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synced 2025-03-24 17:09:48 +00:00
Release script: Major Improvements
In order to be able to clean up broken steps in the release, one should be able to run each step individually. So now one needs to specifiy each step to run via cmdline argument * --deploy-sonatype: runs `mvn deploy` and pushes to the staging mvn repo * --deploy-s3: copies all artifacts over to the s3bucket * --deploy-s3-repos: Creates the s3 repositories * --no-install option, so that an existing mvn repo can be used for s3 operations Also, several minor changes have been added * Fixed typo in smoke test reference for email * Checking for correct AWS environment variables * Only create releases directory if it does not exist * RPM sign check is only executed after `mvn install` * Various path fixes for deb/rpm-s3 uploads * Added output of deb/rpm-s3 commands for easier debugging * Add configurable destination s3 bucket * Removed verbosity, always be verbose * Added color to the command which is being running right now, to differentiate from console output
This commit is contained in:
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ To install the deb from an APT repo:
APT line sources.list line:
deb http://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/staging/%(version)s-%(hash)s/repos/%(major_minor_version)s/debian/ stable main
deb http://%(bucket)s/elasticsearch/staging/%(version)s-%(hash)s/repos/%(major_minor_version)s/debian/ stable main
To install the RPM, create a YUM file like:
@ -73,30 +73,34 @@ containing:
name=Elasticsearch repository for packages
To smoke-test the release please run:
python3 -B ./dev-tools/smoke_tests_rc.py --version %(version)s --hash %(hash)s --plugins license,shield,watcher
python3 -B ./dev-tools/smoke_test_rc.py --version %(version)s --hash %(hash)s --plugins license,shield,watcher
NOTE: this script requires JAVA_HOME to point to a Java 7 Runtime
[1] https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/commit/%(hash)s
[2] http://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/staging/%(version)s-%(hash)s/org/elasticsearch/distribution/zip/elasticsearch/%(version)s/elasticsearch-%(version)s.zip
[3] http://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/staging/%(version)s-%(hash)s/org/elasticsearch/distribution/tar/elasticsearch/%(version)s/elasticsearch-%(version)s.tar.gz
[4] http://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/staging/%(version)s-%(hash)s/org/elasticsearch/distribution/rpm/elasticsearch/%(version)s/elasticsearch-%(version)s.rpm
[5] http://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/staging/%(version)s-%(hash)s/org/elasticsearch/distribution/deb/elasticsearch/%(version)s/elasticsearch-%(version)s.deb
[2] http://%(bucket)s/elasticsearch/staging/%(version)s-%(hash)s/org/elasticsearch/distribution/zip/elasticsearch/%(version)s/elasticsearch-%(version)s.zip
[3] http://%(bucket)s/elasticsearch/staging/%(version)s-%(hash)s/org/elasticsearch/distribution/tar/elasticsearch/%(version)s/elasticsearch-%(version)s.tar.gz
[4] http://%(bucket)s/elasticsearch/staging/%(version)s-%(hash)s/org/elasticsearch/distribution/rpm/elasticsearch/%(version)s/elasticsearch-%(version)s.rpm
[5] http://%(bucket)s/elasticsearch/staging/%(version)s-%(hash)s/org/elasticsearch/distribution/deb/elasticsearch/%(version)s/elasticsearch-%(version)s.deb
def run(command, env_vars=None, verbose=VERBOSE):
# console colors
COLOR_OK = '\033[92m'
COLOR_END = '\033[0m'
COLOR_FAIL = '\033[91m'
def run(command, env_vars=None):
if env_vars:
for key, value in env_vars.items():
os.putenv(key, value)
if not verbose:
command = '%s >> /dev/null 2>&1' % (command)
print('*** Running: %s%s%s' % (COLOR_OK, command, COLOR_END))
if os.system(command):
