mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 14:34:43 +00:00
Aggs: Refactor aggregations to use lucene5-style collectors.
Aggregators now return a new collector instance per segment, like Lucene 5 does with its oal.search.Collector API. This is important for us because things like knowing whether the field is single or multi-valued is only known at a segment level. In order to do that I had to change aggregators to notify their sub aggregators of new incoming segments (pretty much in the spirit of #6477) while everything used to be centralized in the AggregationContext class. While this might slow down a bit deeply nested aggregation trees, this also makes the children aggregation and the `breadth_first` collection mode much better options since they can now only replay what they need while they used to have to replay the whole aggregation tree. I also took advantage of this big refactoring to remove some abstractions that were not really required like ValuesSource.MetaData or BucketAnalysisCollector. I also splitted Aggregator into Aggregator and AggregatorBase in order to separate the Aggregator API from implementation helpers. Close #9544
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,9 +23,13 @@ import org.apache.lucene.util.Bits;
import org.apache.lucene.util.SloppyMath;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException;
import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.DistanceUnit;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.*;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.FieldData;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.GeoPointValues;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.MultiGeoPointValues;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.NumericDoubleValues;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.SortedNumericDoubleValues;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.SortingNumericDoubleValues;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
@ -398,8 +402,7 @@ public enum GeoDistance {
public void setDocument(int doc) {
count = geoPointValues.count() * distances.length;
resize(geoPointValues.count() * distances.length);
int valueCounter = 0;
for (FixedSourceDistance distance : distances) {
for (int i = 0; i < geoPointValues.count(); ++i) {
@ -24,8 +24,31 @@ import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.codecs.CodecUtil;
import org.apache.lucene.codecs.DocValuesFormat;
import org.apache.lucene.codecs.PostingsFormat;
import org.apache.lucene.index.*;
import org.apache.lucene.search.*;
import org.apache.lucene.index.CorruptIndexException;
import org.apache.lucene.index.DirectoryReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexCommit;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexFormatTooNewException;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexFormatTooOldException;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentInfos;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Collector;
import org.apache.lucene.search.ComplexExplanation;
import org.apache.lucene.search.ConstantScoreQuery;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Explanation;
import org.apache.lucene.search.FieldDoc;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Filter;
import org.apache.lucene.search.IndexSearcher;
import org.apache.lucene.search.LeafCollector;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Query;
import org.apache.lucene.search.ScoreDoc;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Scorer;
import org.apache.lucene.search.SimpleCollector;
import org.apache.lucene.search.SortField;
import org.apache.lucene.search.TimeLimitingCollector;
import org.apache.lucene.search.TopDocs;
import org.apache.lucene.search.TopFieldDocs;
import org.apache.lucene.search.TotalHitCountCollector;
import org.apache.lucene.store.Directory;
import org.apache.lucene.store.IOContext;
import org.apache.lucene.store.IndexInput;
@ -34,6 +57,7 @@ import org.apache.lucene.util.Counter;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Version;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchIllegalStateException;
import org.elasticsearch.ExceptionsHelper;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Nullable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Strings;
@ -579,4 +603,37 @@ public class Lucene {
return defaultValue;
* Return a Scorer that throws an ElasticsearchIllegalStateException
* on all operations with the given message.
public static Scorer illegalScorer(final String message) {
return new Scorer(null) {
public float score() throws IOException {
throw new ElasticsearchIllegalStateException(message);
public int freq() throws IOException {
throw new ElasticsearchIllegalStateException(message);
public int advance(int arg0) throws IOException {
throw new ElasticsearchIllegalStateException(message);
public long cost() {
throw new ElasticsearchIllegalStateException(message);
public int docID() {
throw new ElasticsearchIllegalStateException(message);
public int nextDoc() throws IOException {
throw new ElasticsearchIllegalStateException(message);
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.elasticsearch.common.lucene;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReaderContext;
public interface TopReaderContextAware {
public void setNextReader(IndexReaderContext reader);
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public final class LongHash extends AbstractHash {
* Get the id associated with <code>key</code>
* Get the id associated with <code>key</code> or -1 if the key is not contained in the hash.
public long find(long key) {
final long slot = slot(hash(key), mask);
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import org.apache.lucene.util.Sorter;
public abstract class SortingNumericDoubleValues extends SortedNumericDoubleValues {
protected int count;
private int count;
protected double[] values;
private final Sorter sorter;
@ -51,9 +51,11 @@ public abstract class SortingNumericDoubleValues extends SortedNumericDoubleValu
* Make sure the {@link #values} array can store at least {@link #count} entries.
* Set the {@link #count()} and ensure that the {@link #values} array can
* store at least that many entries.
protected final void grow() {
protected final void resize(int newSize) {
count = newSize;
values = ArrayUtil.grow(values, count);
@ -65,10 +67,12 @@ public abstract class SortingNumericDoubleValues extends SortedNumericDoubleValu
sorter.sort(0, count);
public final int count() {
return count;
public final double valueAt(int index) {
return values[index];
@ -772,11 +772,7 @@ public class PercolatorService extends AbstractComponent {
percolatorTypeFilter = context.indexService().cache().filter().cache(percolatorTypeFilter, null, context.indexService().queryParserService().autoFilterCachePolicy());
FilteredQuery query = new FilteredQuery(context.percolateQuery(), percolatorTypeFilter);
percolatorSearcher.searcher().search(query, percolateCollector);
for (Collector queryCollector : percolateCollector.aggregatorCollector) {
if (queryCollector instanceof XCollector) {
((XCollector) queryCollector).postCollection();
if (context.aggregations() != null) {
@ -19,20 +19,27 @@
package org.elasticsearch.percolator;
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.FloatArrayList;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.search.*;
import org.apache.lucene.search.IndexSearcher;
import org.apache.lucene.search.LeafCollector;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Query;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Scorer;
import org.apache.lucene.search.SimpleCollector;
import org.apache.lucene.search.TopDocs;
import org.apache.lucene.search.TopScoreDocCollector;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.elasticsearch.common.logging.ESLogger;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.Lucene;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.search.XCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.IndexFieldData;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.SortedBinaryDocValues;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.FieldMapper;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.internal.IdFieldMapper;
import org.elasticsearch.index.query.ParsedQuery;
import org.elasticsearch.index.search.nested.NonNestedDocsFilter;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregationPhase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.BucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.global.GlobalAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
import org.elasticsearch.search.highlight.HighlightField;
@ -59,9 +66,8 @@ abstract class QueryCollector extends SimpleCollector {
SortedBinaryDocValues values;
final List<Collector> aggregatorCollector;
List<LeafCollector> aggregatorLeafCollectors;
final XCollector aggregatorCollector;
LeafCollector aggregatorLeafCollector;
QueryCollector(ESLogger logger, PercolateContext context, boolean isNestedDoc) throws IOException {
this.logger = logger;
@ -71,63 +77,43 @@ abstract class QueryCollector extends SimpleCollector {
this.idFieldData = context.fieldData().getForField(idMapper);
this.isNestedDoc = isNestedDoc;
ImmutableList.Builder<Collector> aggCollectorBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
List<Aggregator> aggregatorCollectors = new ArrayList<>();
if (context.aggregations() != null) {
AggregationContext aggregationContext = new AggregationContext(context);
List<Aggregator> aggregatorCollectors = new ArrayList<>();
Aggregator[] aggregators = context.aggregations().factories().createTopLevelAggregators(aggregationContext);
for (int i = 0; i < aggregators.length; i++) {
if (!(aggregators[i] instanceof GlobalAggregator)) {
Aggregator aggregator = aggregators[i];
if (aggregator.shouldCollect()) {
if (!aggregatorCollectors.isEmpty()) {
aggCollectorBuilder.add(new AggregationPhase.AggregationsCollector(aggregatorCollectors, aggregationContext));
aggregatorCollector = aggCollectorBuilder.build();
aggregatorLeafCollectors = new ArrayList<>(aggregatorCollector.size());
aggregatorCollector = BucketCollector.wrap(aggregatorCollectors);
public void postMatch(int doc) throws IOException {
for (LeafCollector collector : aggregatorLeafCollectors) {
public void setScorer(Scorer scorer) throws IOException {
for (LeafCollector collector : aggregatorLeafCollectors) {
public boolean needsScores() {
for (Collector collector : aggregatorCollector) {
if (collector.needsScores()) {
return true;
return false;
return aggregatorCollector.needsScores();
public void doSetNextReader(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
// we use the UID because id might not be indexed
values = idFieldData.load(context).getBytesValues();
for (Collector collector : aggregatorCollector) {
aggregatorLeafCollector = aggregatorCollector.getLeafCollector(context);
static Match match(ESLogger logger, PercolateContext context, HighlightPhase highlightPhase, boolean isNestedDoc) throws IOException {
@ -20,13 +20,10 @@ package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.search.ConstantScoreQuery;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Filter;
import org.apache.lucene.search.FilteredQuery;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Query;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Scorer;
import org.apache.lucene.search.SimpleCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException;
import org.elasticsearch.common.inject.Inject;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.search.Queries;
@ -40,7 +37,6 @@ import org.elasticsearch.search.query.QueryPhaseExecutionException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
@ -85,18 +81,14 @@ public class AggregationPhase implements SearchPhase {
throw new AggregationInitializationException("Could not initialize aggregators", e);
for (int i = 0; i < aggregators.length; i++) {
if (!(aggregators[i] instanceof GlobalAggregator)) {
Aggregator aggregator = aggregators[i];
if (aggregator.shouldCollect()) {
if (aggregators[i] instanceof GlobalAggregator == false) {
if (!collectors.isEmpty()) {
context.searcher().queryCollectors().put(AggregationPhase.class, new AggregationsCollector(collectors, aggregationContext));
context.searcher().queryCollectors().put(AggregationPhase.class, (BucketCollector.wrap(collectors)));
@ -122,7 +114,7 @@ public class AggregationPhase implements SearchPhase {
// optimize the global collector based execution
if (!globals.isEmpty()) {
AggregationsCollector collector = new AggregationsCollector(globals, context.aggregations().aggregationContext());
XCollector collector = BucketCollector.wrap(globals);
Query query = new ConstantScoreQuery(Queries.MATCH_ALL_FILTER);
Filter searchFilter = context.searchFilter(context.types());
if (searchFilter != null) {
@ -151,44 +143,4 @@ public class AggregationPhase implements SearchPhase {
public static class AggregationsCollector extends SimpleCollector implements XCollector {
private final AggregationContext aggregationContext;
private final Aggregator[] collectors;
public AggregationsCollector(Collection<Aggregator> collectors, AggregationContext aggregationContext) {
this.collectors = collectors.toArray(new Aggregator[collectors.size()]);
this.aggregationContext = aggregationContext;
public void setScorer(Scorer scorer) throws IOException {
public boolean needsScores() {
return aggregationContext.needsScores();
public void collect(int doc) throws IOException {
for (Aggregator collector : collectors) {
collector.collect(doc, 0);
public void doSetNextReader(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
public void postCollection() throws IOException {
for (Aggregator collector : collectors) {
@ -16,355 +16,27 @@
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations;
import com.google.common.base.Predicate;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Scorer;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchParseException;
import org.elasticsearch.common.ParseField;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lease.Releasable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.BigArrays;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentParser;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.BucketsAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.DeferringBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
import org.elasticsearch.search.internal.SearchContext;
import org.elasticsearch.search.internal.SearchContext.Lifetime;
import org.elasticsearch.search.query.QueryPhaseExecutionException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* An Aggregator.
// IMPORTANT: DO NOT add methods to this class unless strictly required.
// On the other hand, if you can remove methods from it, you are highly welcome!
public abstract class Aggregator extends BucketCollector implements Releasable {
* Returns whether one of the parents is a {@link BucketsAggregator}.
public static boolean descendsFromBucketAggregator(Aggregator parent) {
while (parent != null) {
if (parent instanceof BucketsAggregator) {
return true;
parent = parent.parent;
return false;
private static final Predicate<Aggregator> COLLECTABLE_AGGREGATOR = new Predicate<Aggregator>() {
public boolean apply(Aggregator aggregator) {
return aggregator.shouldCollect();
public static final ParseField COLLECT_MODE = new ParseField("collect_mode");
public enum SubAggCollectionMode {
* Creates buckets and delegates to child aggregators in a single pass over
* the matching documents
DEPTH_FIRST(new ParseField("depth_first")),
* Creates buckets for all matching docs and then prunes to top-scoring buckets
* before a second pass over the data when child aggregators are called
* but only for docs from the top-scoring buckets
BREADTH_FIRST(new ParseField("breadth_first"));
private final ParseField parseField;
SubAggCollectionMode(ParseField parseField) {
this.parseField = parseField;
public ParseField parseField() {
return parseField;
public static SubAggCollectionMode parse(String value) {
return parse(value, ParseField.EMPTY_FLAGS);
public static SubAggCollectionMode parse(String value, EnumSet<ParseField.Flag> flags) {
SubAggCollectionMode[] modes = SubAggCollectionMode.values();
for (SubAggCollectionMode mode : modes) {
if (mode.parseField.match(value, flags)) {
return mode;
throw new ElasticsearchParseException("No " + COLLECT_MODE.getPreferredName() + " found for value [" + value + "]");
// A scorer used for the deferred collection mode to handle any child aggs asking for scores that are not
// recorded.
static final Scorer unavailableScorer=new Scorer(null){
private final String MSG = "A limitation of the " + SubAggCollectionMode.BREADTH_FIRST.parseField.getPreferredName()
+ " collection mode is that scores cannot be buffered along with document IDs";
public float score() throws IOException {
throw new ElasticsearchParseException(MSG);
public int freq() throws IOException {
throw new ElasticsearchParseException(MSG);
public int advance(int arg0) throws IOException {
throw new ElasticsearchParseException(MSG);
public long cost() {
throw new ElasticsearchParseException(MSG);
public int docID() {
throw new ElasticsearchParseException(MSG);
public int nextDoc() throws IOException {
throw new ElasticsearchParseException(MSG);
protected final String name;
protected final Aggregator parent;
protected final AggregationContext context;
protected final BigArrays bigArrays;
protected final int depth;
private final Map<String, Object> metaData;
protected final AggregatorFactories factories;
protected final Aggregator[] subAggregators;
protected BucketCollector collectableSubAggregators;
private Map<String, Aggregator> subAggregatorbyName;
private DeferringBucketCollector recordingWrapper;
* Constructs a new Aggregator.
* @param name The name of the aggregation
* @param factories The factories for all the sub-aggregators under this aggregator
* @param context The aggregation context
* @param parent The parent aggregator (may be {@code null} for top level aggregators)
* @param metaData The metaData associated with this aggregator
protected Aggregator(String name, AggregatorFactories factories, AggregationContext context, Aggregator parent, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
this.name = name;
this.metaData = metaData;
this.parent = parent;
this.context = context;
this.bigArrays = context.bigArrays();
this.depth = parent == null ? 0 : 1 + parent.depth();
assert factories != null : "sub-factories provided to BucketAggregator must not be null, use AggragatorFactories.EMPTY instead";
this.factories = factories;
this.subAggregators = factories.createSubAggregators(this);
context.searchContext().addReleasable(this, Lifetime.PHASE);
// Register a safeguard to highlight any invalid construction logic (call to this constructor without subsequent preCollection call)
collectableSubAggregators = new BucketCollector() {
void badState(){
throw new QueryPhaseExecutionException(Aggregator.this.context.searchContext(),
"preCollection not called on new Aggregator before use", null);
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
public void preCollection() throws IOException {
public void postCollection() throws IOException {
public void collect(int docId, long bucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
public void gatherAnalysis(BucketAnalysisCollector results, long bucketOrdinal) {
public Map<String, Object> metaData() {
return this.metaData;
* Can be overriden by aggregator implementation to be called back when the collection phase starts.
protected void doPreCollection() throws IOException {
public final void preCollection() throws IOException {
Iterable<Aggregator> collectables = Iterables.filter(Arrays.asList(subAggregators), COLLECTABLE_AGGREGATOR);
List<BucketCollector> nextPassCollectors = new ArrayList<>();
List<BucketCollector> thisPassCollectors = new ArrayList<>();
for (Aggregator aggregator : collectables) {
if (shouldDefer(aggregator)) {
} else {
if (nextPassCollectors.size() > 0) {
BucketCollector deferreds = BucketCollector.wrap(nextPassCollectors);
recordingWrapper = new DeferringBucketCollector(deferreds, context);
// TODO. Without line below we are dependent on subclass aggs
// delegating setNextReader calls on to child aggs
// which they don't seem to do as a matter of course. Need to move
// to a delegation model rather than broadcast
collectableSubAggregators = BucketCollector.wrap(thisPassCollectors);
* This method should be overidden by subclasses that want to defer calculation
* of a child aggregation until a first pass is complete and a set of buckets has
* been pruned.
* Deferring collection will require the recording of all doc/bucketIds from the first
* pass and then the sub class should call {@link #runDeferredCollections(long...)}
* for the selected set of buckets that survive the pruning.
* @param aggregator the child aggregator
* @return true if the aggregator should be deferred
* until a first pass at collection has completed
protected boolean shouldDefer(Aggregator aggregator) {
return false;
protected void runDeferredCollections(long... bucketOrds){
// Being lenient here - ignore calls where there are no deferred collections to playback
if (recordingWrapper != null) {
* @return The name of the aggregation.
public String name() {
return name;
/** Return the depth of this aggregator in the aggregation tree. */
public final int depth() {
return depth;
* @return The parent aggregator of this aggregator. The addAggregation are hierarchical in the sense that some can
* be composed out of others (more specifically, bucket addAggregation can define other addAggregation that will
* be aggregated per bucket). This method returns the direct parent aggregator that contains this aggregator, or
* {@code null} if there is none (meaning, this aggregator is a top level one)
public Aggregator parent() {
return parent;
public Aggregator[] subAggregators() {
return subAggregators;
public Aggregator subAggregator(String aggName) {
if (subAggregatorbyName == null) {
subAggregatorbyName = new HashMap<>(subAggregators.length);
for (int i = 0; i < subAggregators.length; i++) {
subAggregatorbyName.put(subAggregators[i].name, subAggregators[i]);
return subAggregatorbyName.get(aggName);
* @return The current aggregation context.
public AggregationContext context() {
return context;
* @return Whether this aggregator is in the state where it can collect documents. Some aggregators can do their aggregations without
* actually collecting documents, for example, an aggregator that computes stats over unmapped fields doesn't need to collect
* anything as it knows to just return "empty" stats as the aggregation result.
public abstract boolean shouldCollect();
* Called after collection of all document is done.
public final void postCollection() throws IOException {
/** Called upon release of the aggregator. */
public void close() {
try (Releasable _ = recordingWrapper) {
/** Release instance-specific data. */
protected void doClose() {}
* Can be overriden by aggregator implementation to be called back when the collection phase ends.
protected void doPostCollection() throws IOException {
* @return The aggregated & built aggregation
public abstract InternalAggregation buildAggregation(long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException;
public void gatherAnalysis(BucketAnalysisCollector results, long bucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
public abstract InternalAggregation buildEmptyAggregation();
protected final InternalAggregations buildEmptySubAggregations() {
List<InternalAggregation> aggs = new ArrayList<>();
for (Aggregator aggregator : subAggregators) {
return new InternalAggregations(aggs);
* Parses the aggregation request and creates the appropriate aggregator factory for it.
@ -391,4 +63,89 @@ public abstract class Aggregator extends BucketCollector implements Releasable {
* Returns whether one of the parents is a {@link BucketsAggregator}.
public static boolean descendsFromBucketAggregator(Aggregator parent) {
while (parent != null) {
if (parent instanceof BucketsAggregator) {
return true;
parent = parent.parent();
return false;
* Return the name of this aggregator.
public abstract String name();
* Return the {@link AggregationContext} attached with this {@link Aggregator}.
public abstract AggregationContext context();
* Return the parent aggregator.
public abstract Aggregator parent();
* Return the sub aggregator with the provided name.
public abstract Aggregator subAggregator(String name);
* Build an aggregation for data that has been collected into {@code bucket}.
public abstract InternalAggregation buildAggregation(long bucket) throws IOException;
* Build an empty aggregation.
public abstract InternalAggregation buildEmptyAggregation();
/** Aggregation mode for sub aggregations. */
public enum SubAggCollectionMode {
* Creates buckets and delegates to child aggregators in a single pass over
* the matching documents
DEPTH_FIRST(new ParseField("depth_first")),
* Creates buckets for all matching docs and then prunes to top-scoring buckets
* before a second pass over the data when child aggregators are called
* but only for docs from the top-scoring buckets
BREADTH_FIRST(new ParseField("breadth_first"));
public static final ParseField KEY = new ParseField("collect_mode");
private final ParseField parseField;
SubAggCollectionMode(ParseField parseField) {
this.parseField = parseField;
public ParseField parseField() {
return parseField;
public static SubAggCollectionMode parse(String value) {
return parse(value, ParseField.EMPTY_FLAGS);
public static SubAggCollectionMode parse(String value, EnumSet<ParseField.Flag> flags) {
SubAggCollectionMode[] modes = SubAggCollectionMode.values();
for (SubAggCollectionMode mode : modes) {
if (mode.parseField.match(value, flags)) {
return mode;
throw new ElasticsearchParseException("No " + KEY.getPreferredName() + " found for value [" + value + "]");
@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.DeferringBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
import org.elasticsearch.search.internal.SearchContext.Lifetime;
import org.elasticsearch.search.query.QueryPhaseExecutionException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Base implementation for concrete aggregators.
public abstract class AggregatorBase extends Aggregator {
protected final String name;
protected final Aggregator parent;
protected final AggregationContext context;
private final Map<String, Object> metaData;
protected final Aggregator[] subAggregators;
protected BucketCollector collectableSubAggregators;
private Map<String, Aggregator> subAggregatorbyName;
private DeferringBucketCollector recordingWrapper;
* Constructs a new Aggregator.
* @param name The name of the aggregation
* @param factories The factories for all the sub-aggregators under this aggregator
* @param context The aggregation context
* @param parent The parent aggregator (may be {@code null} for top level aggregators)
* @param metaData The metaData associated with this aggregator
protected AggregatorBase(String name, AggregatorFactories factories, AggregationContext context, Aggregator parent, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
this.name = name;
this.metaData = metaData;
this.parent = parent;
this.context = context;
assert factories != null : "sub-factories provided to BucketAggregator must not be null, use AggragatorFactories.EMPTY instead";
this.subAggregators = factories.createSubAggregators(this);
context.searchContext().addReleasable(this, Lifetime.PHASE);
// Register a safeguard to highlight any invalid construction logic (call to this constructor without subsequent preCollection call)
collectableSubAggregators = new BucketCollector() {
void badState(){
throw new QueryPhaseExecutionException(AggregatorBase.this.context.searchContext(),
"preCollection not called on new Aggregator before use", null);
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext reader) {
assert false;
return null; // unreachable but compiler does not agree
public void preCollection() throws IOException {
public void postCollection() throws IOException {
public boolean needsScores() {
return false; // unreachable
* Most aggregators don't need scores, make sure to extend this method if
* your aggregator needs them.
public boolean needsScores() {
return collectableSubAggregators.needsScores();
public Map<String, Object> metaData() {
return this.metaData;
* Get a {@link LeafBucketCollector} for the given ctx, which should
* delegate to the given collector.
protected abstract LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx, LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException;
public final LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx) throws IOException {
final LeafBucketCollector sub = collectableSubAggregators.getLeafCollector(ctx);
return getLeafCollector(ctx, sub);
* Can be overriden by aggregator implementation to be called back when the collection phase starts.
protected void doPreCollection() throws IOException {
public final void preCollection() throws IOException {
List<BucketCollector> collectors = new ArrayList<>();
List<BucketCollector> deferredCollectors = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < subAggregators.length; ++i) {
if (shouldDefer(subAggregators[i])) {
if (recordingWrapper == null) {
recordingWrapper = new DeferringBucketCollector();
subAggregators[i] = recordingWrapper.wrap(subAggregators[i]);
} else {
if (recordingWrapper != null) {
collectableSubAggregators = BucketCollector.wrap(collectors);
* This method should be overidden by subclasses that want to defer calculation
* of a child aggregation until a first pass is complete and a set of buckets has
* been pruned.
* Deferring collection will require the recording of all doc/bucketIds from the first
* pass and then the sub class should call {@link #runDeferredCollections(long...)}
* for the selected set of buckets that survive the pruning.
