mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 09:28:27 +00:00
Add I/O statistics on Linux
This commit adds a variety of real disk metrics for the block devices that back Elasticsearch data paths. A collection of statistics are read from /proc/diskstats and are used to report the raw metrics for operations and read/write bytes. Relates #15915
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.attribute.FileAttributeView;
import java.nio.file.attribute.FileStoreAttributeView;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
* Implementation of FileStore that supports
@ -44,6 +45,8 @@ class ESFileStore extends FileStore {
final FileStore in;
/** Cached result of Lucene's {@code IOUtils.spins} on path. */
final Boolean spins;
int majorDeviceNumber;
int minorDeviceNumber;
@SuppressForbidden(reason = "tries to determine if disk is spinning")
// TODO: move PathUtils to be package-private here instead of
@ -58,6 +61,21 @@ class ESFileStore extends FileStore {
} catch (Exception e) {
spins = null;
try {
final List<String> lines = Files.readAllLines(PathUtils.get("/proc/self/mountinfo"));
for (final String line : lines) {
final String[] fields = line.trim().split("\\s+");
final String mountPoint = fields[4];
if (mountPoint.equals(getMountPointLinux(in))) {
final String[] deviceNumbers = fields[2].split(":");
majorDeviceNumber = Integer.parseInt(deviceNumbers[0]);
minorDeviceNumber = Integer.parseInt(deviceNumbers[1]);
} catch (Exception e) {
majorDeviceNumber = -1;
minorDeviceNumber = -1;
} else {
spins = null;
@ -229,10 +247,13 @@ class ESFileStore extends FileStore {
public Object getAttribute(String attribute) throws IOException {
if ("lucene:spins".equals(attribute)) {
return spins;
} else {
return in.getAttribute(attribute);
switch(attribute) {
// for the device
case "lucene:spins": return spins;
// for the partition
case "lucene:major_device_number": return majorDeviceNumber;
case "lucene:minor_device_number": return minorDeviceNumber;
default: return in.getAttribute(attribute);
@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
@ -88,14 +87,21 @@ public final class NodeEnvironment extends AbstractComponent implements Closeabl
* not running on Linux, or we hit an exception trying), True means the device possibly spins and False means it does not. */
public final Boolean spins;
public final int majorDeviceNumber;
public final int minorDeviceNumber;
public NodePath(Path path) throws IOException {
this.path = path;
this.indicesPath = path.resolve(INDICES_FOLDER);
this.fileStore = Environment.getFileStore(path);
if (fileStore.supportsFileAttributeView("lucene")) {
this.spins = (Boolean) fileStore.getAttribute("lucene:spins");
this.majorDeviceNumber = (int) fileStore.getAttribute("lucene:major_device_number");
this.minorDeviceNumber = (int) fileStore.getAttribute("lucene:minor_device_number");
} else {
this.spins = null;
this.majorDeviceNumber = -1;
this.minorDeviceNumber = -1;
@ -31,19 +31,12 @@ import org.elasticsearch.threadpool.ThreadPool;
import java.io.IOException;
public class MonitorService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent<MonitorService> {
private final JvmGcMonitorService jvmGcMonitorService;
private final OsService osService;
private final ProcessService processService;
private final JvmService jvmService;
private final FsService fsService;
public MonitorService(Settings settings, NodeEnvironment nodeEnvironment, ThreadPool threadPool) throws IOException {
@ -85,4 +78,5 @@ public class MonitorService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent<MonitorService> {
protected void doClose() {
@ -188,12 +188,234 @@ public class FsInfo implements Iterable<FsInfo.Path>, Writeable, ToXContent {
public static class DeviceStats implements Writeable, ToXContent {
final int majorDeviceNumber;
final int minorDeviceNumber;
final String deviceName;
final long currentReadsCompleted;
