Merge branch 'master' into feature-suggest-refactoring

This commit is contained in:
Christoph Büscher 2016-02-22 11:22:28 -08:00
commit d888b5c267
156 changed files with 904 additions and 639 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
import java.nio.file.Files
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
@ -40,6 +42,15 @@ archivesBaseName = 'build-tools'
Properties props = new Properties()
version = props.getProperty('elasticsearch')
boolean snapshot = "true".equals(System.getProperty("build.snapshot", "true"));
if (snapshot) {
// we update the version property to reflect if we are building a snapshot or a release build
// we write this back out below to load it in the which will be shown in rest main action
// to indicate this being a snapshot build or a release build.
version += "-SNAPSHOT"
props.put("elasticsearch", version);
repositories {
@ -66,9 +77,22 @@ dependencies {
compile 'org.apache.rat:apache-rat:0.11'
File tempPropertiesFile = new File(project.buildDir, "")
task writeVersionProperties {
doLast {
OutputStream stream = Files.newOutputStream(tempPropertiesFile.toPath());
try {, "UTF-8");
} finally {
processResources {
from ''
dependsOn writeVersionProperties
from tempPropertiesFile
extraArchive {

View File

@ -354,11 +354,17 @@ class BuildPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
static void configureJarManifest(Project project) {
project.tasks.withType(Jar) { Jar jarTask ->
jarTask.doFirst {
boolean isSnapshot = VersionProperties.elasticsearch.endsWith("-SNAPSHOT");
String version = VersionProperties.elasticsearch;
if (isSnapshot) {
version = version.substring(0, version.length() - 9)
// this doFirst is added before the info plugin, therefore it will run
// after the doFirst added by the info plugin, and we can override attributes
'X-Compile-Elasticsearch-Version': VersionProperties.elasticsearch,
'X-Compile-Elasticsearch-Version': version,
'X-Compile-Lucene-Version': VersionProperties.lucene,
'X-Compile-Elasticsearch-Snapshot': isSnapshot,
'Build-Java-Version': project.javaVersion)
if (jarTask.manifest.attributes.containsKey('Change') == false) {

View File

@ -1566,13 +1566,6 @@
<suppress files="plugins[/\\]lang-javascript[/\\]src[/\\]test[/\\]java[/\\]org[/\\]elasticsearch[/\\]script[/\\]javascript[/\\]" checks="LineLength" />
<suppress files="plugins[/\\]lang-javascript[/\\]src[/\\]test[/\\]java[/\\]org[/\\]elasticsearch[/\\]script[/\\]javascript[/\\]" checks="LineLength" />
<suppress files="plugins[/\\]lang-javascript[/\\]src[/\\]test[/\\]java[/\\]org[/\\]elasticsearch[/\\]script[/\\]javascript[/\\]" checks="LineLength" />
<suppress files="plugins[/\\]lang-painless[/\\]src[/\\]main[/\\]java[/\\]org[/\\]elasticsearch[/\\]painless[/\\]" checks="LineLength" />
<suppress files="plugins[/\\]lang-painless[/\\]src[/\\]main[/\\]java[/\\]org[/\\]elasticsearch[/\\]painless[/\\]" checks="LineLength" />
<suppress files="plugins[/\\]lang-painless[/\\]src[/\\]test[/\\]java[/\\]org[/\\]elasticsearch[/\\]painless[/\\]" checks="LineLength" />
<suppress files="plugins[/\\]lang-painless[/\\]src[/\\]test[/\\]java[/\\]org[/\\]elasticsearch[/\\]painless[/\\]" checks="LineLength" />
<suppress files="plugins[/\\]lang-painless[/\\]src[/\\]test[/\\]java[/\\]org[/\\]elasticsearch[/\\]painless[/\\]" checks="LineLength" />
<suppress files="plugins[/\\]lang-painless[/\\]src[/\\]test[/\\]java[/\\]org[/\\]elasticsearch[/\\]painless[/\\]" checks="LineLength" />
<suppress files="plugins[/\\]lang-painless[/\\]src[/\\]test[/\\]java[/\\]org[/\\]elasticsearch[/\\]painless[/\\]" checks="LineLength" />
<suppress files="plugins[/\\]lang-python[/\\]src[/\\]main[/\\]java[/\\]org[/\\]elasticsearch[/\\]plugin[/\\]python[/\\]" checks="LineLength" />
<suppress files="plugins[/\\]lang-python[/\\]src[/\\]test[/\\]java[/\\]org[/\\]elasticsearch[/\\]script[/\\]python[/\\]" checks="LineLength" />
<suppress files="plugins[/\\]lang-python[/\\]src[/\\]test[/\\]java[/\\]org[/\\]elasticsearch[/\\]script[/\\]python[/\\]" checks="LineLength" />

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
elasticsearch = 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT
lucene = 5.5.0-snapshot-850c6c2
elasticsearch = 3.0.0
lucene = 5.5.0
# optional dependencies
spatial4j = 0.5

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ public class Build {
static {
final String shortHash;
final String date;
final boolean isSnapshot;
Path path = getElasticsearchCodebase();
if (path.toString().endsWith(".jar")) {
@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ public class Build {
Manifest manifest = jar.getManifest();
shortHash = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue("Change");
date = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue("Build-Date");
isSnapshot = "true".equals(manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue("X-Compile-Elasticsearch-Snapshot"));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
@ -59,6 +61,7 @@ public class Build {
// not running from a jar (unit tests, IDE)
shortHash = "Unknown";
date = "Unknown";
isSnapshot = true;
if (shortHash == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Error finding the build shortHash. " +
@ -69,9 +72,11 @@ public class Build {
"Stopping Elasticsearch now so it doesn't run in subtly broken ways. This is likely a build bug.");
CURRENT = new Build(shortHash, date);
CURRENT = new Build(shortHash, date, isSnapshot);
private final boolean isSnapshot;
* Returns path to elasticsearch codebase path
@ -88,9 +93,10 @@ public class Build {
private String shortHash;
private String date;
Build(String shortHash, String date) {
Build(String shortHash, String date, boolean isSnapshot) {
this.shortHash = shortHash; = date;
this.isSnapshot = isSnapshot;
public String shortHash() {
@ -104,12 +110,18 @@ public class Build {
public static Build readBuild(StreamInput in) throws IOException {
String hash = in.readString();
String date = in.readString();
return new Build(hash, date);
boolean snapshot = in.readBoolean();
return new Build(hash, date, snapshot);
public static void writeBuild(Build build, StreamOutput out) throws IOException {
public boolean isSnapshot() {
return isSnapshot;