* @param aggregator the child aggregator
* @return true if the aggregator should be deferred
* until a first pass at collection has completed
protected boolean shouldDefer(Aggregator aggregator) {
return false;
protected final void runDeferredCollections(long... bucketOrds) throws IOException{
// Being lenient here - ignore calls where there are no deferred collections to playback
if (recordingWrapper != null) {
* @return The name of the aggregation.
public String name() {
return name;
* @return The parent aggregator of this aggregator. The addAggregation are hierarchical in the sense that some can
* be composed out of others (more specifically, bucket addAggregation can define other addAggregation that will
* be aggregated per bucket). This method returns the direct parent aggregator that contains this aggregator, or
* {@code null} if there is none (meaning, this aggregator is a top level one)
public Aggregator parent() {
return parent;
public Aggregator[] subAggregators() {
return subAggregators;
public Aggregator subAggregator(String aggName) {
if (subAggregatorbyName == null) {
subAggregatorbyName = new HashMap<>(subAggregators.length);
for (int i = 0; i < subAggregators.length; i++) {
subAggregatorbyName.put(subAggregators[i].name(), subAggregators[i]);
return subAggregatorbyName.get(aggName);
* @return The current aggregation context.
public AggregationContext context() {
return context;
* Called after collection of all document is done.
public final void postCollection() throws IOException {
// post-collect this agg before subs to make it possible to buffer and then replay in postCollection()
/** Called upon release of the aggregator. */
public void close() {
/** Release instance-specific data. */
protected void doClose() {}
* Can be overriden by aggregator implementation to be called back when the collection phase ends.
protected void doPostCollection() throws IOException {
protected final InternalAggregations buildEmptySubAggregations() {
List<InternalAggregation> aggs = new ArrayList<>();
for (Aggregator aggregator : subAggregators) {
return new InternalAggregations(aggs);
public String toString() {
return name;
@ -46,11 +46,8 @@ public class AggregatorFactories {
private static Aggregator createAndRegisterContextAware(AggregationContext context, AggregatorFactory factory, Aggregator parent, boolean collectsFromSingleBucket) throws IOException {
final Aggregator aggregator = factory.create(context, parent, collectsFromSingleBucket);
if (aggregator.shouldCollect()) {
// Once the aggregator is fully constructed perform any initialisation -
// can't do everything in constructors if Aggregator base class needs
// can't do everything in constructors if Aggregator base class needs
// to delegate to subclasses as part of construction.
return aggregator;
@ -99,15 +96,6 @@ public class AggregatorFactories {
public boolean needsScores() {
for (AggregatorFactory factory : factories) {
if (factory.needsScores()) {
return true;
return false;
private final static class Empty extends AggregatorFactories {
private static final AggregatorFactory[] EMPTY_FACTORIES = new AggregatorFactory[0];
@ -19,10 +19,12 @@
package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchIllegalStateException;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Scorer;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lease.Releasables;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.BigArrays;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.ObjectArray;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
import org.elasticsearch.search.internal.SearchContext.Lifetime;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Map;
@ -90,8 +92,7 @@ public abstract class AggregatorFactory {
* @return The created aggregator
public final Aggregator create(AggregationContext context, Aggregator parent, boolean collectsFromSingleBucket) throws IOException {
Aggregator aggregator = createInternal(context, parent, collectsFromSingleBucket, this.metaData);
return aggregator;
return createInternal(context, parent, collectsFromSingleBucket, this.metaData);
public void doValidate() {
@ -101,33 +102,52 @@ public abstract class AggregatorFactory {
this.metaData = metaData;
public boolean needsScores() {
return factories.needsScores();
* Utility method. Given an {@link AggregatorFactory} that creates {@link Aggregator}s that only know how
* to collect bucket <tt>0</tt>, this returns an aggregator that can collect any bucket.
protected static Aggregator asMultiBucketAggregator(final AggregatorFactory factory, final AggregationContext context, Aggregator parent) throws IOException {
protected static Aggregator asMultiBucketAggregator(final AggregatorFactory factory, final AggregationContext context, final Aggregator parent) throws IOException {
final Aggregator first = factory.create(context, parent, true);
return new Aggregator(first.name(), AggregatorFactories.EMPTY, first.context(), first.parent(), first.metaData()) {
final BigArrays bigArrays = context.bigArrays();
return new Aggregator() {
ObjectArray<Aggregator> aggregators;
LeafReaderContext readerContext;
ObjectArray<LeafBucketCollector> collectors;
context.searchContext().addReleasable(this, Lifetime.PHASE);
aggregators = bigArrays.newObjectArray(1);
aggregators.set(0, first);
collectors = bigArrays.newObjectArray(1);
public boolean shouldCollect() {
return first.shouldCollect();
public String name() {
return first.name();
protected void doPreCollection() throws IOException {
public AggregationContext context() {
return first.context();
public Aggregator parent() {
return first.parent();
public boolean needsScores() {
return first.needsScores();
public Aggregator subAggregator(String name) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void preCollection() throws IOException {
for (long i = 0; i < aggregators.size(); ++i) {
final Aggregator aggregator = aggregators.get(i);
if (aggregator != null) {
@ -137,7 +157,7 @@ public abstract class AggregatorFactory {
protected void doPostCollection() throws IOException {
public void postCollection() throws IOException {
for (long i = 0; i < aggregators.size(); ++i) {
final Aggregator aggregator = aggregators.get(i);
if (aggregator != null) {
@ -147,32 +167,50 @@ public abstract class AggregatorFactory {
public void collect(int doc, long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
aggregators = bigArrays.grow(aggregators, owningBucketOrdinal + 1);
Aggregator aggregator = aggregators.get(owningBucketOrdinal);
if (aggregator == null) {
aggregator = factory.create(context, parent, true);
aggregators.set(owningBucketOrdinal, aggregator);
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(final LeafReaderContext ctx) {
for (long i = 0; i < collectors.size(); ++i) {
collectors.set(i, null);
aggregator.collect(doc, 0);
return new LeafBucketCollector() {
Scorer scorer;
public void setScorer(Scorer scorer) throws IOException {
this.scorer = scorer;
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
aggregators = bigArrays.grow(aggregators, bucket + 1);
collectors = bigArrays.grow(collectors, bucket + 1);
LeafBucketCollector collector = collectors.get(bucket);
if (collector == null) {
Aggregator aggregator = aggregators.get(bucket);
if (aggregator == null) {
aggregator = factory.create(context, parent, true);
aggregators.set(bucket, aggregator);
collector = aggregator.getLeafCollector(ctx);
collectors.set(bucket, collector);
collector.collect(doc, 0);
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
this.readerContext = context;
for (long i = 0; i < aggregators.size(); ++i) {
final Aggregator aggregator = aggregators.get(i);
public InternalAggregation buildAggregation(long bucket) throws IOException {
if (bucket < aggregators.size()) {
Aggregator aggregator = aggregators.get(bucket);
if (aggregator != null) {
return aggregator.buildAggregation(0);
public InternalAggregation buildAggregation(long owningBucketOrdinal) {
throw new ElasticsearchIllegalStateException("Invalid context - aggregation must use addResults() to collect child results");
return buildEmptyAggregation();
@ -181,19 +219,8 @@ public abstract class AggregatorFactory {
public void doClose() {
public void gatherAnalysis(BucketAnalysisCollector results, long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
// The bucket ordinal may be out of range in case of eg. a terms/filter/terms where
// the filter matches no document in the highest buckets of the first terms agg
if (owningBucketOrdinal >= aggregators.size() || aggregators.get(owningBucketOrdinal) == null) {
} else {
public void close() {
Releasables.close(aggregators, collectors);
@ -19,17 +19,20 @@
package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.ReaderContextAware;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.search.XCollector;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* A Collector that can collect data in separate buckets.
public abstract class BucketCollector implements ReaderContextAware {
public abstract class BucketCollector implements XCollector {
* Used to gather a summary from a bucket
@ -45,12 +48,8 @@ public abstract class BucketCollector implements ReaderContextAware {
public final static BucketCollector NO_OP_COLLECTOR = new BucketCollector() {
public void collect(int docId, long bucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
// no-op
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
// no-op
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext reader) {
return LeafBucketCollector.NO_OP_COLLECTOR;
public void preCollection() throws IOException {
// no-op
@ -59,9 +58,8 @@ public abstract class BucketCollector implements ReaderContextAware {
public void postCollection() throws IOException {
// no-op
public void gatherAnalysis(BucketAnalysisCollector analysisCollector, long bucketOrdinal) {
// no-op
public boolean needsScores() {
return false;
@ -79,17 +77,12 @@ public abstract class BucketCollector implements ReaderContextAware {
return new BucketCollector() {
public void collect(int docId, long bucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
for (BucketCollector collector : collectors) {
collector.collect(docId, bucketOrdinal);
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) throws IOException {
for (BucketCollector collector : collectors) {
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx) throws IOException {
List<LeafBucketCollector> leafCollectors = new ArrayList<>();
for (BucketCollector c : collectors) {
return LeafBucketCollector.wrap(leafCollectors);
@ -107,43 +100,27 @@ public abstract class BucketCollector implements ReaderContextAware {
public void gatherAnalysis(BucketAnalysisCollector results, long bucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
public boolean needsScores() {
for (BucketCollector collector : collectors) {
collector.gatherAnalysis(results, bucketOrdinal);
if (collector.needsScores()) {
return true;
return false;
* Called during the query phase, to collect & aggregate the given document.
* @param doc The document to be collected/aggregated
* @param bucketOrdinal The ordinal of the bucket this aggregator belongs to, assuming this aggregator is not a top level aggregator.
* Typically, aggregators with {@code #bucketAggregationMode} set to {@link BucketAggregationMode#MULTI_BUCKETS}
* will heavily depend on this ordinal. Other aggregators may or may not use it and can see this ordinal as just
* an extra information for the aggregation context. For top level aggregators, the ordinal will always be
* equal to 0.
* @throws IOException
public abstract void collect(int docId, long bucketOrdinal) throws IOException;
public abstract LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx) throws IOException;
* Pre collection callback.
public abstract void preCollection() throws IOException;
* Post collection callback.
public abstract void postCollection() throws IOException;
* Called post-collection to gather the results from surviving buckets.
* @param analysisCollector
* @param bucketOrdinal
public abstract void gatherAnalysis(BucketAnalysisCollector analysisCollector, long bucketOrdinal) throws IOException;
@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lease.Releasable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lease.Releasables;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.BigArrays;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.LongHash;
import java.io.IOException;
* Filters a collection stream of docIds and related buckets using a sorted
* list of valid bucket ordinals.
public class FilteringBucketCollector extends BucketCollector implements Releasable {
private final LongHash denseMap;
private final BucketCollector delegate;
* @param the valid BucketOrds
* @param delegate The collector that will be called for any buckets listed in sortedBucketOrds
public FilteringBucketCollector(long[] validBucketOrds, BucketCollector delegate, BigArrays bigArrays) {
denseMap = new LongHash(validBucketOrds.length, bigArrays);
for (int i = 0; i < validBucketOrds.length; i++) {
this.delegate = delegate;
public final void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) throws IOException {
public final void collect(int docId, long bucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
long ordinal = denseMap.find(bucketOrdinal);
if (ordinal >= 0) {
delegate.collect(docId, ordinal);
public void preCollection() throws IOException {
public final void postCollection() throws IOException {
public void close() throws ElasticsearchException {
public void gatherAnalysis(BucketAnalysisCollector analysisCollector, long bucketOrdinal) throws IOException{
long ordinal = denseMap.find(bucketOrdinal);
if (ordinal >= 0) {
delegate.gatherAnalysis(analysisCollector, ordinal);
} else {
throw new ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException("Aggregation requested on a missing bucket #" + bucketOrdinal);
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations;
import com.google.common.base.Predicate;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
import org.apache.lucene.search.LeafCollector;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Scorer;
import java.io.IOException;
* Per-leaf bucket collector.
public abstract class LeafBucketCollector implements LeafCollector {
public static final LeafBucketCollector NO_OP_COLLECTOR = new LeafBucketCollector() {
public void setScorer(Scorer arg0) throws IOException {
// no-op
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) {
// no-op
public static LeafBucketCollector wrap(Iterable<LeafBucketCollector> collectors) {
final Iterable<LeafBucketCollector> actualCollectors = Iterables.filter(collectors,
new Predicate<LeafBucketCollector> () {
public boolean apply(LeafBucketCollector c) {
return c != NO_OP_COLLECTOR;
final LeafBucketCollector[] colls = Iterables.toArray(actualCollectors, LeafBucketCollector.class);
switch (colls.length) {
case 0:
case 1:
return colls[0];
return new LeafBucketCollector() {
public void setScorer(Scorer s) throws IOException {
for (LeafBucketCollector c : colls) {
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
for (LeafBucketCollector c : colls) {
c.collect(doc, bucket);
* Collect the given doc in the given bucket.
public abstract void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException;
public final void collect(int doc) throws IOException {
collect(doc, 0);
public void setScorer(Scorer scorer) throws IOException {
// no-op by default
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Scorer;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.ScorerAware;
import java.io.IOException;
* A {@link LeafBucketCollector} that delegates all calls to the sub leaf
* aggregator and sets the scorer on its source of values if it implements
* {@link ScorerAware}.
public class LeafBucketCollectorBase extends LeafBucketCollector {
private final LeafBucketCollector sub;
private final ScorerAware values;
* @param sub The leaf collector for sub aggregations.
* @param values The values. {@link ScorerAware#setScorer} will be called automatically on them if they implement {@link ScorerAware}.
public LeafBucketCollectorBase(LeafBucketCollector sub, Object values) {
this.sub = sub;
if (values instanceof ScorerAware) {
this.values = (ScorerAware) values;
} else {
this.values = null;
public void setScorer(Scorer s) throws IOException {
if (values != null) {
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
sub.collect(doc, bucket);
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import java.util.Map;
* An aggregator that is not collected, this can typically be used when running an aggregation over a field that doesn't have
* a mapping.
public abstract class NonCollectingAggregator extends Aggregator {
public abstract class NonCollectingAggregator extends AggregatorBase {
protected NonCollectingAggregator(String name, AggregationContext context, Aggregator parent, AggregatorFactories subFactories, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
super(name, subFactories, context, parent, metaData);
@ -39,28 +39,14 @@ public abstract class NonCollectingAggregator extends Aggregator {
this(name, context, parent, AggregatorFactories.EMPTY, metaData);
private void fail() {
throw new IllegalStateException("This aggregator should not be collected");
public final void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
public final boolean shouldCollect() {
return false;
public final void collect(int doc, long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
public final LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext reader, LeafBucketCollector sub) {
// the framework will automatically eliminate it
return LeafBucketCollector.NO_OP_COLLECTOR;
public final InternalAggregation buildAggregation(long owningBucketOrdinal) {
return buildEmptyAggregation();
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchIllegalStateException;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lease.Releasable;
import java.io.IOException;
* Abstraction for implementations that record a "collect" stream for subsequent play-back
public abstract class RecordingBucketCollector extends BucketCollector implements Releasable {
* Replay a previously executed set of calls to the {@link #collect(int, long)} method
* @param collector the object which will be called to handle the playback
* @throws IOException
public abstract void replayCollection(BucketCollector collector) throws IOException;
public void gatherAnalysis(BucketAnalysisCollector analysisCollector, long bucketOrdinal) {
throw new ElasticsearchIllegalStateException("gatherAnalysis not supported");
@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.util.packed.PackedInts;
import org.apache.lucene.util.packed.PackedLongValues;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Records a "collect" stream for subsequent play-back using a per-segment
* object to collect matches. Playback is fast because each collection
* contains only the required matches for the current reader.
public class RecordingPerReaderBucketCollector extends RecordingBucketCollector {
final List<PerSegmentCollects> perSegmentCollections = new ArrayList<>();
private PerSegmentCollects currentCollection;
private boolean recordingComplete;
static class PerSegmentCollects {
LeafReaderContext readerContext;
PackedLongValues.Builder docs;
PackedLongValues.Builder buckets;
int lastDocId = 0;
PerSegmentCollects(LeafReaderContext readerContext) {
this.readerContext = readerContext;
void collect(int doc, long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
if (docs == null) {
// TODO unclear what might be reasonable constructor args to pass to this collection
// No way of accurately predicting how many docs will be collected
docs = PackedLongValues.packedBuilder(PackedInts.COMPACT);
// Store as delta-encoded for better compression
docs.add(doc - lastDocId);
lastDocId = doc;
if (buckets == null) {
if (owningBucketOrdinal != 0) {
// Store all of the prior bucketOrds (which up until now have
// all been zero based)
buckets = PackedLongValues.packedBuilder(PackedInts.COMPACT);
for (int i = 0; i < docs.size() - 1; i++) {
// record the new non-zero bucketID
} else {
void endCollect() {
boolean hasItems() {
return docs != null;
void replay(BucketCollector collector) throws IOException {
lastDocId = 0;
if (!hasItems()) {
if (buckets == null) {
final PackedLongValues.Iterator docsIter = docs.build().iterator();
while (docsIter.hasNext()) {
lastDocId += (int) docsIter.next();
collector.collect(lastDocId, 0);
} else {
assert docs.size() == buckets.size();
final PackedLongValues.Iterator docsIter = docs.build().iterator();
final PackedLongValues.Iterator bucketsIter = buckets.build().iterator();
while (docsIter.hasNext()) {
lastDocId += (int) docsIter.next();
collector.collect(lastDocId, bucketsIter.next());
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
// The way registration works for listening on reader changes we have the potential to be called > once
// TODO fixup the aggs framework so setNextReader calls are delegated to child aggs and not reliant on
// registering a listener.
currentCollection = new PerSegmentCollects(reader);
private void stowLastSegmentCollection() {
if (currentCollection != null) {
if (currentCollection.hasItems()) {
currentCollection = null;
public void collect(int doc, long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
currentCollection.collect(doc, owningBucketOrdinal);
* Allows clients to replay a stream of collected items.
public void replayCollection(BucketCollector collector) throws IOException{
for (PerSegmentCollects collection : perSegmentCollections) {
public void preCollection() throws IOException {
// nothing to do
public void postCollection() throws IOException {
recordingComplete = true;
public void close() throws ElasticsearchException {
@ -19,73 +19,73 @@
package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lease.Releasable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.BigArrays;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.IntArray;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.*;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorFactories;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregation;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregations;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Map;
public abstract class BucketsAggregator extends Aggregator {
public abstract class BucketsAggregator extends AggregatorBase {
private final BigArrays bigArrays;
private IntArray docCounts;
public BucketsAggregator(String name, AggregatorFactories factories,
AggregationContext context, Aggregator parent, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
super(name, factories, context, parent, metaData);
bigArrays = context.bigArrays();
docCounts = bigArrays.newIntArray(1, true);
* Return an upper bound of the maximum bucket ordinal seen so far.
protected final long maxBucketOrd() {
public final long maxBucketOrd() {
return docCounts.size();
* Ensure there are at least <code>maxBucketOrd</code> buckets available.
protected final void grow(long maxBucketOrd) {
public final void grow(long maxBucketOrd) {
docCounts = bigArrays.grow(docCounts, maxBucketOrd);
* Utility method to collect the given doc in the given bucket (identified by the bucket ordinal)
protected final void collectBucket(int doc, long bucketOrd) throws IOException {
public final void collectBucket(LeafBucketCollector subCollector, int doc, long bucketOrd) throws IOException {
grow(bucketOrd + 1);
collectExistingBucket(doc, bucketOrd);
collectExistingBucket(subCollector, doc, bucketOrd);
* Same as {@link #collectBucket(int, long)}, but doesn't check if the docCounts needs to be re-sized.
protected final void collectExistingBucket(int doc, long bucketOrd) throws IOException {
public final void collectExistingBucket(LeafBucketCollector subCollector, int doc, long bucketOrd) throws IOException {
docCounts.increment(bucketOrd, 1);
collectBucketNoCounts(doc, bucketOrd);
subCollector.collect(doc, bucketOrd);
public IntArray getDocCounts() {
return docCounts;
* Utility method to collect the given doc in the given bucket but not to update the doc counts of the bucket
protected final void collectBucketNoCounts(int doc, long bucketOrd) throws IOException {
collectableSubAggregators.collect(doc, bucketOrd);
* Utility method to increment the doc counts of the given bucket (identified by the bucket ordinal)
protected final void incrementBucketDocCount(long bucketOrd, int inc) throws IOException {
public final void incrementBucketDocCount(long bucketOrd, int inc) {
docCounts = bigArrays.grow(docCounts, bucketOrd + 1);
docCounts.increment(bucketOrd, inc);
@ -108,41 +108,13 @@ public abstract class BucketsAggregator extends Aggregator {
* Required method to build the child aggregations of the given bucket (identified by the bucket ordinal).
protected final InternalAggregations bucketAggregations(long bucketOrd) throws IOException {
final ArrayList<InternalAggregation> childAggs = new ArrayList<>();
final long bucketDocCount = bucketDocCount(bucketOrd);
if (bucketDocCount == 0L) {
// All child aggs marked as empty
for (int i = 0; i < subAggregators.length; i++) {
} else {
BucketAnalysisCollector analysisCollector = new BucketAnalysisCollector() {
public void add(Aggregation analysis) {
childAggs.add((InternalAggregation) analysis);
// Add the collectable sub aggs by asking the collect tree to gather
// results using ordinals that may have undergone transformation as the
// result of the collection process e.g. filtering
// to a subset of buckets then rebasing the numbers in the deferred collection
collectableSubAggregators.gatherAnalysis(analysisCollector, bucketOrd);
// Also add the results of any non-collecting sub aggs using the top-level ordinals
for (int i = 0; i < subAggregators.length; i++) {
if (!subAggregators[i].shouldCollect()) {
// Agg is not part of the collect tree - call directly
protected final InternalAggregations bucketAggregations(long bucket) throws IOException {
final InternalAggregation[] aggregations = new InternalAggregation[subAggregators.length];
for (int i = 0; i < subAggregators.length; i++) {
aggregations[i] = subAggregators[i].buildAggregation(bucket);
return new InternalAggregations(childAggs);
return new InternalAggregations(Arrays.asList(aggregations));
* Utility method to build empty aggregations of the sub aggregators.
@ -20,119 +20,215 @@
package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.util.packed.PackedInts;
import org.apache.lucene.util.packed.PackedLongValues;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lease.Releasable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lease.Releasables;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.BucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.FilteringBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.RecordingBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.RecordingPerReaderBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchIllegalStateException;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.Lucene;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.BigArrays;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.LongHash;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator.SubAggCollectionMode;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
import org.elasticsearch.search.query.QueryPhaseExecutionException;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.BucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregation;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollector;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Buffers the matches in a collect stream and can replay a subset of the collected buckets
* to a deferred set of collectors.
* The rationale for not bundling all this logic into {@link RecordingBucketCollector} is to allow
* the possibility of alternative recorder impl choices while keeping the logic in here for
* setting {@link AggregationContext}'s setNextReader method and preparing the appropriate choice
* of filtering logic for stream replay. These felt like agg-specific functions that should be kept away
* from the {@link RecordingBucketCollector} impl which is concentrated on efficient storage of doc and bucket IDs
* A {@link BucketCollector} that records collected doc IDs and buckets and
* allows to replay a subset of the collected buckets.
public class DeferringBucketCollector extends BucketCollector implements Releasable {
private final BucketCollector deferred;
private final RecordingBucketCollector recording;
private final AggregationContext context;
private FilteringBucketCollector filteredCollector;
public final class DeferringBucketCollector extends BucketCollector {
private static class Entry {
final LeafReaderContext context;
final PackedLongValues docDeltas;
final PackedLongValues buckets;
public DeferringBucketCollector(BucketCollector deferred, AggregationContext context) {
this.deferred = deferred;
this.recording = new RecordingPerReaderBucketCollector();
this.context = context;
public Entry(LeafReaderContext context, PackedLongValues docDeltas, PackedLongValues buckets) {
this.context = context;
this.docDeltas = docDeltas;
this.buckets = buckets;
final List<Entry> entries = new ArrayList<>();
BucketCollector collector;
LeafReaderContext context;
PackedLongValues.Builder docDeltas;
PackedLongValues.Builder buckets;
long maxBucket = -1;
boolean finished = false;
LongHash selectedBuckets;
/** Sole constructor. */
public DeferringBucketCollector() {}
public boolean needsScores() {
if (collector == null) {
throw new ElasticsearchIllegalStateException();
return collector.needsScores();
/** Set the deferred collectors. */
public void setDeferredCollector(Iterable<BucketCollector> deferredCollectors) {
this.collector = BucketCollector.wrap(deferredCollectors);
private void finishLeaf() {
if (context != null) {
entries.add(new Entry(context, docDeltas.build(), buckets.build()));
context = null;
docDeltas = null;
buckets = null;
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) throws IOException {
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx) throws IOException {
public void collect(int docId, long bucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
recording.collect(docId, bucketOrdinal);
context = ctx;
docDeltas = PackedLongValues.packedBuilder(PackedInts.DEFAULT);
buckets = PackedLongValues.packedBuilder(PackedInts.DEFAULT);
return new LeafBucketCollector() {
int lastDoc = 0;
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
docDeltas.add(doc - lastDoc);
lastDoc = doc;
maxBucket = Math.max(maxBucket, bucket);
public void preCollection() throws IOException {
public void postCollection() throws IOException {
finished = true;
* Plays a selection of the data cached from previous collect calls to the
* deferred collector.
