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synced 2025-03-25 01:19:02 +00:00
Docs: forward port release docs of 7.7.0 (#56706)
Forward port the release docs of 7.7.0: breaking changes, release notes, release highlights.
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,15 +9,10 @@ your application to Elasticsearch 7.7.
See also <<release-highlights>> and <<es-release-notes>>.
//NOTE: The notable-breaking-changes tagged regions are re-used in the
//Installation and Upgrade Guide
=== Logging changes
@ -30,7 +25,22 @@ loggers in the `org.elasticsearch.action.*` hierarchy emitted log messages at
`DEBUG` level by default. This sometimes resulted in a good deal of unnecessary
log noise. From 7.7 onwards the default log level for logger in this hierarchy
is now `INFO`, in line with most other loggers. If needed, you can recover the
pre-7.7 default behaviour by adjusting your <<logging>>.
pre-7.7 default behaviour by adjusting your {ref}/logging.html[logging].
=== Mapping changes
==== Validation for dynamic templates
So far misconfiguration of dynamic templates have been discovered when indexing
a document with an unmapped field only. In {es} 8.0 and later versions, dynamic mappings
have stricter validation, done at mapping update time. Invalid updates, such as using
incorrect analyzer settings or unknown field types, fail. For
indices created in {es} 7.7 and later version, the update succeeds but emits a warning.
@ -86,7 +96,14 @@ happen when using date math or dates that don't specify up to the last
millisecond. While queries on `date` field round up to the latest millisecond
for `gt` and `lte` boundaries, the same queries on `date_range` fields didn't
do this. The behavior is now the same for both field types like documented in
{ref}/query-dsl-range-query.html#range-query-date-math-rounding[Date math and rounding].
==== Pipeline aggregation validation errors
The pipeline aggregation validation has been moved to the coordinating node.
Those errors that used to return HTTP 500s/Internal Server Errors now return
400/Bad Request and we now return a list of validation errors rather than the
first one we encounter.
@ -98,3 +115,4 @@ If a keyword value was ignored during indexing because of its length
(`ignore_above` parameter was applied), {es} doesn't attempt to
highlight it anymore, which means no highlights are produced for
ignored values.
@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ Search::
=== Enhancements
* Fixed rewrite of time zone without DST {pull}54398[#54398]
* Try to save memory on aggregations {pull}53793[#53793]
* Speed up partial reduce of terms aggregations {pull}53216[#53216] (issue: {issue}51857[#51857])
* Simplify SiblingPipelineAggregator {pull}53144[#53144]
@ -182,6 +183,8 @@ Features/Features::
* Enable deprecation checks for removed settings {pull}53317[#53317]
* Use Priority.IMMEDIATE for stop ILM cluster update {pull}54909[#54909]
* Add cluster update timeout on step retry {pull}54878[#54878]
* Hide ILM & SLM history aliases {pull}53564[#53564]
* Avoid race condition in ILMHistorySotre {pull}53039[#53039] (issues: {issue}50353[#50353], {issue}52853[#52853])
* Make FreezeStep retryable {pull}52540[#52540]
@ -213,9 +216,6 @@ Features/Monitoring::
* Secure password for monitoring HTTP exporter {pull}50919[#50919] (issue: {issue}50197[#50197])
* Validate SSL settings at parse time {pull}49196[#49196] (issue: {issue}47711[#47711])
* Add analysis components and mapping types to the usage API. {pull}51031[#51031]
* Make watch history indices hidden {pull}52962[#52962] (issue: {issue}50251[#50251])