View File

@ -43,253 +43,229 @@ public class Version {
public static final org.apache.lucene.util.Version LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION = org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_0_0;
public static final int V_0_18_0_ID = /*00*/180099;
public static final Version V_0_18_0 = new Version(V_0_18_0_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_18_0 = new Version(V_0_18_0_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_18_1_ID = /*00*/180199;
public static final Version V_0_18_1 = new Version(V_0_18_1_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_18_1 = new Version(V_0_18_1_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_18_2_ID = /*00*/180299;
public static final Version V_0_18_2 = new Version(V_0_18_2_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_18_2 = new Version(V_0_18_2_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_18_3_ID = /*00*/180399;
public static final Version V_0_18_3 = new Version(V_0_18_3_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_18_3 = new Version(V_0_18_3_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_18_4_ID = /*00*/180499;
public static final Version V_0_18_4 = new Version(V_0_18_4_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_18_4 = new Version(V_0_18_4_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_18_5_ID = /*00*/180599;
public static final Version V_0_18_5 = new Version(V_0_18_5_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_18_5 = new Version(V_0_18_5_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_18_6_ID = /*00*/180699;
public static final Version V_0_18_6 = new Version(V_0_18_6_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_18_6 = new Version(V_0_18_6_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_18_7_ID = /*00*/180799;
public static final Version V_0_18_7 = new Version(V_0_18_7_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_18_7 = new Version(V_0_18_7_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_18_8_ID = /*00*/180899;
public static final Version V_0_18_8 = new Version(V_0_18_8_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_18_8 = new Version(V_0_18_8_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_19_0_RC1_ID = /*00*/190051;
public static final Version V_0_19_0_RC1 = new Version(V_0_19_0_RC1_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_19_0_RC1 = new Version(V_0_19_0_RC1_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_19_0_RC2_ID = /*00*/190052;
public static final Version V_0_19_0_RC2 = new Version(V_0_19_0_RC2_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_19_0_RC2 = new Version(V_0_19_0_RC2_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_19_0_RC3_ID = /*00*/190053;
public static final Version V_0_19_0_RC3 = new Version(V_0_19_0_RC3_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_19_0_RC3 = new Version(V_0_19_0_RC3_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_19_0_ID = /*00*/190099;
public static final Version V_0_19_0 = new Version(V_0_19_0_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_19_0 = new Version(V_0_19_0_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_19_1_ID = /*00*/190199;
public static final Version V_0_19_1 = new Version(V_0_19_1_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_19_1 = new Version(V_0_19_1_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_19_2_ID = /*00*/190299;
public static final Version V_0_19_2 = new Version(V_0_19_2_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_19_2 = new Version(V_0_19_2_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_19_3_ID = /*00*/190399;
public static final Version V_0_19_3 = new Version(V_0_19_3_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_19_3 = new Version(V_0_19_3_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_19_4_ID = /*00*/190499;
public static final Version V_0_19_4 = new Version(V_0_19_4_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_19_4 = new Version(V_0_19_4_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_19_5_ID = /*00*/190599;
public static final Version V_0_19_5 = new Version(V_0_19_5_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_19_5 = new Version(V_0_19_5_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_19_6_ID = /*00*/190699;
public static final Version V_0_19_6 = new Version(V_0_19_6_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_19_6 = new Version(V_0_19_6_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_19_7_ID = /*00*/190799;
public static final Version V_0_19_7 = new Version(V_0_19_7_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_19_7 = new Version(V_0_19_7_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_19_8_ID = /*00*/190899;
public static final Version V_0_19_8 = new Version(V_0_19_8_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_19_8 = new Version(V_0_19_8_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_19_9_ID = /*00*/190999;
public static final Version V_0_19_9 = new Version(V_0_19_9_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_19_9 = new Version(V_0_19_9_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_19_10_ID = /*00*/191099;
public static final Version V_0_19_10 = new Version(V_0_19_10_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_19_10 = new Version(V_0_19_10_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_19_11_ID = /*00*/191199;
public static final Version V_0_19_11 = new Version(V_0_19_11_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_19_11 = new Version(V_0_19_11_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_19_12_ID = /*00*/191299;
public static final Version V_0_19_12 = new Version(V_0_19_12_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_19_12 = new Version(V_0_19_12_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_19_13_ID = /*00*/191399;
public static final Version V_0_19_13 = new Version(V_0_19_13_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_19_13 = new Version(V_0_19_13_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_20_0_RC1_ID = /*00*/200051;
public static final Version V_0_20_0_RC1 = new Version(V_0_20_0_RC1_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_20_0_RC1 = new Version(V_0_20_0_RC1_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_20_0_ID = /*00*/200099;
public static final Version V_0_20_0 = new Version(V_0_20_0_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_20_0 = new Version(V_0_20_0_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_20_1_ID = /*00*/200199;
public static final Version V_0_20_1 = new Version(V_0_20_1_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_20_1 = new Version(V_0_20_1_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_20_2_ID = /*00*/200299;
public static final Version V_0_20_2 = new Version(V_0_20_2_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_20_2 = new Version(V_0_20_2_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_20_3_ID = /*00*/200399;
public static final Version V_0_20_3 = new Version(V_0_20_3_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_20_3 = new Version(V_0_20_3_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_20_4_ID = /*00*/200499;
public static final Version V_0_20_4 = new Version(V_0_20_4_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_20_4 = new Version(V_0_20_4_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_20_5_ID = /*00*/200599;
public static final Version V_0_20_5 = new Version(V_0_20_5_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_20_5 = new Version(V_0_20_5_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_20_6_ID = /*00*/200699;
public static final Version V_0_20_6 = new Version(V_0_20_6_ID, false, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_20_7_ID = /*00*/200799;
public static final Version V_0_20_7 = new Version(V_0_20_7_ID, true, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final Version V_0_20_6 = new Version(V_0_20_6_ID, LUCENE_3_EMULATION_VERSION);
public static final int V_0_90_0_Beta1_ID = /*00*/900001;
public static final Version V_0_90_0_Beta1 = new Version(V_0_90_0_Beta1_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_1);
public static final Version V_0_90_0_Beta1 = new Version(V_0_90_0_Beta1_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_1);
public static final int V_0_90_0_RC1_ID = /*00*/900051;
public static final Version V_0_90_0_RC1 = new Version(V_0_90_0_RC1_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_1);
public static final Version V_0_90_0_RC1 = new Version(V_0_90_0_RC1_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_1);
public static final int V_0_90_0_RC2_ID = /*00*/900052;
public static final Version V_0_90_0_RC2 = new Version(V_0_90_0_RC2_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_2);
public static final Version V_0_90_0_RC2 = new Version(V_0_90_0_RC2_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_2);
public static final int V_0_90_0_ID = /*00*/900099;
public static final Version V_0_90_0 = new Version(V_0_90_0_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_2);
public static final Version V_0_90_0 = new Version(V_0_90_0_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_2);
public static final int V_0_90_1_ID = /*00*/900199;
public static final Version V_0_90_1 = new Version(V_0_90_1_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_3);
public static final Version V_0_90_1 = new Version(V_0_90_1_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_3);
public static final int V_0_90_2_ID = /*00*/900299;
public static final Version V_0_90_2 = new Version(V_0_90_2_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_3);
public static final Version V_0_90_2 = new Version(V_0_90_2_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_3);
public static final int V_0_90_3_ID = /*00*/900399;
public static final Version V_0_90_3 = new Version(V_0_90_3_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_4);
public static final Version V_0_90_3 = new Version(V_0_90_3_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_4);
public static final int V_0_90_4_ID = /*00*/900499;
public static final Version V_0_90_4 = new Version(V_0_90_4_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_4);
public static final Version V_0_90_4 = new Version(V_0_90_4_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_4);
public static final int V_0_90_5_ID = /*00*/900599;
public static final Version V_0_90_5 = new Version(V_0_90_5_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_4);
public static final Version V_0_90_5 = new Version(V_0_90_5_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_4);
public static final int V_0_90_6_ID = /*00*/900699;
public static final Version V_0_90_6 = new Version(V_0_90_6_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_5);
public static final Version V_0_90_6 = new Version(V_0_90_6_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_5);
public static final int V_0_90_7_ID = /*00*/900799;
public static final Version V_0_90_7 = new Version(V_0_90_7_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_5);
public static final Version V_0_90_7 = new Version(V_0_90_7_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_5);
public static final int V_0_90_8_ID = /*00*/900899;
public static final Version V_0_90_8 = new Version(V_0_90_8_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_6);
public static final Version V_0_90_8 = new Version(V_0_90_8_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_6);
public static final int V_0_90_9_ID = /*00*/900999;
public static final Version V_0_90_9 = new Version(V_0_90_9_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_6);
public static final Version V_0_90_9 = new Version(V_0_90_9_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_6);
public static final int V_0_90_10_ID = /*00*/901099;
public static final Version V_0_90_10 = new Version(V_0_90_10_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_6);
public static final Version V_0_90_10 = new Version(V_0_90_10_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_6);
public static final int V_0_90_11_ID = /*00*/901199;
public static final Version V_0_90_11 = new Version(V_0_90_11_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_6);
public static final Version V_0_90_11 = new Version(V_0_90_11_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_6);
public static final int V_0_90_12_ID = /*00*/901299;
public static final Version V_0_90_12 = new Version(V_0_90_12_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_6);
public static final Version V_0_90_12 = new Version(V_0_90_12_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_6);
public static final int V_0_90_13_ID = /*00*/901399;
public static final Version V_0_90_13 = new Version(V_0_90_13_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_6);
public static final int V_0_90_14_ID = /*00*/901499;
public static final Version V_0_90_14 = new Version(V_0_90_14_ID, true, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_6);
public static final Version V_0_90_13 = new Version(V_0_90_13_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_6);
public static final int V_1_0_0_Beta1_ID = 1000001;
public static final Version V_1_0_0_Beta1 = new Version(V_1_0_0_Beta1_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_5);
public static final Version V_1_0_0_Beta1 = new Version(V_1_0_0_Beta1_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_5);
public static final int V_1_0_0_Beta2_ID = 1000002;
public static final Version V_1_0_0_Beta2 = new Version(V_1_0_0_Beta2_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_6);
public static final Version V_1_0_0_Beta2 = new Version(V_1_0_0_Beta2_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_6);
public static final int V_1_0_0_RC1_ID = 1000051;
public static final Version V_1_0_0_RC1 = new Version(V_1_0_0_RC1_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_6);
public static final Version V_1_0_0_RC1 = new Version(V_1_0_0_RC1_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_6);
public static final int V_1_0_0_RC2_ID = 1000052;
public static final Version V_1_0_0_RC2 = new Version(V_1_0_0_RC2_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_6);
public static final Version V_1_0_0_RC2 = new Version(V_1_0_0_RC2_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_6);
public static final int V_1_0_0_ID = 1000099;
public static final Version V_1_0_0 = new Version(V_1_0_0_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_6);
public static final Version V_1_0_0 = new Version(V_1_0_0_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_6);
public static final int V_1_0_1_ID = 1000199;
public static final Version V_1_0_1 = new Version(V_1_0_1_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_6);
public static final Version V_1_0_1 = new Version(V_1_0_1_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_6);
public static final int V_1_0_2_ID = 1000299;
public static final Version V_1_0_2 = new Version(V_1_0_2_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_6);
public static final Version V_1_0_2 = new Version(V_1_0_2_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_6);
public static final int V_1_0_3_ID = 1000399;
public static final Version V_1_0_3 = new Version(V_1_0_3_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_6);
public static final int V_1_0_4_ID = 1000499;
public static final Version V_1_0_4 = new Version(V_1_0_4_ID, true, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_6);
public static final Version V_1_0_3 = new Version(V_1_0_3_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_6);
public static final int V_1_1_0_ID = 1010099;
public static final Version V_1_1_0 = new Version(V_1_1_0_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_7);
public static final Version V_1_1_0 = new Version(V_1_1_0_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_7);
public static final int V_1_1_1_ID = 1010199;
public static final Version V_1_1_1 = new Version(V_1_1_1_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_7);
public static final Version V_1_1_1 = new Version(V_1_1_1_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_7);
public static final int V_1_1_2_ID = 1010299;
public static final Version V_1_1_2 = new Version(V_1_1_2_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_7);
public static final Version V_1_1_2 = new Version(V_1_1_2_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_7);
public static final int V_1_2_0_ID = 1020099;
public static final Version V_1_2_0 = new Version(V_1_2_0_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_8);
public static final Version V_1_2_0 = new Version(V_1_2_0_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_8);
public static final int V_1_2_1_ID = 1020199;
public static final Version V_1_2_1 = new Version(V_1_2_1_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_8);
public static final Version V_1_2_1 = new Version(V_1_2_1_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_8);
public static final int V_1_2_2_ID = 1020299;
public static final Version V_1_2_2 = new Version(V_1_2_2_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_8);
public static final Version V_1_2_2 = new Version(V_1_2_2_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_8);
public static final int V_1_2_3_ID = 1020399;
public static final Version V_1_2_3 = new Version(V_1_2_3_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_8);
public static final Version V_1_2_3 = new Version(V_1_2_3_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_8);
public static final int V_1_2_4_ID = 1020499;
public static final Version V_1_2_4 = new Version(V_1_2_4_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_8);
public static final int V_1_2_5_ID = 1020599;
public static final Version V_1_2_5 = new Version(V_1_2_5_ID, true, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_8);
