mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 14:34:43 +00:00
[Backport] Improve build configuration time (#42674)
This commit is contained in:
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.SourceFolder
plugins {
id 'com.gradle.build-scan' version '2.2.1'
id 'base'
id 'elasticsearch.global-build-info'
if (properties.get("org.elasticsearch.acceptScanTOS", "false") == "true") {
buildScan {
@ -263,7 +264,7 @@ allprojects {
project.afterEvaluate {
configurations.all {
configurations.matching { it.canBeResolved }.all {
resolutionStrategy.dependencySubstitution { DependencySubstitutions subs ->
projectSubstitutions.each { k,v ->
@ -337,7 +338,7 @@ gradle.projectsEvaluated {
if (tasks.findByPath('test') != null && tasks.findByPath('integTest') != null) {
integTest.mustRunAfter test
configurations.all { Configuration configuration ->
configurations.matching { it.canBeResolved }.all { Configuration configuration ->
dependencies.all { Dependency dep ->
Project upstreamProject = dependencyToProject(dep)
if (upstreamProject != null) {
@ -593,7 +594,3 @@ allprojects {
@ -65,39 +65,10 @@ processResources {
if (JavaVersion.current() < JavaVersion.VERSION_11) {
throw new GradleException('At least Java 11 is required to build elasticsearch gradle tools')
// Gradle 4.10 does not support setting this to 11 yet
targetCompatibility = "10"
sourceCompatibility = "10"
// We have a few classes that need to be compiled for older java versions because these are used to run checks against
// those
sourceSets {
minimumRuntime {
// We only want Java here, but the Groovy doesn't configure javadoc correctly if we don't define this as groovy
groovy {
srcDirs = ['src/main/minimumRuntime']
compileMinimumRuntimeGroovy {
// We can't use BuildPlugin here, so read from file
String minimumRuntimeVersion = file('src/main/resources/minimumRuntimeVersion').text.trim()
targetCompatibility = minimumRuntimeVersion
sourceCompatibility = minimumRuntimeVersion
dependencies {
if (project.ext.has("isEclipse") == false || project.ext.isEclipse == false) {
// eclipse is confused if this is set explicitly
compile sourceSets.minimumRuntime.output
minimumRuntimeCompile "junit:junit:${props.getProperty('junit')}"
minimumRuntimeCompile localGroovy()
minimumRuntimeCompile gradleApi()
jar {
from sourceSets.minimumRuntime.output
// Keep compatibility with Java 8 for external users of build-tools that haven't migrated to Java 11
targetCompatibility = '8'
sourceCompatibility = '8'
* Dependencies used by the entire build *
@ -117,7 +88,7 @@ dependencies {
compile 'com.perforce:p4java:2012.3.551082' // THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE OPTIONAL IN THE FUTURE....
compile 'org.apache.rat:apache-rat:0.11'
compile "org.elasticsearch:jna:4.5.1"
compile 'com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins:shadow:2.0.4'
compile 'com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins:shadow:4.0.3'
compile 'de.thetaphi:forbiddenapis:2.6'
compile 'com.avast.gradle:gradle-docker-compose-plugin:0.8.12'
testCompile "junit:junit:${props.getProperty('junit')}"
@ -162,7 +133,6 @@ if (project != rootProject) {
dependenciesInfo.enabled = false
forbiddenApisMain.enabled = false
forbiddenApisTest.enabled = false
forbiddenApisMinimumRuntime.enabled = false
jarHell.enabled = false
thirdPartyAudit.enabled = false
@ -184,16 +154,7 @@ if (project != rootProject) {
from configurations.distribution
into localDownloads
test {
// The test task is configured to runtimeJava version, but build-tools doesn't support all of them, so test
// with compiler instead on the ones that are too old.
if (project.runtimeJavaVersion <= JavaVersion.VERSION_1_10) {
executable = "${project.compilerJavaHome}/bin/java"
// This can't be an RandomizedTestingTask because we can't yet reference it
task integTest(type: Test) {
// integration test requires the local testing repo for example plugin builds
dependsOn project.rootProject.allprojects.collect {
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import org.elasticsearch.gradle.test.RestIntegTestTask
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.test.RunTask
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.testclusters.TestClustersPlugin
import org.gradle.api.InvalidUserDataException
import org.gradle.api.Plugin
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.api.Task
import org.gradle.api.publish.maven.MavenPublication
@ -43,13 +44,13 @@ import java.util.regex.Pattern
* Encapsulates build configuration for an Elasticsearch plugin.
class PluginBuildPlugin extends BuildPlugin {
class PluginBuildPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
public static final String PLUGIN_EXTENSION_NAME = 'esplugin'
void apply(Project project) {
PluginPropertiesExtension extension = project.extensions.create(PLUGIN_EXTENSION_NAME, PluginPropertiesExtension, project)
@ -116,15 +116,13 @@ class PrecommitTasks {
private static Task configureThirdPartyAudit(Project project) {
ThirdPartyAuditTask thirdPartyAuditTask = project.tasks.create('thirdPartyAudit', ThirdPartyAuditTask.class)
ExportElasticsearchBuildResourcesTask buildResources = project.tasks.getByName('buildResources')
thirdPartyAuditTask.configure {
signatureFile = buildResources.copy("forbidden/third-party-audit.txt")
javaHome = project.runtimeJavaHome
targetCompatibility = project.runtimeJavaVersion
return project.tasks.create('thirdPartyAudit', ThirdPartyAuditTask.class) { task ->
task.signatureFile = buildResources.copy("forbidden/third-party-audit.txt")
task.javaHome = project.runtimeJavaHome
task.targetCompatibility.set(project.provider({ project.runtimeJavaVersion }))
return thirdPartyAuditTask
private static Task configureForbiddenApisCli(Project project) {
@ -132,16 +130,16 @@ class PrecommitTasks {
ExportElasticsearchBuildResourcesTask buildResources = project.tasks.getByName('buildResources')
project.tasks.withType(CheckForbiddenApis) {
targetCompatibility = project.runtimeJavaVersion >= JavaVersion.VERSION_1_9 ?