* @param survivingBucketOrds
* the valid bucket ords for which deferred collection should be
* attempted
* Replay the wrapped collector, but only on a selection of buckets.
public void prepareSelectedBuckets(long... survivingBucketOrds) {
BucketCollector subs = new BucketCollector() {
public void replay(long... selectedBuckets) throws IOException {
if (!finished) {
throw new ElasticsearchIllegalStateException("Cannot replay yet, collection is not finished: postCollect() has not been called");
if (this.selectedBuckets != null) {
throw new ElasticsearchIllegalStateException("Alerady been replayed");
final LongHash hash = new LongHash(selectedBuckets.length, BigArrays.NON_RECYCLING_INSTANCE);
for (long bucket : selectedBuckets) {
this.selectedBuckets = hash;
for (Entry entry : entries) {
final LeafBucketCollector leafCollector = collector.getLeafCollector(entry.context);
leafCollector.setScorer(Lucene.illegalScorer("A limitation of the " + SubAggCollectionMode.BREADTH_FIRST
+ " collection mode is that scores cannot be buffered along with document IDs"));
final PackedLongValues.Iterator docDeltaIterator = entry.docDeltas.iterator();
final PackedLongValues.Iterator buckets = entry.buckets.iterator();
int doc = 0;
for (long i = 0, end = entry.docDeltas.size(); i < end; ++i) {
doc += docDeltaIterator.next();
final long bucket = buckets.next();
final long rebasedBucket = hash.find(bucket);
if (rebasedBucket != -1) {
leafCollector.collect(doc, rebasedBucket);
* Wrap the provided aggregator so that it behaves (almost) as if it had been
* collected directly.
public Aggregator wrap(final Aggregator in) {
return new Aggregator() {
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) throws IOException {
// Need to set AggregationContext otherwise ValueSources in aggs
// don't read any values
public boolean needsScores() {
return in.needsScores();
public void collect(int docId, long bucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
deferred.collect(docId, bucketOrdinal);
public void close() throws ElasticsearchException {
public String name() {
return in.name();
public Aggregator parent() {
return in.parent();
public AggregationContext context() {
return in.context();
public Aggregator subAggregator(String name) {
return in.subAggregator(name);
public InternalAggregation buildAggregation(long bucket) throws IOException {
if (selectedBuckets == null) {
throw new ElasticsearchIllegalStateException("Collection has not been replayed yet.");
final long rebasedBucket = selectedBuckets.find(bucket);
if (rebasedBucket == -1) {
throw new ElasticsearchIllegalStateException("Cannot build for a bucket which has not been collected");
return in.buildAggregation(rebasedBucket);
public InternalAggregation buildEmptyAggregation() {
return in.buildEmptyAggregation();
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx) throws IOException {
throw new ElasticsearchIllegalStateException("Deferred collectors cannot be collected directly. They must be collected through the recording wrapper.");
public void preCollection() throws IOException {
throw new ElasticsearchIllegalStateException("Deferred collectors cannot be collected directly. They must be collected through the recording wrapper.");
public void postCollection() throws IOException {
throw new ElasticsearchIllegalStateException("Deferred collectors cannot be collected directly. They must be collected through the recording wrapper.");
public void gatherAnalysis(BucketAnalysisCollector results, long bucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
deferred.gatherAnalysis(results, bucketOrdinal);
filteredCollector = new FilteringBucketCollector(survivingBucketOrds, subs, context.bigArrays());
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new QueryPhaseExecutionException(context.searchContext(), "Failed to replay deferred set of matching docIDs", e);
public void close() throws ElasticsearchException {
Releasables.close(recording, filteredCollector);
public void gatherAnalysis(BucketAnalysisCollector analysisCollector, long bucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
filteredCollector.gatherAnalysis(analysisCollector, bucketOrdinal);
@ -35,9 +35,4 @@ public abstract class SingleBucketAggregator extends BucketsAggregator {
super(name, factories, aggregationContext, parent, metaData);
public boolean shouldCollect() {
return true;
@ -24,9 +24,8 @@ import org.apache.lucene.search.DocIdSet;
import org.apache.lucene.search.DocIdSetIterator;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Filter;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Bits;
import org.elasticsearch.ExceptionsHelper;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchIllegalStateException;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lease.Releasables;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.ReaderContextAware;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.docset.DocIdSets;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.LongArray;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.LongObjectPagedHashMap;
@ -34,6 +33,7 @@ import org.elasticsearch.index.search.child.ConstantScorer;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorFactories;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregation;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.NonCollectingAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.SingleBucketAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ import java.util.Map;
// The RecordingPerReaderBucketCollector assumes per segment recording which isn't the case for this
// aggregation, for this reason that collector can't be used
public class ParentToChildrenAggregator extends SingleBucketAggregator implements ReaderContextAware {
public class ParentToChildrenAggregator extends SingleBucketAggregator {
private final String parentType;
private final Filter childFilter;
@ -67,8 +67,6 @@ public class ParentToChildrenAggregator extends SingleBucketAggregator implement
private boolean multipleBucketsPerParentOrd = false;
private List<LeafReaderContext> replay = new ArrayList<>();
private SortedDocValues globalOrdinals;
private Bits parentDocs;
public ParentToChildrenAggregator(String name, AggregatorFactories factories, AggregationContext aggregationContext,
Aggregator parent, String parentType, Filter childFilter, Filter parentFilter,
@ -95,60 +93,62 @@ public class ParentToChildrenAggregator extends SingleBucketAggregator implement
public void collect(int docId, long bucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
if (parentDocs.get(docId)) {
long globalOrdinal = globalOrdinals.getOrd(docId);
if (globalOrdinal != -1) {
if (parentOrdToBuckets.get(globalOrdinal) == -1) {
parentOrdToBuckets.set(globalOrdinal, bucketOrdinal);
} else {
long[] bucketOrds = parentOrdToOtherBuckets.get(globalOrdinal);
if (bucketOrds != null) {
bucketOrds = Arrays.copyOf(bucketOrds, bucketOrds.length + 1);
bucketOrds[bucketOrds.length - 1] = bucketOrdinal;
parentOrdToOtherBuckets.put(globalOrdinal, bucketOrds);
} else {
parentOrdToOtherBuckets.put(globalOrdinal, new long[]{bucketOrdinal});
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx,
final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
if (valuesSource == null) {
return LeafBucketCollector.NO_OP_COLLECTOR;
if (replay == null) {
throw new ElasticsearchIllegalStateException();
final SortedDocValues globalOrdinals = valuesSource.globalOrdinalsValues(parentType, ctx);
assert globalOrdinals != null;
DocIdSet parentDocIdSet = parentFilter.getDocIdSet(ctx, null);
// The DocIdSets.toSafeBits(...) can convert to FixedBitSet, but this
// will only happen if the none filter cache is used. (which only happens in tests)
// Otherwise the filter cache will produce a bitset based filter.
final Bits parentDocs = DocIdSets.asSequentialAccessBits(ctx.reader().maxDoc(), parentDocIdSet);
DocIdSet childDocIdSet = childFilter.getDocIdSet(ctx, null);
if (DocIdSets.isEmpty(childDocIdSet) == false) {
return new LeafBucketCollector() {
public void collect(int docId, long bucket) throws IOException {
if (parentDocs.get(docId)) {
long globalOrdinal = globalOrdinals.getOrd(docId);
if (globalOrdinal != -1) {
if (parentOrdToBuckets.get(globalOrdinal) == -1) {
parentOrdToBuckets.set(globalOrdinal, bucket);
} else {
long[] bucketOrds = parentOrdToOtherBuckets.get(globalOrdinal);
if (bucketOrds != null) {
bucketOrds = Arrays.copyOf(bucketOrds, bucketOrds.length + 1);
bucketOrds[bucketOrds.length - 1] = bucket;
parentOrdToOtherBuckets.put(globalOrdinal, bucketOrds);
} else {
parentOrdToOtherBuckets.put(globalOrdinal, new long[]{bucket});
multipleBucketsPerParentOrd = true;
multipleBucketsPerParentOrd = true;
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
if (replay == null) {
globalOrdinals = valuesSource.globalOrdinalsValues(parentType);
assert globalOrdinals != null;
try {
DocIdSet parentDocIdSet = parentFilter.getDocIdSet(reader, null);
// The DocIdSets.toSafeBits(...) can convert to FixedBitSet, but this
// will only happen if the none filter cache is used. (which only happens in tests)
// Otherwise the filter cache will produce a bitset based filter.
parentDocs = DocIdSets.asSequentialAccessBits(reader.reader().maxDoc(), parentDocIdSet);
DocIdSet childDocIdSet = childFilter.getDocIdSet(reader, null);
if (globalOrdinals != null && !DocIdSets.isEmpty(childDocIdSet)) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw ExceptionsHelper.convertToElastic(e);
protected void doPostCollection() throws IOException {
List<LeafReaderContext> replay = this.replay;
final List<LeafReaderContext> replay = this.replay;
this.replay = null;
for (LeafReaderContext atomicReaderContext : replay) {
for (LeafReaderContext ctx : replay) {
final LeafBucketCollector sub = collectableSubAggregators.getLeafCollector(ctx);
SortedDocValues globalOrdinals = valuesSource.globalOrdinalsValues(parentType);
DocIdSet childDocIdSet = childFilter.getDocIdSet(atomicReaderContext, atomicReaderContext.reader().getLiveDocs());
final SortedDocValues globalOrdinals = valuesSource.globalOrdinalsValues(parentType, ctx);
DocIdSet childDocIdSet = childFilter.getDocIdSet(ctx, ctx.reader().getLiveDocs());
if (childDocIdSet == null) {
@ -158,19 +158,19 @@ public class ParentToChildrenAggregator extends SingleBucketAggregator implement
// Set the scorer, since we now replay only the child docIds
context.setScorer(ConstantScorer.create(childDocsIter, null, 1f));
sub.setScorer(ConstantScorer.create(childDocsIter, null, 1f));
for (int docId = childDocsIter.nextDoc(); docId != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS; docId = childDocsIter.nextDoc()) {
long globalOrdinal = globalOrdinals.getOrd(docId);
if (globalOrdinal != -1) {
long bucketOrd = parentOrdToBuckets.get(globalOrdinal);
if (bucketOrd != -1) {
collectBucket(docId, bucketOrd);
collectBucket(sub, docId, bucketOrd);
if (multipleBucketsPerParentOrd) {
long[] otherBucketOrds = parentOrdToOtherBuckets.get(globalOrdinal);
if (otherBucketOrds != null) {
for (long otherBucketOrd : otherBucketOrds) {
collectBucket(docId, otherBucketOrd);
collectBucket(sub, docId, otherBucketOrd);
@ -178,10 +178,6 @@ public class ParentToChildrenAggregator extends SingleBucketAggregator implement
// Need to invoke post collection on all aggs that the children agg is wrapping,
// otherwise any post work that is required, because we started to collect buckets
// in the method will not be performed.
@ -22,7 +22,12 @@ import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Filter;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Bits;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.docset.DocIdSets;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.*;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorFactories;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorFactory;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregation;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollectorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.SingleBucketAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
@ -36,8 +41,6 @@ public class FilterAggregator extends SingleBucketAggregator {
private final Filter filter;
private Bits bits;
public FilterAggregator(String name,
org.apache.lucene.search.Filter filter,
AggregatorFactories factories,
@ -49,19 +52,19 @@ public class FilterAggregator extends SingleBucketAggregator {
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
try {
bits = DocIdSets.asSequentialAccessBits(reader.reader().maxDoc(), filter.getDocIdSet(reader, null));
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new AggregationExecutionException("Failed to aggregate filter aggregator [" + name + "]", ioe);
public void collect(int doc, long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
if (bits.get(doc)) {
collectBucket(doc, owningBucketOrdinal);
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx,
final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
// TODO: use the iterator if the filter does not support random access
// no need to provide deleted docs to the filter
final Bits bits = DocIdSets.asSequentialAccessBits(ctx.reader().maxDoc(), filter.getDocIdSet(ctx, null));
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, null) {
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
if (bits.get(doc)) {
collectBucket(sub, doc, bucket);
@ -20,11 +20,18 @@
package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.filters;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Filter;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Bits;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.docset.DocIdSets;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.*;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorFactories;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorFactory;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregation;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregations;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollectorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.BucketsAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
@ -49,40 +56,34 @@ public class FiltersAggregator extends BucketsAggregator {
private final KeyedFilter[] filters;
private final Bits[] bits;
private boolean keyed;
private final boolean keyed;
public FiltersAggregator(String name, AggregatorFactories factories, List<KeyedFilter> filters, boolean keyed, AggregationContext aggregationContext,
Aggregator parent, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
super(name, factories, aggregationContext, parent, metaData);
this.keyed = keyed;
this.filters = filters.toArray(new KeyedFilter[filters.size()]);
this.bits = new Bits[this.filters.length];
public boolean shouldCollect() {
return true;
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
try {
for (int i = 0; i < filters.length; i++) {
bits[i] = DocIdSets.asSequentialAccessBits(reader.reader().maxDoc(), filters[i].filter.getDocIdSet(reader, null));
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new AggregationExecutionException("Failed to aggregate filter aggregator [" + name + "]", ioe);
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx,
final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
// TODO: use the iterator if the filter does not support random access
// no need to provide deleted docs to the filter
final Bits[] bits = new Bits[filters.length];
for (int i = 0; i < filters.length; ++i) {
bits[i] = DocIdSets.asSequentialAccessBits(ctx.reader().maxDoc(), filters[i].filter.getDocIdSet(ctx, null));
public void collect(int doc, long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < bits.length; i++) {
if (bits[i].get(doc)) {
collectBucket(doc, bucketOrd(owningBucketOrdinal, i));
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, null) {
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < bits.length; i++) {
if (bits[i].get(doc)) {
collectBucket(sub, doc, bucketOrd(bucket, i));
@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ public class FiltersAggregator extends BucketsAggregator {
return new InternalFilters(name, buckets, keyed, metaData());
private final long bucketOrd(long owningBucketOrdinal, int filterOrd) {
final long bucketOrd(long owningBucketOrdinal, int filterOrd) {
return owningBucketOrdinal * filters.length + filterOrd;
@ -24,7 +24,9 @@ import org.elasticsearch.common.lease.Releasables;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.LongHash;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorFactories;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollectorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregations;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.BucketsAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.ValuesSource;
@ -45,7 +47,6 @@ public class GeoHashGridAggregator extends BucketsAggregator {
private final int shardSize;
private final ValuesSource.Numeric valuesSource;
private final LongHash bucketOrds;
private SortedNumericDocValues values;
public GeoHashGridAggregator(String name, AggregatorFactories factories, ValuesSource.Numeric valuesSource,
int requiredSize, int shardSize, AggregationContext aggregationContext, Aggregator parent, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
@ -57,35 +58,37 @@ public class GeoHashGridAggregator extends BucketsAggregator {
public boolean shouldCollect() {
return true;
public boolean needsScores() {
return (valuesSource != null && valuesSource.needsScores()) || super.needsScores();
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
values = valuesSource.longValues();
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx,
final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
final SortedNumericDocValues values = valuesSource.longValues(ctx);
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, null) {
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
assert bucket == 0;
final int valuesCount = values.count();
public void collect(int doc, long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
assert owningBucketOrdinal == 0;
final int valuesCount = values.count();
long previous = Long.MAX_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < valuesCount; ++i) {
final long val = values.valueAt(i);
if (previous != val || i == 0) {
long bucketOrdinal = bucketOrds.add(val);
if (bucketOrdinal < 0) { // already seen
bucketOrdinal = - 1 - bucketOrdinal;
collectExistingBucket(doc, bucketOrdinal);
} else {
collectBucket(doc, bucketOrdinal);
long previous = Long.MAX_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < valuesCount; ++i) {
final long val = values.valueAt(i);
if (previous != val || i == 0) {
long bucketOrdinal = bucketOrds.add(val);
if (bucketOrdinal < 0) { // already seen
bucketOrdinal = - 1 - bucketOrdinal;
collectExistingBucket(sub, doc, bucketOrdinal);
} else {
collectBucket(sub, doc, bucketOrdinal);
previous = val;
previous = val;
// private impl that stores a bucket ord. This allows for computing the aggregations lazily.
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.geogrid;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.index.SortedNumericDocValues;
import org.elasticsearch.common.geo.GeoHashUtils;
import org.elasticsearch.common.geo.GeoPoint;
@ -28,11 +29,16 @@ import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.SortedNumericDoubleValues;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.SortingNumericDocValues;
import org.elasticsearch.index.query.GeoBoundingBoxFilterBuilder;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorFactory;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregation;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.NonCollectingAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.BucketUtils;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.*;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.ValuesSource;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.ValuesSourceAggregatorFactory;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.ValuesSourceConfig;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.ValuesSourceParser;
import org.elasticsearch.search.internal.SearchContext;
import java.io.IOException;
@ -131,26 +137,23 @@ public class GeoHashGridParser implements Aggregator.Parser {
if (collectsFromSingleBucket == false) {
return asMultiBucketAggregator(this, aggregationContext, parent);
final CellValues cellIdValues = new CellValues(valuesSource, precision);
ValuesSource.Numeric cellIdSource = new CellIdSource(cellIdValues, valuesSource.metaData());
ValuesSource.Numeric cellIdSource = new CellIdSource(valuesSource, precision);
return new GeoHashGridAggregator(name, factories, cellIdSource, requiredSize, shardSize, aggregationContext, parent, metaData);
private static class CellValues extends SortingNumericDocValues {
private ValuesSource.GeoPoint geoPointValues;
private MultiGeoPointValues geoValues;
private int precision;
protected CellValues(ValuesSource.GeoPoint geoPointValues, int precision) {
this.geoPointValues = geoPointValues;
protected CellValues(MultiGeoPointValues geoValues, int precision) {
this.geoValues = geoValues;
this.precision = precision;
public void setDocument(int docId) {
geoValues = geoPointValues.geoPointValues();
for (int i = 0; i < count(); ++i) {
@ -163,13 +166,13 @@ public class GeoHashGridParser implements Aggregator.Parser {
private static class CellIdSource extends ValuesSource.Numeric {
private final SortedNumericDocValues values;
private MetaData metaData;
private final ValuesSource.GeoPoint valuesSource;
private final int precision;
public CellIdSource(SortedNumericDocValues values, MetaData delegate) {
this.values = values;
public CellIdSource(ValuesSource.GeoPoint valuesSource, int precision) {
this.valuesSource = valuesSource;
//different GeoPoints could map to the same or different geohash cells.
this.metaData = MetaData.builder(delegate).uniqueness(MetaData.Uniqueness.UNKNOWN).build();
this.precision = precision;
@ -178,25 +181,20 @@ public class GeoHashGridParser implements Aggregator.Parser {
public SortedNumericDocValues longValues() {
return values;
public SortedNumericDocValues longValues(LeafReaderContext ctx) {
return new CellValues(valuesSource.geoPointValues(ctx), precision);
public SortedNumericDoubleValues doubleValues() {
public SortedNumericDoubleValues doubleValues(LeafReaderContext ctx) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues() {
public SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues(LeafReaderContext ctx) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public MetaData metaData() {
return metaData;
@ -20,7 +20,13 @@ package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.global;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchIllegalStateException;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.*;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregationExecutionException;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorFactories;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorFactory;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregation;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollectorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.SingleBucketAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
@ -37,13 +43,15 @@ public class GlobalAggregator extends SingleBucketAggregator {
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
public void collect(int doc, long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
assert owningBucketOrdinal == 0 : "global aggregator can only be a top level aggregator";
collectBucket(doc, owningBucketOrdinal);
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx,
final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, null) {
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
assert bucket == 0 : "global aggregator can only be a top level aggregator";
collectBucket(sub, doc, bucket);
@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ import org.elasticsearch.common.util.LongHash;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorFactories;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregation;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollectorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.BucketsAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.ValuesSource;
@ -76,38 +78,43 @@ public class HistogramAggregator extends BucketsAggregator {
public boolean shouldCollect() {
return valuesSource != null;
public boolean needsScores() {
return (valuesSource != null && valuesSource.needsScores()) || super.needsScores();
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
values = valuesSource.longValues();
public void collect(int doc, long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
assert owningBucketOrdinal == 0;
final int valuesCount = values.count();
long previousKey = Long.MIN_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < valuesCount; ++i) {
long value = values.valueAt(i);
long key = rounding.roundKey(value);
assert key >= previousKey;
if (key == previousKey) {
long bucketOrd = bucketOrds.add(key);
if (bucketOrd < 0) { // already seen
bucketOrd = -1 - bucketOrd;
collectExistingBucket(doc, bucketOrd);
} else {
collectBucket(doc, bucketOrd);
previousKey = key;
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx,
final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
if (valuesSource == null) {
return LeafBucketCollector.NO_OP_COLLECTOR;
final SortedNumericDocValues values = valuesSource.longValues(ctx);
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, values) {
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
assert bucket == 0;
final int valuesCount = values.count();
long previousKey = Long.MIN_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < valuesCount; ++i) {
long value = values.valueAt(i);
long key = rounding.roundKey(value);
assert key >= previousKey;
if (key == previousKey) {
long bucketOrd = bucketOrds.add(key);
if (bucketOrd < 0) { // already seen
bucketOrd = -1 - bucketOrd;
collectExistingBucket(sub, doc, bucketOrd);
} else {
collectBucket(sub, doc, bucketOrd);
previousKey = key;
@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ import org.apache.lucene.util.Bits;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorFactories;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregation;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollectorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.SingleBucketAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.ValuesSource;
@ -38,7 +40,6 @@ import java.util.Map;
public class MissingAggregator extends SingleBucketAggregator {
private final ValuesSource valuesSource;
private Bits docsWithValue;
public MissingAggregator(String name, AggregatorFactories factories, ValuesSource valuesSource,
AggregationContext aggregationContext, Aggregator parent, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
@ -47,19 +48,23 @@ public class MissingAggregator extends SingleBucketAggregator {
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
if (valuesSource != null) {
docsWithValue = valuesSource.docsWithValue(reader.reader().maxDoc());
} else {
docsWithValue = new Bits.MatchNoBits(reader.reader().maxDoc());
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx,
final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
public void collect(int doc, long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
if (docsWithValue != null && !docsWithValue.get(doc)) {
collectBucket(doc, owningBucketOrdinal);
final Bits docsWithValue;
if (valuesSource != null) {
docsWithValue = valuesSource.docsWithValue(ctx);
} else {
docsWithValue = new Bits.MatchNoBits(ctx.reader().maxDoc());
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, docsWithValue) {
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
if (docsWithValue != null && !docsWithValue.get(doc)) {
collectBucket(sub, doc, bucket);
@ -26,12 +26,18 @@ import org.apache.lucene.search.FilterCachingPolicy;
import org.apache.lucene.search.join.BitDocIdSetFilter;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BitDocIdSet;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BitSet;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.ReaderContextAware;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.docset.DocIdSets;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MapperService;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.object.ObjectMapper;
import org.elasticsearch.index.search.nested.NonNestedDocsFilter;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.*;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregationExecutionException;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorFactories;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorFactory;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregation;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollectorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.NonCollectingAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.SingleBucketAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
@ -41,85 +47,75 @@ import java.util.Map;
public class NestedAggregator extends SingleBucketAggregator implements ReaderContextAware {
public class NestedAggregator extends SingleBucketAggregator {
private final Aggregator parentAggregator;
private BitDocIdSetFilter parentFilter;
private final Filter childFilter;
private DocIdSetIterator childDocs;
private BitSet parentDocs;
private LeafReaderContext reader;
public NestedAggregator(String name, AggregatorFactories factories, ObjectMapper objectMapper, AggregationContext aggregationContext, Aggregator parentAggregator, Map<String, Object> metaData, FilterCachingPolicy filterCachingPolicy) throws IOException {
super(name, factories, aggregationContext, parentAggregator, metaData);
this.parentAggregator = parentAggregator;
childFilter = aggregationContext.searchContext().filterCache().cache(objectMapper.nestedTypeFilter(), null, filterCachingPolicy);
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(final LeafReaderContext ctx, final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
// Reset parentFilter, so we resolve the parentDocs for each new segment being searched
this.parentFilter = null;
this.reader = reader;
try {
// In ES if parent is deleted, then also the children are deleted. Therefore acceptedDocs can also null here.
DocIdSet childDocIdSet = childFilter.getDocIdSet(reader, null);
if (DocIdSets.isEmpty(childDocIdSet)) {
childDocs = null;
} else {
childDocs = childDocIdSet.iterator();
// In ES if parent is deleted, then also the children are deleted. Therefore acceptedDocs can also null here.
DocIdSet childDocIdSet = childFilter.getDocIdSet(ctx, null);
if (DocIdSets.isEmpty(childDocIdSet)) {
childDocs = null;
} else {
childDocs = childDocIdSet.iterator();
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, null) {
public void collect(int parentDoc, long bucket) throws IOException {
// here we translate the parent doc to a list of its nested docs, and then call super.collect for evey one of them so they'll be collected
// if parentDoc is 0 then this means that this parent doesn't have child docs (b/c these appear always before the parent doc), so we can skip:
if (parentDoc == 0 || childDocs == null) {
if (parentFilter == null) {
// The aggs are instantiated in reverse, first the most inner nested aggs and lastly the top level aggs
// So at the time a nested 'nested' aggs is parsed its closest parent nested aggs hasn't been constructed.
// So the trick is to set at the last moment just before needed and we can use its child filter as the
// parent filter.
// Additional NOTE: Before this logic was performed in the setNextReader(...) method, but the the assumption
// that aggs instances are constructed in reverse doesn't hold when buckets are constructed lazily during
// aggs execution
Filter parentFilterNotCached = findClosestNestedPath(parent());
if (parentFilterNotCached == null) {
parentFilterNotCached = NonNestedDocsFilter.INSTANCE;
parentFilter = context.searchContext().bitsetFilterCache().getBitDocIdSetFilter(parentFilterNotCached);
BitDocIdSet parentSet = parentFilter.getDocIdSet(ctx);
if (DocIdSets.isEmpty(parentSet)) {
// There are no parentDocs in the segment, so return and set childDocs to null, so we exit early for future invocations.
childDocs = null;
} else {
parentDocs = parentSet.bits();
final int prevParentDoc = parentDocs.prevSetBit(parentDoc - 1);
int childDocId = childDocs.docID();
if (childDocId <= prevParentDoc) {
childDocId = childDocs.advance(prevParentDoc + 1);
for (; childDocId < parentDoc; childDocId = childDocs.nextDoc()) {
collectBucket(sub, childDocId, bucket);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new AggregationExecutionException("Failed to aggregate [" + name + "]", ioe);
public void collect(int parentDoc, long bucketOrd) throws IOException {
assert bucketOrd == 0;
// here we translate the parent doc to a list of its nested docs, and then call super.collect for evey one of them so they'll be collected
// if parentDoc is 0 then this means that this parent doesn't have child docs (b/c these appear always before the parent doc), so we can skip:
if (parentDoc == 0 || childDocs == null) {
if (parentFilter == null) {
// The aggs are instantiated in reverse, first the most inner nested aggs and lastly the top level aggs
// So at the time a nested 'nested' aggs is parsed its closest parent nested aggs hasn't been constructed.
// So the trick is to set at the last moment just before needed and we can use its child filter as the
// parent filter.
// Additional NOTE: Before this logic was performed in the setNextReader(...) method, but the the assumption
// that aggs instances are constructed in reverse doesn't hold when buckets are constructed lazily during
// aggs execution
Filter parentFilterNotCached = findClosestNestedPath(parentAggregator);
if (parentFilterNotCached == null) {
parentFilterNotCached = NonNestedDocsFilter.INSTANCE;
parentFilter = context.searchContext().bitsetFilterCache().getBitDocIdSetFilter(parentFilterNotCached);
BitDocIdSet parentSet = parentFilter.getDocIdSet(reader);
if (DocIdSets.isEmpty(parentSet)) {
// There are no parentDocs in the segment, so return and set childDocs to null, so we exit early for future invocations.
childDocs = null;
} else {
parentDocs = parentSet.bits();
final int prevParentDoc = parentDocs.prevSetBit(parentDoc - 1);
int childDocId = childDocs.docID();
if (childDocId <= prevParentDoc) {
childDocId = childDocs.advance(prevParentDoc + 1);
int numChildren = 0;
for (; childDocId < parentDoc; childDocId = childDocs.nextDoc()) {
collectBucketNoCounts(childDocId, bucketOrd);
numChildren += 1;
incrementBucketDocCount(bucketOrd, numChildren);
@ -19,19 +19,26 @@
package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.nested;
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.LongIntOpenHashMap;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.search.DocIdSetIterator;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Filter;
import org.apache.lucene.search.join.BitDocIdSetFilter;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BitDocIdSet;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BitSet;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.ReaderContextAware;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.docset.DocIdSets;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MapperService;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.object.ObjectMapper;
import org.elasticsearch.index.search.nested.NonNestedDocsFilter;
import org.elasticsearch.search.SearchParseException;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.*;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregationExecutionException;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorFactories;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorFactory;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregation;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollectorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.NonCollectingAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.SingleBucketAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
@ -41,13 +48,9 @@ import java.util.Map;
public class ReverseNestedAggregator extends SingleBucketAggregator implements ReaderContextAware {
public class ReverseNestedAggregator extends SingleBucketAggregator {
private final BitDocIdSetFilter parentFilter;
private BitSet parentDocs;
// TODO: Add LongIntPagedHashMap?
private final LongIntOpenHashMap bucketOrdToLastCollectedParentDoc;
public ReverseNestedAggregator(String name, AggregatorFactories factories, ObjectMapper objectMapper, AggregationContext aggregationContext, Aggregator parent, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
super(name, factories, aggregationContext, parent, metaData);
@ -56,49 +59,39 @@ public class ReverseNestedAggregator extends SingleBucketAggregator implements R
} else {
parentFilter = context.searchContext().bitsetFilterCache().getBitDocIdSetFilter(objectMapper.nestedTypeFilter());
bucketOrdToLastCollectedParentDoc = new LongIntOpenHashMap(32);
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
try {
// In ES if parent is deleted, then also the children are deleted, so the child docs this agg receives
// must belong to parent docs that is alive. For this reason acceptedDocs can be null here.
