mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 14:34:43 +00:00
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ abstract class AbstractCardinalityAlgorithm {
/** Returns the current computed cardinality */
public abstract long cardinality();
public abstract long cardinality(long bucketOrd);
static long linearCounting(long m, long v) {
return Math.round(m * Math.log((double) m / v));
@ -740,22 +740,22 @@ public abstract class AbstractHyperLogLog extends AbstractCardinalityAlgorithm {
/** Add a new runLen to the register. Implementor should only keep the value if it is
* bigger that the current value of the register provided. */
protected abstract void addRunLen(int register, int runLen);
protected abstract void addRunLen(long bucketOrd, int register, int runLen);
/** Returns an iterator over all values of the register. */
protected abstract RunLenIterator getRunLens();
protected abstract RunLenIterator getRunLens(long bucketOrd);
public void collect(long hash) {
public void collect(long bucketOrd, long hash) {
final int index = Math.toIntExact(index(hash, p));
final int runLen = runLen(hash, p);
addRunLen(index, runLen);
addRunLen(bucketOrd, index, runLen);
public long cardinality() {
public long cardinality(long bucketOrd) {
double inverseSum = 0;
int zeros = 0;
RunLenIterator iterator = getRunLens();
RunLenIterator iterator = getRunLens(bucketOrd);
while (iterator.next()) {
final int runLen = iterator.value();
inverseSum += 1. / (1L << runLen);
@ -778,20 +778,20 @@ public abstract class AbstractHyperLogLog extends AbstractCardinalityAlgorithm {
public void collectEncoded(int encoded) {
public void collectEncoded(long bucketOrd, int encoded) {
final int runLen = decodeRunLen(encoded, p);
final int index = decodeIndex(encoded, p);
addRunLen(index, runLen);
addRunLen(bucketOrd, index, runLen);
public void merge(AbstractHyperLogLog other) {
public void merge(long thisBucketOrd, AbstractHyperLogLog other, long otherBucketOrd) {
if (p != other.p) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
RunLenIterator iterator = other.getRunLens();
RunLenIterator iterator = other.getRunLens(otherBucketOrd);
for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
addRunLen(i, iterator.value());
addRunLen(thisBucketOrd, i, iterator.value());
@ -42,26 +42,26 @@ public abstract class AbstractLinearCounting extends AbstractCardinalityAlgorith
* Add encoded value to the linear counting. Implementor should only accept the value if it has not been
* seen before.
protected abstract int addEncoded(int encoded);
protected abstract int addEncoded(long bucketOrd, int encoded);
* number of values in the counter.
protected abstract int size();
protected abstract int size(long bucketOrd);
* return the current values in the counter.
protected abstract HashesIterator values();
protected abstract HashesIterator values(long bucketOrd);
public int collect(long hash) {
public int collect(long bucketOrd, long hash) {
final int k = encodeHash(hash, p);
return addEncoded(k);
return addEncoded(bucketOrd, k);
public long cardinality() {
public long cardinality(long bucketOrd) {
final long m = 1 << P2;
final long v = m - size();
final long v = m - size(bucketOrd);
return linearCounting(m, v);
@ -104,61 +104,59 @@ public final class HyperLogLogPlusPlus implements Releasable {
if (precision() != other.precision()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
hll.bucket = thisBucket;
lc.bucket = thisBucket;
hll.ensureCapacity(thisBucket + 1);
if (other.algorithm.get(otherBucket) == LINEAR_COUNTING) {
other.lc.bucket = otherBucket;
final AbstractLinearCounting.HashesIterator values = other.lc.values();
while (values.next()) {
final int encoded = values.value();
if (algorithm.get(thisBucket) == LINEAR_COUNTING) {
final int newSize = lc.addEncoded(encoded);
if (newSize > lc.threshold) {
} else {
merge(thisBucket, other.lc, otherBucket);
} else {
if (algorithm.get(thisBucket) != HYPERLOGLOG) {
other.hll.bucket = otherBucket;
merge(thisBucket, other.hll, otherBucket);
private void merge(long thisBucket, AbstractLinearCounting other, long otherBucket) {
final AbstractLinearCounting.HashesIterator values = other.values(otherBucket);
while (values.next()) {
final int encoded = values.value();
if (algorithm.get(thisBucket) == LINEAR_COUNTING) {
final int newSize = lc.addEncoded(thisBucket, encoded);
if (newSize > lc.threshold) {
} else {
hll.collectEncoded(thisBucket, encoded);
private void merge(long thisBucket, AbstractHyperLogLog other, long otherBucket) {
if (algorithm.get(thisBucket) != HYPERLOGLOG) {
hll.merge(thisBucket, other, otherBucket);
public void collect(long bucket, long hash) {
hll.ensureCapacity(bucket + 1);
if (algorithm.get(bucket) == LINEAR_COUNTING) {
lc.bucket = bucket;