final long previousReadsCompleted;
final long currentSectorsRead;
final long previousSectorsRead;
final long currentWritesCompleted;
final long previousWritesCompleted;
final long currentSectorsWritten;
final long previousSectorsWritten;
public DeviceStats(
final int majorDeviceNumber,
final int minorDeviceNumber,
final String deviceName,
final long currentReadsCompleted,
final long currentSectorsRead,
final long currentWritesCompleted,
final long currentSectorsWritten,
final DeviceStats previousDeviceStats) {
previousDeviceStats != null ? previousDeviceStats.currentReadsCompleted : -1,
previousDeviceStats != null ? previousDeviceStats.currentSectorsWritten : -1,
previousDeviceStats != null ? previousDeviceStats.currentSectorsRead : -1,
previousDeviceStats != null ? previousDeviceStats.currentWritesCompleted : -1);
private DeviceStats(
final int majorDeviceNumber,
final int minorDeviceNumber,
final String deviceName,
final long currentReadsCompleted,
final long previousReadsCompleted,
final long currentSectorsWritten,
final long previousSectorsWritten,
final long currentSectorsRead,
final long previousSectorsRead,
final long currentWritesCompleted,
final long previousWritesCompleted) {
this.majorDeviceNumber = majorDeviceNumber;
this.minorDeviceNumber = minorDeviceNumber;
this.deviceName = deviceName;
this.currentReadsCompleted = currentReadsCompleted;
this.previousReadsCompleted = previousReadsCompleted;
this.currentWritesCompleted = currentWritesCompleted;
this.previousWritesCompleted = previousWritesCompleted;
this.currentSectorsRead = currentSectorsRead;
this.previousSectorsRead = previousSectorsRead;
this.currentSectorsWritten = currentSectorsWritten;
this.previousSectorsWritten = previousSectorsWritten;
public DeviceStats(StreamInput in) throws IOException {
majorDeviceNumber = in.readVInt();
minorDeviceNumber = in.readVInt();
deviceName = in.readString();
currentReadsCompleted = in.readLong();
previousReadsCompleted = in.readLong();
currentWritesCompleted = in.readLong();
previousWritesCompleted = in.readLong();
currentSectorsRead = in.readLong();
previousSectorsRead = in.readLong();
currentSectorsWritten = in.readLong();
previousSectorsWritten = in.readLong();
public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException {
public long operations() {
if (previousReadsCompleted == -1 || previousWritesCompleted == -1) return -1;
return (currentReadsCompleted - previousReadsCompleted) +
(currentWritesCompleted - previousWritesCompleted);
public long readOperations() {
if (previousReadsCompleted == -1) return -1;
return (currentReadsCompleted - previousReadsCompleted);
public long writeOperations() {
if (previousWritesCompleted == -1) return -1;
return (currentWritesCompleted - previousWritesCompleted);
public long readKilobytes() {
if (previousSectorsRead == -1) return -1;
return (currentSectorsRead - previousSectorsRead) / 2;
public long writeKilobytes() {
if (previousSectorsWritten == -1) return -1;
return (currentSectorsWritten - previousSectorsWritten) / 2;
public XContentBuilder toXContent(XContentBuilder builder, Params params) throws IOException {
builder.field("device_name", deviceName);
builder.field(IoStats.OPERATIONS, operations());
builder.field(IoStats.READ_OPERATIONS, readOperations());
builder.field(IoStats.WRITE_OPERATIONS, writeOperations());
builder.field(IoStats.READ_KILOBYTES, readKilobytes());
builder.field(IoStats.WRITE_KILOBYTES, writeKilobytes());
return builder;
public static class IoStats implements Writeable, ToXContent {
private static final String OPERATIONS = "operations";
private static final String READ_OPERATIONS = "read_operations";
private static final String WRITE_OPERATIONS = "write_operations";
private static final String READ_KILOBYTES = "read_kilobytes";
private static final String WRITE_KILOBYTES = "write_kilobytes";
final DeviceStats[] devicesStats;
