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synced 2025-03-09 14:34:43 +00:00
There was a bug in the geoshape circuit-breaker check where the hash values array was being allocated before its new size was accounted for by the circuit breaker. Fixes #57847.
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ package org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata;
import org.apache.lucene.search.DocIdSetIterator;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.function.LongConsumer;
* Base implementation that throws an {@link IOException} for the
@ -31,6 +32,14 @@ import java.io.IOException;
public abstract class AbstractSortingNumericDocValues extends SortingNumericDocValues {
public AbstractSortingNumericDocValues() {
public AbstractSortingNumericDocValues(LongConsumer circuitBreakerConsumer) {
public int docID() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ import org.apache.lucene.util.ArrayUtil;
import org.apache.lucene.util.InPlaceMergeSorter;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Sorter;
import java.util.function.LongConsumer;
* Base class for building {@link SortedNumericDocValues} instances based on unsorted content.
@ -33,8 +35,13 @@ public abstract class SortingNumericDocValues extends SortedNumericDocValues {
protected long[] values;
protected int valuesCursor;
private final Sorter sorter;
private LongConsumer circuitBreakerConsumer;
protected SortingNumericDocValues() {
this(l -> {});
protected SortingNumericDocValues(LongConsumer circuitBreakerConsumer) {
values = new long[1];
valuesCursor = 0;
sorter = new InPlaceMergeSorter() {
@ -51,6 +58,9 @@ public abstract class SortingNumericDocValues extends SortedNumericDocValues {
return Long.compare(values[i], values[j]);
this.circuitBreakerConsumer = circuitBreakerConsumer;
// account for initial values size of 1
@ -59,8 +69,25 @@ public abstract class SortingNumericDocValues extends SortedNumericDocValues {
protected final void resize(int newSize) {
count = newSize;
values = ArrayUtil.grow(values, count);
valuesCursor = 0;
if (newSize <= values.length) {
// Array is expected to grow so increment the circuit breaker
// to include both the additional bytes used by the grown array
// as well as the overhead of keeping both arrays in memory while
// copying.
long oldValuesSizeInBytes = values.length * Long.BYTES;
int newValuesLength = ArrayUtil.oversize(newSize, Long.BYTES);
circuitBreakerConsumer.accept(newValuesLength * Long.BYTES);
// resize
values = ArrayUtil.growExact(values, newValuesLength);
// account for freeing the old values array
@ -9,17 +9,17 @@ package org.elasticsearch.xpack.spatial.search.aggregations.bucket.geogrid;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.spatial.index.fielddata.MultiGeoShapeValues;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.LongConsumer;
/** Sorted numeric doc values for precision 0 */
class AllCellValues extends ByteTrackingSortingNumericDocValues {
private MultiGeoShapeValues geoValues;
protected AllCellValues(MultiGeoShapeValues geoValues, GeoGridTiler tiler, Consumer<Long> circuitBreakerConsumer) {
protected AllCellValues(MultiGeoShapeValues geoValues, GeoGridTiler tiler, LongConsumer circuitBreakerConsumer) {
this.geoValues = geoValues;
values[0] = tiler.encode(0, 0, 0);
circuitBreakerConsumer.accept((long) Long.BYTES);
@ -8,9 +8,18 @@ package org.elasticsearch.xpack.spatial.search.aggregations.bucket.geogrid;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.AbstractSortingNumericDocValues;
import java.util.function.LongConsumer;
* Wrapper class for GeoGrid to expose the protected values array for testing
abstract class ByteTrackingSortingNumericDocValues extends AbstractSortingNumericDocValues {
public long getValuesBytes() {
ByteTrackingSortingNumericDocValues(LongConsumer circuitBreakerConsumer) {
long getValuesBytes() {
return values.length * Long.BYTES;
@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ import org.elasticsearch.xpack.spatial.index.fielddata.MultiGeoShapeValues;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.spatial.search.aggregations.support.GeoShapeValuesSource;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.spatial.search.aggregations.support.GeoShapeValuesSourceType;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.LongConsumer;
public class GeoShapeCellIdSource extends ValuesSource.Numeric {
private final GeoShapeValuesSource valuesSource;
private final int precision;
private final GeoGridTiler encoder;
private Consumer<Long> circuitBreakerConsumer;
private LongConsumer circuitBreakerConsumer;
public GeoShapeCellIdSource(GeoShapeValuesSource valuesSource, int precision, GeoGridTiler encoder) {
this.valuesSource = valuesSource;
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ public class GeoShapeCellIdSource extends ValuesSource.Numeric {
* accessible from within the values-source. Problem is that this values-source needs to
* be created and passed to the aggregator before we have access to this functionality.