project.runtimeJavaVersion.getMajorVersion() : project.runtimeJavaVersion
if (project.runtimeJavaVersion > JavaVersion.VERSION_11) {
doLast {
doFirst {
// we need to defer this configuration since we don't know the runtime java version until execution time
targetCompatibility = project.runtimeJavaVersion.getMajorVersion()
if (project.runtimeJavaVersion > JavaVersion.VERSION_11) {
"Forbidden APIs does not support java version past 11. Will use the signatures from 11 for ",
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11.getMajorVersion()
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11.getMajorVersion()
bundledSignatures = [
"jdk-unsafe", "jdk-deprecated", "jdk-non-portable", "jdk-system-out"
@ -317,12 +317,6 @@ class ClusterFormationTasks {
// its run after plugins have been installed, as the extra config files may belong to plugins
setup = configureExtraConfigFilesTask(taskName(prefix, node, 'extraConfig'), project, setup, node)
// If the node runs in a FIPS 140-2 JVM, the BCFKS default keystore will be password protected
if (project.inFipsJvm){
node.config.systemProperties.put('javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword', 'password')
node.config.systemProperties.put('javax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword', 'password')
// extra setup commands
for (Map.Entry<String, Object[]> command : node.config.setupCommands.entrySet()) {
// the first argument is the actual script name, relative to home
@ -430,16 +424,17 @@ class ClusterFormationTasks {
if (node.nodeVersion.major >= 7) {
esConfig['indices.breaker.total.use_real_memory'] = false
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> setting : node.config.settings) {
if (setting.value == null) {
} else {
esConfig.put(setting.key, setting.value)
Task writeConfig = project.tasks.create(name: name, type: DefaultTask, dependsOn: setup)
writeConfig.doFirst {
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> setting : node.config.settings) {
if (setting.value == null) {
} else {
esConfig.put(setting.key, setting.value)
esConfig = configFilter.call(esConfig)
File configFile = new File(node.pathConf, 'elasticsearch.yml')
logger.info("Configuring ${configFile}")
@ -760,6 +755,12 @@ class ClusterFormationTasks {
start.doFirst {
// If the node runs in a FIPS 140-2 JVM, the BCFKS default keystore will be password protected
if (project.inFipsJvm){
node.config.systemProperties.put('javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword', 'password')
node.config.systemProperties.put('javax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword', 'password')
// Configure ES JAVA OPTS - adds system properties, assertion flags, remote debug etc
List<String> esJavaOpts = [node.env.get('ES_JAVA_OPTS', '')]
String collectedSystemProperties = node.config.systemProperties.collect { key, value -> "-D${key}=${value}" }.join(" ")
@ -86,50 +86,23 @@ class RestIntegTestTask extends DefaultTask {
runner.systemProperty('tests.rest.load_packaged', 'false')
* We use lazy-evaluated strings in order to configure system properties whose value will not be known until
* execution time (e.g. cluster port numbers). Adding these via the normal DSL doesn't work as these get treated
* as task inputs and therefore Gradle attempts to snapshot them before/after task execution. This fails due
* to the GStrings containing references to non-serializable objects.
* We bypass this by instead passing this system properties vi a CommandLineArgumentProvider. This has the added
* side-effect that these properties are NOT treated as inputs, therefore they don't influence things like the
* build cache key or up to date checking.
def nonInputProperties = new CommandLineArgumentProvider() {
private final Map<String, Object> systemProperties = [:]
void systemProperty(String key, Object value) {
systemProperties.put(key, value)
Iterable<String> asArguments() {
return systemProperties.collect { key, value ->
runner.ext.nonInputProperties = nonInputProperties
if (System.getProperty("tests.rest.cluster") == null) {
if (System.getProperty("tests.cluster") != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("tests.rest.cluster and tests.cluster must both be null or non-null")
if (usesTestclusters == true) {
ElasticsearchCluster cluster = project.testClusters."${name}"
nonInputProperties.systemProperty('tests.rest.cluster', "${-> cluster.allHttpSocketURI.join(",") }")
nonInputProperties.systemProperty('tests.cluster', "${-> cluster.transportPortURI }")
runner.nonInputProperties.systemProperty('tests.rest.cluster', "${-> cluster.allHttpSocketURI.join(",") }")
runner.nonInputProperties.systemProperty('tests.cluster', "${-> cluster.transportPortURI }")
} else {
// we pass all nodes to the rest cluster to allow the clients to round-robin between them
// this is more realistic than just talking to a single node
nonInputProperties.systemProperty('tests.rest.cluster', "${-> nodes.collect { it.httpUri() }.join(",")}")
nonInputProperties.systemProperty('tests.config.dir', "${-> nodes[0].pathConf}")
runner.nonInputProperties.systemProperty('tests.rest.cluster', "${-> nodes.collect { it.httpUri() }.join(",")}")
runner.nonInputProperties.systemProperty('tests.config.dir', "${-> nodes[0].pathConf}")
// TODO: our "client" qa tests currently use the rest-test plugin. instead they should have their own plugin
// that sets up the test cluster and passes this transport uri instead of http uri. Until then, we pass
// both as separate sysprops
nonInputProperties.systemProperty('tests.cluster', "${-> nodes[0].transportUri()}")
runner.nonInputProperties.systemProperty('tests.cluster', "${-> nodes[0].transportUri()}")
// dump errors and warnings from cluster log on failure
TaskExecutionAdapter logDumpListener = new TaskExecutionAdapter() {
@ -27,11 +27,14 @@ import org.elasticsearch.gradle.ExportElasticsearchBuildResourcesTask
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.VersionProperties
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.precommit.PrecommitTasks
import org.gradle.api.InvalidUserDataException
