Release: Build two RPMS, signed and unsigned

In order to support older RPM based distributions like CentOS5,
we should have one RPM available, which is not signed.

This commit creates an unsigned RPM first, then moves it over to
target/releases during the build, then builds a signed RPM.

The unsigned one is uploaded via S3, where as the signed one is
used for the repositories.

In addition, you can now build an RPM without having to specify
any gpg credentials due to offloading this into a maven profile
that is only activated when specifying `rpm.sign` property.

Closes #11587
This commit is contained in:
Alexander Reelsen 2015-06-30 08:17:18 +02:00
parent c373c872f8
commit f26672c184
2 changed files with 44 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -819,7 +819,7 @@
@ -834,11 +834,6 @@
<!-- Add bin directory -->
@ -1101,5 +1096,29 @@
<!-- not including license-maven-plugin is sufficent to expose default license -->

View File

@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ def run_mvn(*cmd):
for c in cmd:
run('%s; %s %s' % (java_exe(), MVN, c))
def build_release(run_tests=False, dry_run=True, cpus=1, bwc_version=None):
def build_release(release_version, run_tests=False, dry_run=True, cpus=1, bwc_version=None):
target = 'deploy'
if dry_run:
target = 'package'
@ -251,12 +251,25 @@ def build_release(run_tests=False, dry_run=True, cpus=1, bwc_version=None):
print('Running Backwards compatibility tests against version [%s]' % (bwc_version))
run_mvn('clean', 'test -Dtests.filter=@backwards -Dtests.bwc.version=%s -Dtests.bwc=true -Dtests.jvms=1' % bwc_version)
run_mvn('clean test-compile -Dforbidden.test.signatures="org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase\$AwaitsFix @ Please fix all bugs before release"')
gpg_args = '-Dgpg.key="%s" -Dgpg.passphrase="%s" -Ddeb.sign=true' % (env.get('GPG_KEY_ID'), env.get('GPG_PASSPHRASE'))
gpg_args = '-Dgpg.key="%s" -Dgpg.passphrase="%s" -Ddeb.sign=true -Drpm.sign=true' % (env.get('GPG_KEY_ID'), env.get('GPG_PASSPHRASE'))
if env.get('GPG_KEYRING'):
gpg_args += ' -Dgpg.keyring="%s"' % env.get('GPG_KEYRING')
run_mvn('clean %s -DskipTests %s' % (target, gpg_args))
success = False
# create unsigned RPM first for
run_mvn('-DskipTests rpm:rpm')
# move unsigned RPM to target/releases
# this is an oddness of RPM that is attaches -1 so we have to rename it
rpm = os.path.join('target/rpm/elasticsearch/RPMS/noarch/', 'elasticsearch-%s-1.noarch.rpm' % release_version)
if os.path.isfile(rpm):
log('RPM [%s] contains: ' % rpm)
run('rpm -pqli %s' % rpm)
renamed_rpm = os.path.join('target/releases/', 'elasticsearch-%s.noarch.rpm' % release_version)
shutil.move(rpm, renamed_rpm)
raise RuntimeError('Could not find required RPM at %s' % rpm)
# now create signed RPM for repositories
run_mvn('-DskipTests rpm:rpm %s' % (gpg_args))
success = True
@ -346,23 +359,15 @@ def find_release_version(src_branch):
raise RuntimeError('Could not find release version in branch %s' % src_branch)
def artifact_names(release, path = ''):
return [os.path.join(path, 'elasticsearch-%s.%s' % (release, t)) for t in ['deb', 'tar.gz', 'zip']]
artifacts = [os.path.join(path, 'elasticsearch-%s.%s' % (release, t)) for t in ['deb', 'tar.gz', 'zip']]
artifacts.append(os.path.join(path, 'elasticsearch-%s.noarch.rpm' % (release)))
return artifacts
def get_artifacts(release):
common_artifacts = artifact_names(release, 'target/releases/')
for f in common_artifacts:
if not os.path.isfile(f):
raise RuntimeError('Could not find required artifact at %s' % f)
rpm = os.path.join('target/rpm/elasticsearch/RPMS/noarch/', 'elasticsearch-%s-1.noarch.rpm' % release)
if os.path.isfile(rpm):
log('RPM [%s] contains: ' % rpm)
run('rpm -pqli %s' % rpm)
# this is an oddness of RPM that is attches -1 so we have to rename it
renamed_rpm = os.path.join('target/rpm/elasticsearch/RPMS/noarch/', 'elasticsearch-%s.noarch.rpm' % release)
shutil.move(rpm, renamed_rpm)
raise RuntimeError('Could not find required artifact at %s' % rpm)
return common_artifacts
# Checks the jar files in each package
@ -754,7 +759,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
print(' Running maven builds now and publish to Sonatype - run-tests [%s]' % run_tests)
print(' Running maven builds now run-tests [%s]' % run_tests)
build_release(run_tests=run_tests, dry_run=dry_run, cpus=cpus, bwc_version=find_bwc_version(release_version, bwc_path))
build_release(release_version, run_tests=run_tests, dry_run=dry_run, cpus=cpus, bwc_version=find_bwc_version(release_version, bwc_path))
artifacts = get_artifacts(release_version)
print('Checking if all artifacts contain the same jars')