final long totalOperations;
final long totalReadOperations;
final long totalWriteOperations;
final long totalReadKilobytes;
final long totalWriteKilobytes;
public IoStats(final DeviceStats[] devicesStats) {
this.devicesStats = devicesStats;
long totalOperations = 0;
long totalReadOperations = 0;
long totalWriteOperations = 0;
long totalReadKilobytes = 0;
long totalWriteKilobytes = 0;
for (DeviceStats deviceStats : devicesStats) {
totalOperations += deviceStats.operations() != -1 ? deviceStats.operations() : 0;
totalReadOperations += deviceStats.readOperations() != -1 ? deviceStats.readOperations() : 0;
totalWriteOperations += deviceStats.writeOperations() != -1 ? deviceStats.writeOperations() : 0;
totalReadKilobytes += deviceStats.readKilobytes() != -1 ? deviceStats.readKilobytes() : 0;
totalWriteKilobytes += deviceStats.writeKilobytes() != -1 ? deviceStats.writeKilobytes() : 0;
this.totalOperations = totalOperations;
this.totalReadOperations = totalReadOperations;
this.totalWriteOperations = totalWriteOperations;
this.totalReadKilobytes = totalReadKilobytes;
this.totalWriteKilobytes = totalWriteKilobytes;
public IoStats(StreamInput in) throws IOException {
final int length = in.readVInt();
final DeviceStats[] devicesStats = new DeviceStats[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
devicesStats[i] = new DeviceStats(in);
this.devicesStats = devicesStats;
this.totalOperations = in.readLong();
this.totalReadOperations = in.readLong();
this.totalWriteOperations = in.readLong();
this.totalReadKilobytes = in.readLong();
this.totalWriteKilobytes = in.readLong();
public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < devicesStats.length; i++) {
public XContentBuilder toXContent(XContentBuilder builder, Params params) throws IOException {
if (devicesStats.length > 0) {
for (DeviceStats deviceStats : devicesStats) {
deviceStats.toXContent(builder, params);
builder.field(OPERATIONS, totalOperations);
builder.field(READ_OPERATIONS, totalReadOperations);
builder.field(WRITE_OPERATIONS, totalWriteOperations);
builder.field(READ_KILOBYTES, totalReadKilobytes);
builder.field(WRITE_KILOBYTES, totalWriteKilobytes);
return builder;
final long timestamp;
final Path[] paths;
final IoStats ioStats;
Path total;
public FsInfo(long timestamp, Path[] paths) {
public FsInfo(long timestamp, IoStats ioStats, Path[] paths) {
this.timestamp = timestamp;
this.ioStats = ioStats;
this.paths = paths;
this.total = null;
@ -203,6 +425,7 @@ public class FsInfo implements Iterable<FsInfo.Path>, Writeable, ToXContent {
public FsInfo(StreamInput in) throws IOException {
timestamp = in.readVLong();
ioStats = in.readOptionalWriteable(IoStats::new);
paths = new Path[in.readVInt()];
for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {
paths[i] = new Path(in);
@ -212,6 +435,7 @@ public class FsInfo implements Iterable<FsInfo.Path>, Writeable, ToXContent {
public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException {
for (Path path : paths) {
@ -244,18 +468,15 @@ public class FsInfo implements Iterable<FsInfo.Path>, Writeable, ToXContent {
return timestamp;
public IoStats getIoStats() {
return ioStats;
public Iterator<Path> iterator() {
return Arrays.stream(paths).iterator();
static final class Fields {
static final String FS = "fs";
static final String TIMESTAMP = "timestamp";
static final String DATA = "data";
static final String TOTAL = "total";
public XContentBuilder toXContent(XContentBuilder builder, Params params) throws IOException {
@ -267,7 +488,21 @@ public class FsInfo implements Iterable<FsInfo.Path>, Writeable, ToXContent {
path.toXContent(builder, params);
if (ioStats != null) {
ioStats.toXContent(builder, params);
return builder;
static final class Fields {
static final String FS = "fs";
static final String TIMESTAMP = "timestamp";
static final String DATA = "data";
static final String TOTAL = "total";