import org.gradle.api.JavaVersion
import org.gradle.api.Plugin
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Configuration
import org.gradle.api.plugins.ExtraPropertiesExtension
import org.gradle.api.plugins.JavaBasePlugin
import org.gradle.api.plugins.JavaPlugin
import org.gradle.api.plugins.JavaPluginExtension
import org.gradle.api.tasks.SourceSet
import org.gradle.api.tasks.SourceSetContainer
import org.gradle.api.tasks.compile.JavaCompile
@ -57,11 +60,14 @@ class StandaloneRestTestPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
project.getTasks().create("buildResources", ExportElasticsearchBuildResourcesTask)
ExtraPropertiesExtension ext = project.extensions.getByType(ExtraPropertiesExtension)
project.extensions.getByType(JavaPluginExtension).sourceCompatibility = ext.get('minimumRuntimeVersion') as JavaVersion
project.extensions.getByType(JavaPluginExtension).targetCompatibility = ext.get('minimumRuntimeVersion') as JavaVersion
// only setup tests to build
SourceSetContainer sourceSets = project.extensions.getByType(SourceSetContainer)
SourceSet testSourceSet = sourceSets.create('test')
@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
package org.elasticsearch.gradle.info;
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.OS;
import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask;
import org.gradle.api.GradleException;
import org.gradle.api.JavaVersion;
import org.gradle.api.file.RegularFileProperty;
import org.gradle.api.model.ObjectFactory;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.CacheableTask;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Input;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.InputDirectory;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Nested;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.OutputFile;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.PathSensitive;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.PathSensitivity;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskAction;
import org.gradle.internal.jvm.Jvm;
import org.gradle.process.ExecResult;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UncheckedIOException;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
public class GenerateGlobalBuildInfoTask extends DefaultTask {
private JavaVersion minimumCompilerVersion;
private JavaVersion minimumRuntimeVersion;
private File compilerJavaHome;
private File runtimeJavaHome;
private List<JavaHome> javaVersions;
private final RegularFileProperty outputFile;
private final RegularFileProperty compilerVersionFile;
private final RegularFileProperty runtimeVersionFile;
private final RegularFileProperty fipsJvmFile;
public GenerateGlobalBuildInfoTask(ObjectFactory objectFactory) {
this.outputFile = objectFactory.fileProperty();
this.compilerVersionFile = objectFactory.fileProperty();
this.runtimeVersionFile = objectFactory.fileProperty();
this.fipsJvmFile = objectFactory.fileProperty();
public JavaVersion getMinimumCompilerVersion() {
return minimumCompilerVersion;
public void setMinimumCompilerVersion(JavaVersion minimumCompilerVersion) {
this.minimumCompilerVersion = minimumCompilerVersion;
public JavaVersion getMinimumRuntimeVersion() {
return minimumRuntimeVersion;
public void setMinimumRuntimeVersion(JavaVersion minimumRuntimeVersion) {
this.minimumRuntimeVersion = minimumRuntimeVersion;
public File getCompilerJavaHome() {
return compilerJavaHome;
public void setCompilerJavaHome(File compilerJavaHome) {
this.compilerJavaHome = compilerJavaHome;
public File getRuntimeJavaHome() {
return runtimeJavaHome;
public void setRuntimeJavaHome(File runtimeJavaHome) {
this.runtimeJavaHome = runtimeJavaHome;
public List<JavaHome> getJavaVersions() {
return javaVersions;
public void setJavaVersions(List<JavaHome> javaVersions) {
this.javaVersions = javaVersions;
public RegularFileProperty getOutputFile() {
return outputFile;
public RegularFileProperty getCompilerVersionFile() {
return compilerVersionFile;
public RegularFileProperty getRuntimeVersionFile() {
return runtimeVersionFile;
public RegularFileProperty getFipsJvmFile() {
return fipsJvmFile;
public void generate() {
String javaVendor = System.getProperty("java.vendor");
String gradleJavaVersion = System.getProperty("java.version");
String gradleJavaVersionDetails = javaVendor + " " + gradleJavaVersion + " [" + System.getProperty("java.vm.name")
+ " " + System.getProperty("java.vm.version") + "]";
String compilerJavaVersionDetails = gradleJavaVersionDetails;
JavaVersion compilerJavaVersionEnum = JavaVersion.current();
String runtimeJavaVersionDetails = gradleJavaVersionDetails;
JavaVersion runtimeJavaVersionEnum = JavaVersion.current();
File gradleJavaHome = Jvm.current().getJavaHome();
boolean inFipsJvm = false;
try {
if (Files.isSameFile(compilerJavaHome.toPath(), gradleJavaHome.toPath()) == false) {
if (compilerJavaHome.exists()) {
compilerJavaVersionDetails = findJavaVersionDetails(compilerJavaHome);
compilerJavaVersionEnum = JavaVersion.toVersion(findJavaSpecificationVersion(compilerJavaHome));
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Compiler Java home path of '" + compilerJavaHome + "' does not exist");
if (Files.isSameFile(runtimeJavaHome.toPath(), gradleJavaHome.toPath()) == false) {
if (runtimeJavaHome.exists()) {
runtimeJavaVersionDetails = findJavaVersionDetails(runtimeJavaHome);
runtimeJavaVersionEnum = JavaVersion.toVersion(findJavaSpecificationVersion(runtimeJavaHome));
// We don't expect Gradle to be running in a FIPS JVM
String inFipsJvmScript = "print(java.security.Security.getProviders()[0].name.toLowerCase().contains(\"fips\"));";
inFipsJvm = Boolean.parseBoolean(runJavaAsScript(runtimeJavaHome, inFipsJvmScript));
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Runtime Java home path of '" + compilerJavaHome + "' does not exist");
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
try (BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outputFile.getAsFile().get()))) {
writer.write(" Gradle Version : " + getProject().getGradle().getGradleVersion() + "\n");
