mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 14:34:43 +00:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'danielmitterdorfer/simplify-azure-settings'
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ public abstract class ESLoggerFactory {
public static final Setting<LogLevel> LOG_DEFAULT_LEVEL_SETTING =
new Setting<>("logger.level", LogLevel.INFO.name(), LogLevel::parse, false, Setting.Scope.CLUSTER);
public static final Setting<LogLevel> LOG_LEVEL_SETTING =
Setting.dynamicKeySetting("logger.", LogLevel.INFO.name(), LogLevel::parse, true, Setting.Scope.CLUSTER);
Setting.prefixKeySetting("logger.", LogLevel.INFO.name(), LogLevel::parse, true, Setting.Scope.CLUSTER);
public static ESLogger getLogger(String prefix, String name) {
prefix = prefix == null ? null : prefix.intern();
@ -296,12 +296,25 @@ public abstract class AbstractScopedSettings extends AbstractComponent {
for (Map.Entry<String, Setting<?>> entry : complexMatchers.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().match(key)) {
assert assertMatcher(key, 1);
return entry.getValue().getConcreteSetting(key);
return null;
private boolean assertMatcher(String key, int numComplexMatchers) {
List<Setting<?>> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Setting<?>> entry : complexMatchers.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().match(key)) {
assert list.size() == numComplexMatchers : "Expected " + numComplexMatchers + " complex matchers to match key [" +
key + "] but got: " + list.toString();
return true;
* Returns <code>true</code> if the setting for the given key is dynamically updateable. Otherwise <code>false</code>.
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ import java.util.stream.Collectors;
* </pre>
public class Setting<T> extends ToXContentToBytes {
private final String key;
private final Key key;
protected final Function<Settings, String> defaultValue;
private final Function<String, T> parser;
private final boolean dynamic;
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ public class Setting<T> extends ToXContentToBytes {
* @param dynamic true iff this setting can be dynamically updateable
* @param scope the scope of this setting
public Setting(String key, Function<Settings, String> defaultValue, Function<String, T> parser, boolean dynamic, Scope scope) {
public Setting(Key key, Function<Settings, String> defaultValue, Function<String, T> parser, boolean dynamic, Scope scope) {
assert parser.apply(defaultValue.apply(Settings.EMPTY)) != null || this.isGroupSetting(): "parser returned null";
this.key = key;
this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
@ -89,6 +89,18 @@ public class Setting<T> extends ToXContentToBytes {
this.scope = scope;
* Creates a new Setting instance
* @param key the settings key for this setting.
* @param defaultValue a default value function that returns the default values string representation.
* @param parser a parser that parses the string rep into a complex datatype.
* @param dynamic true iff this setting can be dynamically updateable
* @param scope the scope of this setting
public Setting(String key, Function<Settings, String> defaultValue, Function<String, T> parser, boolean dynamic, Scope scope) {
this(new SimpleKey(key), defaultValue, parser, dynamic, scope);
* Creates a new Setting instance
* @param key the settings key for this setting.
@ -109,6 +121,13 @@ public class Setting<T> extends ToXContentToBytes {
* @see #isGroupSetting()
public final String getKey() {
return key.toString();
* Returns the original representation of a setting key.
public final Key getRawKey() {
return key;
@ -159,7 +178,7 @@ public class Setting<T> extends ToXContentToBytes {
* Returns <code>true</code> iff this setting is present in the given settings object. Otherwise <code>false</code>
public final boolean exists(Settings settings) {
return settings.get(key) != null;
return settings.get(getKey()) != null;
@ -186,7 +205,7 @@ public class Setting<T> extends ToXContentToBytes {
* instead. This is useful if the value can't be parsed due to an invalid value to access the actual value.
public String getRaw(Settings settings) {
return settings.get(key, defaultValue.apply(settings));
return settings.get(getKey(), defaultValue.apply(settings));
@ -194,14 +213,14 @@ public class Setting<T> extends ToXContentToBytes {
* given key is part of the settings group.