static final String IO_STATS = "io_stats";
@ -19,12 +19,23 @@
package org.elasticsearch.monitor.fs;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Constants;
import org.elasticsearch.common.SuppressForbidden;
import org.elasticsearch.common.collect.Tuple;
import org.elasticsearch.common.component.AbstractComponent;
import org.elasticsearch.common.io.PathUtils;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.elasticsearch.env.NodeEnvironment;
import org.elasticsearch.env.NodeEnvironment.NodePath;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
public class FsProbe extends AbstractComponent {
@ -35,16 +46,80 @@ public class FsProbe extends AbstractComponent {
this.nodeEnv = nodeEnv;
public FsInfo stats() throws IOException {
public FsInfo stats(FsInfo previous) throws IOException {
if (!nodeEnv.hasNodeFile()) {
return new FsInfo(System.currentTimeMillis(), new FsInfo.Path[0]);
return new FsInfo(System.currentTimeMillis(), null, new FsInfo.Path[0]);
NodePath[] dataLocations = nodeEnv.nodePaths();
FsInfo.Path[] paths = new FsInfo.Path[dataLocations.length];
for (int i = 0; i < dataLocations.length; i++) {
paths[i] = getFSInfo(dataLocations[i]);
return new FsInfo(System.currentTimeMillis(), paths);
FsInfo.IoStats ioStats = null;
if (Constants.LINUX) {
Set<Tuple<Integer, Integer>> devicesNumbers = new HashSet<>();
for (int i = 0; i < dataLocations.length; i++) {
if (dataLocations[i].majorDeviceNumber != -1 && dataLocations[i].minorDeviceNumber != -1) {
devicesNumbers.add(Tuple.tuple(dataLocations[i].majorDeviceNumber, dataLocations[i].minorDeviceNumber));
ioStats = ioStats(devicesNumbers, previous);
return new FsInfo(System.currentTimeMillis(), ioStats, paths);
final FsInfo.IoStats ioStats(final Set<Tuple<Integer, Integer>> devicesNumbers, final FsInfo previous) {
try {
final Map<Tuple<Integer, Integer>, FsInfo.DeviceStats> deviceMap = new HashMap<>();
if (previous != null && previous.getIoStats() != null && previous.getIoStats().devicesStats != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < previous.getIoStats().devicesStats.length; i++) {
FsInfo.DeviceStats deviceStats = previous.getIoStats().devicesStats[i];
deviceMap.put(Tuple.tuple(deviceStats.majorDeviceNumber, deviceStats.minorDeviceNumber), deviceStats);
List<FsInfo.DeviceStats> devicesStats = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> lines = readProcDiskStats();
if (!lines.isEmpty()) {
for (String line : lines) {
String fields[] = line.trim().split("\\s+");
final int majorDeviceNumber = Integer.parseInt(fields[0]);
final int minorDeviceNumber = Integer.parseInt(fields[1]);
if (!devicesNumbers.contains(Tuple.tuple(majorDeviceNumber, minorDeviceNumber))) {
final String deviceName = fields[2];
final long readsCompleted = Long.parseLong(fields[3]);
final long sectorsRead = Long.parseLong(fields[5]);
final long writesCompleted = Long.parseLong(fields[7]);
final long sectorsWritten = Long.parseLong(fields[9]);
final FsInfo.DeviceStats deviceStats =
new FsInfo.DeviceStats(
deviceMap.get(Tuple.tuple(majorDeviceNumber, minorDeviceNumber)));
return new FsInfo.IoStats(devicesStats.toArray(new FsInfo.DeviceStats[devicesStats.size()]));
} catch (Exception e) {
// do not fail Elasticsearch if something unexpected
// happens here
logger.debug("unexpected exception processing /proc/diskstats for devices {}", e, devicesNumbers);
return null;
@SuppressForbidden(reason = "read /proc/diskstats")
List<String> readProcDiskStats() throws IOException {
return Files.readAllLines(PathUtils.get("/proc/diskstats"));
public static FsInfo.Path getFSInfo(NodePath nodePath) throws IOException {
@ -62,4 +137,5 @@ public class FsProbe extends AbstractComponent {
fsPath.spins = nodePath.spins;
return fsPath;
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
package org.elasticsearch.monitor.fs;
import org.elasticsearch.common.component.AbstractComponent;