writer.write(" OS Info : " + System.getProperty("os.name") + " " + System.getProperty("os.version")
+ " (" + System.getProperty("os.arch") + ")\n");
if (gradleJavaVersionDetails.equals(compilerJavaVersionDetails) == false
|| gradleJavaVersionDetails.equals(runtimeJavaVersionDetails) == false) {
writer.write(" Compiler JDK Version : " + compilerJavaVersionEnum + " (" + compilerJavaVersionDetails + ")\n");
writer.write(" Compiler java.home : " + compilerJavaHome + "\n");
writer.write(" Runtime JDK Version : " + runtimeJavaVersionEnum + " (" + runtimeJavaVersionDetails + ")\n");
writer.write(" Runtime java.home : " + runtimeJavaHome + "\n");
writer.write(" Gradle JDK Version : " + JavaVersion.toVersion(gradleJavaVersion)
+ " (" + gradleJavaVersionDetails + ")\n");
writer.write(" Gradle java.home : " + gradleJavaHome);
} else {
writer.write(" JDK Version : " + JavaVersion.toVersion(gradleJavaVersion)
+ " (" + gradleJavaVersionDetails + ")\n");
writer.write(" JAVA_HOME : " + gradleJavaHome);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
// enforce Java version
if (compilerJavaVersionEnum.compareTo(minimumCompilerVersion) < 0) {
String message = "The compiler java.home must be set to a JDK installation directory for Java " + minimumCompilerVersion +
" but is [" + compilerJavaHome + "] corresponding to [" + compilerJavaVersionEnum + "]";
throw new GradleException(message);
if (runtimeJavaVersionEnum.compareTo(minimumRuntimeVersion) < 0) {
String message = "The runtime java.home must be set to a JDK installation directory for Java " + minimumRuntimeVersion +
" but is [" + runtimeJavaHome + "] corresponding to [" + runtimeJavaVersionEnum + "]";
throw new GradleException(message);
for (JavaHome javaVersion : javaVersions) {
File javaHome = javaVersion.getJavaHome();
if (javaHome == null) {
JavaVersion javaVersionEnum = JavaVersion.toVersion(findJavaSpecificationVersion(javaHome));
JavaVersion expectedJavaVersionEnum;
int version = javaVersion.getVersion();
if (version < 9) {
expectedJavaVersionEnum = JavaVersion.toVersion("1." + version);
} else {
expectedJavaVersionEnum = JavaVersion.toVersion(Integer.toString(version));
if (javaVersionEnum != expectedJavaVersionEnum) {
String message = "The environment variable JAVA" + version + "_HOME must be set to a JDK installation directory for Java " +
expectedJavaVersionEnum + " but is [" + javaHome + "] corresponding to [" + javaVersionEnum + "]";
throw new GradleException(message);
writeToFile(compilerVersionFile.getAsFile().get(), compilerJavaVersionEnum.name());
writeToFile(runtimeVersionFile.getAsFile().get(), runtimeJavaVersionEnum.name());
writeToFile(fipsJvmFile.getAsFile().get(), Boolean.toString(inFipsJvm));
private void writeToFile(File file, String content) {
try (Writer writer = new FileWriter(file)) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
* Finds printable java version of the given JAVA_HOME
private String findJavaVersionDetails(File javaHome) {
String versionInfoScript = "print(" +
"java.lang.System.getProperty(\"java.vendor\") + \" \" + java.lang.System.getProperty(\"java.version\") + " +
"\" [\" + java.lang.System.getProperty(\"java.vm.name\") + \" \" + java.lang.System.getProperty(\"java.vm.version\") + \"]\");";
return runJavaAsScript(javaHome, versionInfoScript).trim();
* Finds the parsable java specification version
private String findJavaSpecificationVersion(File javaHome) {
String versionScript = "print(java.lang.System.getProperty(\"java.specification.version\"));";
return runJavaAsScript(javaHome, versionScript);
* Runs the given javascript using jjs from the jdk, and returns the output
private String runJavaAsScript(File javaHome, String script) {
ByteArrayOutputStream stdout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ByteArrayOutputStream stderr = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
if (OS.current() == OS.WINDOWS) {
// gradle/groovy does not properly escape the double quote for windows
script = script.replace("\"", "\\\"");
File jrunscriptPath = new File(javaHome, "bin/jrunscript");
String finalScript = script;
ExecResult result = getProject().exec(spec -> {
spec.args("-e", finalScript);
if (result.getExitValue() != 0) {
return stdout.toString(UTF_8).trim();
@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
package org.elasticsearch.gradle.info;
import org.elasticsearch.gradle.OS;
import org.gradle.api.GradleException;
import org.gradle.api.JavaVersion;
import org.gradle.api.Plugin;
import org.gradle.api.Project;
import org.gradle.api.plugins.ExtraPropertiesExtension;
import org.gradle.internal.jvm.Jvm;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.UncheckedIOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
public class GlobalBuildInfoPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
private static final String GLOBAL_INFO_EXTENSION_NAME = "globalInfo";
private static Integer _defaultParallel = null;
public void apply(Project project) {
if (project != project.getRootProject()) {
throw new IllegalStateException(this.getClass().getName() + " can only be applied to the root project.");
GlobalInfoExtension extension = project.getExtensions().create(GLOBAL_INFO_EXTENSION_NAME, GlobalInfoExtension.class);
JavaVersion minimumCompilerVersion = JavaVersion.toVersion(getResourceContents("/minimumCompilerVersion"));
JavaVersion minimumRuntimeVersion = JavaVersion.toVersion(getResourceContents("/minimumRuntimeVersion"));
File compilerJavaHome = findCompilerJavaHome();
File runtimeJavaHome = findRuntimeJavaHome(compilerJavaHome);
final List<JavaHome> javaVersions = new ArrayList<>();
for (int version = 8; version <= Integer.parseInt(minimumCompilerVersion.getMajorVersion()); version++) {
if (System.getenv(getJavaHomeEnvVarName(Integer.toString(version))) != null) {
javaVersions.add(JavaHome.of(version, new File(findJavaHome(Integer.toString(version)))));
GenerateGlobalBuildInfoTask generateTask = project.getTasks().create("generateGlobalBuildInfo",
GenerateGlobalBuildInfoTask.class, task -> {
task.getOutputFile().set(new File(project.getBuildDir(), "global-build-info"));