public static final Version V_1_2_4 = new Version(V_1_2_4_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_8);
public static final int V_1_3_0_ID = 1030099;
public static final Version V_1_3_0 = new Version(V_1_3_0_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_9);
public static final Version V_1_3_0 = new Version(V_1_3_0_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_9);
public static final int V_1_3_1_ID = 1030199;
public static final Version V_1_3_1 = new Version(V_1_3_1_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_9);
public static final Version V_1_3_1 = new Version(V_1_3_1_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_9);
public static final int V_1_3_2_ID = 1030299;
public static final Version V_1_3_2 = new Version(V_1_3_2_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_9);
public static final Version V_1_3_2 = new Version(V_1_3_2_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_9);
public static final int V_1_3_3_ID = 1030399;
public static final Version V_1_3_3 = new Version(V_1_3_3_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_9);
public static final Version V_1_3_3 = new Version(V_1_3_3_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_9);
public static final int V_1_3_4_ID = 1030499;
public static final Version V_1_3_4 = new Version(V_1_3_4_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_9);
public static final Version V_1_3_4 = new Version(V_1_3_4_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_9);
public static final int V_1_3_5_ID = 1030599;
public static final Version V_1_3_5 = new Version(V_1_3_5_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_9);
public static final Version V_1_3_5 = new Version(V_1_3_5_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_9);
public static final int V_1_3_6_ID = 1030699;
public static final Version V_1_3_6 = new Version(V_1_3_6_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_9);
public static final Version V_1_3_6 = new Version(V_1_3_6_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_9);
public static final int V_1_3_7_ID = 1030799;
public static final Version V_1_3_7 = new Version(V_1_3_7_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_9);
public static final Version V_1_3_7 = new Version(V_1_3_7_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_9);
public static final int V_1_3_8_ID = 1030899;
public static final Version V_1_3_8 = new Version(V_1_3_8_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_9);
public static final Version V_1_3_8 = new Version(V_1_3_8_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_9);
public static final int V_1_3_9_ID = 1030999;
public static final Version V_1_3_9 = new Version(V_1_3_9_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_9);
public static final int V_1_3_10_ID = /*00*/1031099;
public static final Version V_1_3_10 = new Version(V_1_3_10_ID, true, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_9);
public static final Version V_1_3_9 = new Version(V_1_3_9_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_9);
public static final int V_1_4_0_Beta1_ID = 1040001;
public static final Version V_1_4_0_Beta1 = new Version(V_1_4_0_Beta1_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_1);
public static final Version V_1_4_0_Beta1 = new Version(V_1_4_0_Beta1_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_1);
public static final int V_1_4_0_ID = 1040099;
public static final Version V_1_4_0 = new Version(V_1_4_0_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_2);
public static final Version V_1_4_0 = new Version(V_1_4_0_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_2);
public static final int V_1_4_1_ID = 1040199;
public static final Version V_1_4_1 = new Version(V_1_4_1_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_2);
public static final Version V_1_4_1 = new Version(V_1_4_1_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_2);
public static final int V_1_4_2_ID = 1040299;
public static final Version V_1_4_2 = new Version(V_1_4_2_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_2);
public static final Version V_1_4_2 = new Version(V_1_4_2_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_2);
public static final int V_1_4_3_ID = 1040399;
public static final Version V_1_4_3 = new Version(V_1_4_3_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_3);
public static final Version V_1_4_3 = new Version(V_1_4_3_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_3);
public static final int V_1_4_4_ID = 1040499;
public static final Version V_1_4_4 = new Version(V_1_4_4_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_3);
public static final Version V_1_4_4 = new Version(V_1_4_4_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_3);
public static final int V_1_4_5_ID = 1040599;
public static final Version V_1_4_5 = new Version(V_1_4_5_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_4);
public static final int V_1_4_6_ID = 1040699;
public static final Version V_1_4_6 = new Version(V_1_4_6_ID, true, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_4);
public static final Version V_1_4_5 = new Version(V_1_4_5_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_4);
public static final int V_1_5_0_ID = 1050099;
public static final Version V_1_5_0 = new Version(V_1_5_0_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_4);
public static final Version V_1_5_0 = new Version(V_1_5_0_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_4);
public static final int V_1_5_1_ID = 1050199;
public static final Version V_1_5_1 = new Version(V_1_5_1_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_4);
public static final Version V_1_5_1 = new Version(V_1_5_1_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_4);
public static final int V_1_5_2_ID = 1050299;
public static final Version V_1_5_2 = new Version(V_1_5_2_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_4);
public static final int V_1_5_3_ID = 1050399;
public static final Version V_1_5_3 = new Version(V_1_5_3_ID, true, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_4);
public static final Version V_1_5_2 = new Version(V_1_5_2_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_4);
public static final int V_1_6_0_ID = 1060099;
public static final Version V_1_6_0 = new Version(V_1_6_0_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_4);
public static final Version V_1_6_0 = new Version(V_1_6_0_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_4);
public static final int V_1_6_1_ID = 1060199;
public static final Version V_1_6_1 = new Version(V_1_6_1_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_4);
public static final Version V_1_6_1 = new Version(V_1_6_1_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_4);
public static final int V_1_6_2_ID = 1060299;
public static final Version V_1_6_2 = new Version(V_1_6_2_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_4);
public static final int V_1_6_3_ID = 1060399;
public static final Version V_1_6_3 = new Version(V_1_6_3_ID, true, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_4);
public static final Version V_1_6_2 = new Version(V_1_6_2_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_4);
public static final int V_1_7_0_ID = 1070099;
public static final Version V_1_7_0 = new Version(V_1_7_0_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_4);
public static final Version V_1_7_0 = new Version(V_1_7_0_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_4);
public static final int V_1_7_1_ID = 1070199;
public static final Version V_1_7_1 = new Version(V_1_7_1_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_4);
public static final Version V_1_7_1 = new Version(V_1_7_1_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_4);
public static final int V_1_7_2_ID = 1070299;
public static final Version V_1_7_2 = new Version(V_1_7_2_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_4);
public static final Version V_1_7_2 = new Version(V_1_7_2_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_4);
public static final int V_1_7_3_ID = 1070399;
public static final Version V_1_7_3 = new Version(V_1_7_3_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_4);
public static final Version V_1_7_3 = new Version(V_1_7_3_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_4);
public static final int V_1_7_4_ID = 1070499;
public static final Version V_1_7_4 = new Version(V_1_7_4_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_4);
public static final Version V_1_7_4 = new Version(V_1_7_4_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_4);
public static final int V_1_7_5_ID = 1070599;
public static final Version V_1_7_5 = new Version(V_1_7_5_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_4);
public static final int V_1_7_6_ID = 1070699;
public static final Version V_1_7_6 = new Version(V_1_7_6_ID, true, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_4);
public static final Version V_1_7_5 = new Version(V_1_7_5_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_4_10_4);
public static final int V_2_0_0_beta1_ID = 2000001;
public static final Version V_2_0_0_beta1 = new Version(V_2_0_0_beta1_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_5_2_1);
public static final Version V_2_0_0_beta1 = new Version(V_2_0_0_beta1_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_5_2_1);
public static final int V_2_0_0_beta2_ID = 2000002;
public static final Version V_2_0_0_beta2 = new Version(V_2_0_0_beta2_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_5_2_1);
public static final Version V_2_0_0_beta2 = new Version(V_2_0_0_beta2_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_5_2_1);
public static final int V_2_0_0_rc1_ID = 2000051;
public static final Version V_2_0_0_rc1 = new Version(V_2_0_0_rc1_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_5_2_1);
public static final Version V_2_0_0_rc1 = new Version(V_2_0_0_rc1_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_5_2_1);
public static final int V_2_0_0_ID = 2000099;
public static final Version V_2_0_0 = new Version(V_2_0_0_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_5_2_1);
public static final Version V_2_0_0 = new Version(V_2_0_0_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_5_2_1);
public static final int V_2_0_1_ID = 2000199;
public static final Version V_2_0_1 = new Version(V_2_0_1_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_5_2_1);
public static final Version V_2_0_1 = new Version(V_2_0_1_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_5_2_1);
public static final int V_2_0_2_ID = 2000299;
public static final Version V_2_0_2 = new Version(V_2_0_2_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_5_2_1);
public static final int V_2_0_3_ID = 2000399;
public static final Version V_2_0_3 = new Version(V_2_0_3_ID, true, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_5_2_1);
public static final Version V_2_0_2 = new Version(V_2_0_2_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_5_2_1);
public static final int V_2_1_0_ID = 2010099;
public static final Version V_2_1_0 = new Version(V_2_1_0_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_5_3_1);
public static final Version V_2_1_0 = new Version(V_2_1_0_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_5_3_1);
public static final int V_2_1_1_ID = 2010199;
public static final Version V_2_1_1 = new Version(V_2_1_1_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_5_3_1);
public static final Version V_2_1_1 = new Version(V_2_1_1_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_5_3_1);
public static final int V_2_1_2_ID = 2010299;
public static final Version V_2_1_2 = new Version(V_2_1_2_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_5_3_1);
public static final int V_2_1_3_ID = 2010399;
public static final Version V_2_1_3 = new Version(V_2_1_3_ID, true, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_5_3_1);
public static final Version V_2_1_2 = new Version(V_2_1_2_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_5_3_1);
public static final int V_2_2_0_ID = 2020099;
public static final Version V_2_2_0 = new Version(V_2_2_0_ID, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_5_4_1);
public static final int V_2_2_1_ID = 2020199;
public static final Version V_2_2_1 = new Version(V_2_2_1_ID, true, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_5_4_1);
public static final Version V_2_2_0 = new Version(V_2_2_0_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_5_4_1);
public static final int V_2_3_0_ID = 2030099;
public static final Version V_2_3_0 = new Version(V_2_3_0_ID, true, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_5_5_0);
public static final Version V_2_3_0 = new Version(V_2_3_0_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_5_5_0);
public static final int V_3_0_0_ID = 3000099;
public static final Version V_3_0_0 = new Version(V_3_0_0_ID, true, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_5_5_0);
public static final Version V_3_0_0 = new Version(V_3_0_0_ID, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LUCENE_5_5_0);
public static final Version CURRENT = V_3_0_0;
static {
@ -307,20 +283,14 @@ public class Version {
return V_3_0_0;
case V_2_3_0_ID:
return V_2_3_0;
case V_2_2_1_ID:
return V_2_2_1;
case V_2_2_0_ID:
return V_2_2_0;
case V_2_1_3_ID:
return V_2_1_3;
case V_2_1_2_ID:
return V_2_1_2;
case V_2_1_1_ID:
return V_2_1_1;
case V_2_1_0_ID:
return V_2_1_0;
case V_2_0_3_ID:
return V_2_0_3;
case V_2_0_2_ID:
return V_2_0_2;
case V_2_0_1_ID:
@ -333,8 +303,6 @@ public class Version {
return V_2_0_0_beta2;
case V_2_0_0_beta1_ID:
return V_2_0_0_beta1;
case V_1_7_6_ID:
return V_1_7_6;
case V_1_7_5_ID:
return V_1_7_5;
case V_1_7_4_ID:
@ -347,24 +315,18 @@ public class Version {
return V_1_7_1;
case V_1_7_0_ID:
return V_1_7_0;
case V_1_6_3_ID:
return V_1_6_3;
case V_1_6_2_ID:
return V_1_6_2;
case V_1_6_1_ID:
return V_1_6_1;
case V_1_6_0_ID:
return V_1_6_0;
case V_1_5_3_ID:
return V_1_5_3;
case V_1_5_2_ID:
return V_1_5_2;
case V_1_5_1_ID:
return V_1_5_1;
case V_1_5_0_ID:
return V_1_5_0;
case V_1_4_6_ID:
return V_1_4_6;
case V_1_4_5_ID:
return V_1_4_5;
case V_1_4_4_ID:
@ -379,8 +341,6 @@ public class Version {
return V_1_4_0;
case V_1_4_0_Beta1_ID:
return V_1_4_0_Beta1;
case V_1_3_10_ID:
return V_1_3_10;
case V_1_3_9_ID:
return V_1_3_9;
case V_1_3_8_ID:
@ -401,8 +361,6 @@ public class Version {
return V_1_3_1;
case V_1_3_0_ID:
return V_1_3_0;
case V_1_2_5_ID:
return V_1_2_5;
case V_1_2_4_ID:
return V_1_2_4;
case V_1_2_3_ID:
@ -419,8 +377,6 @@ public class Version {
return V_1_1_1;
case V_1_1_0_ID:
return V_1_1_0;
case V_1_0_4_ID:
return V_1_0_4;
case V_1_0_3_ID:
return V_1_0_3;
case V_1_0_2_ID:
@ -437,8 +393,6 @@ public class Version {
return V_1_0_0_Beta2;
case V_1_0_0_Beta1_ID:
return V_1_0_0_Beta1;
case V_0_90_14_ID:
return V_0_90_14;
case V_0_90_13_ID:
return V_0_90_13;
case V_0_90_12_ID:
@ -473,8 +427,6 @@ public class Version {
return V_0_90_0_RC1;
case V_0_90_0_Beta1_ID:
return V_0_90_0_Beta1;
case V_0_20_7_ID:
return V_0_20_7;
case V_0_20_6_ID:
return V_0_20_6;
case V_0_20_5_ID:
@ -544,7 +496,7 @@ public class Version {
case V_0_18_8_ID:
return V_0_18_8;
return new Version(id, false, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LATEST);
return new Version(id, org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LATEST);
@ -579,10 +531,6 @@ public class Version {
if (!Strings.hasLength(version)) {
return Version.CURRENT;
final boolean snapshot;
if (snapshot = version.endsWith("-SNAPSHOT")) {
version = version.substring(0, version.length() - 9);
String[] parts = version.split("\\.|\\-");
if (parts.length < 3 || parts.length > 4) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("the version needs to contain major, minor, and revision, and optionally the build: " + version);
@ -607,11 +555,7 @@ public class Version {
final Version versionFromId = fromId(major + minor + revision + build);
if (snapshot != versionFromId.snapshot()) {
return new Version(, snapshot, versionFromId.luceneVersion);
return versionFromId;
return fromId(major + minor + revision + build);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unable to parse version " + version, e);
@ -623,23 +567,17 @@ public class Version {
public final byte minor;
public final byte revision;
public final byte build;
public final Boolean snapshot;
public final org.apache.lucene.util.Version luceneVersion;
Version(int id, boolean snapshot, org.apache.lucene.util.Version luceneVersion) {
Version(int id, org.apache.lucene.util.Version luceneVersion) { = id;
this.major = (byte) ((id / 1000000) % 100);
this.minor = (byte) ((id / 10000) % 100);
this.revision = (byte) ((id / 100) % 100); = (byte) (id % 100);
this.snapshot = snapshot;
this.luceneVersion = luceneVersion;
public boolean snapshot() {
return snapshot;
public boolean after(Version version) {
return < id;
@ -667,10 +605,13 @@ public class Version {
return Version.smallest(this, fromId(major * 1000000 + 99));
* Just the version number (without -SNAPSHOT if snapshot).
public String number() {
@SuppressForbidden(reason = "System.out.*")
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Version: " + Version.CURRENT + ", Build: " + Build.CURRENT.shortHash() + "/" + + ", JVM: " + JvmInfo.jvmInfo().version());
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (isBeta()) {
@ -691,21 +632,6 @@ public class Version {
return sb.toString();
@SuppressForbidden(reason = "System.out.*")
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Version: " + Version.CURRENT + ", Build: " + Build.CURRENT.shortHash() + "/" + + ", JVM: " + JvmInfo.jvmInfo().version());
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (snapshot()) {
return sb.toString();
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {

View File

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentType;
import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilder;
@ -170,7 +171,7 @@ public class PercolateSourceBuilder extends ToXContentToBytes {
builder.field("track_scores", trackScores);
if (highlightBuilder != null) {
highlightBuilder.toXContent(builder, params);
builder.field(SearchSourceBuilder.HIGHLIGHT_FIELD.getPreferredName(), highlightBuilder);
if (aggregationBuilders != null || pipelineAggregationBuilders != null) {

View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import;
import org.elasticsearch.common.logging.ESLogger;
import org.elasticsearch.common.logging.Loggers;
import org.elasticsearch.common.logging.log4j.LogConfigurator;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Setting;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.elasticsearch.env.Environment;
@ -41,12 +42,17 @@ import org.elasticsearch.monitor.os.OsProbe;
import org.elasticsearch.monitor.process.ProcessProbe;
import org.elasticsearch.node.Node;
import org.elasticsearch.node.internal.InternalSettingsPreparer;
import org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportSettings;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import static org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings.Builder.EMPTY_SETTINGS;
@ -57,7 +63,6 @@ import static org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings.Builder.EMPTY_SETTINGS;
final class Bootstrap {
private static volatile Bootstrap INSTANCE;
private volatile Node node;
private final CountDownLatch keepAliveLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
private final Thread keepAliveThread;
@ -184,12 +189,13 @@ final class Bootstrap {
.put(InternalSettingsPreparer.IGNORE_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_SETTING.getKey(), true)
node = new Node(nodeSettings);
@SuppressForbidden(reason = "Exception#printStackTrace()")
private static void setupLogging(Settings settings, Environment environment) {
private static void setupLogging(Settings settings) {
try {
LogConfigurator.configure(settings, true);
@ -249,18 +255,13 @@ final class Bootstrap {
Environment environment = initialSettings(foreground);
Settings settings = environment.settings();
setupLogging(settings, environment);
if (environment.pidFile() != null) {
PidFile.create(environment.pidFile(), true);
if (System.getProperty("es.max-open-files", "false").equals("true")) {
ESLogger logger = Loggers.getLogger(Bootstrap.class);"max_open_files [{}]", ProcessProbe.getInstance().getMaxFileDescriptorCount());
// warn if running using the client VM
if (JvmInfo.jvmInfo().getVmName().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).contains("client")) {
ESLogger logger = Loggers.getLogger(Bootstrap.class);
@ -362,4 +363,48 @@ final class Bootstrap {
+ Version.CURRENT.luceneVersion + "] but the current lucene version is [" + org.apache.lucene.util.Version.LATEST + "]");
static final Set<Setting> ENFORCE_SETTINGS = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(
private static boolean enforceLimits(Settings settings) {
for (Setting setting : ENFORCE_SETTINGS) {
if (setting.exists(settings)) {
return true;
return false;
static void enforceOrLogLimits(Settings settings) { // pkg private for testing
/* We enforce limits once any network host is configured. In this case we assume the node is running in production
* and all production limit checks must pass. This should be extended as we go to settings like:
* - discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes
* - is set if we use zen disco
* - ensure we can write in all data directories
* - fail if mlockall failed and was configured
* - fail if vm.max_map_count is under a certain limit (not sure if this works cross platform)
* - fail if the default is used, if this is setup on network a real clustername should be used?*/
final boolean enforceLimits = enforceLimits(settings);
final ESLogger logger = Loggers.getLogger(Bootstrap.class);
final long maxFileDescriptorCount = ProcessProbe.getInstance().getMaxFileDescriptorCount();
if (maxFileDescriptorCount != -1) {
final int fileDescriptorCountThreshold = (1 << 16);
if (maxFileDescriptorCount < fileDescriptorCountThreshold) {
if (enforceLimits){
throw new IllegalStateException("max file descriptors [" + maxFileDescriptorCount
+ "] for elasticsearch process likely too low, increase it to at least [" + fileDescriptorCountThreshold +"]");
"max file descriptors [{}] for elasticsearch process likely too low, consider increasing to at least [{}]",
maxFileDescriptorCount, fileDescriptorCountThreshold);