import org.elasticsearch.common.logging.ESLogger;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Setting;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Setting.Property;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
@ -29,44 +30,54 @@ import org.elasticsearch.env.NodeEnvironment;
import java.io.IOException;
public class FsService extends AbstractComponent {
private final FsProbe probe;
private final SingleObjectCache<FsInfo> fsStatsCache;
private final TimeValue refreshInterval;
private final SingleObjectCache<FsInfo> cache;
public final static Setting<TimeValue> REFRESH_INTERVAL_SETTING =
Setting.timeSetting("monitor.fs.refresh_interval", TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(1), TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(1),
public FsService(Settings settings, NodeEnvironment nodeEnvironment) throws IOException {
public FsService(final Settings settings, final NodeEnvironment nodeEnvironment) {
this.probe = new FsProbe(settings, nodeEnvironment);
TimeValue refreshInterval = REFRESH_INTERVAL_SETTING.get(settings);
fsStatsCache = new FsInfoCache(refreshInterval, probe.stats());
refreshInterval = REFRESH_INTERVAL_SETTING.get(settings);
logger.debug("using refresh_interval [{}]", refreshInterval);
cache = new FsInfoCache(refreshInterval, stats(probe, null, logger));
public FsInfo stats() {
return fsStatsCache.getOrRefresh();
return cache.getOrRefresh();
private static FsInfo stats(FsProbe probe, FsInfo initialValue, ESLogger logger) {
try {
return probe.stats(initialValue);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.debug("unexpected exception reading filesystem info", e);
return null;
private class FsInfoCache extends SingleObjectCache<FsInfo> {
public FsInfoCache(TimeValue interval, FsInfo initValue) {
super(interval, initValue);
private final FsInfo initialValue;
public FsInfoCache(TimeValue interval, FsInfo initialValue) {
super(interval, initialValue);
this.initialValue = initialValue;
protected FsInfo refresh() {
try {
return probe.stats();
} catch (IOException ex) {
logger.warn("Failed to fetch fs stats - returning empty instance");
return new FsInfo(0, null);
return stats(probe, initialValue, logger);
@ -124,4 +124,7 @@ grant {
// read max virtual memory areas
permission java.io.FilePermission "/proc/sys/vm/max_map_count", "read";
// io stats on Linux
permission java.io.FilePermission "/proc/diskstats", "read";
@ -201,11 +201,11 @@ public class DiskUsageTests extends ESTestCase {
List<NodeStats> nodeStats = Arrays.asList(
new NodeStats(new DiscoveryNode("node_1", DummyTransportAddress.INSTANCE, emptyMap(), emptySet(), Version.CURRENT), 0,
null,null,null,null,null,new FsInfo(0, node1FSInfo), null,null,null,null,null, null),
null,null,null,null,null,new FsInfo(0, null, node1FSInfo), null,null,null,null,null, null),
new NodeStats(new DiscoveryNode("node_2", DummyTransportAddress.INSTANCE, emptyMap(), emptySet(), Version.CURRENT), 0,
null,null,null,null,null, new FsInfo(0, node2FSInfo), null,null,null,null,null, null),
null,null,null,null,null, new FsInfo(0, null, node2FSInfo), null,null,null,null,null, null),
new NodeStats(new DiscoveryNode("node_3", DummyTransportAddress.INSTANCE, emptyMap(), emptySet(), Version.CURRENT), 0,
null,null,null,null,null, new FsInfo(0, node3FSInfo), null,null,null,null,null, null)
null,null,null,null,null, new FsInfo(0, null, node3FSInfo), null,null,null,null,null, null)
InternalClusterInfoService.fillDiskUsagePerNode(logger, nodeStats, newLeastAvaiableUsages, newMostAvaiableUsages);
DiskUsage leastNode_1 = newLeastAvaiableUsages.get("node_1");
@ -242,11 +242,11 @@ public class DiskUsageTests extends ESTestCase {
List<NodeStats> nodeStats = Arrays.asList(
new NodeStats(new DiscoveryNode("node_1", DummyTransportAddress.INSTANCE, emptyMap(), emptySet(), Version.CURRENT), 0,
