Copy checkstyle config to allow running from a jar

The checkstyle configuration files were being accessed as resources within the project and
being converted from a URL to a File by gradle. This works when the build tools project is being
referenced as a local project. However, when using the published jar the URL points to a resource
in the jar file, that URL cannot be converted to a File object and causes the build to fail.

This change copies the files into a `checkstyle` directory in the project build folder and always uses
File objects pointing to the copied files.
This commit is contained in:
jaymode 2016-04-13 10:48:20 -04:00
parent 3197f7f7d8
commit f35cfc3715

View File

@ -87,16 +87,43 @@ class PrecommitTasks {
private static Task configureCheckstyle(Project project) {
// Always copy the checkstyle configuration files to 'buildDir/checkstyle' since the resources could be located in a jar
// file. If the resources are located in a jar, Gradle will fail when it tries to turn the URL into a file
URL checkstyleConfUrl = PrecommitTasks.getResource("/checkstyle.xml")
URL checkstyleSuppressionsUrl = PrecommitTasks.getResource("/checkstyle_suppressions.xml")
File checkstyleDir = new File(project.buildDir, "checkstyle")
File checkstyleSuppressions = new File(checkstyleDir, "checkstyle_suppressions.xml")
File checkstyleConf = new File(checkstyleDir, "checkstyle.xml");
Task copyCheckstyleConf = project.tasks.create("copyCheckstyleConf")
// configure inputs and outputs so up to date works properly
copyCheckstyleConf.outputs.files(checkstyleSuppressions, checkstyleConf)
if ("jar".equals(checkstyleConfUrl.getProtocol())) {
JarURLConnection jarURLConnection = (JarURLConnection) checkstyleConfUrl.openConnection()
} else if ("file".equals(checkstyleConfUrl.getProtocol())) {
copyCheckstyleConf.inputs.files(checkstyleConfUrl.getFile(), checkstyleSuppressionsUrl.getFile())
copyCheckstyleConf.doLast {
// withStream will close the output stream and IOGroovyMethods#getBytes reads the InputStream fully and closes it
new FileOutputStream(checkstyleConf).withStream {
new FileOutputStream(checkstyleSuppressions).withStream {
Task checkstyleTask = project.tasks.create('checkstyle')
// Apply the checkstyle plugin to create `checkstyleMain` and `checkstyleTest`. It only
// creates them if there is main or test code to check and it makes `check` depend
// on them. But we want `precommit` to depend on `checkstyle` which depends on them so
// we have to swap them.
URL checkstyleSuppressions = PrecommitTasks.getResource('/checkstyle_suppressions.xml')
project.checkstyle {
config = project.resources.text.fromFile(
PrecommitTasks.getResource('/checkstyle.xml'), 'UTF-8')
config = project.resources.text.fromFile(checkstyleConf, 'UTF-8')
configProperties = [
suppressions: checkstyleSuppressions
@ -106,6 +133,7 @@ class PrecommitTasks {
if (task != null) {