* @see #isGroupSetting()
public boolean match(String toTest) {
return key.equals(toTest);
public final boolean match(String toTest) {
return key.match(toTest);
public final XContentBuilder toXContent(XContentBuilder builder, Params params) throws IOException {
builder.field("key", key);
builder.field("key", key.toString());
builder.field("type", scope.name());
builder.field("dynamic", dynamic);
builder.field("is_group_setting", isGroupSetting());
@ -387,6 +406,14 @@ public class Setting<T> extends ToXContentToBytes {
return value;
public static TimeValue parseTimeValue(String s, TimeValue minValue, String key) {
TimeValue timeValue = TimeValue.parseTimeValue(s, null, key);
if (timeValue.millis() < minValue.millis()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to parse value [" + s + "] for setting [" + key + "] must be >= " + minValue);
return timeValue;
public static Setting<Integer> intSetting(String key, int defaultValue, boolean dynamic, Scope scope) {
return intSetting(key, defaultValue, Integer.MIN_VALUE, dynamic, scope);
@ -431,19 +458,13 @@ public class Setting<T> extends ToXContentToBytes {
Function<String, List<T>> parser = (s) ->
return new Setting<List<T>>(key, (s) -> arrayToParsableString(defaultStringValue.apply(s).toArray(Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY)), parser, dynamic, scope) {
private final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote(key)+"(\\.\\d+)?");
return new Setting<List<T>>(new ListKey(key), (s) -> arrayToParsableString(defaultStringValue.apply(s).toArray(Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY)), parser, dynamic, scope) {
public String getRaw(Settings settings) {
String[] array = settings.getAsArray(key, null);
String[] array = settings.getAsArray(getKey(), null);
return array == null ? defaultValue.apply(settings) : arrayToParsableString(array);
public boolean match(String toTest) {
return pattern.matcher(toTest).matches();
boolean hasComplexMatcher() {
return true;
@ -486,11 +507,7 @@ public class Setting<T> extends ToXContentToBytes {
public static Setting<Settings> groupSetting(String key, boolean dynamic, Scope scope) {
if (key.endsWith(".") == false) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("key must end with a '.'");
return new Setting<Settings>(key, "", (s) -> null, dynamic, scope) {
return new Setting<Settings>(new GroupKey(key), (s) -> "", (s) -> null, dynamic, scope) {
public boolean isGroupSetting() {
return true;
@ -498,12 +515,7 @@ public class Setting<T> extends ToXContentToBytes {
public Settings get(Settings settings) {
return settings.getByPrefix(key);
public boolean match(String toTest) {
return Regex.simpleMatch(key + "*", toTest);
return settings.getByPrefix(getKey());
@ -549,13 +561,7 @@ public class Setting<T> extends ToXContentToBytes {
public static Setting<TimeValue> timeSetting(String key, Function<Settings, String> defaultValue, TimeValue minValue, boolean dynamic, Scope scope) {
return new Setting<>(key, defaultValue, (s) -> {
TimeValue timeValue = TimeValue.parseTimeValue(s, null, key);
if (timeValue.millis() < minValue.millis()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to parse value [" + s + "] for setting [" + key + "] must be >= " + minValue);
return timeValue;
}, dynamic, scope);
return new Setting<>(key, defaultValue, (s) -> parseTimeValue(s, minValue, key), dynamic, scope);
public static Setting<TimeValue> timeSetting(String key, TimeValue defaultValue, TimeValue minValue, boolean dynamic, Scope scope) {
@ -595,10 +601,27 @@ public class Setting<T> extends ToXContentToBytes {
* This setting type allows to validate settings that have the same type and a common prefix. For instance feature.${type}=[true|false]
* can easily be added with this setting. Yet, dynamic key settings don't support updaters our of the box unless {@link #getConcreteSetting(String)}
* is used to pull the updater.
* can easily be added with this setting. Yet, prefix key settings don't support updaters out of the box unless
* {@link #getConcreteSetting(String)} is used to pull the updater.
public static <T> Setting<T> dynamicKeySetting(String key, String defaultValue, Function<String, T> parser, boolean dynamic, Scope scope) {
public static <T> Setting<T> prefixKeySetting(String prefix, String defaultValue, Function<String, T> parser, boolean dynamic, Scope scope) {
return affixKeySetting(AffixKey.withPrefix(prefix), (s) -> defaultValue, parser, dynamic, scope);
* This setting type allows to validate settings that have the same type and a common prefix and suffix. For instance
* storage.${backend}.enable=[true|false] can easily be added with this setting. Yet, adfix key settings don't support updaters
* out of the box unless {@link #getConcreteSetting(String)} is used to pull the updater.