null,null,null,null,null,new FsInfo(0, node1FSInfo), null,null,null,null,null, null),
null,null,null,null,null,new FsInfo(0, null, node1FSInfo), null,null,null,null,null, null),
new NodeStats(new DiscoveryNode("node_2", DummyTransportAddress.INSTANCE, emptyMap(), emptySet(), Version.CURRENT), 0,
null,null,null,null,null, new FsInfo(0, node2FSInfo), null,null,null,null,null, null),
null,null,null,null,null, new FsInfo(0, null, node2FSInfo), null,null,null,null,null, null),
new NodeStats(new DiscoveryNode("node_3", DummyTransportAddress.INSTANCE, emptyMap(), emptySet(), Version.CURRENT), 0,
null,null,null,null,null, new FsInfo(0, node3FSInfo), null,null,null,null,null, null)
null,null,null,null,null, new FsInfo(0, null, node3FSInfo), null,null,null,null,null, null)
InternalClusterInfoService.fillDiskUsagePerNode(logger, nodeStats, newLeastAvailableUsages, newMostAvailableUsages);
DiskUsage leastNode_1 = newLeastAvailableUsages.get("node_1");
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.elasticsearch.monitor.fs;
import org.elasticsearch.test.ESTestCase;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.equalTo;
public class DeviceStatsTests extends ESTestCase {
public void testDeviceStats() {
final int majorDeviceNumber = randomIntBetween(1, 1 << 8);
final int minorDeviceNumber = randomIntBetween(0, 1 << 5);
final String deviceName = randomAsciiOfLength(3);
final int readsCompleted = randomIntBetween(1, 1 << 16);
final int sectorsRead = randomIntBetween(8 * readsCompleted, 16 * readsCompleted);
final int writesCompleted = randomIntBetween(1, 1 << 16);
final int sectorsWritten = randomIntBetween(8 * writesCompleted, 16 * writesCompleted);
FsInfo.DeviceStats previous = new FsInfo.DeviceStats(
FsInfo.DeviceStats current = new FsInfo.DeviceStats(
readsCompleted + 1024,
sectorsRead + 16384,
writesCompleted + 2048,
sectorsWritten + 32768,
assertThat(current.operations(), equalTo(1024L + 2048L));
assertThat(current.readOperations(), equalTo(1024L));
assertThat(current.writeOperations(), equalTo(2048L));
assertThat(current.readKilobytes(), equalTo(16384L / 2));
assertThat(current.writeKilobytes(), equalTo(32768L / 2));
@ -19,25 +19,55 @@
package org.elasticsearch.monitor.fs;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Constants;
import org.elasticsearch.common.collect.Tuple;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.elasticsearch.env.NodeEnvironment;
import org.elasticsearch.test.ESTestCase;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.equalTo;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.greaterThan;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.greaterThanOrEqualTo;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.isEmptyOrNullString;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.not;
public class FsProbeTests extends ESTestCase {
public void testFsInfo() throws IOException {
try (NodeEnvironment env = newNodeEnvironment()) {
FsProbe probe = new FsProbe(Settings.EMPTY, env);
FsInfo stats = probe.stats();
FsInfo stats = probe.stats(null);
assertThat(stats.getTimestamp(), greaterThan(0L));
if (Constants.LINUX) {
for (int i = 0; i < stats.getIoStats().devicesStats.length; i++) {
final FsInfo.DeviceStats deviceStats = stats.getIoStats().devicesStats[i];
assertThat(deviceStats.currentReadsCompleted, greaterThanOrEqualTo(0L));
assertThat(deviceStats.previousReadsCompleted, equalTo(-1L));
assertThat(deviceStats.currentSectorsRead, greaterThanOrEqualTo(0L));
assertThat(deviceStats.previousSectorsRead, equalTo(-1L));
assertThat(deviceStats.currentWritesCompleted, greaterThanOrEqualTo(0L));
assertThat(deviceStats.previousWritesCompleted, equalTo(-1L));
assertThat(deviceStats.currentSectorsWritten, greaterThanOrEqualTo(0L));
assertThat(deviceStats.previousSectorsWritten, equalTo(-1L));
} else {
FsInfo.Path total = stats.getTotal();
assertThat(total.total, greaterThan(0L));