raise RuntimeError(' FAILED: %s' % (command))
@ -192,10 +196,6 @@ def check_command_exists(name, cmd):
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
raise RuntimeError('Could not run command %s - please make sure it is installed and in $PATH' % (name))
# console colors
COLOR_OK = '\033[92m'
COLOR_END = '\033[0m'
COLOR_FAIL = '\033[91m'
def run_and_print(text, run_function):
print(text, end='')
@ -218,8 +218,8 @@ def check_env_var(text, env_var):
def check_environment_and_commandline_tools(check_only):
checks = list()
checks.append(check_env_var('Checking for AWS env configuration AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_ID... ', 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'))
checks.append(check_env_var('Checking for AWS env configuration AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID... ', 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'))
checks.append(check_env_var('Checking for AWS env configuration AWS_SECRET_KEY... ', 'AWS_SECRET_KEY'))
checks.append(check_env_var('Checking for AWS env configuration AWS_ACCESS_KEY... ', 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY'))
checks.append(run_and_print('Checking command: rpm... ', partial(check_command_exists, 'rpm', 'rpm --version')))
checks.append(run_and_print('Checking command: dpkg... ', partial(check_command_exists, 'dpkg', 'dpkg --version')))
checks.append(run_and_print('Checking command: gpg... ', partial(check_command_exists, 'gpg', 'gpg --version')))
@ -238,37 +238,66 @@ def check_environment_and_commandline_tools(check_only):
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Builds and publishes a Elasticsearch Release')
parser.add_argument('--deploy', '-d', dest='deploy', action='store_true',
help='Installs and Deploys the release on a sonartype staging repository.')
parser.add_argument('--skipDocCheck', '-c', dest='skip_doc_check', action='store_false',
help='Skips any checks for pending documentation changes')
parser.add_argument('--push-s3', '-p', dest='push', action='store_true',
parser.add_argument('--deploy-sonatype', dest='deploy_sonatype', action='store_true',
help='Installs and Deploys the release on a sonatype staging repository.')
parser.add_argument('--deploy-s3', dest='deploy_s3', action='store_true',
help='Pushes artifacts to the S3 staging area')
parser.add_argument('--install_only', '-i', dest='install_only', action='store_true',
help='Only runs a maven install to skip the remove deployment step')
parser.add_argument('--gpg-key', '-k', dest='gpg_key', default="D88E42B4",
parser.add_argument('--deploy-s3-repos', dest='deploy_s3_repos', action='store_true',
help='Creates package repositories in S3 repo')
parser.add_argument('--no-install', dest='no_install', action='store_true',
help='Does not run "mvn install", expects this to be run already and reuses artifacts from local repo, only useful with --deploy-s3/--deploy-s3-repos, after sonatype deplomeny to ensure same artifacts')
parser.add_argument('--skip-doc-check', dest='skip_doc_check', action='store_false',
help='Skips any checks for pending documentation changes')
parser.add_argument('--skip-tests', dest='skip_tests', action='store_true',
help='Skips any test runs')
parser.add_argument('--gpg-key', dest='gpg_key', default="D88E42B4",
help='Allows you to specify a different gpg_key to be used instead of the default release key')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-b', dest='verbose',
help='Runs the script in verbose mode')
parser.add_argument('--check-only', dest='check_only', action='store_true',
parser.add_argument('--bucket', '-b', dest='bucket', default="download.elasticsearch.org",
help='Allows you to specify a different s3 bucket to upload the artifacts to')
parser.add_argument('--quiet', dest='quiet', action='store_true',