public static <T> Setting<T> adfixKeySetting(String prefix, String suffix, Function<Settings, String> defaultValue, Function<String, T> parser, boolean dynamic, Scope scope) {
return affixKeySetting(AffixKey.withAdfix(prefix, suffix), defaultValue, parser, dynamic, scope);
public static <T> Setting<T> adfixKeySetting(String prefix, String suffix, String defaultValue, Function<String, T> parser, boolean dynamic, Scope scope) {
return adfixKeySetting(prefix, suffix, (s) -> defaultValue, parser, dynamic, scope);
public static <T> Setting<T> affixKeySetting(AffixKey key, Function<Settings, String> defaultValue, Function<String, T> parser, boolean dynamic, Scope scope) {
return new Setting<T>(key, defaultValue, parser, dynamic, scope) {
@ -606,14 +629,9 @@ public class Setting<T> extends ToXContentToBytes {
return true;
public boolean match(String toTest) {
return toTest.startsWith(getKey());
AbstractScopedSettings.SettingUpdater<T> newUpdater(Consumer<T> consumer, ESLogger logger, Consumer<T> validator) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("dynamic settings can't be updated use #getConcreteSetting for updating");
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Affix settings can't be updated. Use #getConcreteSetting for updating.");
@ -621,9 +639,145 @@ public class Setting<T> extends ToXContentToBytes {
if (match(key)) {
return new Setting<>(key, defaultValue, parser, dynamic, scope);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("key must match setting but didn't ["+key +"]");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("key [" + key + "] must match [" + getKey() + "] but didn't.");
public interface Key {
boolean match(String key);
public static class SimpleKey implements Key {
protected final String key;
public SimpleKey(String key) {
this.key = key;
public boolean match(String key) {
return this.key.equals(key);
public String toString() {
return key;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
SimpleKey simpleKey = (SimpleKey) o;
return Objects.equals(key, simpleKey.key);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(key);
public static final class GroupKey extends SimpleKey {
public GroupKey(String key) {
if (key.endsWith(".") == false) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("key must end with a '.'");
public boolean match(String toTest) {
return Regex.simpleMatch(key + "*", toTest);
public static final class ListKey extends SimpleKey {
private final Pattern pattern;
public ListKey(String key) {
this.pattern = Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote(key) + "(\\.\\d+)?");
public boolean match(String toTest) {
return pattern.matcher(toTest).matches();
public static final class AffixKey implements Key {
public static AffixKey withPrefix(String prefix) {
return new AffixKey(prefix, null);
public static AffixKey withAdfix(String prefix, String suffix) {
return new AffixKey(prefix, suffix);
private final String prefix;
private final String suffix;
public AffixKey(String prefix, String suffix) {
assert prefix != null || suffix != null: "Either prefix or suffix must be non-null";
this.prefix = prefix;
this.suffix = suffix;
public boolean match(String key) {
boolean match = true;
if (prefix != null) {
match = key.startsWith(prefix);
if (suffix != null) {
match = match && key.endsWith(suffix);
return match;
public SimpleKey toConcreteKey(String missingPart) {
StringBuilder key = new StringBuilder();
if (prefix != null) {
if (suffix != null) {
return new SimpleKey(key.toString());
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (prefix != null) {
if (suffix != null) {
return sb.toString();
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
AffixKey that = (AffixKey) o;
return Objects.equals(prefix, that.prefix) &&
Objects.equals(suffix, that.suffix);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(prefix, suffix);
@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
public class SettingTests extends ESTestCase {
@ -349,8 +348,8 @@ public class SettingTests extends ESTestCase {
assertTrue(listSetting.match("foo.bar." + randomIntBetween(0,10000)));
public void testDynamicKeySetting() {
Setting<Boolean> setting = Setting.dynamicKeySetting("foo.", "false", Boolean::parseBoolean, false, Setting.Scope.CLUSTER);
public void testPrefixKeySetting() {
Setting<Boolean> setting = Setting.prefixKeySetting("foo.", "false", Boolean::parseBoolean, false, Setting.Scope.CLUSTER);
@ -362,7 +361,28 @@ public class SettingTests extends ESTestCase {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
assertEquals("key must match setting but didn't [foo]", ex.getMessage());
assertEquals("key [foo] must match [foo.] but didn't.", ex.getMessage());
public void testAdfixKeySetting() {