@ -55,4 +85,93 @@ public class FsProbeTests extends ESTestCase {
public void testIoStats() {
final AtomicReference<List<String>> diskStats = new AtomicReference<>();
" 259 0 nvme0n1 336609 0 7923613 82813 10264051 0 182983933 52451441 0 2970886 52536260",
" 259 1 nvme0n1p1 602 0 9919 131 1 0 1 0 0 19 131",
" 259 2 nvme0n1p2 186 0 8626 18 24 0 60 20 0 34 38",
" 259 3 nvme0n1p3 335733 0 7901620 82658 9592875 0 182983872 50843431 0 1737726 50926087",
" 253 0 dm-0 287716 0 7184666 33457 8398869 0 118857776 18730966 0 1918440 18767169",
" 253 1 dm-1 112 0 4624 13 0 0 0 0 0 5 13",
" 253 2 dm-2 47802 0 710658 49312 1371977 0 64126096 33730596 0 1058193 33781827"));
final FsProbe probe = new FsProbe(Settings.EMPTY, null) {
List<String> readProcDiskStats() throws IOException {
return diskStats.get();
final Set<Tuple<Integer, Integer>> devicesNumbers = new HashSet<>();
devicesNumbers.add(Tuple.tuple(253, 0));
devicesNumbers.add(Tuple.tuple(253, 2));
final FsInfo.IoStats first = probe.ioStats(devicesNumbers, null);
assertThat(first.devicesStats[0].majorDeviceNumber, equalTo(253));
assertThat(first.devicesStats[0].minorDeviceNumber, equalTo(0));
assertThat(first.devicesStats[0].deviceName, equalTo("dm-0"));
assertThat(first.devicesStats[0].currentReadsCompleted, equalTo(287716L));
assertThat(first.devicesStats[0].previousReadsCompleted, equalTo(-1L));
assertThat(first.devicesStats[0].currentSectorsRead, equalTo(7184666L));
assertThat(first.devicesStats[0].previousSectorsRead, equalTo(-1L));
assertThat(first.devicesStats[0].currentWritesCompleted, equalTo(8398869L));
assertThat(first.devicesStats[0].previousWritesCompleted, equalTo(-1L));
assertThat(first.devicesStats[0].currentSectorsWritten, equalTo(118857776L));
assertThat(first.devicesStats[0].previousSectorsWritten, equalTo(-1L));
assertThat(first.devicesStats[1].majorDeviceNumber, equalTo(253));
assertThat(first.devicesStats[1].minorDeviceNumber, equalTo(2));
assertThat(first.devicesStats[1].deviceName, equalTo("dm-2"));
assertThat(first.devicesStats[1].currentReadsCompleted, equalTo(47802L));
assertThat(first.devicesStats[1].previousReadsCompleted, equalTo(-1L));
assertThat(first.devicesStats[1].currentSectorsRead, equalTo(710658L));
assertThat(first.devicesStats[1].previousSectorsRead, equalTo(-1L));
assertThat(first.devicesStats[1].currentWritesCompleted, equalTo(1371977L));
assertThat(first.devicesStats[1].previousWritesCompleted, equalTo(-1L));
assertThat(first.devicesStats[1].currentSectorsWritten, equalTo(64126096L));
assertThat(first.devicesStats[1].previousSectorsWritten, equalTo(-1L));
" 259 0 nvme0n1 336870 0 7928397 82876 10264393 0 182986405 52451610 0 2971042 52536492",
" 259 1 nvme0n1p1 602 0 9919 131 1 0 1 0 0 19 131",
" 259 2 nvme0n1p2 186 0 8626 18 24 0 60 20 0 34 38",
" 259 3 nvme0n1p3 335994 0 7906404 82721 9593184 0 182986344 50843529 0 1737840 50926248",
" 253 0 dm-0 287734 0 7185242 33464 8398869 0 118857776 18730966 0 1918444 18767176",
" 253 1 dm-1 112 0 4624 13 0 0 0 0 0 5 13",
" 253 2 dm-2 48045 0 714866 49369 1372291 0 64128568 33730766 0 1058347 33782056"));
final FsInfo previous = new FsInfo(System.currentTimeMillis(), first, null);
final FsInfo.IoStats second = probe.ioStats(devicesNumbers, previous);
assertThat(second.devicesStats[0].majorDeviceNumber, equalTo(253));
assertThat(second.devicesStats[0].minorDeviceNumber, equalTo(0));
assertThat(second.devicesStats[0].deviceName, equalTo("dm-0"));
assertThat(second.devicesStats[0].currentReadsCompleted, equalTo(287734L));
assertThat(second.devicesStats[0].previousReadsCompleted, equalTo(287716L));
assertThat(second.devicesStats[0].currentSectorsRead, equalTo(7185242L));
assertThat(second.devicesStats[0].previousSectorsRead, equalTo(7184666L));
assertThat(second.devicesStats[0].currentWritesCompleted, equalTo(8398869L));
assertThat(second.devicesStats[0].previousWritesCompleted, equalTo(8398869L));