BitDocIdSet docIdSet = parentFilter.getDocIdSet(reader);
if (DocIdSets.isEmpty(docIdSet)) {
parentDocs = null;
} else {
parentDocs = docIdSet.bits();
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new AggregationExecutionException("Failed to aggregate [" + name + "]", ioe);
public void collect(int childDoc, long bucketOrd) throws IOException {
if (parentDocs == null) {
// fast forward to retrieve the parentDoc this childDoc belongs to
final int parentDoc = parentDocs.nextSetBit(childDoc);
assert childDoc <= parentDoc && parentDoc != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS;
if (bucketOrdToLastCollectedParentDoc.containsKey(bucketOrd)) {
int lastCollectedParentDoc = bucketOrdToLastCollectedParentDoc.lget();
if (parentDoc > lastCollectedParentDoc) {
innerCollect(parentDoc, bucketOrd);
protected LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx, final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
// In ES if parent is deleted, then also the children are deleted, so the child docs this agg receives
// must belong to parent docs that is alive. For this reason acceptedDocs can be null here.
BitDocIdSet docIdSet = parentFilter.getDocIdSet(ctx);
final BitSet parentDocs;
if (DocIdSets.isEmpty(docIdSet)) {
return LeafBucketCollector.NO_OP_COLLECTOR;
} else {
innerCollect(parentDoc, bucketOrd);
bucketOrdToLastCollectedParentDoc.put(bucketOrd, parentDoc);
parentDocs = docIdSet.bits();
private void innerCollect(int parentDoc, long bucketOrd) throws IOException {
collectBucket(parentDoc, bucketOrd);
final LongIntOpenHashMap bucketOrdToLastCollectedParentDoc = new LongIntOpenHashMap(32);
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, null) {
public void collect(int childDoc, long bucket) throws IOException {
// fast forward to retrieve the parentDoc this childDoc belongs to
final int parentDoc = parentDocs.nextSetBit(childDoc);
assert childDoc <= parentDoc && parentDoc != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS;
if (bucketOrdToLastCollectedParentDoc.containsKey(bucket)) {
int lastCollectedParentDoc = bucketOrdToLastCollectedParentDoc.lget();
if (parentDoc > lastCollectedParentDoc) {
collectBucket(sub, parentDoc, bucket);
} else {
collectBucket(sub, parentDoc, bucket);
bucketOrdToLastCollectedParentDoc.put(bucket, parentDoc);
private static NestedAggregator findClosestNestedAggregator(Aggregator parent) {
@ -19,11 +19,19 @@
package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.range;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.util.InPlaceMergeSorter;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Nullable;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.SortedNumericDoubleValues;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.*;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorFactories;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollectorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregation;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregations;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.NonCollectingAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.BucketsAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.ValuesSource;
@ -80,12 +88,11 @@ public class RangeAggregator extends BucketsAggregator {
private final ValuesSource.Numeric valuesSource;
private final @Nullable ValueFormatter formatter;
private final Range[] ranges;
private final boolean keyed;
private final InternalRange.Factory rangeFactory;
private SortedNumericDoubleValues values;
final ValuesSource.Numeric valuesSource;
final @Nullable ValueFormatter formatter;
final Range[] ranges;
final boolean keyed;
final InternalRange.Factory rangeFactory;
final double[] maxTo;
@ -123,78 +130,80 @@ public class RangeAggregator extends BucketsAggregator {
public boolean shouldCollect() {
return true;
public boolean needsScores() {
return (valuesSource != null && valuesSource.needsScores()) || super.needsScores();
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
values = valuesSource.doubleValues();
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx,
final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
final SortedNumericDoubleValues values = valuesSource.doubleValues(ctx);
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, values) {
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
final int valuesCount = values.count();
for (int i = 0, lo = 0; i < valuesCount; ++i) {
final double value = values.valueAt(i);
lo = collect(doc, value, bucket, lo);
private int collect(int doc, double value, long owningBucketOrdinal, int lowBound) throws IOException {
int lo = lowBound, hi = ranges.length - 1; // all candidates are between these indexes
int mid = (lo + hi) >>> 1;
while (lo <= hi) {
if (value < ranges[mid].from) {
hi = mid - 1;
} else if (value >= maxTo[mid]) {
lo = mid + 1;
} else {
mid = (lo + hi) >>> 1;
if (lo > hi) return lo; // no potential candidate
// binary search the lower bound
int startLo = lo, startHi = mid;
while (startLo <= startHi) {
final int startMid = (startLo + startHi) >>> 1;
if (value >= maxTo[startMid]) {
startLo = startMid + 1;
} else {
startHi = startMid - 1;
// binary search the upper bound
int endLo = mid, endHi = hi;
while (endLo <= endHi) {
final int endMid = (endLo + endHi) >>> 1;
if (value < ranges[endMid].from) {
endHi = endMid - 1;
} else {
endLo = endMid + 1;
assert startLo == lowBound || value >= maxTo[startLo - 1];
assert endHi == ranges.length - 1 || value < ranges[endHi + 1].from;
for (int i = startLo; i <= endHi; ++i) {
if (ranges[i].matches(value)) {
collectBucket(sub, doc, subBucketOrdinal(owningBucketOrdinal, i));
return endHi + 1;
private final long subBucketOrdinal(long owningBucketOrdinal, int rangeOrd) {
return owningBucketOrdinal * ranges.length + rangeOrd;
public void collect(int doc, long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
final int valuesCount = values.count();
for (int i = 0, lo = 0; i < valuesCount; ++i) {
final double value = values.valueAt(i);
lo = collect(doc, value, owningBucketOrdinal, lo);
private int collect(int doc, double value, long owningBucketOrdinal, int lowBound) throws IOException {
int lo = lowBound, hi = ranges.length - 1; // all candidates are between these indexes
int mid = (lo + hi) >>> 1;
while (lo <= hi) {
if (value < ranges[mid].from) {
hi = mid - 1;
} else if (value >= maxTo[mid]) {
lo = mid + 1;
} else {
mid = (lo + hi) >>> 1;
if (lo > hi) return lo; // no potential candidate
// binary search the lower bound
int startLo = lo, startHi = mid;
while (startLo <= startHi) {
final int startMid = (startLo + startHi) >>> 1;
if (value >= maxTo[startMid]) {
startLo = startMid + 1;
} else {
startHi = startMid - 1;
// binary search the upper bound
int endLo = mid, endHi = hi;
while (endLo <= endHi) {
final int endMid = (endLo + endHi) >>> 1;
if (value < ranges[endMid].from) {
endHi = endMid - 1;
} else {
endLo = endMid + 1;
assert startLo == lowBound || value >= maxTo[startLo - 1];
assert endHi == ranges.length - 1 || value < ranges[endHi + 1].from;
for (int i = startLo; i <= endHi; ++i) {
if (ranges[i].matches(value)) {
collectBucket(doc, subBucketOrdinal(owningBucketOrdinal, i));
return endHi + 1;
public InternalAggregation buildAggregation(long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
List<org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.range.Range.Bucket> buckets = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(ranges.length);
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import org.elasticsearch.common.ParseField;
import org.elasticsearch.common.geo.GeoDistance;
import org.elasticsearch.common.geo.GeoDistance.FixedSourceDistance;
import org.elasticsearch.common.geo.GeoPoint;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.ReaderContextAware;
import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.DistanceUnit;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentParser;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.MultiGeoPointValues;
@ -36,7 +35,12 @@ import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorFactory;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.range.InternalRange;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.range.RangeAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.range.RangeAggregator.Unmapped;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.*;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.GeoPointParser;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.ValuesSource;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.ValuesSourceAggregatorFactory;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.ValuesSourceConfig;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.ValuesSourceParser;
import org.elasticsearch.search.internal.SearchContext;
import java.io.IOException;
@ -182,57 +186,43 @@ public class GeoDistanceParser implements Aggregator.Parser {
protected Aggregator doCreateInternal(final ValuesSource.GeoPoint valuesSource, AggregationContext aggregationContext, Aggregator parent, boolean collectsFromSingleBucket, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
DistanceSource distanceSource = new DistanceSource(valuesSource, distanceType, origin, unit);
return new RangeAggregator(name, factories, distanceSource, null, rangeFactory, ranges, keyed, aggregationContext, parent, metaData);
private static class DistanceSource extends ValuesSource.Numeric implements ReaderContextAware {
private static class DistanceSource extends ValuesSource.Numeric {
private final ValuesSource.GeoPoint source;
private final GeoDistance distanceType;
private final DistanceUnit unit;
private final org.elasticsearch.common.geo.GeoPoint origin;
private final MetaData metaData;
private SortedNumericDoubleValues distanceValues;
public DistanceSource(ValuesSource.GeoPoint source, GeoDistance distanceType, org.elasticsearch.common.geo.GeoPoint origin, DistanceUnit unit) {
this.source = source;
// even if the geo points are unique, there's no guarantee the distances are
this.metaData = MetaData.builder(source.metaData()).uniqueness(MetaData.Uniqueness.UNKNOWN).build();
this.distanceType = distanceType;
this.unit = unit;
this.origin = origin;
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
final MultiGeoPointValues geoValues = source.geoPointValues();
final FixedSourceDistance distance = distanceType.fixedSourceDistance(origin.getLat(), origin.getLon(), unit);
distanceValues = GeoDistance.distanceValues(geoValues, distance);
public MetaData metaData() {
return metaData;
public boolean isFloatingPoint() {
return true;
public SortedNumericDocValues longValues() {
public SortedNumericDocValues longValues(LeafReaderContext ctx) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public SortedNumericDoubleValues doubleValues() {
return distanceValues;
public SortedNumericDoubleValues doubleValues(LeafReaderContext ctx) {
final MultiGeoPointValues geoValues = source.geoPointValues(ctx);
final FixedSourceDistance distance = distanceType.fixedSourceDistance(origin.getLat(), origin.getLon(), unit);
return GeoDistance.distanceValues(geoValues, distance);
public SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues() {
public SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues(LeafReaderContext ctx) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
@ -19,11 +19,14 @@
package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.significant;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lease.Releasables;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.LongHash;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorFactories;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollectorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.terms.GlobalOrdinalsStringTermsAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.terms.support.IncludeExclude;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
@ -44,20 +47,27 @@ public class GlobalOrdinalsSignificantTermsAggregator extends GlobalOrdinalsStri
protected final SignificantTermsAggregatorFactory termsAggFactory;
public GlobalOrdinalsSignificantTermsAggregator(String name, AggregatorFactories factories, ValuesSource.Bytes.WithOrdinals.FieldData valuesSource,
long maxOrd, BucketCountThresholds bucketCountThresholds,
BucketCountThresholds bucketCountThresholds,
IncludeExclude includeExclude, AggregationContext aggregationContext, Aggregator parent,
SignificantTermsAggregatorFactory termsAggFactory, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
super(name, factories, valuesSource, maxOrd, null, bucketCountThresholds, includeExclude, aggregationContext, parent, SubAggCollectionMode.DEPTH_FIRST, false, metaData);
super(name, factories, valuesSource, null, bucketCountThresholds, includeExclude, aggregationContext, parent, SubAggCollectionMode.DEPTH_FIRST, false, metaData);
this.termsAggFactory = termsAggFactory;
public void collect(int doc, long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
super.collect(doc, owningBucketOrdinal);
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx,
final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(super.getLeafCollector(ctx, sub), null) {
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
super.collect(doc, bucket);
public SignificantStringTerms buildAggregation(long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
assert owningBucketOrdinal == 0;
@ -136,25 +146,32 @@ public class GlobalOrdinalsSignificantTermsAggregator extends GlobalOrdinalsStri
private final LongHash bucketOrds;
public WithHash(String name, AggregatorFactories factories, ValuesSource.Bytes.WithOrdinals.FieldData valuesSource, BucketCountThresholds bucketCountThresholds, IncludeExclude includeExclude, AggregationContext aggregationContext, Aggregator parent, SignificantTermsAggregatorFactory termsAggFactory, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
super(name, factories, valuesSource, 1, bucketCountThresholds, includeExclude, aggregationContext, parent, termsAggFactory, metaData);
super(name, factories, valuesSource, bucketCountThresholds, includeExclude, aggregationContext, parent, termsAggFactory, metaData);
bucketOrds = new LongHash(1, aggregationContext.bigArrays());
public void collect(int doc, long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
final int numOrds = globalOrds.cardinality();
for (int i = 0; i < numOrds; i++) {
final long globalOrd = globalOrds.ordAt(i);
long bucketOrd = bucketOrds.add(globalOrd);
if (bucketOrd < 0) {
bucketOrd = -1 - bucketOrd;
collectExistingBucket(doc, bucketOrd);
} else {
collectBucket(doc, bucketOrd);
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx,
final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(super.getLeafCollector(ctx, sub), null) {
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
assert bucket == 0;
final int numOrds = globalOrds.cardinality();
for (int i = 0; i < numOrds; i++) {
final long globalOrd = globalOrds.ordAt(i);
long bucketOrd = bucketOrds.add(globalOrd);
if (bucketOrd < 0) {
bucketOrd = -1 - bucketOrd;
collectExistingBucket(sub, doc, bucketOrd);
} else {
collectBucket(sub, doc, bucketOrd);
@ -19,10 +19,13 @@
package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.significant;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Nullable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lease.Releasables;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorFactories;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollectorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.terms.LongTermsAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.terms.support.IncludeExclude;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
@ -52,9 +55,15 @@ public class SignificantLongTermsAggregator extends LongTermsAggregator {
private final SignificantTermsAggregatorFactory termsAggFactory;
public void collect(int doc, long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
super.collect(doc, owningBucketOrdinal);
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx,
final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(super.getLeafCollector(ctx, sub), null) {
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
super.collect(doc, bucket);
@ -19,10 +19,13 @@
package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.significant;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lease.Releasables;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorFactories;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollectorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.terms.StringTermsAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.terms.support.IncludeExclude;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
@ -52,9 +55,15 @@ public class SignificantStringTermsAggregator extends StringTermsAggregator {
public void collect(int doc, long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
super.collect(doc, owningBucketOrdinal);
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx,
final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(super.getLeafCollector(ctx, sub), null) {
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
super.collect(doc, bucket);
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.index.FreqTermsEnum;
import org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.FieldMapper;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregationExecutionException;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorFactories;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregation;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.NonCollectingAggregator;
@ -67,11 +68,6 @@ public class SignificantTermsAggregatorFactory extends ValuesSourceAggregatorFac
return new SignificantStringTermsAggregator(name, factories, valuesSource, bucketCountThresholds, includeExclude, aggregationContext, parent, termsAggregatorFactory, metaData);
boolean needsGlobalOrdinals() {
return false;
GLOBAL_ORDINALS(new ParseField("global_ordinals")) {
@ -81,13 +77,7 @@ public class SignificantTermsAggregatorFactory extends ValuesSourceAggregatorFac
AggregationContext aggregationContext, Aggregator parent, SignificantTermsAggregatorFactory termsAggregatorFactory, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
ValuesSource.Bytes.WithOrdinals valueSourceWithOrdinals = (ValuesSource.Bytes.WithOrdinals) valuesSource;
IndexSearcher indexSearcher = aggregationContext.searchContext().searcher();
long maxOrd = valueSourceWithOrdinals.globalMaxOrd(indexSearcher);
return new GlobalOrdinalsSignificantTermsAggregator(name, factories, (ValuesSource.Bytes.WithOrdinals.FieldData) valuesSource, maxOrd, bucketCountThresholds, includeExclude, aggregationContext, parent, termsAggregatorFactory, metaData);
boolean needsGlobalOrdinals() {
return true;
return new GlobalOrdinalsSignificantTermsAggregator(name, factories, (ValuesSource.Bytes.WithOrdinals.FieldData) valuesSource, bucketCountThresholds, includeExclude, aggregationContext, parent, termsAggregatorFactory, metaData);
@ -99,11 +89,6 @@ public class SignificantTermsAggregatorFactory extends ValuesSourceAggregatorFac
AggregationContext aggregationContext, Aggregator parent, SignificantTermsAggregatorFactory termsAggregatorFactory, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
return new GlobalOrdinalsSignificantTermsAggregator.WithHash(name, factories, (ValuesSource.Bytes.WithOrdinals.FieldData) valuesSource, bucketCountThresholds, includeExclude, aggregationContext, parent, termsAggregatorFactory, metaData);
boolean needsGlobalOrdinals() {
return true;
public static ExecutionMode fromString(String value) {
@ -125,8 +110,6 @@ public class SignificantTermsAggregatorFactory extends ValuesSourceAggregatorFac
TermsAggregator.BucketCountThresholds bucketCountThresholds, IncludeExclude includeExclude,
AggregationContext aggregationContext, Aggregator parent, SignificantTermsAggregatorFactory termsAggregatorFactory, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException;
abstract boolean needsGlobalOrdinals();
public String toString() {
return parseField.getPreferredName();
@ -196,7 +179,6 @@ public class SignificantTermsAggregatorFactory extends ValuesSourceAggregatorFac
assert execution != null;
return execution.create(name, factories, valuesSource, bucketCountThresholds, includeExclude, aggregationContext, parent, this, metaData);
@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ import java.util.Map;
abstract class AbstractStringTermsAggregator extends TermsAggregator {
protected final boolean showTermDocCountError;
public AbstractStringTermsAggregator(String name, AggregatorFactories factories,
@ -41,11 +40,6 @@ abstract class AbstractStringTermsAggregator extends TermsAggregator {
this.showTermDocCountError = showTermDocCountError;
public boolean shouldCollect() {
return true;
public InternalAggregation buildEmptyAggregation() {
return new StringTerms(name, order, bucketCountThresholds.getRequiredSize(), bucketCountThresholds.getShardSize(), bucketCountThresholds.getMinDocCount(), Collections.<InternalTerms.Bucket>emptyList(), showTermDocCountError, 0, 0, metaData());
@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.terms;
import org.elasticsearch.common.ParseField;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentParser;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator.SubAggCollectionMode;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.terms.support.IncludeExclude;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.ValuesSourceParser;
@ -80,7 +79,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractTermsParametersParser {
} else if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) {
if (EXECUTION_HINT_FIELD_NAME.match(currentFieldName)) {
executionHint = parser.text();
} else if(Aggregator.COLLECT_MODE.match(currentFieldName)){
} else if(SubAggCollectionMode.KEY.match(currentFieldName)){
collectMode = SubAggCollectionMode.parse(parser.text());
} else if (REQUIRED_SIZE_FIELD_NAME.match(currentFieldName)) {
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.terms;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.index.SortedNumericDocValues;
import org.apache.lucene.util.NumericUtils;
import org.elasticsearch.common.Nullable;
@ -45,8 +46,8 @@ public class DoubleTermsAggregator extends LongTermsAggregator {
protected SortedNumericDocValues getValues(Numeric valuesSource) {
return FieldData.toSortableLongBits(valuesSource.doubleValues());
protected SortedNumericDocValues getValues(Numeric valuesSource, LeafReaderContext ctx) throws IOException {
return FieldData.toSortableLongBits(valuesSource.doubleValues(ctx));
@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ import org.apache.lucene.util.ArrayUtil;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.LongBitSet;
import org.apache.lucene.util.RamUsageEstimator;
import org.elasticsearch.ExceptionsHelper;
import org.elasticsearch.common.io.stream.StreamInput;
import org.elasticsearch.common.io.stream.StreamOutput;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lease.Releasables;
@ -38,8 +37,10 @@ import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.AbstractRandomAccessOrds;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.ordinals.GlobalOrdinalMapping;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorFactories;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollectorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregation;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregations;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.terms.InternalTerms.Bucket;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.terms.support.BucketPriorityQueue;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.terms.support.IncludeExclude;
@ -58,8 +59,6 @@ public class GlobalOrdinalsStringTermsAggregator extends AbstractStringTermsAggr
protected final ValuesSource.Bytes.WithOrdinals.FieldData valuesSource;
protected final IncludeExclude includeExclude;
protected RandomAccessOrds globalOrds;
// TODO: cache the acceptedglobalValues per aggregation definition.
// We can't cache this yet in ValuesSource, since ValuesSource is reused per field for aggs during the execution.
// If aggs with same field, but different include/exclude are defined, then the last defined one will override the
@ -68,15 +67,14 @@ public class GlobalOrdinalsStringTermsAggregator extends AbstractStringTermsAggr
// especially if this agg is on a second layer or deeper.
protected LongBitSet acceptedGlobalOrdinals;
protected Collector collector;
protected RandomAccessOrds globalOrds;
public GlobalOrdinalsStringTermsAggregator(String name, AggregatorFactories factories, ValuesSource.Bytes.WithOrdinals.FieldData valuesSource,
long maxOrd, Terms.Order order, BucketCountThresholds bucketCountThresholds,
Terms.Order order, BucketCountThresholds bucketCountThresholds,
IncludeExclude includeExclude, AggregationContext aggregationContext, Aggregator parent, SubAggCollectionMode collectionMode, boolean showTermDocCountError, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
super(name, factories, aggregationContext, parent, order, bucketCountThresholds, collectionMode, showTermDocCountError, metaData);
this.valuesSource = valuesSource;
this.includeExclude = includeExclude;
protected long getBucketOrd(long termOrd) {
@ -84,54 +82,52 @@ public class GlobalOrdinalsStringTermsAggregator extends AbstractStringTermsAggr
public boolean shouldCollect() {
return true;
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx,
final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
globalOrds = valuesSource.globalOrdinalsValues(ctx);
if (acceptedGlobalOrdinals == null && includeExclude != null) {
acceptedGlobalOrdinals = includeExclude.acceptedGlobalOrdinals(globalOrds, valuesSource);
if (acceptedGlobalOrdinals != null) {
globalOrds = new FilteredOrdinals(globalOrds, acceptedGlobalOrdinals);
return newCollector(globalOrds, sub);
protected Collector newCollector(final RandomAccessOrds ords) {
protected LeafBucketCollector newCollector(final RandomAccessOrds ords, final LeafBucketCollector sub) {
final SortedDocValues singleValues = DocValues.unwrapSingleton(ords);
if (singleValues != null) {
return new Collector() {
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, ords) {
public void collect(int doc) throws IOException {
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
assert bucket == 0;
final int ord = singleValues.getOrd(doc);
if (ord >= 0) {
collectExistingBucket(doc, ord);
collectExistingBucket(sub, doc, ord);
} else {
return new Collector() {
public void collect(int doc) throws IOException {
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, ords) {
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
assert bucket == 0;
final int numOrds = ords.cardinality();
for (int i = 0; i < numOrds; i++) {
final long globalOrd = ords.ordAt(i);
collectExistingBucket(doc, globalOrd);
collectExistingBucket(sub, doc, globalOrd);
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
globalOrds = valuesSource.globalOrdinalsValues();
if (acceptedGlobalOrdinals != null) {
globalOrds = new FilteredOrdinals(globalOrds, acceptedGlobalOrdinals);
} else if (includeExclude != null) {
acceptedGlobalOrdinals = includeExclude.acceptedGlobalOrdinals(globalOrds, valuesSource);
globalOrds = new FilteredOrdinals(globalOrds, acceptedGlobalOrdinals);
collector = newCollector(globalOrds);
public void collect(int doc, long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
assert owningBucketOrdinal == 0;
protected static void copy(BytesRef from, BytesRef to) {
if (to.bytes.length < from.length) {
to.bytes = new byte[ArrayUtil.oversize(from.length, RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_BYTE)];
@ -255,10 +251,6 @@ public class GlobalOrdinalsStringTermsAggregator extends AbstractStringTermsAggr
private static interface Collector {
void collect(int doc) throws IOException;
* Variant of {@link GlobalOrdinalsStringTermsAggregator} that rebases hashes in order to make them dense. Might be
* useful in case few hashes are visited.