task.getCompilerVersionFile().set(new File(project.getBuildDir(), "java-compiler-version"));
task.getRuntimeVersionFile().set(new File(project.getBuildDir(), "java-runtime-version"));
task.getFipsJvmFile().set(new File(project.getBuildDir(), "in-fips-jvm"));
PrintGlobalBuildInfoTask printTask = project.getTasks().create("printGlobalBuildInfo", PrintGlobalBuildInfoTask.class, task -> {
project.getExtensions().getByType(ExtraPropertiesExtension.class).set("defaultParallel", findDefaultParallel(project));
project.allprojects(p -> {
// Make sure than any task execution generates and prints build info
p.getTasks().all(task -> {
if (task != generateTask && task != printTask) {
ExtraPropertiesExtension ext = p.getExtensions().getByType(ExtraPropertiesExtension.class);
ext.set("compilerJavaHome", compilerJavaHome);
ext.set("runtimeJavaHome", runtimeJavaHome);
ext.set("isRuntimeJavaHomeSet", compilerJavaHome.equals(runtimeJavaHome) == false);
ext.set("javaVersions", javaVersions);
ext.set("minimumCompilerVersion", minimumCompilerVersion);
ext.set("minimumRuntimeVersion", minimumRuntimeVersion);
ext.set("gradleJavaVersion", Jvm.current().getJavaVersion());
private static File findCompilerJavaHome() {
String compilerJavaHome = System.getenv("JAVA_HOME");
String compilerJavaProperty = System.getProperty("compiler.java");
if (compilerJavaProperty != null) {
compilerJavaHome = findJavaHome(compilerJavaProperty);
// if JAVA_HOME is not set,so we use the JDK that Gradle was run with.
return compilerJavaHome == null ? Jvm.current().getJavaHome() : new File(compilerJavaHome);
private static File findRuntimeJavaHome(final File compilerJavaHome) {
String runtimeJavaProperty = System.getProperty("runtime.java");
if (runtimeJavaProperty != null) {
return new File(findJavaHome(runtimeJavaProperty));
return System.getenv("RUNTIME_JAVA_HOME") == null ? compilerJavaHome : new File(System.getenv("RUNTIME_JAVA_HOME"));
private static String findJavaHome(String version) {
String versionedJavaHome = System.getenv(getJavaHomeEnvVarName(version));
if (versionedJavaHome == null) {
throw new GradleException(
"$versionedVarName must be set to build Elasticsearch. " +
"Note that if the variable was just set you might have to run `./gradlew --stop` for " +
"it to be picked up. See https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/issues/31399 details."
return versionedJavaHome;
private static String getJavaHomeEnvVarName(String version) {
return "JAVA" + version + "_HOME";
private static String getResourceContents(String resourcePath) {
try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(GlobalBuildInfoPlugin.class.getResourceAsStream(resourcePath))
)) {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
for (String line = reader.readLine(); line != null; line = reader.readLine()) {
if (b.length() != 0) {
return b.toString();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new UncheckedIOException("Error trying to read classpath resource: " + resourcePath, e);
private static int findDefaultParallel(Project project) {
// Since it costs IO to compute this, and is done at configuration time we want to cache this if possible
// It's safe to store this in a static variable since it's just a primitive so leaking memory isn't an issue
if (_defaultParallel == null) {
File cpuInfoFile = new File("/proc/cpuinfo");
if (cpuInfoFile.exists()) {
// Count physical cores on any Linux distro ( don't count hyper-threading )
Map<String, Integer> socketToCore = new HashMap<>();
String currentID = "";
try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(cpuInfoFile))) {
for (String line = reader.readLine(); line != null; line = reader.readLine()) {
if (line.contains(":")) {
List<String> parts = Arrays.stream(line.split(":", 2)).map(String::trim).collect(Collectors.toList());
String name = parts.get(0);
String value = parts.get(1);
// the ID of the CPU socket
if (name.equals("physical id")) {
currentID = value;
// Number of cores not including hyper-threading
if (name.equals("cpu cores")) {
assert currentID.isEmpty() == false;
socketToCore.put("currentID", Integer.valueOf(value));
currentID = "";
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
_defaultParallel = socketToCore.values().stream().mapToInt(i -> i).sum();
} else if (OS.current() == OS.MAC) {
// Ask macOS to count physical CPUs for us
ByteArrayOutputStream stdout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
project.exec(spec -> {
spec.args("-n", "hw.physicalcpu");
_defaultParallel = Integer.parseInt(stdout.toString().trim());
_defaultParallel = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() / 2;
return _defaultParallel;
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
package org.elasticsearch.gradle.info;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class GlobalInfoExtension {
final List<Runnable> listeners = new ArrayList<>();
public void ready(Runnable block) {
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
package org.elasticsearch.gradle.info;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Input;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.InputDirectory;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Optional;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.PathSensitive;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.PathSensitivity;
import java.io.File;
public class JavaHome {
private Integer version;
private File javaHome;
private JavaHome(int version, File javaHome) {
this.version = version;
this.javaHome = javaHome;
public static JavaHome of(int version, File javaHome) {
return new JavaHome(version, javaHome);
public Integer getVersion() {
return version;
public File getJavaHome() {
return javaHome;
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
package org.elasticsearch.gradle.info;
import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask;
import org.gradle.api.JavaVersion;
import org.gradle.api.file.RegularFileProperty;
import org.gradle.api.model.ObjectFactory;
import org.gradle.api.plugins.ExtraPropertiesExtension;