View File

@ -40,9 +40,11 @@ import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Setting.Scope;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.ByteSizeValue;
import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.TimeValue;
import org.elasticsearch.gateway.MetaDataStateFormat;
import org.elasticsearch.index.Index;
import org.elasticsearch.index.IndexSettings;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.ShardId;
import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.ShardPath;
import org.elasticsearch.monitor.fs.FsInfo;
import org.elasticsearch.monitor.fs.FsProbe;
@ -76,7 +78,7 @@ import static java.util.Collections.unmodifiableSet;
* A component that holds all data paths for a single node.
public class NodeEnvironment extends AbstractComponent implements Closeable {
public final class NodeEnvironment extends AbstractComponent implements Closeable {
public static class NodePath {
/* ${data.paths}/nodes/{} */
public final Path path;
@ -167,64 +169,71 @@ public class NodeEnvironment extends AbstractComponent implements Closeable {
localNodeId = -1;
final NodePath[] nodePaths = new NodePath[environment.dataWithClusterFiles().length];
final Lock[] locks = new Lock[nodePaths.length];
sharedDataPath = environment.sharedDataFile();
boolean success = false;
int localNodeId = -1;
IOException lastException = null;
int maxLocalStorageNodes = MAX_LOCAL_STORAGE_NODES_SETTING.get(settings);
for (int possibleLockId = 0; possibleLockId < maxLocalStorageNodes; possibleLockId++) {
for (int dirIndex = 0; dirIndex < environment.dataWithClusterFiles().length; dirIndex++) {
Path dir = environment.dataWithClusterFiles()[dirIndex].resolve(NODES_FOLDER).resolve(Integer.toString(possibleLockId));
try {
sharedDataPath = environment.sharedDataFile();
int localNodeId = -1;
IOException lastException = null;
int maxLocalStorageNodes = MAX_LOCAL_STORAGE_NODES_SETTING.get(settings);
for (int possibleLockId = 0; possibleLockId < maxLocalStorageNodes; possibleLockId++) {
for (int dirIndex = 0; dirIndex < environment.dataWithClusterFiles().length; dirIndex++) {
Path dir = environment.dataWithClusterFiles()[dirIndex].resolve(NODES_FOLDER).resolve(Integer.toString(possibleLockId));
try (Directory luceneDir =, NativeFSLockFactory.INSTANCE)) {
logger.trace("obtaining node lock on {} ...", dir.toAbsolutePath());
try {
locks[dirIndex] = luceneDir.obtainLock(NODE_LOCK_FILENAME);
nodePaths[dirIndex] = new NodePath(dir, environment);
localNodeId = possibleLockId;
} catch (LockObtainFailedException ex) {
logger.trace("failed to obtain node lock on {}", dir.toAbsolutePath());
try (Directory luceneDir =, NativeFSLockFactory.INSTANCE)) {
logger.trace("obtaining node lock on {} ...", dir.toAbsolutePath());
try {
locks[dirIndex] = luceneDir.obtainLock(NODE_LOCK_FILENAME);
nodePaths[dirIndex] = new NodePath(dir, environment);
localNodeId = possibleLockId;
} catch (LockObtainFailedException ex) {
logger.trace("failed to obtain node lock on {}", dir.toAbsolutePath());
// release all the ones that were obtained up until now
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.trace("failed to obtain node lock on {}", e, dir.toAbsolutePath());
lastException = new IOException("failed to obtain lock on " + dir.toAbsolutePath(), e);
// release all the ones that were obtained up until now
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.trace("failed to obtain node lock on {}", e, dir.toAbsolutePath());
lastException = new IOException("failed to obtain lock on " + dir.toAbsolutePath(), e);
// release all the ones that were obtained up until now
if (locks[0] != null) {
// we found a lock, break
if (locks[0] != null) {
// we found a lock, break
if (locks[0] == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to obtain node lock, is the following location writable?: "
+ Arrays.toString(environment.dataWithClusterFiles()), lastException);
this.localNodeId = localNodeId;
this.locks = locks;
this.nodePaths = nodePaths;
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("using node location [{}], local_node_id [{}]", nodePaths, localNodeId);
success = true;
} finally {
if (success == false) {
if (locks[0] == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to obtain node lock, is the following location writable?: "
+ Arrays.toString(environment.dataWithClusterFiles()), lastException);
this.localNodeId = localNodeId;
this.locks = locks;
this.nodePaths = nodePaths;
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("using node location [{}], local_node_id [{}]", nodePaths, localNodeId);
private static void releaseAndNullLocks(Lock[] locks) {
@ -315,19 +324,6 @@ public class NodeEnvironment extends AbstractComponent implements Closeable {"heap size [{}], compressed ordinary object pointers [{}]", maxHeapSize, useCompressedOops);
private void maybeWarnFileDescriptors() {
long maxFileDescriptorCount = ProcessProbe.getInstance().getMaxFileDescriptorCount();
if (maxFileDescriptorCount == -1) {
int fileDescriptorCountThreshold = (1 << 16);
if (maxFileDescriptorCount < fileDescriptorCountThreshold) {
"max file descriptors [{}] for elasticsearch process likely too low, consider increasing to at least [{}]",
@SuppressForbidden(reason = "System.out.*")
static void applySegmentInfosTrace(Settings settings) {
@ -807,7 +803,7 @@ public class NodeEnvironment extends AbstractComponent implements Closeable {
public void close() {
public final void close() {
if (closed.compareAndSet(false, true) && locks != null) {
for (Lock lock : locks) {
try {
@ -923,4 +919,45 @@ public class NodeEnvironment extends AbstractComponent implements Closeable {
return shardPath.getParent().getParent().getParent();
* This is a best effort to ensure that we actually have write permissions to write in all our data directories.
* This prevents disasters if nodes are started under the wrong username etc.
private void assertCanWrite() throws IOException {
for (Path path : nodeDataPaths()) { // check node-paths are writable
for (String index : this.findAllIndices()) {
for (Path path : this.indexPaths(index)) { // check index paths are writable
Path statePath = path.resolve(MetaDataStateFormat.STATE_DIR_NAME);
for (ShardId shardID : this.findAllShardIds(new Index(index, IndexMetaData.INDEX_UUID_NA_VALUE))) {
Path[] paths = this.availableShardPaths(shardID);
for (Path path : paths) { // check shard paths are writable
Path indexDir = path.resolve(ShardPath.INDEX_FOLDER_NAME);
Path statePath = path.resolve(MetaDataStateFormat.STATE_DIR_NAME);
Path translogDir = path.resolve(ShardPath.TRANSLOG_FOLDER_NAME);
private static void tryWriteTempFile(Path path) throws IOException {
if (Files.exists(path)) {
Path resolve = path.resolve(".es_temp_file");
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new IOException("failed to write in data directory [" + path + "] write permission is required", ex);

View File

@ -154,9 +154,6 @@ public class StringFieldMapper extends FieldMapper implements AllFieldMapper.Inc
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't parse [index] value [" + index + "] for field [" + fieldName + "], expected [true], [false], [no], [not_analyzed] or [analyzed]");
parseTextField(builder, fieldName, node, parserContext);
for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Object>> iterator = node.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Map.Entry<String, Object> entry =;
@ -174,6 +171,17 @@ public class StringFieldMapper extends FieldMapper implements AllFieldMapper.Inc
throw new MapperParsingException("positions_increment_gap less than 0 aren't allowed.");
// we need to update to actual analyzers if they are not set in this case...
// so we can inject the position increment gap...
if (builder.fieldType().indexAnalyzer() == null) {
if (builder.fieldType().searchAnalyzer() == null) {
if (builder.fieldType().searchQuoteAnalyzer() == null) {
} else if (propName.equals("ignore_above")) {
builder.ignoreAbove(XContentMapValues.nodeIntegerValue(propNode, -1));