* Upgrade to the latest OWASP HTML sanitizer {pull}50765[#50765] (issue: {issue}50395[#50395])
@ -235,6 +235,7 @@ Infra/Logging::
* Capture stdout and stderr to log4j log {pull}50259[#50259] (issue: {issue}50156[#50156])
* Use AdoptOpenJDK API to Download JDKs {pull}55127[#55127] (issue: {issue}55125[#55125])
* Introduce aarch64 Docker image {pull}53936[#53936] (issue: {issue}53914[#53914])
* Introduce jvm.options.d for customizing JVM options {pull}51882[#51882] (issue: {issue}51626[#51626])
@ -414,6 +415,7 @@ Audit::
* Logfile audit settings validation {pull}52537[#52537] (issues: {issue}47038[#47038], {issue}47711[#47711], {issue}52357[#52357])
* Fix responses for the token APIs {pull}54532[#54532] (issue: {issue}53323[#53323])
* Fix potential bug in concurrent token refresh support {pull}53668[#53668]
* Respect runas realm for ApiKey security operations {pull}52178[#52178] (issue: {issue}51975[#51975])
* Preserve ApiKey credentials for async verification {pull}51244[#51244]
@ -425,12 +427,14 @@ Authorization::
* Allow _rollup_search with read privilege {pull}52043[#52043] (issue: {issue}50245[#50245])
* Clear recent errors when auto-follow successfully {pull}54997[#54997]
* Put CCR tasks on (data && remote cluster clients) {pull}54146[#54146] (issue: {issue}53924[#53924])
* Handle no such remote cluster exception in ccr {pull}53415[#53415] (issue: {issue}53225[#53225])
* Fix shard follow task cleaner under security {pull}52347[#52347] (issues: {issue}44702[#44702], {issue}51971[#51971])
* Force execution of finish shard bulk request {pull}51957[#51957] (issue: {issue}51904[#51904])
* Block too many concurrent mapping updates {pull}51038[#51038] (issue: {issue}50670[#50670])
* Return 429 status code when there's a read_only cluster block {pull}50166[#50166] (issue: {issue}49393[#49393])
Cluster Coordination::
@ -444,21 +448,28 @@ Distributed::
* Exclude nested documents in LuceneChangesSnapshot {pull}51279[#51279]
* Update translog policy before the next safe commit {pull}54839[#54839] (issue: {issue}52223[#52223])
* Fix doc_stats and segment_stats of ReadOnlyEngine {pull}53345[#53345] (issues: {issue}51303[#51303], {issue}51331[#51331])
* Do not wrap soft-deletes reader for segment stats {pull}51331[#51331] (issues: {issue}51192[#51192], {issue}51303[#51303])
* Account soft-deletes in FrozenEngine {pull}51192[#51192] (issue: {issue}50775[#50775])
* Fixed an index corruption bug that would occur when applying deletes or updates on an index after it has been shrunk. More details can be found on the https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-9300[corresponding issue].
Features/CAT APIs::
* Cat tasks output should respect time display settings {pull}54536[#54536]
* Fix NPE in RestPluginsAction {pull}52620[#52620] (issue: {issue}45321[#45321])
* Ensure error handler is called during SLM retention callback failure {pull}55252[#55252] (issue: {issue}55217[#55217])
* Ignore ILM indices in the TerminalPolicyStep {pull}55184[#55184] (issue: {issue}51631[#51631])
* Disallow negative TimeValues {pull}53913[#53913] (issue: {issue}54041[#54041])
* Fix null config in SnapshotLifecyclePolicy.toRequest {pull}53328[#53328] (issues: {issue}44465[#44465], {issue}53171[#53171])
* Freeze step retry when not acknowledged {pull}53287[#53287]
* Make the set-single-node-allocation retryable {pull}52077[#52077] (issue: {issue}43401[#43401])
* Fix the init step to actually be retryable {pull}52076[#52076]
Features/Indices APIs::
* Read the index.number_of_replicas from template so that wait_for_active_shards is interpreted correctly {pull}54231[#54231]