public void setCircuitBreakerConsumer(Consumer<Long> circuitBreakerConsumer) {
public void setCircuitBreakerConsumer(LongConsumer circuitBreakerConsumer) {
this.circuitBreakerConsumer = circuitBreakerConsumer;
@ -9,22 +9,20 @@ package org.elasticsearch.xpack.spatial.search.aggregations.bucket.geogrid;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.spatial.index.fielddata.MultiGeoShapeValues;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.LongConsumer;
/** Sorted numeric doc values for geo shapes */
class GeoShapeCellValues extends ByteTrackingSortingNumericDocValues {
private final MultiGeoShapeValues geoShapeValues;
private final Consumer<Long> circuitBreakerConsumer;
protected int precision;
protected GeoGridTiler tiler;
protected GeoShapeCellValues(MultiGeoShapeValues geoShapeValues, int precision, GeoGridTiler tiler,
Consumer<Long> circuitBreakerConsumer) {
LongConsumer circuitBreakerConsumer) {
this.geoShapeValues = geoShapeValues;
this.precision = precision;
this.tiler = tiler;
this.circuitBreakerConsumer = circuitBreakerConsumer;
circuitBreakerConsumer.accept((long) Long.BYTES);
@ -45,18 +43,13 @@ class GeoShapeCellValues extends ByteTrackingSortingNumericDocValues {
return values;
protected void add(int idx, long value) {
values[idx] = value;
void resizeCell(int newSize) {
void resizeCell(int newSize) {
int oldValuesLength = values.length;
int newValuesLength = values.length;
if (newValuesLength > oldValuesLength) {
long bytesDiff = (newValuesLength - oldValuesLength) * Long.BYTES;
protected void add(int idx, long value) {
values[idx] = value;
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import org.elasticsearch.geo.GeometryTestUtils;
import org.elasticsearch.geometry.Geometry;
import org.elasticsearch.geometry.LinearRing;
import org.elasticsearch.geometry.MultiLine;
import org.elasticsearch.geometry.MultiPoint;
import org.elasticsearch.geometry.MultiPolygon;
import org.elasticsearch.geometry.Point;
import org.elasticsearch.geometry.Polygon;
@ -34,9 +33,11 @@ import org.elasticsearch.xpack.spatial.index.fielddata.MultiGeoShapeValues;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.spatial.index.fielddata.TriangleTreeReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.LongConsumer;
import static org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.geogrid.GeoTileUtils.LATITUDE_MASK;
import static org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.geogrid.GeoTileUtils.NORMALIZED_LATITUDE_MASK;
@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;
public class GeoGridTilerTests extends ESTestCase {
private static final GeoTileGridTiler GEOTILE = new GeoTileGridTiler();
private static final GeoHashGridTiler GEOHASH = new GeoHashGridTiler();
private static final Consumer<Long> NOOP_BREAKER = (l) -> {};
private static final LongConsumer NOOP_BREAKER = (l) -> {};
public void testGeoTile() throws Exception {
double x = randomDouble();
@ -464,33 +465,40 @@ public class GeoGridTilerTests extends ESTestCase {
private void testCircuitBreaker(GeoGridTiler tiler) throws IOException {
MultiPoint multiPoint = GeometryTestUtils.randomMultiPoint(false);
int precision = randomIntBetween(0, 6);
TriangleTreeReader reader = triangleTreeReader(multiPoint, GeoShapeCoordinateEncoder.INSTANCE);
Polygon polygon = GeometryTestUtils.randomPolygon(false);
int precision = randomIntBetween(0, 5);
TriangleTreeReader reader = triangleTreeReader(polygon, GeoShapeCoordinateEncoder.INSTANCE);