assertThat(second.devicesStats[0].currentSectorsWritten, equalTo(118857776L));
assertThat(second.devicesStats[0].previousSectorsWritten, equalTo(118857776L));
assertThat(second.devicesStats[1].majorDeviceNumber, equalTo(253));
assertThat(second.devicesStats[1].minorDeviceNumber, equalTo(2));
assertThat(second.devicesStats[1].deviceName, equalTo("dm-2"));
assertThat(second.devicesStats[1].currentReadsCompleted, equalTo(48045L));
assertThat(second.devicesStats[1].previousReadsCompleted, equalTo(47802L));
assertThat(second.devicesStats[1].currentSectorsRead, equalTo(714866L));
assertThat(second.devicesStats[1].previousSectorsRead, equalTo(710658L));
assertThat(second.devicesStats[1].currentWritesCompleted, equalTo(1372291L));
assertThat(second.devicesStats[1].previousWritesCompleted, equalTo(1371977L));
assertThat(second.devicesStats[1].currentSectorsWritten, equalTo(64128568L));
assertThat(second.devicesStats[1].previousSectorsWritten, equalTo(64126096L));
assertThat(second.totalOperations, equalTo(575L));
assertThat(second.totalReadOperations, equalTo(261L));
assertThat(second.totalWriteOperations, equalTo(314L));
assertThat(second.totalReadKilobytes, equalTo(2392L));
assertThat(second.totalWriteKilobytes, equalTo(1236L));
@ -121,6 +121,55 @@ information that concern the file system:
`null` means we could not determine it, `true` means the device possibly spins
and `false` means it does not (ex: solid-state disks).
`fs.io_stats.devices` (Linux only)::
Array of disk metrics for each device that is backing an
Elasticsearch data path. These disk metrics are probed periodically
and averages between the last probe and the current probe are
`fs.io_stats.devices.device_name` (Linux only)::
The Linux device name.
`fs.io_stats.devices.operations` (Linux only)::
The total number of read and write operations for the device
completed since starting Elasticsearch.
`fs.io_stats.devices.read_operations` (Linux only)::
The total number of read operations for the device completed since
starting Elasticsearch.
`fs.io_stats.devices.write_operations` (Linux only)::
The total number of write operations for the device completed since
starting Elasticsearch.
`fs.io_stats.devices.read_kilobytes` (Linux only)::
The total number of kilobytes read for the device since starting
`fs.io_stats.devices.write_kilobytes` (Linux only)::
The total number of kilobytes written for the device since
starting Elasticsearch.
`fs.io_stats.operations` (Linux only)::
The total number of read and write operations across all devices
used by Elasticsearch completed since starting Elasticsearch.
`fs.io_stats.read_operations` (Linux only)::
The total number of read operations for across all devices used by
Elasticsearch completed since starting Elasticsearch.
`fs.io_stats.write_operations` (Linux only)::
The total number of write operations across all devices used by
Elasticsearch completed since starting Elasticsearch.
`fs.io_stats.read_kilobytes` (Linux only)::
The total number of kilobytes read across all devices used by
Elasticsearch since starting Elasticsearch.
`fs.io_stats.write_kilobytes` (Linux only)::
The total number of kilobytes written across all devices used by
Elasticsearch since starting Elasticsearch.
==== Operating System statistics
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ public class MockInternalClusterInfoService extends InternalClusterInfoService {
FsInfo.Path path = new FsInfo.Path("/dev/null", null,
usage.getTotalBytes(), usage.getFreeBytes(), usage.getFreeBytes());
paths[0] = path;
FsInfo fsInfo = new FsInfo(System.currentTimeMillis(), paths);
FsInfo fsInfo = new FsInfo(System.currentTimeMillis(), null, paths);
return new NodeStats(new DiscoveryNode(nodeName, DummyTransportAddress.INSTANCE, emptyMap(), emptySet(), Version.CURRENT),
null, null, null, null, null,
Reference in New Issue
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