* Fix ingest pipeline _simulate api with empty docs never returns a response {pull}52937[#52937] (issue: {issue}52833[#52833])
* Handle errors when evaluating if conditions in processors {pull}52543[#52543] (issue: {issue}52339[#52339])
@ -492,6 +503,8 @@ Highlighting::
* Fix highlighter support in PinnedQuery and added test {pull}53716[#53716] (issue: {issue}53699[#53699])
* Make feature usage version aware {pull}55246[#55246] (issues: {issue}44589[#44589], {issue}55248[#55248])
* Avoid StackOverflowError if write circular reference exception {pull}54147[#54147] (issue: {issue}53589[#53589])
* Fix Joda compatibility in stream protocol {pull}53823[#53823] (issue: {issue}53586[#53586])
* Avoid self-suppression on grouped action listener {pull}53262[#53262] (issue: {issue}53174[#53174])
* Ignore virtual ethernet devices that disappear {pull}51581[#51581] (issue: {issue}49914[#49914])
@ -537,6 +550,7 @@ Mapping::
* Throw better exception on wrong `dynamic_templates` syntax {pull}51783[#51783] (issue: {issue}51486[#51486])
* Add support for more named curves {pull}55179[#55179] (issue: {issue}55031[#55031])
* Allow proxy mode server name to be updated {pull}54107[#54107]
* Invoke response handler on failure to send {pull}53631[#53631]
* Do not log no-op reconnections at DEBUG {pull}53469[#53469]
@ -553,6 +567,7 @@ Reindex::
* Allow comma separated source indices {pull}52044[#52044] (issue: {issue}51949[#51949])
* Fix ODBC metadata for DATE & TIME data types {pull}55316[#55316] (issue: {issue}41086[#41086])
* Fix NPE for parameterized LIKE/RLIKE {pull}53573[#53573] (issue: {issue}53557[#53557])
* Add support for index aliases for SYS COLUMNS command {pull}53525[#53525] (issue: {issue}31609[#31609])
* Fix issue with LIKE/RLIKE as painless script {pull}53495[#53495] (issue: {issue}53486[#53486])
@ -567,6 +582,7 @@ SQL::
* Selecting a literal from grouped by query generates error {pull}41964[#41964] (issues: {issue}41413[#41413], {issue}41951[#41951])
* Improve robustness of Query Result serializations {pull}54692[#54692] (issue: {issue}54665[#54665])
* Fix Term Vectors with artificial docs and keyword fields {pull}53504[#53504] (issue: {issue}53494[#53494])
* Fix concurrent requests race over scroll context limit {pull}53449[#53449]
* Fix pre-sorting of shards in the can_match phase {pull}53397[#53397]
@ -576,6 +592,8 @@ Search::
* Correct boost in `script_score` query and error on negative scores {pull}52478[#52478] (issue: {issue}48465[#48465])
* Exclude Snapshot Shard Status Update Requests from Circuit Breaker {pull}55376[#55376] (issue: {issue}54714[#54714])
* Fix Snapshot Completion Listener Lost on Master Failover {pull}54286[#54286]
* Fix Non-Verbose Snapshot List Missing Empty Snapshots {pull}52433[#52433]
* Fix Inconsistent Shard Failure Count in Failed Snapshots {pull}51416[#51416] (issue: {issue}47550[#47550])
* Fix Overly Aggressive Request DeDuplication {pull}51270[#51270] (issue: {issue}51253[#51253])
@ -24,6 +24,17 @@ https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-9300[corresponding issue].
// end::notable-highlights[]
// tag::notable-highlights[]
=== Significant reduction of heap usage of segments
This release of Elasticsearch significantly reduces the amount of heap memory
that is needed to keep Lucene segments open. In addition to helping with cluster
stability, this helps reduce costs by storing much more data per node before
hitting memory limits.
// end::notable-highlights[]
// tag::notable-highlights[]
=== {transforms-cap} – now in GA!
@ -69,4 +80,113 @@ categories.
further insight into the results of a {classification} or {regression} job and
therefore helps interpret these results.