import org.gradle.api.resources.TextResource;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.InputFile;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskAction;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class PrintGlobalBuildInfoTask extends DefaultTask {
private final RegularFileProperty buildInfoFile;
private final RegularFileProperty compilerVersionFile;
private final RegularFileProperty runtimeVersionFile;
private final RegularFileProperty fipsJvmFile;
private List<Runnable> globalInfoListeners = new ArrayList<>();
public PrintGlobalBuildInfoTask(ObjectFactory objectFactory) {
this.buildInfoFile = objectFactory.fileProperty();
this.compilerVersionFile = objectFactory.fileProperty();
this.runtimeVersionFile = objectFactory.fileProperty();
this.fipsJvmFile = objectFactory.fileProperty();
public RegularFileProperty getBuildInfoFile() {
return buildInfoFile;
public RegularFileProperty getCompilerVersionFile() {
return compilerVersionFile;
public RegularFileProperty getRuntimeVersionFile() {
return runtimeVersionFile;
public RegularFileProperty getFipsJvmFile() {
return fipsJvmFile;
public void setGlobalInfoListeners(List<Runnable> globalInfoListeners) {
this.globalInfoListeners = globalInfoListeners;
public void print() {
getLogger().quiet("Elasticsearch Build Hamster says Hello!");
getLogger().quiet(" Random Testing Seed : " + getProject().property("testSeed"));
// Since all tasks depend on this task, and it always runs for every build, this makes sure that lifecycle tasks will still
// correctly report as UP-TO-DATE, since the convention is a lifecycle task (i.e. assemble, build, etc) will only be marked as
// UP-TO-DATE if all upstream tasks were also UP-TO-DATE.
private TextResource getFileText(RegularFileProperty regularFileProperty) {
return getProject().getResources().getText().fromFile(regularFileProperty.getAsFile().get());
private void setGlobalProperties() {
getProject().getRootProject().allprojects(p -> {
ExtraPropertiesExtension ext = p.getExtensions().getByType(ExtraPropertiesExtension.class);
ext.set("compilerJavaVersion", JavaVersion.valueOf(getFileText(getCompilerVersionFile()).asString()));
ext.set("runtimeJavaVersion", JavaVersion.valueOf(getFileText(getRuntimeVersionFile()).asString()));
ext.set("inFipsJvm", Boolean.valueOf(getFileText(getFipsJvmFile()).asString()));
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import org.gradle.api.JavaVersion;
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Configuration;
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Dependency;
import org.gradle.api.file.FileTree;
import org.gradle.api.provider.Property;
import org.gradle.api.specs.Spec;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.CacheableTask;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Classpath;
@ -79,17 +80,13 @@ public class ThirdPartyAuditTask extends DefaultTask {
private String javaHome;
private JavaVersion targetCompatibility;
private final Property<JavaVersion> targetCompatibility = getProject().getObjects().property(JavaVersion.class);
public JavaVersion getTargetCompatibility() {
public Property<JavaVersion> getTargetCompatibility() {
return targetCompatibility;
public void setTargetCompatibility(JavaVersion targetCompatibility) {
this.targetCompatibility = targetCompatibility;
public Configuration getForbiddenAPIsConfiguration() {
@ -287,7 +284,7 @@ public class ThirdPartyAuditTask extends DefaultTask {
// pther version specific implementation of said classes.
).forEach(majorVersion -> getProject().copy(spec -> {
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ forbiddenApisTest.enabled = false
jarHell.enabled = false
// we don't have tests for now
test.enabled = false
thirdPartyAudit.enabled = false
task hello {
doFirst {
@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ test {
systemProperty 'tests.security.manager', 'false'
if (project.inFipsJvm) {
thirdPartyAudit.onlyIf {
// FIPS JVM includes manny classes from bouncycastle which count as jar hell for the third party audit,
// rather than provide a long list of exclusions, disable the check on FIPS.
thirdPartyAudit.enabled = false
project.inFipsJvm == false
@ -47,10 +47,12 @@ if (!isEclipse && !isIdea) {
forbiddenApisJava9 {
if (project.runtimeJavaVersion < JavaVersion.VERSION_1_9) {
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_9.getMajorVersion()
rootProject.globalInfo.ready {
if (project.runtimeJavaVersion < JavaVersion.VERSION_1_9) {
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_9.getMajorVersion()
replaceSignatureFiles 'jdk-signatures'
replaceSignatureFiles 'jdk-signatures'
jar {
@ -172,10 +172,12 @@ thirdPartyAudit {
if (project.inFipsJvm == false) {
// BouncyCastleFIPS provides this class, so the exclusion is invalid when running CI in
// a FIPS JVM with BouncyCastleFIPS Provider
thirdPartyAudit.ignoreMissingClasses (
rootProject.globalInfo.ready {
if (project.inFipsJvm == false) {
// BouncyCastleFIPS provides this class, so the exclusion is invalid when running CI in
// a FIPS JVM with BouncyCastleFIPS Provider
@ -135,119 +135,121 @@ thirdPartyAudit.ignoreMissingClasses (
// jarhell with jdk (intentionally, because jaxb was removed from default modules in java 9)
if (project.runtimeJavaVersion <= JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8) {
thirdPartyAudit.ignoreJarHellWithJDK (
} else {
thirdPartyAudit.ignoreMissingClasses (
rootProject.globalInfo.ready {
if (project.runtimeJavaVersion <= JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8) {
} else {
@ -108,9 +108,11 @@ thirdPartyAudit.ignoreMissingClasses (
if (project.runtimeJavaVersion > JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8) {
thirdPartyAudit.ignoreMissingClasses (
rootProject.globalInfo.ready {
if (project.runtimeJavaVersion > JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8) {
@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ thirdPartyAudit{
if (project.inFipsJvm) {
// FIPS JVM includes manny classes from bouncycastle which count as jar hell for the third party audit,
// rather than provide a long list of exclusions, disable the check on FIPS.