View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import;
@ -261,7 +262,8 @@ public class HasChildQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<HasChildQueryBuil
if (maxChildren == 0) {
maxChildren = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
return new LateParsingQuery(parentDocMapper.typeFilter(), innerQuery, minChildren(), maxChildren, parentType, scoreMode, parentChildIndexFieldData);
return new LateParsingQuery(parentDocMapper.typeFilter(), innerQuery, minChildren(), maxChildren,
parentType, scoreMode, parentChildIndexFieldData, context.getSearchSimilarity());
final static class LateParsingQuery extends Query {
@ -273,8 +275,11 @@ public class HasChildQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<HasChildQueryBuil
private final String parentType;
private final ScoreMode scoreMode;
private final ParentChildIndexFieldData parentChildIndexFieldData;
private final Similarity similarity;
LateParsingQuery(Query toQuery, Query innerQuery, int minChildren, int maxChildren, String parentType, ScoreMode scoreMode, ParentChildIndexFieldData parentChildIndexFieldData) {
LateParsingQuery(Query toQuery, Query innerQuery, int minChildren, int maxChildren,
String parentType, ScoreMode scoreMode, ParentChildIndexFieldData parentChildIndexFieldData,
Similarity similarity) {
this.toQuery = toQuery;
this.innerQuery = innerQuery;
this.minChildren = minChildren;
@ -282,6 +287,7 @@ public class HasChildQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<HasChildQueryBuil
this.parentType = parentType;
this.scoreMode = scoreMode;
this.parentChildIndexFieldData = parentChildIndexFieldData;
this.similarity = similarity;
@ -294,6 +300,7 @@ public class HasChildQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<HasChildQueryBuil
String joinField = ParentFieldMapper.joinField(parentType);
IndexSearcher indexSearcher = new IndexSearcher(reader);
IndexParentChildFieldData indexParentChildFieldData = parentChildIndexFieldData.loadGlobal((DirectoryReader) reader);
MultiDocValues.OrdinalMap ordinalMap = ParentChildIndexFieldData.getOrdinalMap(indexParentChildFieldData, parentType);
return JoinUtil.createJoinQuery(joinField, innerQuery, toQuery, indexSearcher, scoreMode, ordinalMap, minChildren, maxChildren);
@ -348,6 +355,10 @@ public class HasChildQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<HasChildQueryBuil
public Query getInnerQuery() {
return innerQuery;
public Similarity getSimilarity() {
return similarity;

View File

@ -194,7 +194,14 @@ public class HasParentQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<HasParentQueryBu
// wrap the query with type query
innerQuery = Queries.filtered(innerQuery, parentDocMapper.typeFilter());
Query childrenFilter = Queries.not(parentTypeQuery);
return new HasChildQueryBuilder.LateParsingQuery(childrenFilter, innerQuery, HasChildQueryBuilder.DEFAULT_MIN_CHILDREN, HasChildQueryBuilder.DEFAULT_MAX_CHILDREN, type, score ? ScoreMode.Max : ScoreMode.None, parentChildIndexFieldData);
return new HasChildQueryBuilder.LateParsingQuery(childrenFilter,
score ? ScoreMode.Max : ScoreMode.None,

View File

@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ public class RestNodesAction extends AbstractCatAction {
table.addCell(info == null ? null : info.getBuild().shortHash());
table.addCell(jvmInfo == null ? null : jvmInfo.version());
table.addCell(fsInfo == null ? null : fsInfo.getTotal().getAvailable());

View File

@ -81,10 +81,10 @@ public class RestMainAction extends BaseRestHandler {
builder.field("name", Node.NODE_NAME_SETTING.get(settings));
builder.field("cluster_name", clusterName.value());
.field("number", version.number())
.field("number", version.toString())
.field("build_hash", Build.CURRENT.shortHash())
.field("build_snapshot", version.snapshot)
.field("build_snapshot", Build.CURRENT.isSnapshot())
.field("lucene_version", version.luceneVersion.toString())
builder.field("tagline", "You Know, for Search");

View File

@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentType;
import org.elasticsearch.script.Script;
@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ public class TopHitsAggregatorBuilder extends AggregatorBuilder<TopHitsAggregato
builder.field(SearchSourceBuilder.TRACK_SCORES_FIELD.getPreferredName(), true);
if (highlightBuilder != null) {
this.highlightBuilder.toXContent(builder, params);
builder.field(SearchSourceBuilder.HIGHLIGHT_FIELD.getPreferredName(), highlightBuilder);
return builder;

View File

@ -1038,7 +1038,7 @@ public final class SearchSourceBuilder extends ToXContentToBytes implements Writ
if (highlightBuilder != null) {
this.highlightBuilder.toXContent(builder, params);
builder.field(HIGHLIGHT_FIELD.getPreferredName(), highlightBuilder);
if (innerHitsBuilder != null) {

View File

@ -58,8 +58,6 @@ public class HighlightBuilder extends AbstractHighlighterBuilder<HighlightBuilde
public static final HighlightBuilder PROTOTYPE = new HighlightBuilder();
public static final String HIGHLIGHT_ELEMENT_NAME = "highlight";
/** default for whether to highlight fields based on the source even if stored separately */
public static final boolean DEFAULT_FORCE_SOURCE = false;
/** default for whether a field should be highlighted only if a query matches that field */
@ -226,7 +224,7 @@ public class HighlightBuilder extends AbstractHighlighterBuilder<HighlightBuilde
public XContentBuilder toXContent(XContentBuilder builder, Params params) throws IOException {
return builder;

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ grant codeBase "${codebase.securesm-1.0.jar}" {
//// Very special jar permissions:
//// These are dangerous permissions that we don't want to grant to everything.
grant codeBase "${codebase.lucene-core-5.5.0-snapshot-850c6c2.jar}" {
grant codeBase "${codebase.lucene-core-5.5.0.jar}" {
// needed to allow MMapDirectory's "unmap hack" (die unmap hack, die)
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessClassInPackage.sun.misc";
permission java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission "suppressAccessChecks";

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ grant codeBase "${codebase.securemock-1.2.jar}" {
permission java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission "suppressAccessChecks";
grant codeBase "${codebase.lucene-test-framework-5.5.0-snapshot-850c6c2.jar}" {
grant codeBase "${codebase.lucene-test-framework-5.5.0.jar}" {
// needed by RamUsageTester
permission java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission "suppressAccessChecks";

View File

@ -41,15 +41,6 @@ import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.sameInstance;
public class VersionTests extends ESTestCase {
public void testMavenVersion() {
// maven sets this property to ensure that the latest version
// we use here is the version that is actually set to the project.version
// in maven
String property = System.getProperty("tests.version", null);
assumeTrue("tests.version is set", property != null);
assertEquals(property, Version.CURRENT.toString());
public void testVersionComparison() throws Exception {
assertThat(V_0_20_0.before(V_0_90_0), is(true));
assertThat(V_0_20_0.before(V_0_20_0), is(false));
@ -93,12 +84,7 @@ public class VersionTests extends ESTestCase {
final int iters = scaledRandomIntBetween(100, 1000);
for (int i = 0; i < iters; i++) {
Version version = randomVersion(random());
if (version.snapshot()) { // number doesn't include SNAPSHOT but the parser checks for that
assertEquals(Version.fromString(version.number()), version);
} else {
assertThat(Version.fromString(version.number()), sameInstance(version));
assertThat(Version.fromString(version.toString()), sameInstance(version));
@ -155,9 +141,9 @@ public class VersionTests extends ESTestCase {
public void testToString() {
// with 2.0.beta we lowercase
assertEquals("2.0.0-beta1", Version.V_2_0_0_beta1.number());
assertEquals("1.4.0.Beta1", Version.V_1_4_0_Beta1.number());
assertEquals("1.4.0", Version.V_1_4_0.number());
assertEquals("2.0.0-beta1", Version.V_2_0_0_beta1.toString());
assertEquals("1.4.0.Beta1", Version.V_1_4_0_Beta1.toString());
assertEquals("1.4.0", Version.V_1_4_0.toString());
public void testIsBeta() {
@ -170,12 +156,11 @@ public class VersionTests extends ESTestCase {
final int iters = scaledRandomIntBetween(100, 1000);
for (int i = 0; i < iters; i++) {
Version version = randomVersion(random());
if (version.snapshot() == false && random().nextBoolean()) {
version = new Version(, true, version.luceneVersion);
if (random().nextBoolean()) {
version = new Version(, version.luceneVersion);
Version parsedVersion = Version.fromString(version.toString());
assertEquals(version, parsedVersion);
assertEquals(version.snapshot(), parsedVersion.snapshot());
@ -207,7 +192,7 @@ public class VersionTests extends ESTestCase {
assertEquals("Version id " + field.getName() + " does not point to " + constantName, v, Version.fromId(versionId));
assertEquals("Version " + constantName + " does not have correct id", versionId,;
if (v.major >= 2) {
String number = v.number();
String number = v.toString();
if (v.isBeta()) {
number = number.replace("-beta", "_beta");
} else if (v.isRC()) {
@ -215,7 +200,7 @@ public class VersionTests extends ESTestCase {
assertEquals("V_" + number.replace('.', '_'), constantName);
} else {
assertEquals("V_" + v.number().replace('.', '_'), constantName);
assertEquals("V_" + v.toString().replace('.', '_'), constantName);
// only the latest version for a branch should be a snapshot (ie unreleased)
@ -225,7 +210,7 @@ public class VersionTests extends ESTestCase {
maxBranchVersions.put(branchName, v);
} else if (v.after(maxBranchVersion)) {
assertFalse("Version " + maxBranchVersion + " cannot be a snapshot because version " + v + " exists", maxBranchVersion.snapshot());
assertFalse("Version " + maxBranchVersion + " cannot be a snapshot because version " + v + " exists", VersionUtils.isSnapshot(maxBranchVersion));
maxBranchVersions.put(branchName, v);