help='Runs the script in quiet mode')
parser.add_argument('--check', dest='check', action='store_true',
help='Checks and reports for all requirements and then exits')
args = parser.parse_args()
install_and_deploy = args.deploy
skip_doc_check = args.skip_doc_check
push = args.push
gpg_key = args.gpg_key
install_only = args.install_only
VERBOSE = args.verbose
# by default, we only run mvn install and dont push anything repo
# other defaults
args = parser.parse_args()
skip_doc_check = args.skip_doc_check
gpg_key = args.gpg_key
bucket = args.bucket
deploy_sonatype = args.deploy_sonatype
deploy_s3 = args.deploy_s3
deploy_s3_repos = args.deploy_s3_repos
run_mvn_install = not args.no_install
skip_tests = args.skip_tests
if not run_mvn_install and deploy_sonatype:
print('Using --no-install and --deploy-sonatype together does not work. Exiting')
print('*** Preparing a release candidate: ', end='')
print('deploy sonatype: %s%s%s' % (COLOR_OK if deploy_sonatype else COLOR_FAIL, 'yes' if deploy_sonatype else 'no', COLOR_END), end='')
print(', deploy s3: %s%s%s' % (COLOR_OK if deploy_s3 else COLOR_FAIL, 'yes' if deploy_s3 else 'no', COLOR_END), end='')
print(', deploy s3 repos: %s%s%s' % (COLOR_OK if deploy_s3_repos else COLOR_FAIL, 'yes' if deploy_s3_repos else 'no', COLOR_END), end='')
shortHash = subprocess.check_output('git log --pretty=format:"%h" -n 1', shell=True).decode('utf-8')
releaseDirectory = os.getenv('HOME') + '/elastic-releases'
release_version = find_release_version()
localRepo = '%s/elasticsearch-%s-%s' % (releaseDirectory, release_version, shortHash)
localRepoElasticsearch = localRepo + '/org/elasticsearch'
release_version = find_release_version()
if not re.match('(\d+\.\d+)\.*',release_version):
raise RuntimeError('illegal release version format: %s' % (release_version))
major_minor_version = re.match('(\d+\.\d+)\.*',release_version).group(1)
@ -281,7 +310,6 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
if pending_files:
raise RuntimeError('pending coming[%s] documentation changes found in %s' % (release_version, pending_files))
run('cd dev-tools && mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=%s -DgenerateBackupPoms=false' % (release_version))
run('cd rest-api-spec && mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=%s -DgenerateBackupPoms=false' % (release_version))
run('mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=%s -DgenerateBackupPoms=false' % (release_version))
@ -290,70 +318,69 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
print('*** Done removing snapshot version. DO NOT COMMIT THIS, WHEN CREATING A RELEASE CANDIDATE.')
shortHash = subprocess.check_output('git log --pretty=format:"%h" -n 1', shell=True).decode('utf-8')
releaseDirectory = os.getenv('HOME') + '/elastic-releases'
localRepo = '%s/elasticsearch-%s-%s' % (releaseDirectory, release_version, shortHash)
localRepoElasticsearch = localRepo + '/org/elasticsearch'
if os.path.exists(localRepoElasticsearch):
if not os.path.exists(releaseDirectory):
if os.path.exists(localRepoElasticsearch) and run_mvn_install:
print('clean local repository %s' % localRepoElasticsearch)
if install_only:
mvn_target = 'install'
mvn_target = 'deploy'
install_command = 'mvn clean %s -Prelease -Dskip.integ.tests=true -Dgpg.key="%s" -Dpackaging.rpm.rpmbuild=/usr/bin/rpmbuild -Drpm.sign=true -Dmaven.repo.local=%s -Dno.commit.pattern="\\bno(n|)commit\\b" -Dforbidden.test.signatures=""' % (mvn_target, gpg_key, localRepo)
mvn_target = 'deploy' if deploy_sonatype else 'install'
tests = '-DskipTests' if skip_tests else '-Dskip.integ.tests=true'
install_command = 'mvn clean %s -Prelease %s -Dgpg.key="%s" -Dpackaging.rpm.rpmbuild=/usr/bin/rpmbuild -Drpm.sign=true -Dmaven.repo.local=%s -Dno.commit.pattern="\\bno(n|)commit\\b" -Dforbidden.test.signatures=""' % (mvn_target, tests, gpg_key, localRepo)