thirdPartyAudit.enabled = false
thirdPartyAudit.onlyIf {
// FIPS JVM includes manny classes from bouncycastle which count as jar hell for the third party audit,
// rather than provide a long list of exclusions, disable the check on FIPS.
project.inFipsJvm == false
@ -93,8 +93,10 @@ for (String fixtureName : ['hdfsFixture', 'haHdfsFixture', 'secureHdfsFixture',
// If it's a secure fixture, then depend on Kerberos Fixture and principals + add the krb5conf to the JVM options
if (fixtureName.equals('secureHdfsFixture') || fixtureName.equals('secureHaHdfsFixture')) {
if (project.runtimeJavaVersion == JavaVersion.VERSION_1_9) {
rootProject.globalInfo.ready {
if (project.runtimeJavaVersion == JavaVersion.VERSION_1_9) {
// If it's an HA fixture, set a nameservice to use in the JVM options
@ -336,110 +336,112 @@ thirdPartyAudit.ignoreMissingClasses (
// jarhell with jdk (intentionally, because jaxb was removed from default modules in java 9)
if (project.runtimeJavaVersion <= JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8) {
thirdPartyAudit.ignoreJarHellWithJDK (
} else {
thirdPartyAudit.ignoreMissingClasses 'javax.activation.DataHandler'
rootProject.globalInfo.ready {
if (project.runtimeJavaVersion <= JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8) {
} else {
thirdPartyAudit.ignoreMissingClasses 'javax.activation.DataHandler'
@ -149,10 +149,12 @@ thirdPartyAudit {
if (project.inFipsJvm == false) {
// BouncyCastleFIPS provides this class, so the exclusion is invalid when running CI in
// a FIPS JVM with BouncyCastleFIPS Provider
thirdPartyAudit.ignoreMissingClasses (
rootProject.globalInfo.ready {
if (project.inFipsJvm == false) {
// BouncyCastleFIPS provides this class, so the exclusion is invalid when running CI in
// a FIPS JVM with BouncyCastleFIPS Provider
@ -56,8 +56,10 @@ if (!isEclipse && !isIdea) {
forbiddenApisJava9 {
if (project.runtimeJavaVersion < JavaVersion.VERSION_1_9) {
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_9.getMajorVersion()
doFirst {
if (project.runtimeJavaVersion < JavaVersion.VERSION_1_9) {
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_9.getMajorVersion()
@ -314,8 +316,10 @@ thirdPartyAudit.ignoreMissingClasses (
if (project.runtimeJavaVersion > JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8) {
thirdPartyAudit.ignoreMissingClasses 'javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter'
rootProject.globalInfo.ready {
if (project.runtimeJavaVersion > JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8) {
thirdPartyAudit.ignoreMissingClasses 'javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter'
dependencyLicenses {
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ followClusterTestRunner {
task followClusterRestartTest(type: RestIntegTestTask) {}
followClusterRestartTestCluster {
dependsOn followClusterTestRunner
dependsOn followClusterTestRunner, 'followClusterTestCluster#stop'
numNodes = 1
clusterName = 'follow-cluster'
dataDir = { nodeNumber -> followClusterTest.nodes[0].dataDir }
@ -286,20 +286,22 @@ thirdPartyAudit {
if (project.runtimeJavaVersion > JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8) {
rootProject.globalInfo.ready {
if (project.runtimeJavaVersion > JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8) {
test {
@ -19,16 +19,18 @@ dependencyLicenses {
mapping from: /bc.*/, to: 'bouncycastle'
if (project.inFipsJvm) {
test.enabled = false
testingConventions.enabled = false
// Forbiden APIs non-portable checks fail because bouncy castle classes being used from the FIPS JDK since those are
// not part of the Java specification - all of this is as designed, so we have to relax this check for FIPS.
tasks.withType(CheckForbiddenApis) {
bundledSignatures -= "jdk-non-portable"
// FIPS JVM includes many classes from bouncycastle which count as jar hell for the third party audit,
// rather than provide a long list of exclusions, disable the check on FIPS.
thirdPartyAudit.enabled = false
rootProject.globalInfo.ready {
if (project.inFipsJvm) {
test.enabled = false
testingConventions.enabled = false
// Forbiden APIs non-portable checks fail because bouncy castle classes being used from the FIPS JDK since those are
// not part of the Java specification - all of this is as designed, so we have to relax this check for FIPS.
tasks.withType(CheckForbiddenApis) {
bundledSignatures -= "jdk-non-portable"
// FIPS JVM includes many classes from bouncycastle which count as jar hell for the third party audit,
// rather than provide a long list of exclusions, disable the check on FIPS.
thirdPartyAudit.enabled = false
@ -207,18 +207,16 @@ integTestCluster {
return tmpFile.exists()
Closure notRunningFips = {
Boolean.parseBoolean(BuildPlugin.runJavaAsScript(project, project.runtimeJavaHome,
'print(java.security.Security.getProviders()[0].name.toLowerCase().contains("fips"));')) == false
// Do not attempt to form a cluster in a FIPS JVM, as doing so with a JKS keystore will fail.