final int newSize = lc.collect(hash);
final int newSize = lc.collect(bucket, hash);
if (newSize > lc.threshold) {
} else {
hll.bucket = bucket;
hll.collect(bucket, hash);
public long cardinality(long bucket) {
if (algorithm.get(bucket) == LINEAR_COUNTING) {
lc.bucket = bucket;
return lc.cardinality();
return lc.cardinality(bucket);
} else {
hll.bucket = bucket;
return hll.cardinality();
return hll.cardinality(bucket);
void upgradeToHll(long bucket) {
hll.ensureCapacity(bucket + 1);
lc.bucket = bucket;
hll.bucket = bucket;
final AbstractLinearCounting.HashesIterator hashes = lc.values();
final AbstractLinearCounting.HashesIterator hashes = lc.values(bucket);
// We need to copy values into an arrays as we will override
// the values on the buffer
final IntArray values = lc.bigArrays.newIntArray(hashes.size());
@ -168,10 +166,10 @@ public final class HyperLogLogPlusPlus implements Releasable {
values.set(i++, hashes.value());
assert i == hashes.size();
for (long j = 0; j < values.size(); ++j) {
final int encoded = values.get(j);
hll.collectEncoded(bucket, encoded);
} finally {
@ -186,11 +184,9 @@ public final class HyperLogLogPlusPlus implements Releasable {
private Object getComparableData(long bucket) {
if (algorithm.get(bucket) == LINEAR_COUNTING) {
lc.bucket = bucket;
return lc.getComparableData();
return lc.getComparableData(bucket);
} else {
hll.bucket = bucket;
return hll.getComparableData();
return hll.getComparableData(bucket);
@ -208,16 +204,14 @@ public final class HyperLogLogPlusPlus implements Releasable {
if (algorithm.get(bucket) == LINEAR_COUNTING) {
lc.bucket = bucket;
AbstractLinearCounting.HashesIterator hashes = lc.values();
AbstractLinearCounting.HashesIterator hashes = lc.values(bucket);
while (hashes.next()) {
} else {
hll.bucket = bucket;
AbstractHyperLogLog.RunLenIterator iterator = hll.getRunLens();
AbstractHyperLogLog.RunLenIterator iterator = hll.getRunLens(bucket);
while (iterator.next()){
@ -231,29 +225,25 @@ public final class HyperLogLogPlusPlus implements Releasable {
if (algorithm == LINEAR_COUNTING) {
final long size = in.readVLong();
counts.lc.bucket = 0;
for (long i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
final int encoded = in.readInt();
counts.lc.addEncoded(0, encoded);
} else {
counts.hll.bucket = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < counts.hll.m; ++i) {
counts.hll.addRunLen(i, in.readByte());
counts.hll.addRunLen(0, i, in.readByte());
return counts;
private static class HyperLogLog extends AbstractHyperLogLog implements Releasable {
private final BigArrays bigArrays;
private final HyperLogLogIterator iterator;
// array for holding the runlens.
private ByteArray runLens;
// Defines the position of the data structure. Callers of this object should set this value
// before calling any of the methods.
protected long bucket;
HyperLogLog(BigArrays bigArrays, long initialBucketCount, int precision) {
@ -263,25 +253,25 @@ public final class HyperLogLogPlusPlus implements Releasable {
protected void addRunLen(int register, int encoded) {
final long bucketIndex = (bucket << p) + register;
protected void addRunLen(long bucketOrd, int register, int encoded) {
final long bucketIndex = (bucketOrd << p) + register;
runLens.set(bucketIndex, (byte) Math.max(encoded, runLens.get(bucketIndex)));
protected RunLenIterator getRunLens() {
protected RunLenIterator getRunLens(long bucketOrd) {
return iterator;
protected void reset() {
runLens.fill(bucket << p, (bucket << p) + m, (byte) 0);
protected void reset(long bucketOrd) {
runLens.fill(bucketOrd << p, (bucketOrd << p) + m, (byte) 0);
protected Object getComparableData() {
protected Object getComparableData(long bucketOrd) {
Map<Byte, Integer> values = new HashMap<>();
for (long i = 0; i < runLens.size(); i++) {
byte runLength = runLens.get((bucket << p) + i);
byte runLength = runLens.get((bucketOrd << p) + i);
Integer numOccurances = values.get(runLength);
if (numOccurances == null) {
values.put(runLength, 1);
@ -306,8 +296,8 @@ public final class HyperLogLogPlusPlus implements Releasable {
private final HyperLogLog hll;
private final int m, p;
int pos;
long start;
private int pos;
private long start;
private byte value;
HyperLogLogIterator(HyperLogLog hll, int p, int m) {
@ -339,28 +329,22 @@ public final class HyperLogLogPlusPlus implements Releasable {
private static class LinearCounting extends AbstractLinearCounting implements Releasable {
private final int capacity;
protected final int threshold;
private final int mask;
private final BytesRef readSpare;
private final ByteBuffer writeSpare;
private final int p;
private final BigArrays bigArrays;
private final LinearCountingIterator iterator;
// We are actually using HyperLogLog's runLens array but interpreting it as a hash set for linear counting.