// end::notable-highlights[]
// end::notable-highlights[]
// tag::notable-highlights[]
=== Finer memory control for bucket aggregations
We introduced a new `search.check_buckets_step_size` setting to
better control how the coordinating node allocates memory when aggregating
buckets. The allocation of buckets is now be done in steps, each step
allocating a number of buckets equal to this setting. To avoid an `OutOfMemory`
error, a parent circuit breaker check is performed on allocation.
// end::notable-highlights[]
// tag::notable-highlights[]
=== A new way of searching: asynchronously
You can now submit {ref}/async-search-intro.html[long-running searches] using
the new {ref}/async-search.html[`_async_search` API]. The new API accepts the
same parameters and request body as the {ref}/search-search.html[Search API].
However, instead of blocking and returning the final response only when it's
entirely finished, you can retrieve results from an async search as they become
The request takes a parameter, `wait_for_completion`, which controls how long
the server will wait until it sends back a response. The first response
contains among others a search unique ID, a response version, an indication if
this response is partial or not, plus the usual metadata (shards involved,
number of hits etc) and potentially results. If the response is not complete
and final, the client can continue polling for results, issuing a new request
using the provided search ID. If new results are available, the returned
version is incremented and the new batch of results are returned. This can
continue until all the results are fetched.
Unless deleted earlier by the user, the asynchronous searches are kept alive
for a given interval. This defaults to 5 days and can be controlled by another
request parameter, `keep_alive`.
// end::notable-highlights[]
// tag::notable-highlights[]
=== Password protection for the keystore
{es} uses a custom on-disk {ref}/secure-settings.html[keystore] for secure settings such as
passwords and SSL certificates. Up until now, this prevented users with
{ref}/elasticsearch-keystore.html[command-line access] from viewing secure files by listing commands, but nothing
prevented such users from changing values in the keystore, or removing values
from it. Furthermore, the values were only obfuscated by a hash; no
user-specific secret protected the secure settings.
This new feature changes all of that by adding password-protection to the
keystore. This is not be a breaking change: if a keystore has no password,
there won’t be any new prompts. A user must choose to password-protect their
keystore in order to benefit from the new behavior.
// end::notable-highlights[]
// tag::notable-highlights[]
=== A new aggregation: `top_metrics`
The new {ref}//search-aggregations-metrics-top-metrics.html[`top_metrics` aggregation] "selects" a metric from a document according
to a criteria on a given, different field. That criteria is currently the
largest or smallest "sort" value. It is fairly similar to `top_hits` in spirit,
but because it is more limited, `top_metrics` uses less memory and
is often faster.
// end::notable-highlights[]
// tag::notable-highlights[]
=== Query speed-up for sorted queries on time-based indices
We've optimized sorted, top-documents-only queries run on time-based indices.
The optimization stems from the fact that the ranges of (document) timestamps
in the shards don't overlap. It is implemented by rewriting the shard search
requests based on the partial results already available from other shards, if
it can be determined that the query will not yield any result from the current
shard; i.e. we know in advance that the bottom entry of the (sorted) result set
after a partial merge is better than the values contained in this current
// end::notable-highlights[]
// tag::notable-highlights[]
=== A new aggregation: `boxplot`
The https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interquartile_range[interquartile range (IQR)] is a common robust measure of statistical dispersion.
Compared to the standard deviation, the IQR is less sensitive to outliers in
the data, with a breakdown point of 0.25. Along with the median, it is often
used in creating a box plot, a simple yet common way to summarize data and
identify potential outliers.
The new {ref}/search-aggregations-metrics-boxplot-aggregation.html[`boxplot`
aggregation] calculates the min, max, and medium as well as the first and third
quartiles of a given data set.
// end::notable-highlights[]
// tag::notable-highlights[]
=== AArch64 support
{es} now provides AArch64 packaging, including bundling an AArch64 JDK
distribution. There are some restrictions in place, namely no {ml} support and
depending on underlying page sizes, class data sharing is disabled.
// end::notable-highlights[]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user