@ -268,33 +260,34 @@ public class GlobalOrdinalsStringTermsAggregator extends AbstractStringTermsAggr
private final LongHash bucketOrds;
public WithHash(String name, AggregatorFactories factories, ValuesSource.Bytes.WithOrdinals.FieldData valuesSource,
long maxOrd, Terms.Order order, BucketCountThresholds bucketCountThresholds, IncludeExclude includeExclude, AggregationContext aggregationContext,
Terms.Order order, BucketCountThresholds bucketCountThresholds, IncludeExclude includeExclude, AggregationContext aggregationContext,
Aggregator parent, SubAggCollectionMode collectionMode, boolean showTermDocCountError, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
super(name, factories, valuesSource, 1, order, bucketCountThresholds, includeExclude, aggregationContext, parent, collectionMode, showTermDocCountError, metaData);
super(name, factories, valuesSource, order, bucketCountThresholds, includeExclude, aggregationContext, parent, collectionMode, showTermDocCountError, metaData);
bucketOrds = new LongHash(1, aggregationContext.bigArrays());
protected Collector newCollector(final RandomAccessOrds ords) {
protected LeafBucketCollector newCollector(final RandomAccessOrds ords, final LeafBucketCollector sub) {
final SortedDocValues singleValues = DocValues.unwrapSingleton(ords);
if (singleValues != null) {
return new Collector() {
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, ords) {
public void collect(int doc) throws IOException {
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
final int globalOrd = singleValues.getOrd(doc);
if (globalOrd >= 0) {
long bucketOrd = bucketOrds.add(globalOrd);
if (bucketOrd < 0) {
bucketOrd = -1 - bucketOrd;
collectExistingBucket(doc, bucketOrd);
collectExistingBucket(sub, doc, bucketOrd);
} else {
collectBucket(doc, bucketOrd);
collectBucket(sub, doc, bucketOrd);
} else {
return new Collector() {
public void collect(int doc) throws IOException {
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, ords) {
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
final int numOrds = ords.cardinality();
for (int i = 0; i < numOrds; i++) {
@ -302,9 +295,9 @@ public class GlobalOrdinalsStringTermsAggregator extends AbstractStringTermsAggr
long bucketOrd = bucketOrds.add(globalOrd);
if (bucketOrd < 0) {
bucketOrd = -1 - bucketOrd;
collectExistingBucket(doc, bucketOrd);
collectExistingBucket(sub, doc, bucketOrd);
} else {
collectBucket(doc, bucketOrd);
collectBucket(sub, doc, bucketOrd);
@ -331,35 +324,40 @@ public class GlobalOrdinalsStringTermsAggregator extends AbstractStringTermsAggr
public static class LowCardinality extends GlobalOrdinalsStringTermsAggregator {
private final IntArray segmentDocCounts;
private IntArray segmentDocCounts;
private RandomAccessOrds segmentOrds;
public LowCardinality(String name, AggregatorFactories factories, ValuesSource.Bytes.WithOrdinals.FieldData valuesSource,
long maxOrd, Terms.Order order, BucketCountThresholds bucketCountThresholds, AggregationContext aggregationContext, Aggregator parent, SubAggCollectionMode collectionMode, boolean showTermDocCountError, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
super(name, factories, valuesSource, maxOrd, order, bucketCountThresholds, null, aggregationContext, parent, collectionMode, showTermDocCountError, metaData);
Terms.Order order, BucketCountThresholds bucketCountThresholds, AggregationContext aggregationContext, Aggregator parent, SubAggCollectionMode collectionMode, boolean showTermDocCountError, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
super(name, factories, valuesSource, order, bucketCountThresholds, null, aggregationContext, parent, collectionMode, showTermDocCountError, metaData);
assert factories == null || factories.count() == 0;
this.segmentDocCounts = bigArrays.newIntArray(maxOrd + 1, true);
this.segmentDocCounts = context.bigArrays().newIntArray(1, true);
// bucketOrd is ord + 1 to avoid a branch to deal with the missing ord
protected Collector newCollector(final RandomAccessOrds ords) {
final SortedDocValues singleValues = DocValues.unwrapSingleton(segmentOrds);
protected LeafBucketCollector newCollector(final RandomAccessOrds ords, LeafBucketCollector sub) {
segmentDocCounts = context.bigArrays().grow(segmentDocCounts, 1 + ords.getValueCount());
assert sub == LeafBucketCollector.NO_OP_COLLECTOR;
final SortedDocValues singleValues = DocValues.unwrapSingleton(ords);
if (singleValues != null) {
return new Collector() {
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, ords) {
public void collect(int doc) throws IOException {
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
assert bucket == 0;
final int ord = singleValues.getOrd(doc);
segmentDocCounts.increment(ord + 1, 1);
} else {
return new Collector() {
public void collect(int doc) throws IOException {
final int numOrds = segmentOrds.cardinality();
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, ords) {
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
assert bucket == 0;
final int numOrds = ords.cardinality();
for (int i = 0; i < numOrds; i++) {
final long segmentOrd = segmentOrds.ordAt(i);
final long segmentOrd = ords.ordAt(i);
segmentDocCounts.increment(segmentOrd + 1, 1);
@ -368,14 +366,15 @@ public class GlobalOrdinalsStringTermsAggregator extends AbstractStringTermsAggr
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx,
final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
if (segmentOrds != null) {
globalOrds = valuesSource.globalOrdinalsValues();
segmentOrds = valuesSource.ordinalsValues();
collector = newCollector(segmentOrds);
globalOrds = valuesSource.globalOrdinalsValues(ctx);
segmentOrds = valuesSource.ordinalsValues(ctx);
return newCollector(segmentOrds, sub);
@ -410,11 +409,7 @@ public class GlobalOrdinalsStringTermsAggregator extends AbstractStringTermsAggr
final long ord = i - 1; // remember we do +1 when counting
final long globalOrd = mapping == null ? ord : mapping.getGlobalOrd(ord);
try {
incrementBucketDocCount(globalOrd, inc);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw ExceptionsHelper.convertToElastic(e);
incrementBucketDocCount(globalOrd, inc);
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.terms;
import org.elasticsearch.Version;
import org.elasticsearch.common.io.stream.StreamInput;
import org.elasticsearch.common.io.stream.StreamOutput;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.Comparators;
@ -220,7 +219,7 @@ class InternalOrder extends Terms.Order {
static class CompoundOrder extends Terms.Order{
static class CompoundOrder extends Terms.Order {
static final byte ID = -1;
@ -25,7 +25,9 @@ import org.elasticsearch.common.lease.Releasables;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.LongHash;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorFactories;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollectorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregation;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.terms.support.BucketPriorityQueue;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.terms.support.IncludeExclude;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.terms.support.IncludeExclude.LongFilter;
@ -48,7 +50,6 @@ public class LongTermsAggregator extends TermsAggregator {
protected final @Nullable ValueFormatter formatter;
protected final LongHash bucketOrds;
private boolean showTermDocCountError;
private SortedNumericDocValues values;
private LongFilter longFilter;
public LongTermsAggregator(String name, AggregatorFactories factories, ValuesSource.Numeric valuesSource, @Nullable ValueFormat format,
@ -60,46 +61,46 @@ public class LongTermsAggregator extends TermsAggregator {
this.longFilter = longFilter;
bucketOrds = new LongHash(1, aggregationContext.bigArrays());
public boolean shouldCollect() {
return true;
public boolean needsScores() {
return (valuesSource != null && valuesSource.needsScores()) || super.needsScores();
protected SortedNumericDocValues getValues(ValuesSource.Numeric valuesSource) {
return valuesSource.longValues();
protected SortedNumericDocValues getValues(ValuesSource.Numeric valuesSource, LeafReaderContext ctx) throws IOException {
return valuesSource.longValues(ctx);
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
values = getValues(valuesSource);
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx,
final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
final SortedNumericDocValues values = getValues(valuesSource, ctx);
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, values) {
public void collect(int doc, long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
assert owningBucketOrdinal == 0;
final int valuesCount = values.count();
public void collect(int doc, long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
assert owningBucketOrdinal == 0;
final int valuesCount = values.count();
long previous = Long.MAX_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < valuesCount; ++i) {
final long val = values.valueAt(i);
if (previous != val || i == 0) {
if ((longFilter == null) || (longFilter.accept(val))) {
long bucketOrdinal = bucketOrds.add(val);
if (bucketOrdinal < 0) { // already seen
bucketOrdinal = - 1 - bucketOrdinal;
collectExistingBucket(sub, doc, bucketOrdinal);
} else {
collectBucket(sub, doc, bucketOrdinal);
long previous = Long.MAX_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < valuesCount; ++i) {
final long val = values.valueAt(i);
if (previous != val || i == 0) {
if ((longFilter == null) || (longFilter.accept(val))) {
long bucketOrdinal = bucketOrds.add(val);
if (bucketOrdinal < 0) { // already seen
bucketOrdinal = - 1 - bucketOrdinal;
collectExistingBucket(doc, bucketOrdinal);
} else {
collectBucket(doc, bucketOrdinal);
previous = val;
previous = val;
@ -109,8 +110,7 @@ public class LongTermsAggregator extends TermsAggregator {
if (bucketCountThresholds.getMinDocCount() == 0 && (order != InternalOrder.COUNT_DESC || bucketOrds.size() < bucketCountThresholds.getRequiredSize())) {
// we need to fill-in the blanks
for (LeafReaderContext ctx : context.searchContext().searcher().getTopReaderContext().leaves()) {
final SortedNumericDocValues values = getValues(valuesSource);
final SortedNumericDocValues values = getValues(valuesSource, ctx);
for (int docId = 0; docId < ctx.reader().maxDoc(); ++docId) {
final int valueCount = values.count();
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ public class LongTermsAggregator extends TermsAggregator {
list[i] = bucket;
otherDocCount -= bucket.docCount;
//Now build the aggs
@ -156,11 +156,11 @@ public class LongTermsAggregator extends TermsAggregator {
list[i].aggregations = bucketAggregations(list[i].bucketOrd);
list[i].docCountError = 0;
return new LongTerms(name, order, formatter, bucketCountThresholds.getRequiredSize(), bucketCountThresholds.getShardSize(), bucketCountThresholds.getMinDocCount(), Arrays.asList(list), showTermDocCountError, 0, otherDocCount, metaData());
public InternalAggregation buildEmptyAggregation() {
return new LongTerms(name, order, formatter, bucketCountThresholds.getRequiredSize(), bucketCountThresholds.getShardSize(), bucketCountThresholds.getMinDocCount(), Collections.<InternalTerms.Bucket>emptyList(), showTermDocCountError, 0, 0, metaData());
@ -26,7 +26,9 @@ import org.elasticsearch.common.util.BytesRefHash;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.SortedBinaryDocValues;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorFactories;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollectorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregation;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.terms.support.BucketPriorityQueue;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.terms.support.IncludeExclude;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
@ -44,8 +46,6 @@ public class StringTermsAggregator extends AbstractStringTermsAggregator {
private final ValuesSource valuesSource;
protected final BytesRefHash bucketOrds;
private final IncludeExclude includeExclude;
private SortedBinaryDocValues values;
private final BytesRefBuilder previous;
public StringTermsAggregator(String name, AggregatorFactories factories, ValuesSource valuesSource,
Terms.Order order, BucketCountThresholds bucketCountThresholds,
@ -55,44 +55,47 @@ public class StringTermsAggregator extends AbstractStringTermsAggregator {
this.valuesSource = valuesSource;
this.includeExclude = includeExclude;
bucketOrds = new BytesRefHash(1, aggregationContext.bigArrays());
previous = new BytesRefBuilder();
public boolean shouldCollect() {
return true;
public boolean needsScores() {
return (valuesSource != null && valuesSource.needsScores()) || super.needsScores();
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
values = valuesSource.bytesValues();
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx,
final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
final SortedBinaryDocValues values = valuesSource.bytesValues(ctx);
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, values) {
final BytesRefBuilder previous = new BytesRefBuilder();
public void collect(int doc, long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
assert owningBucketOrdinal == 0;
final int valuesCount = values.count();
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
assert bucket == 0;
final int valuesCount = values.count();
// SortedBinaryDocValues don't guarantee uniqueness so we need to take care of dups
for (int i = 0; i < valuesCount; ++i) {
final BytesRef bytes = values.valueAt(i);
if (includeExclude != null && !includeExclude.accept(bytes)) {
// SortedBinaryDocValues don't guarantee uniqueness so we need to take care of dups
for (int i = 0; i < valuesCount; ++i) {
final BytesRef bytes = values.valueAt(i);
if (includeExclude != null && !includeExclude.accept(bytes)) {
if (previous.get().equals(bytes)) {
long bucketOrdinal = bucketOrds.add(bytes);
if (bucketOrdinal < 0) { // already seen
bucketOrdinal = - 1 - bucketOrdinal;
collectExistingBucket(sub, doc, bucketOrdinal);
} else {
collectBucket(sub, doc, bucketOrdinal);
if (previous.get().equals(bytes)) {
long bucketOrdinal = bucketOrds.add(bytes);
if (bucketOrdinal < 0) { // already seen
bucketOrdinal = - 1 - bucketOrdinal;
collectExistingBucket(doc, bucketOrdinal);
} else {
collectBucket(doc, bucketOrdinal);
@ -102,8 +105,7 @@ public class StringTermsAggregator extends AbstractStringTermsAggregator {
if (bucketCountThresholds.getMinDocCount() == 0 && (order != InternalOrder.COUNT_DESC || bucketOrds.size() < bucketCountThresholds.getRequiredSize())) {
// we need to fill-in the blanks
for (LeafReaderContext ctx : context.searchContext().searcher().getTopReaderContext().leaves()) {
final SortedBinaryDocValues values = valuesSource.bytesValues();
final SortedBinaryDocValues values = valuesSource.bytesValues(ctx);
// brute force
for (int docId = 0; docId < ctx.reader().maxDoc(); ++docId) {
@ -131,15 +131,15 @@ public abstract class TermsAggregator extends BucketsAggregator {
protected final BucketCountThresholds bucketCountThresholds;
protected Terms.Order order;
protected Set<Aggregator> aggsUsedForSorting = new HashSet<>();
protected SubAggCollectionMode subAggCollectMode;
protected final Terms.Order order;
protected final Set<Aggregator> aggsUsedForSorting = new HashSet<>();
protected final SubAggCollectionMode collectMode;
public TermsAggregator(String name, AggregatorFactories factories, AggregationContext context, Aggregator parent, BucketCountThresholds bucketCountThresholds, Terms.Order order, SubAggCollectionMode subAggCollectMode, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
public TermsAggregator(String name, AggregatorFactories factories, AggregationContext context, Aggregator parent, BucketCountThresholds bucketCountThresholds, Terms.Order order, SubAggCollectionMode collectMode, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
super(name, factories, context, parent, metaData);
this.bucketCountThresholds = bucketCountThresholds;
this.order = InternalOrder.validate(order, this);
this.subAggCollectMode = subAggCollectMode;
this.collectMode = collectMode;
// Don't defer any child agg if we are dependent on it for pruning results
if (order instanceof Aggregation){
AggregationPath path = ((Aggregation) order).path();
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ public abstract class TermsAggregator extends BucketsAggregator {
protected boolean shouldDefer(Aggregator aggregator) {
return (subAggCollectMode == SubAggCollectionMode.BREADTH_FIRST) && (!aggsUsedForSorting.contains(aggregator));
return (collectMode == SubAggCollectionMode.BREADTH_FIRST) && (!aggsUsedForSorting.contains(aggregator));
@ -21,8 +21,13 @@ package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.terms;
import org.apache.lucene.search.IndexSearcher;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException;
import org.elasticsearch.common.ParseField;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.*;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregationExecutionException;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator.SubAggCollectionMode;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorFactories;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregation;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.NonCollectingAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.terms.support.IncludeExclude;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.ValuesSource;
@ -43,7 +48,7 @@ public class TermsAggregatorFactory extends ValuesSourceAggregatorFactory<Values
Aggregator create(String name, AggregatorFactories factories, ValuesSource valuesSource,
long maxOrd, Terms.Order order, TermsAggregator.BucketCountThresholds bucketCountThresholds, IncludeExclude includeExclude,
Terms.Order order, TermsAggregator.BucketCountThresholds bucketCountThresholds, IncludeExclude includeExclude,
AggregationContext aggregationContext, Aggregator parent, SubAggCollectionMode subAggCollectMode, boolean showTermDocCountError, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
return new StringTermsAggregator(name, factories, valuesSource, order, bucketCountThresholds, includeExclude, aggregationContext, parent, subAggCollectMode, showTermDocCountError, metaData);
@ -58,9 +63,9 @@ public class TermsAggregatorFactory extends ValuesSourceAggregatorFactory<Values
Aggregator create(String name, AggregatorFactories factories, ValuesSource valuesSource,
long maxOrd, Terms.Order order, TermsAggregator.BucketCountThresholds bucketCountThresholds, IncludeExclude includeExclude,
Terms.Order order, TermsAggregator.BucketCountThresholds bucketCountThresholds, IncludeExclude includeExclude,
AggregationContext aggregationContext, Aggregator parent, SubAggCollectionMode subAggCollectMode, boolean showTermDocCountError, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
return new GlobalOrdinalsStringTermsAggregator(name, factories, (ValuesSource.Bytes.WithOrdinals.FieldData) valuesSource, maxOrd, order, bucketCountThresholds, includeExclude, aggregationContext, parent, subAggCollectMode, showTermDocCountError, metaData);
return new GlobalOrdinalsStringTermsAggregator(name, factories, (ValuesSource.Bytes.WithOrdinals.FieldData) valuesSource, order, bucketCountThresholds, includeExclude, aggregationContext, parent, subAggCollectMode, showTermDocCountError, metaData);
@ -73,9 +78,9 @@ public class TermsAggregatorFactory extends ValuesSourceAggregatorFactory<Values
Aggregator create(String name, AggregatorFactories factories, ValuesSource valuesSource,
long maxOrd, Terms.Order order, TermsAggregator.BucketCountThresholds bucketCountThresholds, IncludeExclude includeExclude,
Terms.Order order, TermsAggregator.BucketCountThresholds bucketCountThresholds, IncludeExclude includeExclude,
AggregationContext aggregationContext, Aggregator parent, SubAggCollectionMode subAggCollectMode, boolean showTermDocCountError, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
return new GlobalOrdinalsStringTermsAggregator.WithHash(name, factories, (ValuesSource.Bytes.WithOrdinals.FieldData) valuesSource, maxOrd, order, bucketCountThresholds, includeExclude, aggregationContext, parent, subAggCollectMode, showTermDocCountError, metaData);
return new GlobalOrdinalsStringTermsAggregator.WithHash(name, factories, (ValuesSource.Bytes.WithOrdinals.FieldData) valuesSource, order, bucketCountThresholds, includeExclude, aggregationContext, parent, subAggCollectMode, showTermDocCountError, metaData);
@ -87,12 +92,12 @@ public class TermsAggregatorFactory extends ValuesSourceAggregatorFactory<Values
Aggregator create(String name, AggregatorFactories factories, ValuesSource valuesSource,
long maxOrd, Terms.Order order, TermsAggregator.BucketCountThresholds bucketCountThresholds, IncludeExclude includeExclude,
Terms.Order order, TermsAggregator.BucketCountThresholds bucketCountThresholds, IncludeExclude includeExclude,
AggregationContext aggregationContext, Aggregator parent, SubAggCollectionMode subAggCollectMode, boolean showTermDocCountError, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
if (includeExclude != null || factories.count() > 0) {
return GLOBAL_ORDINALS.create(name, factories, valuesSource, maxOrd, order, bucketCountThresholds, includeExclude, aggregationContext, parent, subAggCollectMode, showTermDocCountError, metaData);
return GLOBAL_ORDINALS.create(name, factories, valuesSource, order, bucketCountThresholds, includeExclude, aggregationContext, parent, subAggCollectMode, showTermDocCountError, metaData);
return new GlobalOrdinalsStringTermsAggregator.LowCardinality(name, factories, (ValuesSource.Bytes.WithOrdinals.FieldData) valuesSource, maxOrd, order, bucketCountThresholds, aggregationContext, parent, subAggCollectMode, showTermDocCountError, metaData);
return new GlobalOrdinalsStringTermsAggregator.LowCardinality(name, factories, (ValuesSource.Bytes.WithOrdinals.FieldData) valuesSource, order, bucketCountThresholds, aggregationContext, parent, subAggCollectMode, showTermDocCountError, metaData);
@ -117,8 +122,9 @@ public class TermsAggregatorFactory extends ValuesSourceAggregatorFactory<Values
abstract Aggregator create(String name, AggregatorFactories factories, ValuesSource valuesSource,
long maxOrd, Terms.Order order, TermsAggregator.BucketCountThresholds bucketCountThresholds,
IncludeExclude includeExclude, AggregationContext aggregationContext, Aggregator parent, SubAggCollectionMode subAggCollectMode, boolean showTermDocCountError, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException;
Terms.Order order, TermsAggregator.BucketCountThresholds bucketCountThresholds,
IncludeExclude includeExclude, AggregationContext aggregationContext, Aggregator parent,
SubAggCollectionMode subAggCollectMode, boolean showTermDocCountError, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException;
abstract boolean needsGlobalOrdinals();
@ -131,17 +137,17 @@ public class TermsAggregatorFactory extends ValuesSourceAggregatorFactory<Values
private final Terms.Order order;
private final IncludeExclude includeExclude;
private final String executionHint;
private SubAggCollectionMode subAggCollectMode;
private final SubAggCollectionMode collectMode;
private final TermsAggregator.BucketCountThresholds bucketCountThresholds;
private boolean showTermDocCountError;
private final boolean showTermDocCountError;
public TermsAggregatorFactory(String name, ValuesSourceConfig config, Terms.Order order, TermsAggregator.BucketCountThresholds bucketCountThresholds, IncludeExclude includeExclude, String executionHint,SubAggCollectionMode executionMode, boolean showTermDocCountError) {
public TermsAggregatorFactory(String name, ValuesSourceConfig config, Terms.Order order, TermsAggregator.BucketCountThresholds bucketCountThresholds, IncludeExclude includeExclude, String executionHint, SubAggCollectionMode executionMode, boolean showTermDocCountError) {
super(name, StringTerms.TYPE.name(), config);
this.order = order;
this.includeExclude = includeExclude;
this.executionHint = executionHint;
this.bucketCountThresholds = bucketCountThresholds;
this.subAggCollectMode = executionMode;
this.collectMode = executionMode;
this.showTermDocCountError = showTermDocCountError;
@ -211,8 +217,7 @@ public class TermsAggregatorFactory extends ValuesSourceAggregatorFactory<Values
assert execution != null;
return execution.create(name, factories, valuesSource, maxOrd, order, bucketCountThresholds, includeExclude, aggregationContext, parent, subAggCollectMode, showTermDocCountError, metaData);
return execution.create(name, factories, valuesSource, order, bucketCountThresholds, includeExclude, aggregationContext, parent, collectMode, showTermDocCountError, metaData);
if ((includeExclude != null) && (includeExclude.isRegexBased())) {
@ -227,14 +232,14 @@ public class TermsAggregatorFactory extends ValuesSourceAggregatorFactory<Values
longFilter = includeExclude.convertToDoubleFilter();
return new DoubleTermsAggregator(name, factories, (ValuesSource.Numeric) valuesSource, config.format(),
order, bucketCountThresholds, aggregationContext, parent, subAggCollectMode,
order, bucketCountThresholds, aggregationContext, parent, collectMode,
showTermDocCountError, longFilter, metaData);
if (includeExclude != null) {
longFilter = includeExclude.convertToLongFilter();
return new LongTermsAggregator(name, factories, (ValuesSource.Numeric) valuesSource, config.format(),
order, bucketCountThresholds, aggregationContext, parent, subAggCollectMode, showTermDocCountError, longFilter, metaData);
order, bucketCountThresholds, aggregationContext, parent, collectMode, showTermDocCountError, longFilter, metaData);
throw new AggregationExecutionException("terms aggregation cannot be applied to field [" + config.fieldContext().field() +
@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.terms;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator.SubAggCollectionMode;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.ValuesSourceAggregationBuilder;
@ -282,7 +281,7 @@ public class TermsBuilder extends ValuesSourceAggregationBuilder<TermsBuilder> {
order.toXContent(builder, params);
if (collectionMode != null) {
builder.field(Aggregator.COLLECT_MODE.getPreferredName(), collectionMode.parseField().getPreferredName());
builder.field(SubAggCollectionMode.KEY.getPreferredName(), collectionMode.parseField().getPreferredName());
if (includeTerms != null) {
builder.array("include", includeTerms);
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ public class IncludeExclude {
if(hasRegexTest) {
// We have includeVals that are a regex or only regex excludes - we need to do the potentially
// slow option of hitting termsEnum for every term in the index.
TermsEnum globalTermsEnum = valueSource.globalOrdinalsValues().termsEnum();
TermsEnum globalTermsEnum = globalOrdinals.termsEnum();
try {
for (BytesRef term = globalTermsEnum.next(); term != null; term = globalTermsEnum.next()) {
if (accept(term)) {
@ -20,13 +20,14 @@
package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorFactories;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Map;
public abstract class MetricsAggregator extends Aggregator {
public abstract class MetricsAggregator extends AggregatorBase {
protected MetricsAggregator(String name, AggregationContext context, Aggregator parent, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
super(name, AggregatorFactories.EMPTY, context, parent, metaData);
@ -21,11 +21,14 @@ package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.avg;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.elasticsearch.common.inject.internal.Nullable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lease.Releasables;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.BigArrays;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.DoubleArray;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.LongArray;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.SortedNumericDoubleValues;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregation;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollectorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.NumericMetricsAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.ValuesSource;
@ -41,12 +44,11 @@ import java.util.Map;
public class AvgAggregator extends NumericMetricsAggregator.SingleValue {
private final ValuesSource.Numeric valuesSource;
private SortedNumericDoubleValues values;
final ValuesSource.Numeric valuesSource;
private LongArray counts;
private DoubleArray sums;
private ValueFormatter formatter;
LongArray counts;
DoubleArray sums;
ValueFormatter formatter;
public AvgAggregator(String name, ValuesSource.Numeric valuesSource, @Nullable ValueFormatter formatter,
AggregationContext context, Aggregator parent, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
@ -54,34 +56,41 @@ public class AvgAggregator extends NumericMetricsAggregator.SingleValue {
this.valuesSource = valuesSource;
this.formatter = formatter;
if (valuesSource != null) {
final BigArrays bigArrays = context.bigArrays();
counts = bigArrays.newLongArray(1, true);
sums = bigArrays.newDoubleArray(1, true);
public boolean shouldCollect() {
return valuesSource != null;
public boolean needsScores() {
return valuesSource != null && valuesSource.needsScores();
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
values = valuesSource.doubleValues();
public void collect(int doc, long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
counts = bigArrays.grow(counts, owningBucketOrdinal + 1);
sums = bigArrays.grow(sums, owningBucketOrdinal + 1);
final int valueCount = values.count();
counts.increment(owningBucketOrdinal, valueCount);
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < valueCount; i++) {
sum += values.valueAt(i);
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx,
final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
if (valuesSource == null) {
return LeafBucketCollector.NO_OP_COLLECTOR;
sums.increment(owningBucketOrdinal, sum);
final BigArrays bigArrays = context.bigArrays();
final SortedNumericDoubleValues values = valuesSource.doubleValues(ctx);
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, values) {
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
counts = bigArrays.grow(counts, bucket + 1);
sums = bigArrays.grow(sums, bucket + 1);
final int valueCount = values.count();
counts.increment(bucket, valueCount);
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < valueCount; i++) {
sum += values.valueAt(i);
sums.increment(bucket, sum);
@ -90,11 +99,11 @@ public class AvgAggregator extends NumericMetricsAggregator.SingleValue {
public InternalAggregation buildAggregation(long owningBucketOrdinal) {
if (valuesSource == null || owningBucketOrdinal >= counts.size()) {
return new InternalAvg(name, 0l, 0, formatter, metaData());
public InternalAggregation buildAggregation(long bucket) {
if (valuesSource == null || bucket >= sums.size()) {
return buildEmptyAggregation();
return new InternalAvg(name, sums.get(owningBucketOrdinal), counts.get(owningBucketOrdinal), formatter, metaData());
return new InternalAvg(name, sums.get(bucket), counts.get(bucket), formatter, metaData());
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.SortedBinaryDocValues;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.SortedNumericDoubleValues;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregation;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.NumericMetricsAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.ValuesSource;
@ -70,35 +71,36 @@ public class CardinalityAggregator extends NumericMetricsAggregator.SingleValue
this.valuesSource = valuesSource;
this.rehash = rehash;
this.precision = precision;
this.counts = valuesSource == null ? null : new HyperLogLogPlusPlus(precision, bigArrays, 1);
this.counts = valuesSource == null ? null : new HyperLogLogPlusPlus(precision, context.bigArrays(), 1);
this.formatter = formatter;
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
collector = createCollector(reader);
public boolean needsScores() {
return valuesSource != null && valuesSource.needsScores();
private Collector createCollector(LeafReaderContext reader) {
private Collector pickCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx) throws IOException {
if (valuesSource == null) {
return new EmptyCollector();
// if rehash is false then the value source is either already hashed, or the user explicitly
// requested not to hash the values (perhaps they already hashed the values themselves before indexing the doc)
// so we can just work with the original value source as is
if (!rehash) {
MurmurHash3Values hashValues = MurmurHash3Values.cast(((ValuesSource.Numeric) valuesSource).longValues());
MurmurHash3Values hashValues = MurmurHash3Values.cast(((ValuesSource.Numeric) valuesSource).longValues(ctx));
return new DirectCollector(counts, hashValues);
if (valuesSource instanceof ValuesSource.Numeric) {
ValuesSource.Numeric source = (ValuesSource.Numeric) valuesSource;
MurmurHash3Values hashValues = source.isFloatingPoint() ? MurmurHash3Values.hash(source.doubleValues()) : MurmurHash3Values.hash(source.longValues());
MurmurHash3Values hashValues = source.isFloatingPoint() ? MurmurHash3Values.hash(source.doubleValues(ctx)) : MurmurHash3Values.hash(source.longValues(ctx));
return new DirectCollector(counts, hashValues);
if (valuesSource instanceof ValuesSource.Bytes.WithOrdinals) {
ValuesSource.Bytes.WithOrdinals source = (ValuesSource.Bytes.WithOrdinals) valuesSource;
final RandomAccessOrds ordinalValues = source.ordinalsValues();
final RandomAccessOrds ordinalValues = source.ordinalsValues(ctx);
final long maxOrd = ordinalValues.getValueCount();
if (maxOrd == 0) {
return new EmptyCollector();
@ -108,22 +110,20 @@ public class CardinalityAggregator extends NumericMetricsAggregator.SingleValue
final long countsMemoryUsage = HyperLogLogPlusPlus.memoryUsage(precision);
// only use ordinals if they don't increase memory usage by more than 25%
if (ordinalsMemoryUsage < countsMemoryUsage / 4) {
return new OrdinalsCollector(counts, ordinalValues, bigArrays);
return new OrdinalsCollector(counts, ordinalValues, context.bigArrays());
return new DirectCollector(counts, MurmurHash3Values.hash(valuesSource.bytesValues()));
public boolean shouldCollect() {
return valuesSource != null;
return new DirectCollector(counts, MurmurHash3Values.hash(valuesSource.bytesValues(ctx)));
public void collect(int doc, long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
collector.collect(doc, owningBucketOrdinal);
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx,
final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
collector = pickCollector(ctx);
return collector;
private void postCollectLastCollector() {
@ -169,15 +169,13 @@ public class CardinalityAggregator extends NumericMetricsAggregator.SingleValue
Releasables.close(counts, collector);
private static interface Collector extends Releasable {
private static abstract class Collector extends LeafBucketCollector implements Releasable {
void collect(int doc, long bucketOrd);
void postCollect();
public abstract void postCollect();
private static class EmptyCollector implements Collector {
private static class EmptyCollector extends Collector {
public void collect(int doc, long bucketOrd) {
@ -195,7 +193,7 @@ public class CardinalityAggregator extends NumericMetricsAggregator.SingleValue
private static class DirectCollector implements Collector {
private static class DirectCollector extends Collector {
private final MurmurHash3Values hashes;
private final HyperLogLogPlusPlus counts;
@ -226,7 +224,7 @@ public class CardinalityAggregator extends NumericMetricsAggregator.SingleValue
private static class OrdinalsCollector implements Collector {
private static class OrdinalsCollector extends Collector {
private static final long SHALLOW_FIXEDBITSET_SIZE = RamUsageEstimator.shallowSizeOfInstance(FixedBitSet.class);
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ final class CardinalityAggregatorFactory extends ValuesSourceAggregatorFactory<V
* because otherwise it might be memory-intensive. On the other hand, for top-level aggregators
* we try to focus on accuracy.
