Test: ZenFaultDetectionTests.testNodesFaultDetectionConnectOnDisconnect should account for initial ping

There was a race condition in the test in the case where the nodes fault detection would manage to send and initial ping, followed by 2 attempts before the target service was disconnected.
This commit is contained in:
Boaz Leskes 2014-12-19 13:12:15 +01:00
parent cb0d462aa0
commit c077683248

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@ -131,17 +131,31 @@ public class ZenFaultDetectionTests extends ElasticsearchTestCase {
public void testNodesFaultDetectionConnectOnDisconnect() throws InterruptedException {
ImmutableSettings.Builder settings = ImmutableSettings.builder();
boolean shouldRetry = randomBoolean();
// make sure we don't ping
// make sure we don't ping again after the initial ping
settings.put(FaultDetection.SETTING_CONNECT_ON_NETWORK_DISCONNECT, shouldRetry)
.put(FaultDetection.SETTING_PING_INTERVAL, "5m");
ClusterState clusterState = ClusterState.builder(new ClusterName("test")).nodes(buildNodesForA(true)).build();
NodesFaultDetection nodesFD = new NodesFaultDetection(settings.build(), threadPool, serviceA, clusterState.getClusterName());
NodesFaultDetection nodesFDA = new NodesFaultDetection(settings.build(), threadPool, serviceA, clusterState.getClusterName());
NodesFaultDetection nodesFDB = new NodesFaultDetection(settings.build(), threadPool, serviceB, clusterState.getClusterName());
final CountDownLatch pingSent = new CountDownLatch(1);
nodesFDB.addListener(new NodesFaultDetection.Listener() {
public void onPingReceived(NodesFaultDetection.PingRequest pingRequest) {
// wait for the first ping to go out, so we will really respond to a disconnect event rather then
// the ping failing
pingSent.await(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
final String[] failureReason = new String[1];
final DiscoveryNode[] failureNode = new DiscoveryNode[1];
final CountDownLatch notified = new CountDownLatch(1);
nodesFD.addListener(new NodesFaultDetection.Listener() {
nodesFDA.addListener(new NodesFaultDetection.Listener() {
public void onNodeFailure(DiscoveryNode node, String reason) {
failureNode[0] = node;