clean_repo_command = 'find %s -name _remote.repositories -exec rm {} \;' % (localRepoElasticsearch)
rename_metadata_files_command = 'for i in $(find %s -name "maven-metadata-local.xml*") ; do mv "$i" "${i/-local/}" ; done' % (localRepoElasticsearch)
if install_and_deploy:
if not run_mvn_install:
print('*** By choosing --no-install we assume you ran the following commands successfully:')
print(' %s' % (install_command))
print(' 1. Remove all _remote.repositories: %s' % (clean_repo_command))
rename_metadata_files_command = 'for i in $(find %s -name "maven-metadata-local.xml*") ; do mv "$i" "${i/-local/}" ; done' % (localRepoElasticsearch)
print(' 2. Rename all maven metadata files: %s' % (rename_metadata_files_command))
for cmd in [install_command, clean_repo_command]:
print('*** To create a release candidate run: ')
print(' %s' % (install_command))
print(' 1. Remove all _remote.repositories: %s' % (clean_repo_command))
print(' 2. Rename all maven metadata files: %s' % (rename_metadata_files_command))
print('Ensuring that RPM has been signed')
rpm = '%s/distribution/rpm/elasticsearch/%s/elasticsearch-%s.rpm' % (localRepoElasticsearch, release_version, release_version)
print('Ensuring that RPM has been signed')
ensure_rpm_is_signed(rpm, gpg_key)
# repository push commands
s3cmd_sync_to_staging_bucket_cmd = 's3cmd sync -P %s s3://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/staging/%s-%s/org/' % (localRepoElasticsearch, release_version, shortHash)
s3_bucket_sync_to = 'download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/staging/%s-%s/repos' % (release_version, shortHash)
s3cmd_sync_to_staging_bucket_cmd = 's3cmd sync -P %s s3://%s/elasticsearch/staging/%s-%s/org/' % (localRepoElasticsearch, bucket, release_version, shortHash)
s3_bucket_sync_to = '%s/elasticsearch/staging/%s-%s/repos/' % (bucket, release_version, shortHash)
s3cmd_sync_official_repo_cmd = 's3cmd sync s3://packages.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/%s s3://%s' % (major_minor_version, s3_bucket_sync_to)
debs3_prefix = 'elasticsearch/staging/%s-%s/repos/debian' % (release_version, shortHash)
debs3_upload_cmd = 'deb-s3 upload --preserve-versions %s/distribution/deb/elasticsearch/%s/elasticsearch-%s.deb -b download.elasticsearch.org --prefix %s --sign %s --arch amd64' % (localRepoElasticsearch, release_version, release_version, prefix, gpg_key)
debs3_list_cmd = 'deb-s3 list -b download.elasticsearch.org --prefix %s' % (debs3_prefix)
debs3_verify_cmd = 'deb-s3 verify -b download.elasticsearch.org --prefix %s' % (debs3_prefix)
rpms3_prefix = 'elasticsearch/staging/%s-%s/repos/centos' % (release_version, shortHash)
rpms3_upload_cmd = 'rpm-s3 -v -b download.elasticsearch.org -p %s --sign --visibility public-read -k 0 %s' % (rpms3_prefix, rpm)
debs3_prefix = 'elasticsearch/staging/%s-%s/repos/%s/debian' % (release_version, shortHash, major_minor_version)
debs3_upload_cmd = 'deb-s3 upload --preserve-versions %s/distribution/deb/elasticsearch/%s/elasticsearch-%s.deb -b %s --prefix %s --sign %s --arch amd64' % (localRepoElasticsearch, release_version, release_version, bucket, debs3_prefix, gpg_key)
debs3_list_cmd = 'deb-s3 list -b %s --prefix %s' % (bucket, debs3_prefix)
debs3_verify_cmd = 'deb-s3 verify -b %s --prefix %s' % (bucket, debs3_prefix)
rpms3_prefix = 'elasticsearch/staging/%s-%s/repos/%s/centos' % (release_version, shortHash, major_minor_version)
rpms3_upload_cmd = 'rpm-s3 -v -b %s -p %s --sign --visibility public-read -k 0 %s' % (bucket, rpms3_prefix, rpm)
if push:
if deploy_s3:
print('Syncing official package repository into staging s3 bucket')
print('Uploading debian package (you will be prompted for the passphrase!)')