View File

@ -19,7 +19,10 @@
package org.elasticsearch.bootstrap;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Setting;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.elasticsearch.monitor.os.OsProbe;
import org.elasticsearch.monitor.process.ProcessProbe;
import org.elasticsearch.test.ESTestCase;
public class BootstrapSettingsTests extends ESTestCase {
@ -31,4 +34,21 @@ public class BootstrapSettingsTests extends ESTestCase {
public void testEnforceMaxFileDescriptorLimits() {
// nothing should happen since we are in OOB mode
Settings build = Settings.builder().put(randomFrom(Bootstrap.ENFORCE_SETTINGS.toArray(new Setting[0])).getKey(),
long maxFileDescriptorCount = ProcessProbe.getInstance().getMaxFileDescriptorCount();
try {
if (maxFileDescriptorCount != -1 && maxFileDescriptorCount < (1 << 16)) {
fail("must have enforced limits: " + maxFileDescriptorCount);
} catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
assertTrue(ex.getMessage(), ex.getMessage().startsWith("max file descriptors"));

View File

@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ public class OldIndexBackwardsCompatibilityIT extends ESIntegTestCase {
public void testAllVersionsTested() throws Exception {
SortedSet<String> expectedVersions = new TreeSet<>();
for (Version v : VersionUtils.allVersions()) {
if (v.snapshot()) continue; // snapshots are unreleased, so there is no backcompat yet
if (VersionUtils.isSnapshot(v)) continue; // snapshots are unreleased, so there is no backcompat yet
if (v.onOrBefore(Version.V_2_0_0_beta1)) continue; // we can only test back one major lucene version
if (v.equals(Version.CURRENT)) continue; // the current version is always compatible with itself
expectedVersions.add("index-" + v.toString() + ".zip");

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@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import org.elasticsearch.snapshots.SnapshotInfo;
import org.elasticsearch.snapshots.SnapshotRestoreException;
import org.elasticsearch.test.ESIntegTestCase.ClusterScope;
import org.elasticsearch.test.ESIntegTestCase.Scope;
import org.elasticsearch.test.VersionUtils;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ public class RestoreBackwardsCompatIT extends AbstractSnapshotIntegTestCase {
for (java.lang.reflect.Field field : Version.class.getFields()) {
if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()) && field.getType() == Version.class) {
Version v = (Version) field.get(Version.class);
if (v.snapshot()) continue;
if (VersionUtils.isSnapshot(v)) continue;
if (v.onOrBefore(Version.V_2_0_0_beta1)) continue;
if (v.equals(Version.CURRENT)) continue;

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@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ import;
import org.elasticsearch.snapshots.SnapshotState;
import org.elasticsearch.test.ESIntegTestCase;
import org.elasticsearch.test.InternalTestCluster;
import org.elasticsearch.test.junit.annotations.TestLogging;
import org.elasticsearch.test.transport.MockTransportService;
import org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportException;
import org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportRequest;
@ -172,6 +173,7 @@ public class IndexWithShadowReplicasIT extends ESIntegTestCase {
public void testIndexWithFewDocuments() throws Exception {
final Path dataPath = createTempDir();
Settings nodeSettings = nodeSettings(dataPath);

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@ -28,17 +28,22 @@ import;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchParseException;
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.mapping.put.PutMappingRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.common.ParsingException;
import org.elasticsearch.common.compress.CompressedXContent;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.IndexFieldDataService;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MapperService;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.Uid;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.internal.TypeFieldMapper;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.internal.UidFieldMapper;
import org.elasticsearch.index.similarity.SimilarityService;
import org.elasticsearch.script.Script.ScriptParseException;
@ -48,6 +53,7 @@ import org.elasticsearch.test.TestSearchContext;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.equalTo;
@ -58,8 +64,11 @@ public class HasChildQueryBuilderTests extends AbstractQueryTestCase<HasChildQue
protected static final String PARENT_TYPE = "parent";
protected static final String CHILD_TYPE = "child";
private static String similarity;
public static void before() throws Exception {
similarity = randomFrom("classic", "BM25");
MapperService mapperService = queryShardContext().getMapperService();
mapperService.merge(PARENT_TYPE, new CompressedXContent(PutMappingRequest.buildFromSimplifiedDef(PARENT_TYPE,
STRING_FIELD_NAME, "type=text",
@ -72,6 +81,7 @@ public class HasChildQueryBuilderTests extends AbstractQueryTestCase<HasChildQue
mapperService.merge(CHILD_TYPE, new CompressedXContent(PutMappingRequest.buildFromSimplifiedDef(CHILD_TYPE,
"_parent", "type=" + PARENT_TYPE,
STRING_FIELD_NAME, "type=text",
"custom_string", "type=text,similarity=" + similarity,
INT_FIELD_NAME, "type=integer",
DOUBLE_FIELD_NAME, "type=double",
BOOLEAN_FIELD_NAME, "type=boolean",
@ -300,4 +310,12 @@ public class HasChildQueryBuilderTests extends AbstractQueryTestCase<HasChildQue
public void testNonDefaultSimilarity() throws Exception {
QueryShardContext shardContext = createShardContext();
HasChildQueryBuilder hasChildQueryBuilder = new HasChildQueryBuilder(CHILD_TYPE, new TermQueryBuilder("custom_string", "value"));
HasChildQueryBuilder.LateParsingQuery query = (HasChildQueryBuilder.LateParsingQuery) hasChildQueryBuilder.toQuery(shardContext);
Similarity expected = SimilarityService.BUILT_IN.get(similarity).apply(similarity, Settings.EMPTY).get();
assertThat(((PerFieldSimilarityWrapper) query.getSimilarity()).get("custom_string"), instanceOf(expected.getClass()));

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@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ import org.hamcrest.Matchers;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;

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@ -142,9 +142,7 @@ public class HighlightBuilderTests extends ESTestCase {
if (randomBoolean()) {
highlightBuilder.toXContent(builder, ToXContent.EMPTY_PARAMS);
XContentParser parser = XContentHelper.createParser(builder.bytes());

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@ -48,6 +48,16 @@ discovery:
The following gce settings (prefixed with `cloud.gce`) are supported:
Your Google project id (mandatory).
helps to retrieve instances running in a given zone (mandatory). It should be one of the[GCE supported zones].
See also <<discovery-gce-usage-zones>>.
If set to `true`, client will use
@ -56,8 +66,14 @@ The following gce settings (prefixed with `cloud.gce`) are supported:
The maximum elapsed time in milliseconds after the client instantiating retry. If the time elapsed goes past the
`max_wait`, client stops to retry. Defaults to 15 minutes (900000 milliseconds).
The maximum elapsed time after the client instantiating retry. If the time elapsed goes past the
`max_wait`, client stops to retry. A negative value means that it will wait indefinitely. Defaults to `0s` (retry
How long the list of hosts is cached to prevent further requests to the GCE API. `0s` disables caching.
A negative value will cause infinite caching. Defaults to `0s`.

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ You can also limit the amount of shards a node can have regardless of the index:
Thess setting impose a hard limit which can result in some shards not being
These settings impose a hard limit which can result in some shards not being
Use with caution.

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@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/my_index' -d '
"number_of_replicas" : 4,
"data_path": "/opt/data/my_index",
"shadow_replicas": true
@ -63,6 +63,9 @@ ensure that the Elasticsearch process has the correct permissions to read from
and write to the directory used in the `index.data_path` setting.
The `data_path` does not have to contain the index name, in this case,
"my_index" was used but it could easily also have been "/opt/data/"
An index that has been created with the `index.shadow_replicas` setting set to
"true" will not replicate document operations to any of the replica shards,
instead, it will only continually refresh. Once segments are available on the

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@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ achieve the same result:
script.inline: on
script.indexed: on
script.inline: true
script.indexed: true
==== Units required for time and byte-sized settings

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@ -303,6 +303,14 @@ The 'default' similarity has been renamed to 'classic'.
`indices.memory.min_shard_index_buffer_size` and `indices.memory.max_shard_index_buffer_size` are removed since Elasticsearch now allows any one shard to any
amount of heap as long as the total indexing buffer heap used across all shards is below the node's `indices.memory.index_buffer_size` (default: 10% of the JVM heap)
==== Removed es.max-open-files
Setting the system property es.max-open-files to true to get
Elasticsearch to print the number of maximum open files for the
Elasticsearch process has been removed. This same information can be
obtained from the <<cluster-nodes-info>> API, and a warning is logged
on startup if it is set too low.
=== Mapping changes

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@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ The verification process can also be executed manually by running the following
POST /_snapshot/my_backup/_verify
POST /_snapshot/s3_repository/_verify

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@ -35,11 +35,7 @@ Make sure to increase the number of open files descriptors on the
machine (or for the user running elasticsearch). Setting it to 32k or
even 64k is recommended.
In order to test how many open files the process can open, start it with
`-Des.max-open-files` set to `true`. This will print the number of open
files the process can open on startup.
Alternatively, you can retrieve the `max_file_descriptors` for each node
You can retrieve the `max_file_descriptors` for each node
using the <<cluster-nodes-info>> API, with:

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@ -55,29 +55,6 @@ If you encounter an issue,
We are committed to tracking down and fixing all the issues that are posted.
=== Use two phase commit for Cluster State publishing (STATUS: ONGOING, v3.0.0)
A master node in Elasticsearch continuously[monitors the cluster nodes]
and removes any node from the cluster that doesn't respond to its pings in a timely
fashion. If the master is left with fewer nodes than the `discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes`
settings, it will step down and a new master election will start.
When a network partition causes a master node to lose many followers, there is a short window
in time until the node loss is detected and the master steps down. During that window, the
master may erroneously accept and acknowledge cluster state changes. To avoid this, we introduce
a new phase to cluster state publishing where the proposed cluster state is sent to all nodes
but is not yet committed. Only once enough nodes (`discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes`) actively acknowledge
the change, it is committed and commit messages are sent to the nodes. See {GIT}13062[#13062].
=== Make index creation more user friendly (STATUS: ONGOING)
Today, Elasticsearch returns as soon as a create-index request has been processed,
but before the shards are allocated. Users should wait for a `green` cluster health
before continuing, but we can make this easier for users by waiting for a quorum
of shards to be allocated before returning. See {GIT}9126[#9126]
=== Better request retry mechanism when nodes are disconnected (STATUS: ONGOING)
@ -113,15 +90,37 @@ space. The following issues have been identified:
* Set a hard limit on `from`/`size` parameters {GIT}9311[#9311]. (STATUS: DONE, v2.1.0)
* Prevent combinatorial explosion in aggregations from causing OOM {GIT}8081[#8081]. (STATUS: ONGOING)
* Add the byte size of each hit to the request circuit breaker {GIT}9310[#9310]. (STATUS: ONGOING)
* Limit the size of individual requests and also add a circuit breaker for the total memory used by in-flight request objects {GIT}16011[#16011]. (STATUS: ONGOING)
Other safeguards are tracked in the meta-issue {GIT}11511[#11511].
=== Loss of documents during network partition (STATUS: ONGOING)
If a network partition separates a node from the master, there is some window of time before the node detects it. The length of the window is dependent on the type of the partition. This window is extremely small if a socket is broken. More adversarial partitions, for example, silently dropping requests without breaking the socket can take longer (up to 3x30s using current defaults).
If the node hosts a primary shard at the moment of partition, and ends up being isolated from the cluster (which could have resulted in {GIT}2488[split-brain] before), some documents that are being indexed into the primary may be lost if they fail to reach one of the allocated replicas (due to the partition) and that replica is later promoted to primary by the master. {GIT}7572[#7572]
If the node hosts a primary shard at the moment of partition, and ends up being isolated from the cluster (which could have resulted in {GIT}2488[split-brain] before), some documents that are being indexed into the primary may be lost if they fail to reach one of the allocated replicas (due to the partition) and that replica is later promoted to primary by the master ({GIT}7572[#7572]).
To prevent this situation, the primary needs to wait for the master to acknowledge replica shard failures before acknowledging the write to the client. {GIT}14252[#14252]
A test to replicate this condition was added in {GIT}7493[#7493].
=== Safe primary relocations (STATUS: ONGOING)
When primary relocation completes, a cluster state is propagated that deactivates the old primary and marks the new primary as active. As
cluster state changes are not applied synchronously on all nodes, there can be a time interval where the relocation target has processed the
cluster state and believes to be the active primary and the relocation source has not yet processed the cluster state update and still
believes itself to be the active primary. This means that an index request that gets routed to the new primary does not get replicated to
the old primary (as it has been deactivated from point of view of the new primary). If a subsequent read request gets routed to the old
primary, it cannot see the indexed document. {GIT}15900[#15900]
In the reverse situation where a cluster state update that completes primary relocation is first applied on the relocation source and then
on the relocation target, each of the nodes believes the other to be the active primary. This leads to the issue of indexing requests
chasing the primary being quickly sent back and forth between the nodes, potentially making them both go OOM. {GIT}12573[#12573]
=== Relocating shards omitted by reporting infrastructure (STATUS: ONGOING)
Indices stats and indices segments requests reach out to all nodes that have shards of that index. Shards that have relocated from a node
while the stats request arrives will make that part of the request fail and are just ignored in the overall stats result. {GIT}13719[#13719]
=== Jepsen Test Failures (STATUS: ONGOING)
@ -134,12 +133,42 @@ We have increased our test coverage to include scenarios tested by Jepsen. We ma
This status page is a start, but we can do a better job of explicitly documenting the processes at work in Elasticsearch, and what happens in the case of each type of failure. The plan is to have a test case that validates each behavior under simulated conditions. Every test will document the expected results, the associated test code and an explicit PASS or FAIL status for each simulated case.
=== Do not allow stale shards to automatically be promoted to primary (STATUS: ONGOING)
=== Do not allow stale shards to automatically be promoted to primary (STATUS: ONGOING, v3.0.0)
In some scenarios, after the loss of all valid copies, a stale replica shard can be assigned as a primary. This can lead to
a loss of acknowledged writes if the valid copies are not lost but are rather temporarily isolated. Work is underway
({GIT}14671[#14671]) to prevent the automatic promotion of a stale primary and only allow such promotion to occur when
a system operator manually intervenes.
In some scenarios, after the loss of all valid copies, a stale replica shard can be automatically assigned as a primary, preferring old data
to no data at all ({GIT}14671[#14671]). This can lead to a loss of acknowledged writes if the valid copies are not lost but are rather
temporarily unavailable. Allocation IDs ({GIT}14739[#14739]) solve this issue by tracking non-stale shard copies in the cluster and using
this tracking information to allocate primary shards. When all shard copies are lost or only stale ones available, Elasticsearch will wait
for one of the good shard copies to reappear. In case where all good copies are lost, a manual override command can be used to allocate a
stale shard copy.
=== Make index creation resilient to index closing and full cluster crashes (STATUS: ONGOING, v3.0.0)
Recovering an index requires a quorum (with an exception for 2) of shard copies to be available to allocate a primary. This means that
a primary cannot be assigned if the cluster dies before enough shards have been allocated ({GIT}9126[#9126]). The same happens if an index
is closed before enough shard copies were started, making it impossible to reopen the index ({GIT}15281[#15281]).
Allocation IDs ({GIT}14739[#14739]) solve this issue by tracking allocated shard copies in the cluster. This makes it possible to safely
recover an index in the presence of a single shard copy. Allocation IDs can also distinguish the situation where an index has been created
but none of the shards have been started. If such an index was inadvertently closed before at least one shard could be started, a fresh
shard will be allocated upon reopening the index.
== Unreleased
=== Use two phase commit for Cluster State publishing (STATUS: UNRELEASED, v3.0.0)
A master node in Elasticsearch continuously[monitors the cluster nodes]
and removes any node from the cluster that doesn't respond to its pings in a timely
fashion. If the master is left with fewer nodes than the `discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes`
settings, it will step down and a new master election will start.
When a network partition causes a master node to lose many followers, there is a short window
in time until the node loss is detected and the master steps down. During that window, the
master may erroneously accept and acknowledge cluster state changes. To avoid this, we introduce
a new phase to cluster state publishing where the proposed cluster state is sent to all nodes
but is not yet committed. Only once enough nodes (`discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes`) actively acknowledge
the change, it is committed and commit messages are sent to the nodes. See {GIT}13062[#13062].
== Completed

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -956,7 +956,8 @@ class Definition {
addConstructor("ArrayList<Object>", "new", new Type[] {}, null);
addMethod("List<String>", "set", null, false, objectType, new Type[] {intType, objectType}, stringType, new Type[] {intType, stringType});
addMethod("List<String>", "set", null, false, objectType, new Type[] {intType, objectType}, stringType,
new Type[] {intType, stringType});
addMethod("List<String>", "get", null, false, objectType, new Type[] {intType}, stringType, null);
addMethod("List<String>", "remove", null, false, objectType, new Type[] {intType}, stringType, null);
@ -992,7 +993,8 @@ class Definition {
addConstructor("HashMap<Object,Object>", "new", new Type[] {}, null);
addMethod("Map<String,def>", "put", null, false, objectType, new Type[] {objectType, objectType}, defType, new Type[] {stringType, defType});
addMethod("Map<String,def>", "put", null, false, objectType, new Type[] {objectType, objectType}, defType,
new Type[] {stringType, defType});
addMethod("Map<String,def>", "get", null, false, objectType, new Type[] {objectType}, defType, new Type[] {stringType});
addMethod("Map<String,def>", "remove", null, false, objectType, new Type[] {objectType}, defType, new Type[] {stringType});
addMethod("Map<String,def>", "isEmpty", null, false, booleanType, new Type[] {}, null, null);
@ -1004,7 +1006,8 @@ class Definition {
addConstructor("HashMap<String,def>", "new", new Type[] {}, null);
addMethod("Map<String,Object>", "put", null, false, objectType, new Type[] {objectType, objectType}, null, new Type[] {stringType, objectType});
addMethod("Map<String,Object>", "put", null, false, objectType, new Type[] {objectType, objectType}, null,
new Type[] {stringType, objectType});
addMethod("Map<String,Object>", "get", null, false, objectType, new Type[] {objectType}, null, new Type[] {stringType});
addMethod("Map<String,Object>", "remove", null, false, objectType, new Type[] {objectType}, null, new Type[] {stringType});
addMethod("Map<String,Object>", "isEmpty", null, false, booleanType, new Type[] {}, null, null);

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@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ public final class PainlessPlugin extends Plugin {
public void onModule(final ScriptModule module) {
module.addScriptEngine(new ScriptEngineRegistry.ScriptEngineRegistration(PainlessScriptEngineService.class, PainlessScriptEngineService.TYPES));
module.addScriptEngine(new ScriptEngineRegistry.ScriptEngineRegistration(
PainlessScriptEngineService.class, PainlessScriptEngineService.TYPES));

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