private int defaultPrecision(Aggregator parent) {
private static int defaultPrecision(Aggregator parent) {
int precision = HyperLogLogPlusPlus.DEFAULT_PRECISION;
while (parent != null) {
if (parent instanceof SingleBucketAggregator == false) {
@ -22,10 +22,13 @@ package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.geobounds;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.elasticsearch.common.geo.GeoPoint;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lease.Releasables;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.BigArrays;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.DoubleArray;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.MultiGeoPointValues;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregation;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollectorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.MetricsAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.ValuesSource;
@ -39,13 +42,12 @@ public final class GeoBoundsAggregator extends MetricsAggregator {
private final ValuesSource.GeoPoint valuesSource;
private final boolean wrapLongitude;
private DoubleArray tops;
private DoubleArray bottoms;
private DoubleArray posLefts;
private DoubleArray posRights;
private DoubleArray negLefts;
private DoubleArray negRights;
private MultiGeoPointValues values;
DoubleArray tops;
DoubleArray bottoms;
DoubleArray posLefts;
DoubleArray posRights;
DoubleArray negLefts;
DoubleArray negRights;
protected GeoBoundsAggregator(String name, AggregationContext aggregationContext,
Aggregator parent, ValuesSource.GeoPoint valuesSource, boolean wrapLongitude, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
@ -53,6 +55,7 @@ public final class GeoBoundsAggregator extends MetricsAggregator {
this.valuesSource = valuesSource;
this.wrapLongitude = wrapLongitude;
if (valuesSource != null) {
final BigArrays bigArrays = context.bigArrays();
tops = bigArrays.newDoubleArray(1, false);
tops.fill(0, tops.size(), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
bottoms = bigArrays.newDoubleArray(1, false);
@ -69,13 +72,70 @@ public final class GeoBoundsAggregator extends MetricsAggregator {
public boolean shouldCollect() {
return valuesSource != null;
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx,
LeafBucketCollector sub) {
if (valuesSource == null) {
return LeafBucketCollector.NO_OP_COLLECTOR;
final BigArrays bigArrays = context.bigArrays();
final MultiGeoPointValues values = valuesSource.geoPointValues(ctx);
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, values) {
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
if (bucket >= tops.size()) {
long from = tops.size();
tops = bigArrays.grow(tops, bucket + 1);
tops.fill(from, tops.size(), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
bottoms = bigArrays.resize(bottoms, tops.size());
bottoms.fill(from, bottoms.size(), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
posLefts = bigArrays.resize(posLefts, tops.size());
posLefts.fill(from, posLefts.size(), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
posRights = bigArrays.resize(posRights, tops.size());
posRights.fill(from, posRights.size(), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
negLefts = bigArrays.resize(negLefts, tops.size());
negLefts.fill(from, negLefts.size(), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
negRights = bigArrays.resize(negRights, tops.size());
negRights.fill(from, negRights.size(), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
this.values = this.valuesSource.geoPointValues();
final int valuesCount = values.count();
for (int i = 0; i < valuesCount; ++i) {
GeoPoint value = values.valueAt(i);
double top = tops.get(bucket);
if (value.lat() > top) {
top = value.lat();
double bottom = bottoms.get(bucket);
if (value.lat() < bottom) {
bottom = value.lat();
double posLeft = posLefts.get(bucket);
if (value.lon() > 0 && value.lon() < posLeft) {
posLeft = value.lon();
double posRight = posRights.get(bucket);
if (value.lon() > 0 && value.lon() > posRight) {
posRight = value.lon();
double negLeft = negLefts.get(bucket);
if (value.lon() < 0 && value.lon() < negLeft) {
negLeft = value.lon();
double negRight = negRights.get(bucket);
if (value.lon() < 0 && value.lon() > negRight) {
negRight = value.lon();
tops.set(bucket, top);
bottoms.set(bucket, bottom);
posLefts.set(bucket, posLeft);
posRights.set(bucket, posRight);
negLefts.set(bucket, negLeft);
negRights.set(bucket, negRight);
@ -97,62 +157,6 @@ public final class GeoBoundsAggregator extends MetricsAggregator {
return new InternalGeoBounds(name, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY,
public void collect(int docId, long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
if (owningBucketOrdinal >= tops.size()) {
long from = tops.size();
tops = bigArrays.grow(tops, owningBucketOrdinal + 1);
tops.fill(from, tops.size(), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
bottoms = bigArrays.resize(bottoms, tops.size());
bottoms.fill(from, bottoms.size(), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
posLefts = bigArrays.resize(posLefts, tops.size());
posLefts.fill(from, posLefts.size(), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
posRights = bigArrays.resize(posRights, tops.size());
posRights.fill(from, posRights.size(), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
negLefts = bigArrays.resize(negLefts, tops.size());
negLefts.fill(from, negLefts.size(), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
negRights = bigArrays.resize(negRights, tops.size());
negRights.fill(from, negRights.size(), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
final int valuesCount = values.count();
for (int i = 0; i < valuesCount; ++i) {
GeoPoint value = values.valueAt(i);
double top = tops.get(owningBucketOrdinal);
if (value.lat() > top) {
top = value.lat();
double bottom = bottoms.get(owningBucketOrdinal);
if (value.lat() < bottom) {
bottom = value.lat();
double posLeft = posLefts.get(owningBucketOrdinal);
if (value.lon() > 0 && value.lon() < posLeft) {
posLeft = value.lon();
double posRight = posRights.get(owningBucketOrdinal);
if (value.lon() > 0 && value.lon() > posRight) {
posRight = value.lon();
double negLeft = negLefts.get(owningBucketOrdinal);
if (value.lon() < 0 && value.lon() < negLeft) {
negLeft = value.lon();
double negRight = negRights.get(owningBucketOrdinal);
if (value.lon() < 0 && value.lon() > negRight) {
negRight = value.lon();
tops.set(owningBucketOrdinal, top);
bottoms.set(owningBucketOrdinal, bottom);
posLefts.set(owningBucketOrdinal, posLeft);
posRights.set(owningBucketOrdinal, posRight);
negLefts.set(owningBucketOrdinal, negLeft);
negRights.set(owningBucketOrdinal, negRight);
public void doClose() {
@ -21,12 +21,15 @@ package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.max;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.elasticsearch.common.inject.internal.Nullable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lease.Releasables;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.BigArrays;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.DoubleArray;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.NumericDoubleValues;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.SortedNumericDoubleValues;
import org.elasticsearch.search.MultiValueMode;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregation;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollectorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.NumericMetricsAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.ValuesSource;
@ -42,11 +45,10 @@ import java.util.Map;
public class MaxAggregator extends NumericMetricsAggregator.SingleValue {
private final ValuesSource.Numeric valuesSource;
private NumericDoubleValues values;
final ValuesSource.Numeric valuesSource;
final ValueFormatter formatter;
private DoubleArray maxes;
private ValueFormatter formatter;
DoubleArray maxes;
public MaxAggregator(String name, ValuesSource.Numeric valuesSource, @Nullable ValueFormatter formatter,
AggregationContext context, Aggregator parent, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
@ -54,33 +56,41 @@ public class MaxAggregator extends NumericMetricsAggregator.SingleValue {
this.valuesSource = valuesSource;
this.formatter = formatter;
if (valuesSource != null) {
maxes = bigArrays.newDoubleArray(1, false);
maxes = context.bigArrays().newDoubleArray(1, false);
maxes.fill(0, maxes.size(), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
public boolean shouldCollect() {
return valuesSource != null;
public boolean needsScores() {
return valuesSource != null && valuesSource.needsScores();
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
final SortedNumericDoubleValues values = valuesSource.doubleValues();
this.values = MultiValueMode.MAX.select(values, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
public void collect(int doc, long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
if (owningBucketOrdinal >= maxes.size()) {
long from = maxes.size();
maxes = bigArrays.grow(maxes, owningBucketOrdinal + 1);
maxes.fill(from, maxes.size(), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx,
final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
if (valuesSource == null) {
return LeafBucketCollector.NO_OP_COLLECTOR;
final double value = values.get(doc);
double max = maxes.get(owningBucketOrdinal);
max = Math.max(max, value);
maxes.set(owningBucketOrdinal, max);
final BigArrays bigArrays = context.bigArrays();
final SortedNumericDoubleValues allValues = valuesSource.doubleValues(ctx);
final NumericDoubleValues values = MultiValueMode.MAX.select(allValues, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, allValues) {
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
if (bucket >= maxes.size()) {
long from = maxes.size();
maxes = bigArrays.grow(maxes, bucket + 1);
maxes.fill(from, maxes.size(), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
final double value = values.get(doc);
double max = maxes.get(bucket);
max = Math.max(max, value);
maxes.set(bucket, max);
@ -89,12 +99,11 @@ public class MaxAggregator extends NumericMetricsAggregator.SingleValue {
public InternalAggregation buildAggregation(long owningBucketOrdinal) {
if (valuesSource == null) {
return new InternalMax(name, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, formatter, metaData());
public InternalAggregation buildAggregation(long bucket) {
if (valuesSource == null || bucket >= maxes.size()) {
return buildEmptyAggregation();
assert owningBucketOrdinal < maxes.size();
return new InternalMax(name, maxes.get(owningBucketOrdinal), formatter, metaData());
return new InternalMax(name, maxes.get(bucket), formatter, metaData());
@ -21,12 +21,15 @@ package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.min;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.elasticsearch.common.inject.internal.Nullable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lease.Releasables;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.BigArrays;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.DoubleArray;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.NumericDoubleValues;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.SortedNumericDoubleValues;
import org.elasticsearch.search.MultiValueMode;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregation;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollectorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.NumericMetricsAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.ValuesSource;
@ -42,45 +45,52 @@ import java.util.Map;
public class MinAggregator extends NumericMetricsAggregator.SingleValue {
private final ValuesSource.Numeric valuesSource;
private NumericDoubleValues values;
final ValuesSource.Numeric valuesSource;
final ValueFormatter formatter;
private DoubleArray mins;
private ValueFormatter formatter;
DoubleArray mins;
public MinAggregator(String name, ValuesSource.Numeric valuesSource, @Nullable ValueFormatter formatter,
AggregationContext context, Aggregator parent, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
super(name, context, parent, metaData);
this.valuesSource = valuesSource;
if (valuesSource != null) {
mins = bigArrays.newDoubleArray(1, false);
mins = context.bigArrays().newDoubleArray(1, false);
mins.fill(0, mins.size(), Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
this.formatter = formatter;
public boolean shouldCollect() {
return valuesSource != null;
public boolean needsScores() {
return valuesSource != null && valuesSource.needsScores();
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
final SortedNumericDoubleValues values = valuesSource.doubleValues();
this.values = MultiValueMode.MIN.select(values, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
public void collect(int doc, long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
if (owningBucketOrdinal >= mins.size()) {
long from = mins.size();
mins = bigArrays.grow(mins, owningBucketOrdinal + 1);
mins.fill(from, mins.size(), Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx,
final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
if (valuesSource == null) {
return LeafBucketCollector.NO_OP_COLLECTOR;
final double value = values.get(doc);
double min = mins.get(owningBucketOrdinal);
min = Math.min(min, value);
mins.set(owningBucketOrdinal, min);
final BigArrays bigArrays = context.bigArrays();
final SortedNumericDoubleValues allValues = valuesSource.doubleValues(ctx);
final NumericDoubleValues values = MultiValueMode.MIN.select(allValues, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, allValues) {
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
if (bucket >= mins.size()) {
long from = mins.size();
mins = bigArrays.grow(mins, bucket + 1);
mins.fill(from, mins.size(), Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
final double value = values.get(doc);
double min = mins.get(bucket);
min = Math.min(min, value);
mins.set(bucket, min);
@ -89,12 +99,11 @@ public class MinAggregator extends NumericMetricsAggregator.SingleValue {
public InternalAggregation buildAggregation(long owningBucketOrdinal) {
if (valuesSource == null) {
return new InternalMin(name, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, formatter, metaData());
public InternalAggregation buildAggregation(long bucket) {
if (valuesSource == null || bucket >= mins.size()) {
return buildEmptyAggregation();
assert owningBucketOrdinal < mins.size();
return new InternalMin(name, mins.get(owningBucketOrdinal), formatter, metaData());
return new InternalMin(name, mins.get(bucket), formatter, metaData());
@ -23,9 +23,12 @@ import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.elasticsearch.common.inject.internal.Nullable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lease.Releasables;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.ArrayUtils;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.BigArrays;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.ObjectArray;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.SortedNumericDoubleValues;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollectorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.NumericMetricsAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.percentiles.tdigest.TDigestState;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
@ -43,11 +46,10 @@ public abstract class AbstractPercentilesAggregator extends NumericMetricsAggreg
protected final double[] keys;
protected final ValuesSource.Numeric valuesSource;
private SortedNumericDoubleValues values;
protected final ValueFormatter formatter;
protected ObjectArray<TDigestState> states;
protected final double compression;
protected final boolean keyed;
protected ValueFormatter formatter;
public AbstractPercentilesAggregator(String name, ValuesSource.Numeric valuesSource, AggregationContext context,
Aggregator parent, double[] keys, double compression, boolean keyed,
@ -56,36 +58,42 @@ public abstract class AbstractPercentilesAggregator extends NumericMetricsAggreg
this.valuesSource = valuesSource;
this.keyed = keyed;
this.formatter = formatter;
this.states = bigArrays.newObjectArray(1);
this.states = context.bigArrays().newObjectArray(1);
this.keys = keys;
this.compression = compression;
public boolean shouldCollect() {
return valuesSource != null;
public boolean needsScores() {
return valuesSource != null && valuesSource.needsScores();
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
values = valuesSource.doubleValues();
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx,
final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
if (valuesSource == null) {
return LeafBucketCollector.NO_OP_COLLECTOR;
final BigArrays bigArrays = context.bigArrays();
final SortedNumericDoubleValues values = valuesSource.doubleValues(ctx);
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, values) {
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
states = bigArrays.grow(states, bucket + 1);
public void collect(int doc, long bucketOrd) throws IOException {
states = bigArrays.grow(states, bucketOrd + 1);
TDigestState state = states.get(bucketOrd);
if (state == null) {
state = new TDigestState(compression);
states.set(bucketOrd, state);
final int valueCount = values.count();
for (int i = 0; i < valueCount; i++) {
TDigestState state = states.get(bucket);
if (state == null) {
state = new TDigestState(compression);
states.set(bucket, state);
final int valueCount = values.count();
for (int i = 0; i < valueCount; i++) {
@ -27,13 +27,18 @@ import org.elasticsearch.script.SearchScript;
import org.elasticsearch.search.SearchParseException;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorFactory;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollectorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregation;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.MetricsAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
import org.elasticsearch.search.internal.SearchContext;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
public class ScriptedMetricAggregator extends MetricsAggregator {
@ -47,8 +52,8 @@ public class ScriptedMetricAggregator extends MetricsAggregator {
private final Map<String, Object> params;
// initial parameters for {reduce}
private final Map<String, Object> reduceParams;
private ScriptService scriptService;
private ScriptType reduceScriptType;
private final ScriptService scriptService;
private final ScriptType reduceScriptType;
protected ScriptedMetricAggregator(String name, String scriptLang, ScriptType initScriptType, String initScript,
ScriptType mapScriptType, String mapScript, ScriptType combineScriptType, String combineScript, ScriptType reduceScriptType,
@ -81,20 +86,22 @@ public class ScriptedMetricAggregator extends MetricsAggregator {
public boolean shouldCollect() {
return true;
public boolean needsScores() {
return true; // TODO: how can we know if the script relies on scores?