private final HyperLogLog hll;
// Number of elements stored.
private IntArray sizes;
// Defines the position of the data structure. Callers of this object should set this value
// before calling any of the methods.
protected long bucket;
LinearCounting(BigArrays bigArrays, long initialBucketCount, int p, HyperLogLog hll) {
this.bigArrays = bigArrays;
this.hll = hll;
capacity = (1 << p) / 4; // because ints take 4 bytes
this.p = p;
final int capacity = (1 << p) / 4; // because ints take 4 bytes
threshold = (int) (capacity * MAX_LOAD_FACTOR);
mask = capacity - 1;
sizes = bigArrays.newIntArray(initialBucketCount);
@ -370,15 +354,15 @@ public final class HyperLogLogPlusPlus implements Releasable {
protected int addEncoded(int encoded) {
sizes = bigArrays.grow(sizes, bucket + 1);
protected int addEncoded(long bucketOrd, int encoded) {
sizes = bigArrays.grow(sizes, bucketOrd + 1);
assert encoded != 0;
for (int i = (encoded & mask);; i = (i + 1) & mask) {
final int v = get(i);
final int v = get(bucketOrd, i);
if (v == 0) {
// means unused, take it!
set(i, encoded);
return sizes.increment(bucket, 1);
set(bucketOrd, i, encoded);
return sizes.increment(bucketOrd, 1);
} else if (v == encoded) {
// k is already in the set
return -1;
@ -387,48 +371,48 @@ public final class HyperLogLogPlusPlus implements Releasable {
protected int size() {
if (bucket >= sizes.size()) {
protected int size(long bucketOrd) {
if (bucketOrd >= sizes.size()) {
return 0;
final int size = sizes.get(bucket);
assert size == recomputedSize();
final int size = sizes.get(bucketOrd);
assert size == recomputedSize(bucketOrd);
return size;
protected HashesIterator values() {
protected HashesIterator values(long bucketOrd) {
iterator.reset(bucketOrd, size(bucketOrd));
return iterator;
protected Object getComparableData() {
protected Object getComparableData(long bucketOrd) {
Set<Integer> values = new HashSet<>();
HashesIterator iteratorValues = values();
HashesIterator iteratorValues = values(bucketOrd);
while (iteratorValues.next()) {
return values;
private long index(int index) {
return (bucket << p) + (index << 2);
private long index(long bucketOrd, int index) {
return (bucketOrd << p) + (index << 2);
private int get(int index) {
hll.runLens.get(index(index), 4, readSpare);
private int get(long bucketOrd, int index) {
hll.runLens.get(index(bucketOrd, index), 4, readSpare);
return ByteUtils.readIntLE(readSpare.bytes, readSpare.offset);
private void set(int index, int value) {
private void set(long bucketOrd, int index, int value) {
writeSpare.putInt(0, value);
hll.runLens.set(index(index), writeSpare.array(), 0, 4);
hll.runLens.set(index(bucketOrd, index), writeSpare.array(), 0, 4);
private int recomputedSize() {
private int recomputedSize(long bucketOrd) {
int size = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= mask; ++i) {
final int v = get(i);
final int v = get(bucketOrd, i);
if (v != 0) {
@ -446,8 +430,8 @@ public final class HyperLogLogPlusPlus implements Releasable {
private final LinearCounting lc;
private final int capacity;
int pos;
long size;
private int pos;
private long size, bucketOrd;
private int value;
LinearCountingIterator(LinearCounting lc, int capacity) {
@ -455,9 +439,10 @@ public final class HyperLogLogPlusPlus implements Releasable {
this.capacity = capacity;
void reset(long size) {
this.pos = size == 0 ? capacity : 0;
void reset(long bucketOrd, long size) {
this.bucketOrd = bucketOrd;
this.size = size;
this.pos = size == 0 ? capacity : 0;
@ -469,7 +454,7 @@ public final class HyperLogLogPlusPlus implements Releasable {
public boolean next() {
if (pos < capacity) {
for (; pos < capacity; ++pos) {
final int k = lc.get(pos);
final int k = lc.get(bucketOrd, pos);
if (k != 0) {
value = k;
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