Modify script to only migrate plugins

This commit is contained in:
Simon Willnauer 2015-06-09 15:01:23 +02:00
parent 2edff1bc4a
commit ea07e5ba94

View File

@ -13,11 +13,7 @@ set -o pipefail
# ./
# mvn clean install -DskipTests
# Insert a new text after a given line
# insertLinesAfter text_to_find text_to_add newLine_separator filename
@ -105,11 +101,6 @@ function migratePlugin() {
echo "# STEP 0 : prepare the job"
# echo "## clean $DIR_TMP plugins dev-tools/target target"
rm -rf $DIR_TMP
rm -rf plugins
rm -rf dev-tools/target
rm -rf target
# echo "## create git $GIT_BRANCH work branch"
@ -121,99 +112,13 @@ git branch -D $GIT_BRANCH > /dev/null || :
git branch $GIT_BRANCH > /dev/null
git checkout $GIT_BRANCH > /dev/null 2>/dev/null
echo "# STEP 1 : Core module"
# create the tmp work dir
# echo "## create $DIR_TMP temporary dir"
mkdir $DIR_TMP
# create the core module
# echo "## create core module in $MODULE_CORE"
# echo "## create $MODULE_CORE pom.xml"
cp pom.xml $MODULE_CORE
# echo "## modify $MODULE_CORE/pom.xml"
# We move <parent></parent> block on top
removeLines "<parent>" "<\/parent>" "$MODULE_CORE/pom.xml"
insertLinesAfter "<\/modelVersion>" " <parent>§ <groupId>org.elasticsearch<\/groupId>§ <artifactId>elasticsearch-parent<\/artifactId>§ <version>2.0.0-SNAPSHOT<\/version>§ <\/parent>§" "§" "$MODULE_CORE/pom.xml"
# We clean useless data
replaceLine " <version>2.0.0-SNAPSHOT<\/version>" "" "$MODULE_CORE/pom.xml"
removeLines "<inceptionYear>" "<\/scm>" "$MODULE_CORE/pom.xml"
removeLines "<repositories>" "<\/repositories>" "$MODULE_CORE/pom.xml"
# echo "## move src in $MODULE_CORE"
git mv src/ $MODULE_CORE
# echo "## move bin in $MODULE_CORE"
git mv bin/ $MODULE_CORE
# echo "## move config in $MODULE_CORE"
git mv config/ $MODULE_CORE
# echo "## move lib in $MODULE_CORE"
git mv lib/ $MODULE_CORE
# echo "## copy README.textile, LICENSE.txt and NOTICE.txt in $MODULE_CORE"
# echo "## modify rest-api-spec location in $MODULE_CORE/pom.xml"
replaceLine " <directory>\${project.basedir}\/rest-api-spec<\/directory>" " <directory>\${project.basedir}\/..\/rest-api-spec<\/directory>" "$MODULE_CORE/pom.xml"
# echo "## commit changes"
git add .
git commit -m "create $MODULE_CORE module" > /dev/null
echo "# STEP 2 : Parent pom.xml from $PARENT_GIT"
# echo "## fetch parent project from $PARENT_GIT in $DIR_TMP"
# If you want to run that locally, uncomment this line and comment one below
# cp -R ../elasticsearch-parent $DIR_TMP
git clone $PARENT_GIT $DIR_TMP/$PARENT_NAME > /dev/null 2>/dev/null
cp $DIR_TMP/$PARENT_NAME/pom.xml .
cp -R $DIR_TMP/$PARENT_NAME/dev-tools .
cp -R $DIR_TMP/$PARENT_NAME/plugins .
# echo "## commit changes"
git add .
git commit -m "create parent pom project from its original location" > /dev/null
echo "# STEP 3 : Add $MODULE_CORE module to pom.xml"
insertLinesBefore " <\/modules>" " <module>$MODULE_CORE<\/module>" "§" "pom.xml"
# echo "## change name to Elasticsearch Core"
replaceLine " <name>Elasticsearch core<\/name>" " <name>Elasticsearch Core<\/name>" "$MODULE_CORE/pom.xml"
# echo "## commit changes"
git add .
git commit -m "add core module" > /dev/null
echo "# STEP 4 : Migrate plugins"
# We need to add <modules></modules> in the plugins parent project as it does not exist
insertLinesBefore "<\/project>" " <modules>§ <\/modules>" "§" "plugins/pom.xml"
git add plugins/pom.xml
git commit -m "add modules section"
# Analysis
migratePlugin "analysis-kuromoji"
migratePlugin "analysis-smartcn"
migratePlugin "analysis-stempel"
migratePlugin "analysis-phonetic"
migratePlugin "analysis-icu"
migratePlugin "lang-python"
migratePlugin "lang-javascript"
# Mapper
# TODO: look at this one later
# migratePlugin "mapper-attachments"
# Cloud
migratePlugin "cloud-gce"
migratePlugin "cloud-azure"
migratePlugin "cloud-aws"
echo "# STEP 5 : Clean tmp dir"
# echo "## clean $DIR_TMP"
rm -rf $DIR_TMP
echo "you can now run:"
echo "mvn clean install -DskipTests"