// TODO Revisit this when SQL CLI client can handle key/certificate instead of only Keystores.
// https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/issues/32306
tasks.matching({ it.name == "integTestCluster#init" }).all { onlyIf notRunningFips }
tasks.matching({ it.name == "integTestCluster#start" }).all { onlyIf notRunningFips }
tasks.matching({ it.name == "integTestCluster#wait" }).all { onlyIf notRunningFips }
tasks.matching({ it.name == "integTestRunner" }).all { onlyIf notRunningFips }
tasks.matching { it.name in ["integTestCluster#init", "integTestCluster#start", "integTestCluster#wait", "integTestRunner"] }.all {
onlyIf {
project.inFipsJvm == false
/** A lazy evaluator to find the san to use for certificate generation. */
class SanEvaluator {
@ -70,45 +70,47 @@ thirdPartyAudit {
// pulled in as external dependency to work on java 9
if (project.runtimeJavaVersion <= JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8) {
thirdPartyAudit.ignoreJarHellWithJDK (
// pulled in as external dependency to work on java 9
rootProject.globalInfo.ready {
if (project.runtimeJavaVersion <= JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8) {
// pulled in as external dependency to work on java 9
test {
@ -116,13 +116,15 @@ for (Version version : bwcVersions.indexCompatible) {
setting 'xpack.security.enabled', 'true'
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.enabled', 'true'
if (project.inFipsJvm) {
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.key', 'testnode.pem'
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.certificate', 'testnode.crt'
keystoreSetting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.secure_key_passphrase', 'testnode'
} else {
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.keystore.path', 'testnode.jks'
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.keystore.password', 'testnode'
rootProject.globalInfo.ready {
if (project.inFipsJvm) {
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.key', 'testnode.pem'
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.certificate', 'testnode.crt'
keystoreSetting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.secure_key_passphrase', 'testnode'
} else {
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.keystore.path', 'testnode.jks'
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.keystore.password', 'testnode'
setting 'xpack.license.self_generated.type', 'trial'
dependsOn copyTestNodeKeyMaterial
@ -160,13 +162,15 @@ for (Version version : bwcVersions.indexCompatible) {
// some tests rely on the translog not being flushed
setting 'indices.memory.shard_inactive_time', '20m'
setting 'xpack.security.enabled', 'true'
if (project.inFipsJvm) {
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.key', 'testnode.pem'
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.certificate', 'testnode.crt'
keystoreSetting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.secure_key_passphrase', 'testnode'
} else {
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.keystore.path', 'testnode.jks'
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.keystore.password', 'testnode'
rootProject.globalInfo.ready {
if (project.inFipsJvm) {
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.key', 'testnode.pem'
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.certificate', 'testnode.crt'
keystoreSetting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.secure_key_passphrase', 'testnode'
} else {
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.keystore.path', 'testnode.jks'
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.keystore.password', 'testnode'
setting 'xpack.license.self_generated.type', 'trial'
dependsOn copyTestNodeKeyMaterial
@ -38,8 +38,10 @@ integTestCluster {
setting 'reindex.ssl.truststore.password', 'password'
// Workaround for JDK-8212885
if (project.ext.runtimeJavaVersion.isJava12Compatible() == false) {
setting 'reindex.ssl.supported_protocols', 'TLSv1.2'
rootProject.globalInfo.ready {
if (project.ext.runtimeJavaVersion.isJava12Compatible() == false) {
setting 'reindex.ssl.supported_protocols', 'TLSv1.2'
extraConfigFile 'roles.yml', 'roles.yml'
@ -123,13 +123,15 @@ for (Version version : bwcVersions.wireCompatible) {
setting 'xpack.security.authc.token.timeout', '60m'
setting 'logger.org.elasticsearch.xpack.security.authc.TokenService', 'trace'
setting 'xpack.security.audit.enabled', 'true'
if (project.inFipsJvm) {
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.key', 'testnode.pem'
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.certificate', 'testnode.crt'
keystoreSetting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.secure_key_passphrase', 'testnode'
} else {
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.keystore.path', 'testnode.jks'
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.keystore.password', 'testnode'
rootProject.globalInfo.ready {
if (project.inFipsJvm) {
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.key', 'testnode.pem'
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.certificate', 'testnode.crt'
keystoreSetting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.secure_key_passphrase', 'testnode'
} else {
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.keystore.path', 'testnode.jks'
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.keystore.password', 'testnode'
dependsOn copyTestNodeKeyMaterial
extraConfigFile 'testnode.jks', new File(outputDir + '/testnode.jks')
@ -190,13 +192,15 @@ for (Version version : bwcVersions.wireCompatible) {
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.enabled', 'true'
setting 'xpack.security.authc.token.timeout', '60m'
setting 'logger.org.elasticsearch.xpack.security.authc.TokenService', 'trace'
if (project.inFipsJvm) {
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.key', 'testnode.pem'
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.certificate', 'testnode.crt'
keystoreSetting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.secure_key_passphrase', 'testnode'
} else {
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.keystore.path', 'testnode.jks'
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.keystore.password', 'testnode'
rootProject.globalInfo.ready {
if (project.inFipsJvm) {
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.key', 'testnode.pem'
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.certificate', 'testnode.crt'
keystoreSetting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.secure_key_passphrase', 'testnode'
} else {
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.keystore.path', 'testnode.jks'
setting 'xpack.security.transport.ssl.keystore.password', 'testnode'
setting 'node.attr.upgraded', 'true'
setting 'xpack.security.authc.token.enabled', 'true'
Reference in New Issue
Block a user