Setting<Boolean> setting = Setting.adfixKeySetting("foo", "enable", "false", Boolean::parseBoolean, false, Setting.Scope.CLUSTER);
Setting<Boolean> concreteSetting = setting.getConcreteSetting("foo.bar.enable");
assertTrue(concreteSetting.get(Settings.builder().put("foo.bar.enable", "true").build()));
assertFalse(concreteSetting.get(Settings.builder().put("foo.baz.enable", "true").build()));
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
assertEquals("key [foo] must match [foo*enable.] but didn't.", ex.getMessage());
@ -21,29 +21,50 @@ package org.elasticsearch.cloud.azure.storage;
import org.elasticsearch.cloud.azure.storage.AzureStorageService.Storage;
import org.elasticsearch.common.collect.Tuple;
import org.elasticsearch.common.logging.ESLogger;
import org.elasticsearch.common.logging.ESLoggerFactory;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Setting;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.SettingsException;
import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.TimeValue;
import org.elasticsearch.repositories.RepositorySettings;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Function;
public final class AzureStorageSettings {
private static final String TIMEOUT_SUFFIX = "timeout";
private static final String ACCOUNT_SUFFIX = "account";
private static final String KEY_SUFFIX = "key";
private static final String DEFAULT_SUFFIX = "default";
private static final Setting.AffixKey TIMEOUT_KEY = Setting.AffixKey.withAdfix(Storage.PREFIX, TIMEOUT_SUFFIX);
private static final Setting<TimeValue> TIMEOUT_SETTING = Setting.affixKeySetting(
(s) -> Storage.TIMEOUT_SETTING.get(s).toString(),
(s) -> Setting.parseTimeValue(s, TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(-1), TIMEOUT_KEY.toString()),
private static final Setting<String> ACCOUNT_SETTING = Setting.adfixKeySetting(Storage.PREFIX, ACCOUNT_SUFFIX, "", Function.identity(), false, Setting.Scope.CLUSTER);
private static final Setting<String> KEY_SETTING = Setting.adfixKeySetting(Storage.PREFIX, KEY_SUFFIX, "", Function.identity(), false, Setting.Scope.CLUSTER);
private static final Setting<Boolean> DEFAULT_SETTING = Setting.adfixKeySetting(Storage.PREFIX, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, "false", Boolean::valueOf, false, Setting.Scope.CLUSTER);
public class AzureStorageSettings {
private static ESLogger logger = ESLoggerFactory.getLogger(AzureStorageSettings.class.getName());
private final String name;
private final String account;
private final String key;
private final TimeValue timeout;
private final boolean activeByDefault;
public AzureStorageSettings(String name, String account, String key, TimeValue timeout) {
public AzureStorageSettings(String name, String account, String key, TimeValue timeout, boolean activeByDefault) {
this.name = name;
this.account = account;
this.key = key;
this.timeout = timeout;
this.activeByDefault = activeByDefault;
public String getName() {
@ -62,12 +83,17 @@ public class AzureStorageSettings {
return timeout;
public boolean isActiveByDefault() {
return activeByDefault;
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("AzureStorageSettings{");
sb.append(", account='").append(account).append('\'');
sb.append(", key='").append(key).append('\'');
sb.append(", activeByDefault='").append(activeByDefault).append('\'');
sb.append(", timeout=").append(timeout);
return sb.toString();
@ -79,49 +105,70 @@ public class AzureStorageSettings {
* @return A tuple with v1 = primary storage and v2 = secondary storage
public static Tuple<AzureStorageSettings, Map<String, AzureStorageSettings>> parse(Settings settings) {
AzureStorageSettings primaryStorage = null;
Map<String, AzureStorageSettings> secondaryStorage = new HashMap<>();
List<AzureStorageSettings> storageSettings = createStorageSettings(settings);
return Tuple.tuple(getPrimary(storageSettings), getSecondaries(storageSettings));
TimeValue globalTimeout = Storage.TIMEOUT_SETTING.get(settings);
private static List<AzureStorageSettings> createStorageSettings(Settings settings) {
Setting<Settings> storageGroupSetting = Setting.groupSetting(Storage.PREFIX, false, Setting.Scope.CLUSTER);
// ignore global timeout which has the same prefix but does not belong to any group
Settings groups = storageGroupSetting.get(settings.filter((k) -> k.equals(Storage.TIMEOUT_SETTING.getKey()) == false));
List<AzureStorageSettings> storageSettings = new ArrayList<>();
for (String groupName : groups.getAsGroups().keySet()) {
new AzureStorageSettings(
getValue(settings, groupName, ACCOUNT_SETTING),
getValue(settings, groupName, KEY_SETTING),
getValue(settings, groupName, TIMEOUT_SETTING),
getValue(settings, groupName, DEFAULT_SETTING))
