);
if (randomBoolean()) {
int nbResources = randomIntBetween(1, 5);
for (int i = 0; i < nbResources; i++) {
String resourceType = "type_" + i;
String[] resourceIds = null;
if (frequently()) {
resourceIds = new String[randomIntBetween(1, 3)];
for (int j = 0; j < resourceIds.length; j++) {
resourceIds[j] = frequently() ? randomAsciiOfLength(5) : "";
actualException.setResources(resourceType, resourceIds);
expected.setResources(resourceType, resourceIds);
return new Tuple<>(actual, expected);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException;
import org.elasticsearch.action.TimestampParsingException;
import org.elasticsearch.common.ParsingException;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Strings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.bytes.BytesReference;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.ToXContent;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContent;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentHelper;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentParser;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentType;
import org.elasticsearch.index.Index;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.IndexShardClosedException;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.ShardId;
import org.elasticsearch.indices.InvalidIndexTemplateException;
import org.elasticsearch.test.ESTestCase;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonMap;
import static org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentFactory.jsonBuilder;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.hasItem;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasSize;
public class SearchPhaseExecutionExceptionTests extends ESTestCase {
public void testToXContent() throws IOException {
SearchPhaseExecutionException exception = new SearchPhaseExecutionException("test", "all shards failed",
new ShardSearchFailure[]{
new ShardSearchFailure(new ParsingException(1, 2, "foobar", null),
new SearchShardTarget("node_1", new Index("foo", "_na_"), 0)),
new ShardSearchFailure(new IndexShardClosedException(new ShardId(new Index("foo", "_na_"), 1)),
new SearchShardTarget("node_2", new Index("foo", "_na_"), 1)),
new ShardSearchFailure(new ParsingException(5, 7, "foobar", null),
new SearchShardTarget("node_3", new Index("foo", "_na_"), 2)),
// Failures are grouped (by default)
assertEquals("{" +
"\"type\":\"search_phase_execution_exception\"," +
"\"reason\":\"all shards failed\"," +
"\"phase\":\"test\"," +
"\"grouped\":true," +
"\"failed_shards\":[" +
"{" +
"\"shard\":0," +
"\"index\":\"foo\"," +
"\"node\":\"node_1\"," +
"\"reason\":{" +
"\"type\":\"parsing_exception\"," +
"\"reason\":\"foobar\"," +
"\"line\":1," +
"\"col\":2" +
"}" +
"}," +
"{" +
"\"shard\":1," +
"\"index\":\"foo\"," +
"\"node\":\"node_2\"," +
"\"reason\":{" +
"\"type\":\"index_shard_closed_exception\"," +
"\"reason\":\"CurrentState[CLOSED] Closed\"," +
"\"index_uuid\":\"_na_\"," +
"\"shard\":\"1\"," +
"\"index\":\"foo\"" +
"}" +
"}" +
"]}", Strings.toString(exception));
// Failures are NOT grouped
ToXContent.MapParams params = new ToXContent.MapParams(singletonMap("group_shard_failures", "false"));
try (XContentBuilder builder = jsonBuilder()) {
exception.toXContent(builder, params);
assertEquals("{" +
"\"type\":\"search_phase_execution_exception\"," +
"\"reason\":\"all shards failed\"," +
"\"phase\":\"test\"," +
"\"grouped\":false," +
"\"failed_shards\":[" +
"{" +
"\"shard\":0," +
"\"index\":\"foo\"," +
"\"node\":\"node_1\"," +
"\"reason\":{" +
"\"type\":\"parsing_exception\"," +
"\"reason\":\"foobar\"," +
"\"line\":1," +
"\"col\":2" +
"}" +
"}," +
"{" +
"\"shard\":1," +
"\"index\":\"foo\"," +
"\"node\":\"node_2\"," +
"\"reason\":{" +
"\"type\":\"index_shard_closed_exception\"," +
"\"reason\":\"CurrentState[CLOSED] Closed\"," +
"\"index_uuid\":\"_na_\"," +
"\"shard\":\"1\"," +
"\"index\":\"foo\"" +
"}" +
"}," +
"{" +
"\"shard\":2," +
"\"index\":\"foo\"," +
"\"node\":\"node_3\"," +
"\"reason\":{" +
"\"type\":\"parsing_exception\"," +
"\"reason\":\"foobar\"," +
"\"line\":5," +
"\"col\":7" +
"}" +
"}" +
"]}", builder.string());
public void testToAndFromXContent() throws IOException {
final XContent xContent = randomFrom(XContentType.values()).xContent();
ShardSearchFailure[] shardSearchFailures = new ShardSearchFailure[randomIntBetween(1, 5)];
for (int i = 0; i < shardSearchFailures.length; i++) {
Exception cause = randomFrom(
new ParsingException(1, 2, "foobar", null),
new InvalidIndexTemplateException("foo", "bar"),
new TimestampParsingException("foo", null),
new NullPointerException()
shardSearchFailures[i] = new ShardSearchFailure(cause, new SearchShardTarget("node_" + i, new Index("test", "_na_"), i));
final String phase = randomFrom("query", "search", "other");
SearchPhaseExecutionException actual = new SearchPhaseExecutionException(phase, "unexpected failures", shardSearchFailures);
BytesReference exceptionBytes = XContentHelper.toXContent(actual, xContent.type(), randomBoolean());
ElasticsearchException parsedException;
try (XContentParser parser = createParser(xContent, exceptionBytes)) {
assertEquals(XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT, parser.nextToken());
parsedException = ElasticsearchException.fromXContent(parser);
assertEquals(XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT, parser.currentToken());
assertThat(parsedException.getHeaderKeys(), hasSize(0));
assertThat(parsedException.getMetadataKeys(), hasSize(1));
assertThat(parsedException.getMetadata("es.phase"), hasItem(phase));
// SearchPhaseExecutionException has no cause field