MultiGeoShapeValues.GeoShapeValue value = new MultiGeoShapeValues.GeoShapeValue(reader);
final long numBytes;
List<Long> byteChangeHistory = new ArrayList<>();
if (precision == 0) {
AllCellValues values = new AllCellValues(null, tiler, NOOP_BREAKER);
numBytes = values.getValuesBytes();
new AllCellValues(null, tiler, byteChangeHistory::add);
} else {
GeoShapeCellValues values = new GeoShapeCellValues(null, precision, tiler, NOOP_BREAKER);
GeoShapeCellValues values = new GeoShapeCellValues(null, precision, tiler, byteChangeHistory::add);
tiler.setValues(values, value, precision);
numBytes = values.getValuesBytes();
final long maxNumBytes;
final long curNumBytes;
if (byteChangeHistory.size() == 1) {
curNumBytes = maxNumBytes = byteChangeHistory.get(byteChangeHistory.size() - 1);
} else {
long oldNumBytes = -byteChangeHistory.get(byteChangeHistory.size() - 1);
curNumBytes = byteChangeHistory.get(byteChangeHistory.size() - 2);
maxNumBytes = oldNumBytes + curNumBytes;
CircuitBreakerService service = new HierarchyCircuitBreakerService(Settings.EMPTY,
Collections.singletonList(new BreakerSettings("limited", numBytes - 1, 1.0)),
Collections.singletonList(new BreakerSettings("limited", maxNumBytes - 1, 1.0)),
new ClusterSettings(Settings.EMPTY, ClusterSettings.BUILT_IN_CLUSTER_SETTINGS));
CircuitBreaker limitedBreaker = service.getBreaker("limited");
Consumer<Long> circuitBreakerConsumer = (l) -> limitedBreaker.addEstimateBytesAndMaybeBreak(l, "agg");
LongConsumer circuitBreakerConsumer = (l) -> limitedBreaker.addEstimateBytesAndMaybeBreak(l, "agg");
expectThrows(CircuitBreakingException.class, () -> {
GeoShapeCellValues values = new GeoShapeCellValues(null, precision, tiler, circuitBreakerConsumer);
tiler.setValues(values, value, precision);
assertThat(values.getValuesBytes(), equalTo(numBytes));
assertThat(limitedBreaker.getUsed(), equalTo(numBytes));
assertThat(values.getValuesBytes(), equalTo(curNumBytes));
assertThat(limitedBreaker.getUsed(), equalTo(curNumBytes));
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
indices.refresh: {}
- do:
catch: /data for \[<agg \[grid\]>\] would be \[28648\/27.9kb\], which is larger than the limit of \[25600\/25kb\]/
catch: /data for \[<agg \[grid\]>\] would be \[42760\/41.7kb\], which is larger than the limit of \[25600\/25kb\]/
rest_total_hits_as_int: true
index: locations
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
field: location
- do:
catch: /data for \[<agg \[grid\]>\] would be \[28648\/27.9kb\], which is larger than the limit of \[25600\/25kb\]/
catch: /data for \[<agg \[grid\]>\] would be \[42760\/41.7kb\], which is larger than the limit of \[25600\/25kb\]/
rest_total_hits_as_int: true
index: locations
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
indices.refresh: {}
- do:
catch: /data for \[<agg \[grid\]>\] would be \[26344\/25.7kb\], which is larger than the limit of \[25600\/25kb\]/
catch: /data for \[<agg \[grid\]>\] would be \[30160\/29.4kb\], which is larger than the limit of \[25600\/25kb\]/
rest_total_hits_as_int: true
index: locations
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
field: location
- do:
catch: /data for \[<agg \[grid\]>\] would be \[26344\/25.7kb\], which is larger than the limit of \[25600\/25kb\]/
catch: /data for \[<agg \[grid\]>\] would be \[30160\/29.4kb\], which is larger than the limit of \[25600\/25kb\]/
rest_total_hits_as_int: true
index: locations
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