print('Uploading rpm package (you will be prompted for the passphrase!)')
print('*** To push a release candidate to s3 run: ')
print(' 1. Sync %s into S3 bucket' % (localRepoElasticsearch))
print (' %s' % (s3cmd_sync_to_staging_bucket_cmd))
print(' 2. Create repositories: ')
print(' 1. Sync existing repo into staging: %s' % s3cmd_sync_official_repo_cmd)
print(' 2. Upload debian package (and sign it) %s' % debs3_upload_cmd)
print(' 3. List all debian packages: %s' % debs3_list_cmd)
print(' 4. Verify debian packages: %s' % debs3_verify_cmd)
print(' 5. Upload RPM: %s' % rpms3_upload_cmd)
if deploy_s3_repos:
print('*** Syncing official package repository into staging s3 bucket')
print('*** Uploading debian package (you will be prompted for the passphrase!)')
print('*** Uploading rpm package (you will be prompted for the passphrase!)')
print('*** To create repositories on S3 run:')
print(' 1. Sync existing repo into staging: %s' % s3cmd_sync_official_repo_cmd)
print(' 2. Upload debian package (and sign it): %s' % debs3_upload_cmd)
print(' 3. List all debian packages: %s' % debs3_list_cmd)
print(' 4. Verify debian packages: %s' % debs3_verify_cmd)
print(' 5. Upload RPM: %s' % rpms3_upload_cmd)
print('NOTE: the above mvn command will promt you several times for the GPG passphrase of the key you specified you can alternatively pass it via -Dgpg.passphrase=yourPassPhrase')
print(' since RPM signing doesn\'t support gpg-agents the recommended way to set the password is to add a release profile to your settings.xml:')
@ -368,18 +395,19 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
print('NOTE: Running s3cmd might require you to create a config file with your credentials, if the s3cmd does not support suppliying them via the command line!')
print('*** Once the release is deployed and published send out the following mail to dev@elastic.co:')
string_format_dict = {'version' : release_version, 'hash': shortHash, 'major_minor_version' : major_minor_version}
string_format_dict = {'version' : release_version, 'hash': shortHash, 'major_minor_version' : major_minor_version, 'bucket': bucket}
print(MAIL_TEMPLATE % string_format_dict)
print('You can verify that pushing to the staging repository pushed all the artifacts by running (log into sonatype to find out the correct id):')
print(' python3 -B dev-tools/validate-maven-repository.py %s https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/repositories/orgelasticsearch-IDTOFINDOUT/content/org/elasticsearch ' %(localElasticsearchRepo))
print(' python -B dev-tools/validate-maven-repository.py %s https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/repositories/orgelasticsearch-IDTOFINDOUT/content/org/elasticsearch ' %(localRepoElasticsearch))
print('To publish the release and the repo on S3 execute the following commands:')
print(' s3cmd cp --recursive s3://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/staging/%(version)s-%(hash)s/repos/%(major_minor_version)s/ s3://packages.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/%(major_minor_version)s' % string_format_dict)
print(' s3cmd cp --recursive s3://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/staging/%(version)s-%(hash)s/org/ s3://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/release/org' % string_format_dict)
print(' s3cmd cp --recursive s3://%(bucket)s/elasticsearch/staging/%(version)s-%(hash)s/repos/%(major_minor_version)s/ s3://packages.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/%(major_minor_version)s' % string_format_dict)
print(' s3cmd cp --recursive s3://%(bucket)s/elasticsearch/staging/%(version)s-%(hash)s/org/ s3://%(bucket)s/elasticsearch/release/org' % string_format_dict)
print('Now go ahead and tag the release:')
print(' git tag -a v%(version)s %(hash)s' % string_format_dict)
print(' git push origin v%(version)s' % string_format_dict )
Reference in New Issue
Block a user