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) throws IOException {
public void collect(int docId, long bucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
assert bucketOrdinal == 0 : bucketOrdinal;
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx,
final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, mapScript) {
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
assert bucket == 0 : bucket;
@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ import org.elasticsearch.common.util.LongArray;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.SortedNumericDoubleValues;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregation;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollectorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.NumericMetricsAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.ValuesSource;
@ -43,20 +45,21 @@ import java.util.Map;
public class StatsAggegator extends NumericMetricsAggregator.MultiValue {
private final ValuesSource.Numeric valuesSource;
private SortedNumericDoubleValues values;
final ValuesSource.Numeric valuesSource;
final ValueFormatter formatter;
LongArray counts;
DoubleArray sums;
DoubleArray mins;
DoubleArray maxes;
private LongArray counts;
private DoubleArray sums;
private DoubleArray mins;
private DoubleArray maxes;
private ValueFormatter formatter;
public StatsAggegator(String name, ValuesSource.Numeric valuesSource, @Nullable ValueFormatter formatter,
AggregationContext context, Aggregator parent, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
super(name, context, parent, metaData);
this.valuesSource = valuesSource;
if (valuesSource != null) {
final BigArrays bigArrays = context.bigArrays();
counts = bigArrays.newLongArray(1, true);
sums = bigArrays.newDoubleArray(1, true);
mins = bigArrays.newDoubleArray(1, false);
@ -68,43 +71,49 @@ public class StatsAggegator extends NumericMetricsAggregator.MultiValue {
public boolean shouldCollect() {
return valuesSource != null;
public boolean needsScores() {
return valuesSource != null && valuesSource.needsScores();
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
values = valuesSource.doubleValues();
public void collect(int doc, long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
if (owningBucketOrdinal >= counts.size()) {
final long from = counts.size();
final long overSize = BigArrays.overSize(owningBucketOrdinal + 1);
counts = bigArrays.resize(counts, overSize);
sums = bigArrays.resize(sums, overSize);
mins = bigArrays.resize(mins, overSize);
maxes = bigArrays.resize(maxes, overSize);
mins.fill(from, overSize, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
maxes.fill(from, overSize, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx,
final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
if (valuesSource == null) {
return LeafBucketCollector.NO_OP_COLLECTOR;
final BigArrays bigArrays = context.bigArrays();
final SortedNumericDoubleValues values = valuesSource.doubleValues(ctx);
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, values) {
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
if (bucket >= counts.size()) {
final long from = counts.size();
final long overSize = BigArrays.overSize(bucket + 1);
counts = bigArrays.resize(counts, overSize);
sums = bigArrays.resize(sums, overSize);
mins = bigArrays.resize(mins, overSize);
maxes = bigArrays.resize(maxes, overSize);
mins.fill(from, overSize, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
maxes.fill(from, overSize, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
final int valuesCount = values.count();
counts.increment(owningBucketOrdinal, valuesCount);
double sum = 0;
double min = mins.get(owningBucketOrdinal);
double max = maxes.get(owningBucketOrdinal);
for (int i = 0; i < valuesCount; i++) {
double value = values.valueAt(i);
sum += value;
min = Math.min(min, value);
max = Math.max(max, value);
sums.increment(owningBucketOrdinal, sum);
mins.set(owningBucketOrdinal, min);
maxes.set(owningBucketOrdinal, max);
final int valuesCount = values.count();
counts.increment(bucket, valuesCount);
double sum = 0;
double min = mins.get(bucket);
double max = maxes.get(bucket);
for (int i = 0; i < valuesCount; i++) {
double value = values.valueAt(i);
sum += value;
min = Math.min(min, value);
max = Math.max(max, value);
sums.increment(bucket, sum);
mins.set(bucket, min);
maxes.set(bucket, max);
@ -131,13 +140,12 @@ public class StatsAggegator extends NumericMetricsAggregator.MultiValue {
public InternalAggregation buildAggregation(long owningBucketOrdinal) {
if (valuesSource == null) {
return new InternalStats(name, 0, 0, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, formatter, metaData());
public InternalAggregation buildAggregation(long bucket) {
if (valuesSource == null || bucket >= sums.size()) {
return buildEmptyAggregation();
assert owningBucketOrdinal < counts.size();
return new InternalStats(name, counts.get(owningBucketOrdinal), sums.get(owningBucketOrdinal), mins.get(owningBucketOrdinal),
maxes.get(owningBucketOrdinal), formatter, metaData());
return new InternalStats(name, counts.get(bucket), sums.get(bucket), mins.get(bucket),
maxes.get(bucket), formatter, metaData());
@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ import org.elasticsearch.common.util.LongArray;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.SortedNumericDoubleValues;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregation;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollectorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.NumericMetricsAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.ValuesSource;
@ -43,16 +45,15 @@ import java.util.Map;
public class ExtendedStatsAggregator extends NumericMetricsAggregator.MultiValue {
private final ValuesSource.Numeric valuesSource;
private SortedNumericDoubleValues values;
final ValuesSource.Numeric valuesSource;
final ValueFormatter formatter;
final double sigma;
private LongArray counts;
private DoubleArray sums;
private DoubleArray mins;
private DoubleArray maxes;
private DoubleArray sumOfSqrs;
private ValueFormatter formatter;
private double sigma;
LongArray counts;
DoubleArray sums;
DoubleArray mins;
DoubleArray maxes;
DoubleArray sumOfSqrs;
public ExtendedStatsAggregator(String name, ValuesSource.Numeric valuesSource,
@Nullable ValueFormatter formatter, AggregationContext context,
@ -60,7 +61,9 @@ public class ExtendedStatsAggregator extends NumericMetricsAggregator.MultiValue
super(name, context, parent, metaData);
this.valuesSource = valuesSource;
this.formatter = formatter;
this.sigma = sigma;
if (valuesSource != null) {
final BigArrays bigArrays = context.bigArrays();
counts = bigArrays.newLongArray(1, true);
sums = bigArrays.newDoubleArray(1, true);
mins = bigArrays.newDoubleArray(1, false);
@ -68,52 +71,59 @@ public class ExtendedStatsAggregator extends NumericMetricsAggregator.MultiValue
maxes = bigArrays.newDoubleArray(1, false);
maxes.fill(0, maxes.size(), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
sumOfSqrs = bigArrays.newDoubleArray(1, true);
this.sigma = sigma;
public boolean shouldCollect() {
return valuesSource != null;
public boolean needsScores() {
return valuesSource != null && valuesSource.needsScores();
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
values = valuesSource.doubleValues();
public void collect(int doc, long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
if (owningBucketOrdinal >= counts.size()) {
final long from = counts.size();
final long overSize = BigArrays.overSize(owningBucketOrdinal + 1);
counts = bigArrays.resize(counts, overSize);
sums = bigArrays.resize(sums, overSize);
mins = bigArrays.resize(mins, overSize);
maxes = bigArrays.resize(maxes, overSize);
sumOfSqrs = bigArrays.resize(sumOfSqrs, overSize);
mins.fill(from, overSize, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
maxes.fill(from, overSize, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx,
final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
if (valuesSource == null) {
return LeafBucketCollector.NO_OP_COLLECTOR;
final BigArrays bigArrays = context.bigArrays();
final SortedNumericDoubleValues values = valuesSource.doubleValues(ctx);
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, values) {
final int valuesCount = values.count();
counts.increment(owningBucketOrdinal, valuesCount);
double sum = 0;
double sumOfSqr = 0;
double min = mins.get(owningBucketOrdinal);
double max = maxes.get(owningBucketOrdinal);
for (int i = 0; i < valuesCount; i++) {
double value = values.valueAt(i);
sum += value;
sumOfSqr += value * value;
min = Math.min(min, value);
max = Math.max(max, value);
sums.increment(owningBucketOrdinal, sum);
sumOfSqrs.increment(owningBucketOrdinal, sumOfSqr);
mins.set(owningBucketOrdinal, min);
maxes.set(owningBucketOrdinal, max);
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
if (bucket >= counts.size()) {
final long from = counts.size();
final long overSize = BigArrays.overSize(bucket + 1);
counts = bigArrays.resize(counts, overSize);
sums = bigArrays.resize(sums, overSize);
mins = bigArrays.resize(mins, overSize);
maxes = bigArrays.resize(maxes, overSize);
sumOfSqrs = bigArrays.resize(sumOfSqrs, overSize);
mins.fill(from, overSize, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
maxes.fill(from, overSize, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
final int valuesCount = values.count();
counts.increment(bucket, valuesCount);
double sum = 0;
double sumOfSqr = 0;
double min = mins.get(bucket);
double max = maxes.get(bucket);
for (int i = 0; i < valuesCount; i++) {
double value = values.valueAt(i);
sum += value;
sumOfSqr += value * value;
min = Math.min(min, value);
max = Math.max(max, value);
sums.increment(bucket, sum);
sumOfSqrs.increment(bucket, sumOfSqr);
mins.set(bucket, min);
maxes.set(bucket, max);
@ -21,10 +21,13 @@ package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.sum;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.elasticsearch.common.inject.internal.Nullable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lease.Releasables;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.BigArrays;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.DoubleArray;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.SortedNumericDoubleValues;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregation;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollectorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.NumericMetricsAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.ValuesSource;
@ -40,11 +43,10 @@ import java.util.Map;
public class SumAggregator extends NumericMetricsAggregator.SingleValue {
private final ValuesSource.Numeric valuesSource;
private SortedNumericDoubleValues values;
final ValuesSource.Numeric valuesSource;
final ValueFormatter formatter;
private DoubleArray sums;
private ValueFormatter formatter;
DoubleArray sums;
public SumAggregator(String name, ValuesSource.Numeric valuesSource, @Nullable ValueFormatter formatter,
AggregationContext context, Aggregator parent, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
@ -52,30 +54,36 @@ public class SumAggregator extends NumericMetricsAggregator.SingleValue {
this.valuesSource = valuesSource;
this.formatter = formatter;
if (valuesSource != null) {
sums = bigArrays.newDoubleArray(1, true);
sums = context.bigArrays().newDoubleArray(1, true);
public boolean shouldCollect() {
return valuesSource != null;
public boolean needsScores() {
return valuesSource != null && valuesSource.needsScores();
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
values = valuesSource.doubleValues();
public void collect(int doc, long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
sums = bigArrays.grow(sums, owningBucketOrdinal + 1);
final int valuesCount = values.count();
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < valuesCount; i++) {
sum += values.valueAt(i);
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx,
final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
if (valuesSource == null) {
return LeafBucketCollector.NO_OP_COLLECTOR;
sums.increment(owningBucketOrdinal, sum);
final BigArrays bigArrays = context.bigArrays();
final SortedNumericDoubleValues values = valuesSource.doubleValues(ctx);
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, values) {
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
sums = bigArrays.grow(sums, bucket + 1);
final int valuesCount = values.count();
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < valuesCount; i++) {
sum += values.valueAt(i);
sums.increment(bucket, sum);
@ -84,11 +92,11 @@ public class SumAggregator extends NumericMetricsAggregator.SingleValue {
public InternalAggregation buildAggregation(long owningBucketOrdinal) {
if (valuesSource == null) {
return new InternalSum(name, 0, formatter, metaData());
public InternalAggregation buildAggregation(long bucket) {
if (valuesSource == null || bucket >= sums.size()) {
return buildEmptyAggregation();
return new InternalSum(name, sums.get(owningBucketOrdinal), formatter, metaData());
return new InternalSum(name, sums.get(bucket), formatter, metaData());
@ -20,13 +20,25 @@
package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.tophits;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.search.*;
import org.elasticsearch.ExceptionsHelper;
import org.apache.lucene.search.FieldDoc;
import org.apache.lucene.search.LeafCollector;
import org.apache.lucene.search.ScoreDoc;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Scorer;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Sort;
import org.apache.lucene.search.TopDocs;
import org.apache.lucene.search.TopDocsCollector;
import org.apache.lucene.search.TopFieldCollector;
import org.apache.lucene.search.TopScoreDocCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lease.Releasables;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.Lucene;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.ScorerAware;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.LongObjectPagedHashMap;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.*;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregationInitializationException;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorFactories;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorFactory;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollectorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregation;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.MetricsAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
import org.elasticsearch.search.fetch.FetchPhase;
@ -40,7 +52,7 @@ import java.util.Map;
public class TopHitsAggregator extends MetricsAggregator implements ScorerAware {
public class TopHitsAggregator extends MetricsAggregator {
/** Simple wrapper around a top-level collector and the current leaf collector. */
private static class TopDocsAndLeafCollector {
@ -52,24 +64,64 @@ public class TopHitsAggregator extends MetricsAggregator implements ScorerAware
private final FetchPhase fetchPhase;
private final SubSearchContext subSearchContext;
private final LongObjectPagedHashMap<TopDocsAndLeafCollector> topDocsCollectors;
private Scorer currentScorer;
private LeafReaderContext currentContext;
final FetchPhase fetchPhase;
final SubSearchContext subSearchContext;
final LongObjectPagedHashMap<TopDocsAndLeafCollector> topDocsCollectors;
public TopHitsAggregator(FetchPhase fetchPhase, SubSearchContext subSearchContext, String name, AggregationContext context, Aggregator parent, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
super(name, context, parent, metaData);
this.fetchPhase = fetchPhase;
topDocsCollectors = new LongObjectPagedHashMap<>(1, context.bigArrays());
this.subSearchContext = subSearchContext;
public boolean shouldCollect() {
return true;
public boolean needsScores() {
Sort sort = subSearchContext.sort();
if (sort != null) {
return sort.needsScores() || subSearchContext.trackScores();
} else {
// sort by score
return true;
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(final LeafReaderContext ctx,
final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
for (LongObjectPagedHashMap.Cursor<TopDocsAndLeafCollector> cursor : topDocsCollectors) {
cursor.value.leafCollector = cursor.value.topLevelCollector.getLeafCollector(ctx);
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, null) {
Scorer scorer;
public void setScorer(Scorer scorer) throws IOException {
this.scorer = scorer;
for (LongObjectPagedHashMap.Cursor<TopDocsAndLeafCollector> cursor : topDocsCollectors) {
public void collect(int docId, long bucket) throws IOException {
TopDocsAndLeafCollector collectors = topDocsCollectors.get(bucket);
if (collectors == null) {
Sort sort = subSearchContext.sort();
int topN = subSearchContext.from() + subSearchContext.size();
TopDocsCollector<?> topLevelCollector = sort != null ? TopFieldCollector.create(sort, topN, true, subSearchContext.trackScores(), subSearchContext.trackScores()) : TopScoreDocCollector.create(topN);
collectors = new TopDocsAndLeafCollector(topLevelCollector);
collectors.leafCollector = collectors.topLevelCollector.getLeafCollector(ctx);
topDocsCollectors.put(bucket, collectors);
@ -111,45 +163,6 @@ public class TopHitsAggregator extends MetricsAggregator implements ScorerAware
return new InternalTopHits(name, subSearchContext.from(), subSearchContext.size(), Lucene.EMPTY_TOP_DOCS, InternalSearchHits.empty());
public void collect(int docId, long bucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
TopDocsAndLeafCollector collectors = topDocsCollectors.get(bucketOrdinal);
if (collectors == null) {
Sort sort = subSearchContext.sort();
int topN = subSearchContext.from() + subSearchContext.size();
TopDocsCollector<?> topLevelCollector = sort != null ? TopFieldCollector.create(sort, topN, true, subSearchContext.trackScores(), subSearchContext.trackScores()) : TopScoreDocCollector.create(topN);
collectors = new TopDocsAndLeafCollector(topLevelCollector);
collectors.leafCollector = collectors.topLevelCollector.getLeafCollector(currentContext);
topDocsCollectors.put(bucketOrdinal, collectors);
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext context) {
this.currentContext = context;
for (LongObjectPagedHashMap.Cursor<TopDocsAndLeafCollector> cursor : topDocsCollectors) {
try {
cursor.value.leafCollector = cursor.value.topLevelCollector.getLeafCollector(currentContext);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw ExceptionsHelper.convertToElastic(e);
public void setScorer(Scorer scorer) {
this.currentScorer = scorer;
for (LongObjectPagedHashMap.Cursor<TopDocsAndLeafCollector> cursor : topDocsCollectors) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw ExceptionsHelper.convertToElastic(e);
protected void doClose() {
@ -175,16 +188,5 @@ public class TopHitsAggregator extends MetricsAggregator implements ScorerAware
public AggregatorFactory subFactories(AggregatorFactories subFactories) {
throw new AggregationInitializationException("Aggregator [" + name + "] of type [" + type + "] cannot accept sub-aggregations");
public boolean needsScores() {
Sort sort = subSearchContext.sort();
if (sort != null) {
return sort.needsScores() || subSearchContext.trackScores();
} else {
// sort by score
return true;
@ -21,10 +21,13 @@ package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.valuecount;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.elasticsearch.common.inject.internal.Nullable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lease.Releasables;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.BigArrays;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.LongArray;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.SortedBinaryDocValues;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.InternalAggregation;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.LeafBucketCollectorBase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.NumericMetricsAggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.ValuesSource;
@ -43,12 +46,11 @@ import java.util.Map;
public class ValueCountAggregator extends NumericMetricsAggregator.SingleValue {
private final ValuesSource valuesSource;
private SortedBinaryDocValues values;
final ValuesSource valuesSource;
final ValueFormatter formatter;
// a count per bucket
LongArray counts;
private ValueFormatter formatter;
public ValueCountAggregator(String name, ValuesSource valuesSource, @Nullable ValueFormatter formatter,
AggregationContext aggregationContext, Aggregator parent, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException {
@ -56,25 +58,28 @@ public class ValueCountAggregator extends NumericMetricsAggregator.SingleValue {
this.valuesSource = valuesSource;
this.formatter = formatter;
if (valuesSource != null) {
counts = bigArrays.newLongArray(1, true);
counts = context.bigArrays().newLongArray(1, true);
public boolean shouldCollect() {
return valuesSource != null;
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(LeafReaderContext ctx,
final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
if (valuesSource == null) {
return LeafBucketCollector.NO_OP_COLLECTOR;
final BigArrays bigArrays = context.bigArrays();
final SortedBinaryDocValues values = valuesSource.bytesValues(ctx);
return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, values) {
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
values = valuesSource.bytesValues();
public void collect(int doc, long bucket) throws IOException {
counts = bigArrays.grow(counts, bucket + 1);
counts.increment(bucket, values.count());
public void collect(int doc, long owningBucketOrdinal) throws IOException {
counts = bigArrays.grow(counts, owningBucketOrdinal + 1);
counts.increment(owningBucketOrdinal, values.count());
@ -83,12 +88,11 @@ public class ValueCountAggregator extends NumericMetricsAggregator.SingleValue {
public InternalAggregation buildAggregation(long owningBucketOrdinal) {
if (valuesSource == null) {
return new InternalValueCount(name, 0, formatter, metaData());
public InternalAggregation buildAggregation(long bucket) {
if (valuesSource == null || bucket >= counts.size()) {
return buildEmptyAggregation();
assert owningBucketOrdinal < counts.size();
return new InternalValueCount(name, counts.get(owningBucketOrdinal), formatter, metaData());
return new InternalValueCount(name, counts.get(bucket), formatter, metaData());
@ -18,17 +18,7 @@
package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support;
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.ObjectObjectOpenHashMap;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Scorer;
import org.apache.lucene.util.ArrayUtil;
import org.apache.lucene.util.RamUsageEstimator;
import org.elasticsearch.cache.recycler.PageCacheRecycler;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.ReaderContextAware;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.ScorerAware;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.TopReaderContextAware;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.BigArrays;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.IndexFieldData;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.IndexGeoPointFieldData;
@ -39,37 +29,18 @@ import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregationExecutionException;
import org.elasticsearch.search.internal.SearchContext;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class AggregationContext implements ReaderContextAware, ScorerAware {
public class AggregationContext {
private final SearchContext searchContext;
private ObjectObjectOpenHashMap<ConfigCacheKey, ValuesSource>[] perDepthFieldDataSources = new ObjectObjectOpenHashMap[4];
private List<ReaderContextAware> readerAwares = new ArrayList<>();
private List<TopReaderContextAware> topReaderAwares = new ArrayList<TopReaderContextAware>();
private List<ScorerAware> scorerAwares = new ArrayList<>();
private LeafReaderContext reader;
private Scorer scorer;
public AggregationContext(SearchContext searchContext) {
this.searchContext = searchContext;
* Whether aggregators which are attached to this context need scores.
public boolean needsScores() {
return searchContext.aggregations().factories().needsScores();
public SearchContext searchContext() {
return searchContext;
@ -82,47 +53,11 @@ public class AggregationContext implements ReaderContextAware, ScorerAware {
return searchContext.bigArrays();
public LeafReaderContext currentReader() {
return reader;
public Scorer currentScorer() {
return scorer;
public void setNextReader(IndexReaderContext reader) {
for (TopReaderContextAware topReaderAware : topReaderAwares) {
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) throws IOException {
this.reader = reader;
for (ReaderContextAware aware : readerAwares) {
public void setScorer(Scorer scorer) {
this.scorer = scorer;
for (ScorerAware scorerAware : scorerAwares) {
/** Get a value source given its configuration and the depth of the aggregator in the aggregation tree. */
public <VS extends ValuesSource> VS valuesSource(ValuesSourceConfig<VS> config, int depth) throws IOException {
public <VS extends ValuesSource> VS valuesSource(ValuesSourceConfig<VS> config) throws IOException {
assert config.valid() : "value source config is invalid - must have either a field context or a script or marked as unmapped";
assert !config.unmapped : "value source should not be created for unmapped fields";
if (perDepthFieldDataSources.length <= depth) {
perDepthFieldDataSources = Arrays.copyOf(perDepthFieldDataSources, ArrayUtil.oversize(1 + depth, RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF));
if (perDepthFieldDataSources[depth] == null) {
perDepthFieldDataSources[depth] = new ObjectObjectOpenHashMap<>();
final ObjectObjectOpenHashMap<ConfigCacheKey, ValuesSource> fieldDataSources = perDepthFieldDataSources[depth];
if (config.fieldContext == null) {
if (ValuesSource.Numeric.class.isAssignableFrom(config.valueSourceType)) {
return (VS) numericScript(config);
@ -134,146 +69,49 @@ public class AggregationContext implements ReaderContextAware, ScorerAware {
if (ValuesSource.Numeric.class.isAssignableFrom(config.valueSourceType)) {
return (VS) numericField(fieldDataSources, config);
return (VS) numericField(config);
if (ValuesSource.GeoPoint.class.isAssignableFrom(config.valueSourceType)) {
return (VS) geoPointField(fieldDataSources, config);
return (VS) geoPointField(config);
// falling back to bytes values
return (VS) bytesField(fieldDataSources, config);
return (VS) bytesField(config);
private ValuesSource.Numeric numericScript(ValuesSourceConfig<?> config) throws IOException {
ValuesSource.Numeric source = new ValuesSource.Numeric.Script(config.script, config.scriptValueType);
return source;
return new ValuesSource.Numeric.Script(config.script, config.scriptValueType);
private ValuesSource.Numeric numericField(ObjectObjectOpenHashMap<ConfigCacheKey, ValuesSource> fieldDataSources, ValuesSourceConfig<?> config) throws IOException {
final ConfigCacheKey cacheKey = new ConfigCacheKey(config);
ValuesSource.Numeric dataSource = (ValuesSource.Numeric) fieldDataSources.get(cacheKey);
if (dataSource == null) {
ValuesSource.MetaData metaData = ValuesSource.MetaData.load(config.fieldContext.indexFieldData(), searchContext);
dataSource = new ValuesSource.Numeric.FieldData((IndexNumericFieldData) config.fieldContext.indexFieldData(), metaData);
setReaderIfNeeded((ReaderContextAware) dataSource);
readerAwares.add((ReaderContextAware) dataSource);
fieldDataSources.put(cacheKey, dataSource);
private ValuesSource.Numeric numericField(ValuesSourceConfig<?> config) throws IOException {
ValuesSource.Numeric dataSource = new ValuesSource.Numeric.FieldData((IndexNumericFieldData) config.fieldContext.indexFieldData());
if (config.script != null) {
dataSource = new ValuesSource.Numeric.WithScript(dataSource, config.script);
return dataSource;
private ValuesSource bytesField(ObjectObjectOpenHashMap<ConfigCacheKey, ValuesSource> fieldDataSources, ValuesSourceConfig<?> config) throws IOException {
final ConfigCacheKey cacheKey = new ConfigCacheKey(config);
ValuesSource dataSource = fieldDataSources.get(cacheKey);
if (dataSource == null) {
final IndexFieldData<?> indexFieldData = config.fieldContext.indexFieldData();
ValuesSource.MetaData metaData = ValuesSource.MetaData.load(config.fieldContext.indexFieldData(), searchContext);
if (indexFieldData instanceof ParentChildIndexFieldData) {
dataSource = new ValuesSource.Bytes.WithOrdinals.ParentChild((ParentChildIndexFieldData) indexFieldData, metaData);
} else if (indexFieldData instanceof IndexOrdinalsFieldData) {
dataSource = new ValuesSource.Bytes.WithOrdinals.FieldData((IndexOrdinalsFieldData) indexFieldData, metaData);
} else {
dataSource = new ValuesSource.Bytes.FieldData(indexFieldData, metaData);
setReaderIfNeeded((ReaderContextAware) dataSource);
readerAwares.add((ReaderContextAware) dataSource);
if (dataSource instanceof TopReaderContextAware) {
topReaderAwares.add((TopReaderContextAware) dataSource);
fieldDataSources.put(cacheKey, dataSource);
private ValuesSource bytesField(ValuesSourceConfig<?> config) throws IOException {
final IndexFieldData<?> indexFieldData = config.fieldContext.indexFieldData();
ValuesSource dataSource;
if (indexFieldData instanceof ParentChildIndexFieldData) {
dataSource = new ValuesSource.Bytes.WithOrdinals.ParentChild((ParentChildIndexFieldData) indexFieldData);
} else if (indexFieldData instanceof IndexOrdinalsFieldData) {
dataSource = new ValuesSource.Bytes.WithOrdinals.FieldData((IndexOrdinalsFieldData) indexFieldData);
} else {
dataSource = new ValuesSource.Bytes.FieldData(indexFieldData);
if (config.script != null) {
dataSource = new ValuesSource.WithScript(dataSource, config.script);
return dataSource;
private ValuesSource.Bytes bytesScript(ValuesSourceConfig<?> config) throws IOException {
ValuesSource.Bytes source = new ValuesSource.Bytes.Script(config.script);
return source;
return new ValuesSource.Bytes.Script(config.script);
private ValuesSource.GeoPoint geoPointField(ObjectObjectOpenHashMap<ConfigCacheKey, ValuesSource> fieldDataSources, ValuesSourceConfig<?> config) throws IOException {
final ConfigCacheKey cacheKey = new ConfigCacheKey(config);
ValuesSource.GeoPoint dataSource = (ValuesSource.GeoPoint) fieldDataSources.get(cacheKey);
if (dataSource == null) {
ValuesSource.MetaData metaData = ValuesSource.MetaData.load(config.fieldContext.indexFieldData(), searchContext);
dataSource = new ValuesSource.GeoPoint((IndexGeoPointFieldData) config.fieldContext.indexFieldData(), metaData);
fieldDataSources.put(cacheKey, dataSource);
return dataSource;
private ValuesSource.GeoPoint geoPointField(ValuesSourceConfig<?> config) throws IOException {
return new ValuesSource.GeoPoint((IndexGeoPointFieldData) config.fieldContext.indexFieldData());
public void registerReaderContextAware(ReaderContextAware readerContextAware) throws IOException {
public void registerScorerAware(ScorerAware scorerAware) {
private void setReaderIfNeeded(ReaderContextAware readerAware) throws IOException {
if (reader != null) {
private void setScorerIfNeeded(ScorerAware scorerAware) {
if (scorer != null) {
private static class ConfigCacheKey {
private final String field;
private final Class<? extends ValuesSource> valueSourceType;
private ConfigCacheKey(ValuesSourceConfig config) {
this.field = config.fieldContext.field();
this.valueSourceType = config.valueSourceType;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
ConfigCacheKey that = (ConfigCacheKey) o;
if (!field.equals(that.field)) return false;
if (!valueSourceType.equals(that.valueSourceType)) return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
int result = field.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + valueSourceType.hashCode();
return result;
@ -18,367 +18,169 @@
package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support;
import org.apache.lucene.index.*;
import org.apache.lucene.index.DocValues;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.index.RandomAccessOrds;
import org.apache.lucene.index.SortedDocValues;
import org.apache.lucene.index.SortedNumericDocValues;
import org.apache.lucene.search.IndexSearcher;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Scorer;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Bits;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.ReaderContextAware;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.TopReaderContextAware;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.*;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.plain.ParentChildAtomicFieldData;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.ScorerAware;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.AtomicOrdinalsFieldData;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.AtomicParentChildFieldData;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.IndexFieldData;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.IndexGeoPointFieldData;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.IndexNumericFieldData;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.IndexOrdinalsFieldData;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.IndexParentChildFieldData;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.MultiGeoPointValues;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.SortedBinaryDocValues;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.SortedNumericDoubleValues;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.SortingBinaryDocValues;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.SortingNumericDocValues;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.SortingNumericDoubleValues;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.plain.ParentChildIndexFieldData;
import org.elasticsearch.script.SearchScript;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.ValuesSource.Numeric.WithScript.DoubleValues;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.ValuesSource.WithScript.BytesValues;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.values.ScriptBytesValues;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.values.ScriptDoubleValues;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.values.ScriptLongValues;
import org.elasticsearch.search.internal.SearchContext;
import java.io.IOException;
public abstract class ValuesSource {
public static class MetaData {
public static final MetaData UNKNOWN = new MetaData();
public enum Uniqueness {
public boolean unique() {
return this == UNIQUE;
private long maxAtomicUniqueValuesCount = -1;
private boolean multiValued = true;
private Uniqueness uniqueness = Uniqueness.UNKNOWN;
private MetaData() {}
private MetaData(MetaData other) {
this.maxAtomicUniqueValuesCount = other.maxAtomicUniqueValuesCount;
this.multiValued = other.multiValued;
this.uniqueness = other.uniqueness;
private MetaData(long maxAtomicUniqueValuesCount, boolean multiValued, Uniqueness uniqueness) {
this.maxAtomicUniqueValuesCount = maxAtomicUniqueValuesCount;
this.multiValued = multiValued;
this.uniqueness = uniqueness;
public long maxAtomicUniqueValuesCount() {
return maxAtomicUniqueValuesCount;
public boolean multiValued() {
return multiValued;
public Uniqueness uniqueness() {
return uniqueness;
public static MetaData load(IndexFieldData<?> indexFieldData, SearchContext context) {
MetaData metaData = new MetaData();
metaData.uniqueness = Uniqueness.UNIQUE;
for (LeafReaderContext readerContext : context.searcher().getTopReaderContext().leaves()) {
AtomicFieldData fieldData = indexFieldData.load(readerContext);
if (fieldData instanceof AtomicOrdinalsFieldData) {
AtomicOrdinalsFieldData fd = (AtomicOrdinalsFieldData) fieldData;
RandomAccessOrds values = fd.getOrdinalsValues();
metaData.multiValued |= FieldData.isMultiValued(values);
metaData.maxAtomicUniqueValuesCount = Math.max(metaData.maxAtomicUniqueValuesCount, values.getValueCount());
} else if (fieldData instanceof AtomicNumericFieldData) {
AtomicNumericFieldData fd = (AtomicNumericFieldData) fieldData;
SortedNumericDoubleValues values = fd.getDoubleValues();
metaData.multiValued |= FieldData.isMultiValued(values);
metaData.maxAtomicUniqueValuesCount = Long.MAX_VALUE;
} else if (fieldData instanceof AtomicGeoPointFieldData) {
AtomicGeoPointFieldData fd = (AtomicGeoPointFieldData) fieldData;
MultiGeoPointValues values = fd.getGeoPointValues();
metaData.multiValued |= FieldData.isMultiValued(values);
metaData.maxAtomicUniqueValuesCount = Long.MAX_VALUE;
} else {
metaData.multiValued = true;
metaData.maxAtomicUniqueValuesCount = Long.MAX_VALUE;
return metaData;
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public static Builder builder(MetaData other) {
return new Builder(other);
public static class Builder {
private final MetaData metaData;
private Builder() {
metaData = new MetaData();
private Builder(MetaData metaData) {
this.metaData = new MetaData(metaData);
public Builder maxAtomicUniqueValuesCount(long maxAtomicUniqueValuesCount) {
metaData.maxAtomicUniqueValuesCount = maxAtomicUniqueValuesCount;
return this;
public Builder multiValued(boolean multiValued) {
metaData.multiValued = multiValued;
return this;
public Builder uniqueness(Uniqueness uniqueness) {
metaData.uniqueness = uniqueness;
return this;
public MetaData build() {
return metaData;
* Get the current {@link BytesValues}.
public abstract SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues();
public abstract SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException;
public abstract Bits docsWithValue(int maxDoc);
public abstract Bits docsWithValue(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException;
public void setNeedsGlobalOrdinals(boolean needsGlobalOrdinals) {}
public abstract MetaData metaData();
/** Whether this values source needs scores. */
public boolean needsScores() {
return false;
public static abstract class Bytes extends ValuesSource {
public Bits docsWithValue(int maxDoc) {
final SortedBinaryDocValues bytes = bytesValues();
public Bits docsWithValue(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
final SortedBinaryDocValues bytes = bytesValues(context);
if (org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.FieldData.unwrapSingleton(bytes) != null) {
return org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.FieldData.unwrapSingletonBits(bytes);
} else {
return org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.FieldData.docsWithValue(bytes, maxDoc);
return org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.FieldData.docsWithValue(bytes, context.reader().maxDoc());
public static abstract class WithOrdinals extends Bytes implements TopReaderContextAware {
public static abstract class WithOrdinals extends Bytes {
public Bits docsWithValue(int maxDoc) {
final RandomAccessOrds ordinals = ordinalsValues();
public Bits docsWithValue(LeafReaderContext context) {
final RandomAccessOrds ordinals = ordinalsValues(context);
if (DocValues.unwrapSingleton(ordinals) != null) {
return DocValues.docsWithValue(DocValues.unwrapSingleton(ordinals), maxDoc);
return DocValues.docsWithValue(DocValues.unwrapSingleton(ordinals), context.reader().maxDoc());
} else {
return DocValues.docsWithValue(ordinals, maxDoc);
return DocValues.docsWithValue(ordinals, context.reader().maxDoc());
public abstract RandomAccessOrds ordinalsValues();
public abstract RandomAccessOrds ordinalsValues(LeafReaderContext context);
public abstract void setNextReader(IndexReaderContext reader);
public abstract RandomAccessOrds globalOrdinalsValues();
public abstract RandomAccessOrds globalOrdinalsValues(LeafReaderContext context);
public abstract long globalMaxOrd(IndexSearcher indexSearcher);
public static class FieldData extends WithOrdinals implements ReaderContextAware {
public static class FieldData extends WithOrdinals {
protected final IndexOrdinalsFieldData indexFieldData;
protected final MetaData metaData;
private boolean needsGlobalOrdinals;
protected AtomicOrdinalsFieldData atomicFieldData;
private SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues;
private RandomAccessOrds ordinalsValues;
protected IndexOrdinalsFieldData globalFieldData;
protected AtomicOrdinalsFieldData globalAtomicFieldData;
private RandomAccessOrds globalBytesValues;
private long maxOrd = -1;
public FieldData(IndexOrdinalsFieldData indexFieldData, MetaData metaData) {
public FieldData(IndexOrdinalsFieldData indexFieldData) {
this.indexFieldData = indexFieldData;
this.metaData = metaData;
public MetaData metaData() {
return metaData;
public SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues(LeafReaderContext context) {
final AtomicOrdinalsFieldData atomicFieldData = indexFieldData.load(context);
return atomicFieldData.getBytesValues();
public void setNeedsGlobalOrdinals(boolean needsGlobalOrdinals) {
this.needsGlobalOrdinals = needsGlobalOrdinals;
public RandomAccessOrds ordinalsValues(LeafReaderContext context) {
final AtomicOrdinalsFieldData atomicFieldData = indexFieldData.load(context);
return atomicFieldData.getOrdinalsValues();
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
atomicFieldData = indexFieldData.load(reader);
if (bytesValues != null) {
bytesValues = atomicFieldData.getBytesValues();
if (ordinalsValues != null) {
ordinalsValues = atomicFieldData.getOrdinalsValues();
if (globalFieldData != null) {
globalAtomicFieldData = globalFieldData.load(reader);
if (globalBytesValues != null) {
globalBytesValues = globalAtomicFieldData.getOrdinalsValues();
public SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues() {
if (bytesValues == null) {
bytesValues = atomicFieldData.getBytesValues();
return bytesValues;
public RandomAccessOrds ordinalsValues() {
if (ordinalsValues == null) {
ordinalsValues = atomicFieldData.getOrdinalsValues();
return ordinalsValues;
public void setNextReader(IndexReaderContext reader) {
if (needsGlobalOrdinals) {
globalFieldData = indexFieldData.loadGlobal(reader.reader());
public RandomAccessOrds globalOrdinalsValues() {
if (globalBytesValues == null) {
globalBytesValues = globalAtomicFieldData.getOrdinalsValues();
return globalBytesValues;
public RandomAccessOrds globalOrdinalsValues(LeafReaderContext context) {
final IndexOrdinalsFieldData global = indexFieldData.loadGlobal(context.parent.reader());
final AtomicOrdinalsFieldData atomicFieldData = global.load(context);
return atomicFieldData.getOrdinalsValues();
public long globalMaxOrd(IndexSearcher indexSearcher) {
if (maxOrd != -1) {
return maxOrd;
IndexReader indexReader = indexSearcher.getIndexReader();
if (indexReader.leaves().isEmpty()) {
return maxOrd = 0;
return 0;
} else {
LeafReaderContext atomicReaderContext = indexReader.leaves().get(0);
IndexOrdinalsFieldData globalFieldData = indexFieldData.loadGlobal(indexReader);
AtomicOrdinalsFieldData afd = globalFieldData.load(atomicReaderContext);
RandomAccessOrds values = afd.getOrdinalsValues();
return maxOrd = values.getValueCount();
return values.getValueCount();
public static class ParentChild extends Bytes implements ReaderContextAware, TopReaderContextAware {
public static class ParentChild extends Bytes {
protected final ParentChildIndexFieldData indexFieldData;
protected final MetaData metaData;
protected AtomicParentChildFieldData atomicFieldData;
protected IndexParentChildFieldData globalFieldData;
private long maxOrd = -1;
public ParentChild(ParentChildIndexFieldData indexFieldData, MetaData metaData) {
public ParentChild(ParentChildIndexFieldData indexFieldData) {
this.indexFieldData = indexFieldData;
this.metaData = metaData;
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
atomicFieldData = globalFieldData.load(reader);
public void setNextReader(IndexReaderContext reader) {
globalFieldData = indexFieldData.loadGlobal(reader.reader());
public SortedDocValues globalOrdinalsValues(String type) {
return atomicFieldData.getOrdinalsValues(type);
public long globalMaxOrd(IndexSearcher indexSearcher, String type) {
if (maxOrd != -1) {
return maxOrd;
IndexReader indexReader = indexSearcher.getIndexReader();
if (indexReader.leaves().isEmpty()) {
return maxOrd = 0;
return 0;
} else {
LeafReaderContext atomicReaderContext = indexReader.leaves().get(0);
IndexParentChildFieldData globalFieldData = indexFieldData.loadGlobal(indexReader);
AtomicParentChildFieldData afd = globalFieldData.load(atomicReaderContext);
SortedDocValues values = afd.getOrdinalsValues(type);
return maxOrd = values.getValueCount();
return values.getValueCount();
public SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues() {
return atomicFieldData.getBytesValues();
public SortedDocValues globalOrdinalsValues(String type, LeafReaderContext context) {
final IndexParentChildFieldData global = indexFieldData.loadGlobal(context.parent.reader());
final AtomicParentChildFieldData atomicFieldData = global.load(context);
return atomicFieldData.getOrdinalsValues(type);
public MetaData metaData() {
return metaData;
public SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues(LeafReaderContext context) {
final AtomicParentChildFieldData atomicFieldData = indexFieldData.load(context);
return atomicFieldData.getBytesValues();
public static class FieldData extends Bytes implements ReaderContextAware {
public static class FieldData extends Bytes {
protected final IndexFieldData<?> indexFieldData;
protected final MetaData metaData;
protected AtomicFieldData atomicFieldData;
private SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues;
public FieldData(IndexFieldData<?> indexFieldData, MetaData metaData) {
public FieldData(IndexFieldData<?> indexFieldData) {
this.indexFieldData = indexFieldData;
this.metaData = metaData;
public MetaData metaData() {
return metaData;
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
atomicFieldData = indexFieldData.load(reader);
if (bytesValues != null) {
bytesValues = atomicFieldData.getBytesValues();
public SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues() {
if (bytesValues == null) {
bytesValues = atomicFieldData.getBytesValues();
return bytesValues;
public SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues(LeafReaderContext context) {
return indexFieldData.load(context).getBytesValues();
@ -391,13 +193,15 @@ public abstract class ValuesSource {
public MetaData metaData() {
return MetaData.UNKNOWN;
public SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
return values;
public SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues() {
return values;
public boolean needsScores() {
// TODO: add a way to know whether scripts are using scores
return true;
@ -409,40 +213,39 @@ public abstract class ValuesSource {
/** Whether the underlying data is floating-point or not. */
public abstract boolean isFloatingPoint();
/** Get the current {@link LongValues}. */
public abstract SortedNumericDocValues longValues();
/** Get the current {@link SortedNumericDocValues}. */
public abstract SortedNumericDocValues longValues(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException;
/** Get the current {@link DoubleValues}. */
public abstract SortedNumericDoubleValues doubleValues();
/** Get the current {@link SortedNumericDoubleValues}. */
public abstract SortedNumericDoubleValues doubleValues(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException;
public Bits docsWithValue(int maxDoc) {
public Bits docsWithValue(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
if (isFloatingPoint()) {
final SortedNumericDoubleValues values = doubleValues();
final SortedNumericDoubleValues values = doubleValues(context);
if (org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.FieldData.unwrapSingleton(values) != null) {
return org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.FieldData.unwrapSingletonBits(values);
} else {
return org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.FieldData.docsWithValue(values, maxDoc);
return org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.FieldData.docsWithValue(values, context.reader().maxDoc());
} else {
final SortedNumericDocValues values = longValues();
final SortedNumericDocValues values = longValues(context);
if (DocValues.unwrapSingleton(values) != null) {
return DocValues.unwrapSingletonBits(values);
} else {
return DocValues.docsWithValue(values, maxDoc);
return DocValues.docsWithValue(values, context.reader().maxDoc());
public static class WithScript extends Numeric {
private final SortedNumericDocValues longValues;
private final SortedNumericDoubleValues doubleValues;
private final SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues;
private final Numeric delegate;
private final SearchScript script;
public WithScript(Numeric delegate, SearchScript script) {
this.longValues = new LongValues(delegate, script);
this.doubleValues = new DoubleValues(delegate, script);
this.bytesValues = new ValuesSource.WithScript.BytesValues(delegate, script);
this.delegate = delegate;
this.script = script;
@ -451,92 +254,92 @@ public abstract class ValuesSource {
public SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues() {
return bytesValues;
public boolean needsScores() {
// TODO: add a way to know whether scripts are using scores
return true;
public SortedNumericDocValues longValues() {
return longValues;
public SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
return new ValuesSource.WithScript.BytesValues(delegate.bytesValues(context), script);
public SortedNumericDoubleValues doubleValues() {
return doubleValues;
public SortedNumericDocValues longValues(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
return new LongValues(delegate.longValues(context), script);
public MetaData metaData() {
return MetaData.UNKNOWN;
public SortedNumericDoubleValues doubleValues(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
return new DoubleValues(delegate.doubleValues(context), script);
static class LongValues extends SortingNumericDocValues {
static class LongValues extends SortingNumericDocValues implements ScorerAware {
private final Numeric source;
private final SortedNumericDocValues longValues;
private final SearchScript script;
public LongValues(Numeric source, SearchScript script) {
this.source = source;
public LongValues(SortedNumericDocValues values, SearchScript script) {
this.longValues = values;
this.script = script;
public void setDocument(int docId) {
public void setDocument(int doc) {
for (int i = 0; i < count(); ++i) {
script.setNextVar("_value", source.longValues().valueAt(i));
script.setNextVar("_value", longValues.valueAt(i));
values[i] = script.runAsLong();
public void setScorer(Scorer scorer) {
static class DoubleValues extends SortingNumericDoubleValues {
static class DoubleValues extends SortingNumericDoubleValues implements ScorerAware {
private final Numeric source;
private final SortedNumericDoubleValues doubleValues;
private final SearchScript script;
public DoubleValues(Numeric source, SearchScript script) {
this.source = source;
public DoubleValues(SortedNumericDoubleValues values, SearchScript script) {
this.doubleValues = values;
this.script = script;
public void setDocument(int docId) {
count = source.doubleValues().count();
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
script.setNextVar("_value", source.doubleValues().valueAt(i));
public void setDocument(int doc) {
for (int i = 0; i < count(); ++i) {
script.setNextVar("_value", doubleValues.valueAt(i));
values[i] = script.runAsDouble();
public void setScorer(Scorer scorer) {
public static class FieldData extends Numeric implements ReaderContextAware {
public static class FieldData extends Numeric {
protected boolean needsHashes;
protected final IndexNumericFieldData indexFieldData;
protected final MetaData metaData;
protected AtomicNumericFieldData atomicFieldData;
private SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues;
private SortedNumericDocValues longValues;
private SortedNumericDoubleValues doubleValues;
public FieldData(IndexNumericFieldData indexFieldData, MetaData metaData) {
public FieldData(IndexNumericFieldData indexFieldData) {
this.indexFieldData = indexFieldData;
this.metaData = metaData;
needsHashes = false;
public MetaData metaData() {
return metaData;
@ -545,61 +348,28 @@ public abstract class ValuesSource {
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
atomicFieldData = indexFieldData.load(reader);
if (bytesValues != null) {
bytesValues = atomicFieldData.getBytesValues();
if (longValues != null) {
longValues = atomicFieldData.getLongValues();
if (doubleValues != null) {
doubleValues = atomicFieldData.getDoubleValues();
public SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues(LeafReaderContext context) {
return indexFieldData.load(context).getBytesValues();
public SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues() {
if (bytesValues == null) {
bytesValues = atomicFieldData.getBytesValues();
return bytesValues;
public SortedNumericDocValues longValues(LeafReaderContext context) {
return indexFieldData.load(context).getLongValues();
public SortedNumericDocValues longValues() {
if (longValues == null) {
longValues = atomicFieldData.getLongValues();
return longValues;
public SortedNumericDoubleValues doubleValues() {
if (doubleValues == null) {
doubleValues = atomicFieldData.getDoubleValues();
return doubleValues;
public SortedNumericDoubleValues doubleValues(LeafReaderContext context) {
return indexFieldData.load(context).getDoubleValues();
public static class Script extends Numeric {
private final SearchScript script;
private final ValueType scriptValueType;
private final ScriptDoubleValues doubleValues;
private final ScriptLongValues longValues;
private final ScriptBytesValues bytesValues;
public Script(SearchScript script, ValueType scriptValueType) {
this.script = script;
this.scriptValueType = scriptValueType;
longValues = new ScriptLongValues(script);
doubleValues = new ScriptDoubleValues(script);
bytesValues = new ScriptBytesValues(script);
public MetaData metaData() {
return MetaData.UNKNOWN;
@ -608,20 +378,28 @@ public abstract class ValuesSource {
public SortedNumericDocValues longValues() {
return longValues;
public SortedNumericDocValues longValues(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
return new ScriptLongValues(script);
public SortedNumericDoubleValues doubleValues() {
return doubleValues;
public SortedNumericDoubleValues doubleValues(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
return new ScriptDoubleValues(script);
public SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues() {
return bytesValues;
public SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
return new ScriptBytesValues(script);
public boolean needsScores() {
// TODO: add a way to know whether scripts are using scores
return true;
@ -629,98 +407,81 @@ public abstract class ValuesSource {
// No need to implement ReaderContextAware here, the delegate already takes care of updating data structures
public static class WithScript extends Bytes {
private final SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues;
private final ValuesSource delegate;
private final SearchScript script;
public WithScript(ValuesSource delegate, SearchScript script) {
this.bytesValues = new BytesValues(delegate, script);
this.delegate = delegate;
this.script = script;
public MetaData metaData() {
return MetaData.UNKNOWN;
public boolean needsScores() {
// TODO: add a way to know whether scripts are using scores
return true;
public SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues() {
return bytesValues;
public SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
return new BytesValues(delegate.bytesValues(context), script);
static class BytesValues extends SortingBinaryDocValues {
static class BytesValues extends SortingBinaryDocValues implements ScorerAware {
private final ValuesSource source;
private final SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues;
private final SearchScript script;
public BytesValues(ValuesSource source, SearchScript script) {
this.source = source;
public BytesValues(SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues, SearchScript script) {
this.bytesValues = bytesValues;
this.script = script;
public void setDocument(int docId) {
count = source.bytesValues().count();
count = bytesValues.count();
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
final BytesRef value = source.bytesValues().valueAt(i);
final BytesRef value = bytesValues.valueAt(i);
script.setNextVar("_value", value.utf8ToString());
public void setScorer(Scorer scorer) {
public static class GeoPoint extends ValuesSource implements ReaderContextAware {
public static class GeoPoint extends ValuesSource {
protected final IndexGeoPointFieldData indexFieldData;
private final MetaData metaData;
protected AtomicGeoPointFieldData atomicFieldData;
private SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues;
private MultiGeoPointValues geoPointValues;
public GeoPoint(IndexGeoPointFieldData indexFieldData, MetaData metaData) {
public GeoPoint(IndexGeoPointFieldData indexFieldData) {
this.indexFieldData = indexFieldData;
this.metaData = metaData;
public Bits docsWithValue(int maxDoc) {
final MultiGeoPointValues geoPoints = geoPointValues();
public Bits docsWithValue(LeafReaderContext context) {
final MultiGeoPointValues geoPoints = geoPointValues(context);
if (org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.FieldData.unwrapSingleton(geoPoints) != null) {
return org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.FieldData.unwrapSingletonBits(geoPoints);
} else {
return org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.FieldData.docsWithValue(geoPoints, maxDoc);
return org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.FieldData.docsWithValue(geoPoints, context.reader().maxDoc());
public MetaData metaData() {
return metaData;
public SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues(LeafReaderContext context) {
return indexFieldData.load(context).getBytesValues();
public void setNextReader(LeafReaderContext reader) {
atomicFieldData = indexFieldData.load(reader);
if (bytesValues != null) {
bytesValues = atomicFieldData.getBytesValues();
if (geoPointValues != null) {
geoPointValues = atomicFieldData.getGeoPointValues();
public SortedBinaryDocValues bytesValues() {
if (bytesValues == null) {
bytesValues = atomicFieldData.getBytesValues();
return bytesValues;
public org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.MultiGeoPointValues geoPointValues() {
if (geoPointValues == null) {
geoPointValues = atomicFieldData.getGeoPointValues();
return geoPointValues;
public org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.MultiGeoPointValues geoPointValues(LeafReaderContext context) {
return indexFieldData.load(context).getGeoPointValues();
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ public abstract class ValuesSourceAggregatorFactory<VS extends ValuesSource> ext
if (config.unmapped()) {
return createUnmapped(context, parent, metaData);
VS vs = context.valuesSource(config, parent == null ? 0 : 1 + parent.depth());
VS vs = context.valuesSource(config);
return doCreateInternal(vs, context, parent, collectsFromSingleBucket, metaData);
@ -64,15 +64,6 @@ public abstract class ValuesSourceAggregatorFactory<VS extends ValuesSource> ext
public boolean needsScores() {
// TODO: we have no way to know whether scripts use the score so
// for now we assume that they do but in the future it would be
// nice to be able to know if they need scores so that the query
// would only produce scores if required.
return config.script != null || super.needsScores();
protected abstract Aggregator createUnmapped(AggregationContext aggregationContext, Aggregator parent, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException;
protected abstract Aggregator doCreateInternal(VS valuesSource, AggregationContext aggregationContext, Aggregator parent, boolean collectsFromSingleBucket, Map<String, Object> metaData) throws IOException;
@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.values;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Scorer;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.ScorerAware;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.SortedBinaryDocValues;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.SortingBinaryDocValues;
import org.elasticsearch.script.SearchScript;
@ -29,7 +31,7 @@ import java.util.Collection;
* {@link SortedBinaryDocValues} implementation that reads values from a script.
public class ScriptBytesValues extends SortingBinaryDocValues implements ScriptValues {
public class ScriptBytesValues extends SortingBinaryDocValues implements ScriptValues, ScorerAware {
private final SearchScript script;
@ -78,4 +80,9 @@ public class ScriptBytesValues extends SortingBinaryDocValues implements ScriptV
public void setScorer(Scorer scorer) {
@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.values;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Scorer;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.ScorerAware;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.SortingNumericDoubleValues;
import org.elasticsearch.script.SearchScript;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregationExecutionException;
@ -30,7 +32,7 @@ import java.util.Iterator;
* {@link DoubleValues} implementation which is based on a script
public class ScriptDoubleValues extends SortingNumericDoubleValues implements ScriptValues {
public class ScriptDoubleValues extends SortingNumericDoubleValues implements ScriptValues, ScorerAware {
final SearchScript script;
@ -50,30 +52,28 @@ public class ScriptDoubleValues extends SortingNumericDoubleValues implements Sc
final Object value = script.run();
if (value == null) {
count = 0;
else if (value instanceof Number) {
count = 1;
values[0] = ((Number) value).doubleValue();
else if (value.getClass().isArray()) {
count = Array.getLength(value);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
for (int i = 0; i < count(); ++i) {
values[i] = ((Number) Array.get(value, i)).doubleValue();
else if (value instanceof Collection) {
count = ((Collection<?>) value).size();
resize(((Collection<?>) value).size());
int i = 0;
for (Iterator<?> it = ((Collection<?>) value).iterator(); it.hasNext(); ++i) {
values[i] = ((Number) it.next()).doubleValue();
assert i == count;
assert i == count();
else {
@ -82,4 +82,9 @@ public class ScriptDoubleValues extends SortingNumericDoubleValues implements Sc
public void setScorer(Scorer scorer) {
@ -18,7 +18,9 @@
package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.values;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Scorer;
import org.apache.lucene.util.LongValues;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.ScorerAware;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.SortingNumericDocValues;
import org.elasticsearch.script.SearchScript;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregationExecutionException;
@ -31,7 +33,7 @@ import java.util.Iterator;
* {@link LongValues} implementation which is based on a script
public class ScriptLongValues extends SortingNumericDocValues implements ScriptValues {
public class ScriptLongValues extends SortingNumericDocValues implements ScriptValues, ScorerAware {
final SearchScript script;
@ -81,4 +83,9 @@ public class ScriptLongValues extends SortingNumericDocValues implements ScriptV
public void setScorer(Scorer scorer) {
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ package org.elasticsearch.benchmark.search.aggregations;
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.ObjectOpenHashSet;
import com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting.generators.RandomStrings;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.cluster.health.ClusterHealthResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.cluster.stats.ClusterStatsResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkRequestBuilder;
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ package org.elasticsearch.benchmark.search.aggregations;
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.ObjectOpenHashSet;
import com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting.generators.RandomStrings;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.cluster.health.ClusterHealthResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.cluster.stats.ClusterStatsResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkRequestBuilder;
@ -27,7 +27,9 @@ import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregationBuilders;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator.SubAggCollectionMode;
import org.elasticsearch.test.ElasticsearchSingleNodeTest;
import static org.elasticsearch.test.hamcrest.ElasticsearchAssertions.*;
import static org.elasticsearch.test.hamcrest.ElasticsearchAssertions.assertAcked;
import static org.elasticsearch.test.hamcrest.ElasticsearchAssertions.assertFailures;
import static org.elasticsearch.test.hamcrest.ElasticsearchAssertions.assertNoFailures;
public class DisabledFieldDataFormatTests extends ElasticsearchSingleNodeTest {
@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ package org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentParser;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.json.JsonXContent;
import org.elasticsearch.index.IndexService;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
import org.elasticsearch.search.internal.SearchContext;
import org.elasticsearch.test.ElasticsearchSingleNodeTest;
import java.io.IOException;
@ -57,8 +59,12 @@ public class AggregationCollectorTests extends ElasticsearchSingleNodeTest {
AggregatorParsers parser = getInstanceFromNode(AggregatorParsers.class);
XContentParser aggParser = JsonXContent.jsonXContent.createParser(agg);
final AggregatorFactories factories = parser.parseAggregators(aggParser, createSearchContext(index));
return factories.needsScores();
SearchContext searchContext = createSearchContext(index);
final AggregatorFactories factories = parser.parseAggregators(aggParser, searchContext);
AggregationContext aggregationContext = new AggregationContext(searchContext);
final Aggregator[] aggregators = factories.createTopLevelAggregators(aggregationContext);
assertEquals(1, aggregators.length);
return aggregators[0].needsScores();
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ public class LongTermsTests extends AbstractTermsTests {
assertThat(bucket.getDocCount(), equalTo(1l));
public void singleValueFieldWithFiltering() throws Exception {
long includes[] = { 1, 2, 3, 98 };
@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ public class LongTermsTests extends AbstractTermsTests {
assertThat(bucket.getDocCount(), equalTo(1l));
public void singleValueField_WithMaxSize() throws Exception {
SearchResponse response = client().prepareSearch("idx").setTypes("high_card_type")
@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ public class LongTermsTests extends AbstractTermsTests {
try {
SearchResponse response = client().prepareSearch("idx").setTypes("type")
.script("doc['" + MULTI_VALUED_FIELD_NAME + "']")
@ -33,7 +33,10 @@ import org.elasticsearch.test.ElasticsearchIntegrationTest;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentFactory.jsonBuilder;
import static org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregationBuilders.*;
import static org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregationBuilders.avg;
import static org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregationBuilders.extendedStats;
import static org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregationBuilders.histogram;
import static org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregationBuilders.terms;
import static org.elasticsearch.test.hamcrest.ElasticsearchAssertions.assertSearchResponse;
import static org.hamcrest.core.IsNull.notNullValue;
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.terms.TermsBuilder;
import org.elasticsearch.test.ElasticsearchIntegrationTest;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
@ -194,13 +195,7 @@ public class SignificantTermsTests extends ElasticsearchIntegrationTest {
for (Bucket topTerm : topTerms) {
assertThat(terms, hasSize(6));
assertThat(terms.contains("jam"), is(true));
assertThat(terms.contains("council"), is(true));
assertThat(terms.contains("style"), is(true));
assertThat(terms.contains("paul"), is(true));
assertThat(terms.contains("of"), is(true));
assertThat(terms.contains("the"), is(true));
assertEquals(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("jam", "council", "style", "paul", "of", "the")), terms);
response = client().prepareSearch("test")
.setQuery(new TermQueryBuilder("_all", "weller"))
@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ public class TopHitsTests extends ElasticsearchIntegrationTest {
// under an aggregation with collect_mode set to breadth_first as this would
// require the buffering of scores alongside each document ID and that is a
// a RAM cost we are not willing to pay
assertThat(e.getMessage(), containsString("ElasticsearchParseException"));
assertThat(e.getMessage(), containsString("ElasticsearchIllegalStateException"));
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ import org.elasticsearch.index.search.nested.NonNestedDocsFilter;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregationPhase;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.Aggregator;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregatorFactories;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.BucketCollector;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.SearchContextAggregations;
import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.support.AggregationContext;
import org.elasticsearch.search.internal.SearchContext;
@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ public class NestedAggregatorTest extends ElasticsearchSingleNodeLuceneTestCase
AggregatorFactories factories = builder.build();
searchContext.aggregations(new SearchContextAggregations(factories));
Aggregator[] aggs = factories.createTopLevelAggregators(context);
AggregationPhase.AggregationsCollector collector = new AggregationPhase.AggregationsCollector(Arrays.asList(aggs), context);
BucketCollector collector = BucketCollector.wrap(Arrays.asList(aggs));
// A regular search always exclude nested docs, so we use NonNestedDocsFilter.INSTANCE here (otherwise MatchAllDocsQuery would be sufficient)
// We exclude root doc with uid type#2, this will trigger the bug if we don't reset the root doc when we process a new segment, because
// root doc type#3 and root doc type#1 have the same segment docid
Reference in New Issue
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