return storageSettings;
Settings storageSettings = settings.getByPrefix(Storage.PREFIX);
if (storageSettings != null) {
Map<String, Object> asMap = storageSettings.getAsStructuredMap();
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> storage : asMap.entrySet()) {
if (storage.getValue() instanceof Map) {
Map<String, String> map = (Map) storage.getValue();
TimeValue timeout = TimeValue.parseTimeValue(map.get("timeout"), globalTimeout, Storage.PREFIX + storage.getKey() + ".timeout");
AzureStorageSettings current = new AzureStorageSettings(storage.getKey(), map.get("account"), map.get("key"), timeout);
boolean activeByDefault = Boolean.parseBoolean(map.getOrDefault("default", "false"));
if (activeByDefault) {
if (primaryStorage == null) {
primaryStorage = current;
} else {
logger.warn("default storage settings has already been defined. You can not define it to [{}]", storage.getKey());
secondaryStorage.put(storage.getKey(), current);
private static <T> T getValue(Settings settings, String groupName, Setting<T> setting) {
Setting.AffixKey k = (Setting.AffixKey) setting.getRawKey();
String fullKey = k.toConcreteKey(groupName).toString();
return setting.getConcreteSetting(fullKey).get(settings);
private static AzureStorageSettings getPrimary(List<AzureStorageSettings> settings) {
if (settings.isEmpty()) {
return null;
} else if (settings.size() == 1) {
// the only storage settings belong (implicitly) to the default primary storage
AzureStorageSettings storage = settings.get(0);
return new AzureStorageSettings(storage.getName(), storage.getAccount(), storage.getKey(), storage.getTimeout(), true);
} else {
AzureStorageSettings primary = null;
for (AzureStorageSettings setting : settings) {
if (setting.isActiveByDefault()) {
if (primary == null) {
primary = setting;
} else {
secondaryStorage.put(storage.getKey(), current);
throw new SettingsException("Multiple default Azure data stores configured: [" + primary.getName() + "] and [" + setting.getName() + "]");
// If we did not set any default storage, we should complain and define it
if (primaryStorage == null && secondaryStorage.isEmpty() == false) {
Map.Entry<String, AzureStorageSettings> fallback = secondaryStorage.entrySet().iterator().next();
// We only warn if the number of secondary storage if > to 1
// If the user defined only one storage account, that's fine. We know it's the default one.
if (secondaryStorage.size() > 1) {
logger.warn("no default storage settings has been defined. " +
"Add \"default\": true to the settings you want to activate by default. " +
"Forcing default to [{}].", fallback.getKey());
if (primary == null) {
throw new SettingsException("No default Azure data store configured");
return primary;
private static Map<String, AzureStorageSettings> getSecondaries(List<AzureStorageSettings> settings) {
Map<String, AzureStorageSettings> secondaries = new HashMap<>();
// when only one setting is defined, we don't have secondaries
if (settings.size() > 1) {
for (AzureStorageSettings setting : settings) {
if (setting.isActiveByDefault() == false) {
secondaries.put(setting.getName(), setting);
primaryStorage = fallback.getValue();
return Tuple.tuple(primaryStorage, secondaryStorage);
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(secondaries);
public static <T> T getValue(RepositorySettings repositorySettings,
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase;
import org.elasticsearch.cloud.azure.storage.AzureStorageSettings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.collect.Tuple;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.SettingsException;
import java.util.Map;
@ -73,14 +74,12 @@ public class AzureSettingsParserTests extends LuceneTestCase {
.put("cloud.azure.storage.azure2.key", "mykey2")
Tuple<AzureStorageSettings, Map<String, AzureStorageSettings>> tuple = AzureStorageSettings.parse(settings);
assertThat(tuple.v1(), notNullValue());
assertThat(tuple.v1().getAccount(), is("myaccount1"));
assertThat(tuple.v1().getKey(), is("mykey1"));
assertThat(tuple.v2().keySet(), hasSize(1));
assertThat(tuple.v2().get("azure2"), notNullValue());
assertThat(tuple.v2().get("azure2").getAccount(), is("myaccount2"));
assertThat(tuple.v2().get("azure2").getKey(), is("mykey2"));
try {
fail("Should have failed with a SettingsException (no default data store)");
} catch (SettingsException ex) {
assertEquals(ex.getMessage(), "No default Azure data store configured");
public void testParseTwoSettingsTooManyDefaultSet() {
@ -93,14 +92,13 @@ public class AzureSettingsParserTests extends LuceneTestCase {
.put("cloud.azure.storage.azure2.default", true)
Tuple<AzureStorageSettings, Map<String, AzureStorageSettings>> tuple = AzureStorageSettings.parse(settings);
assertThat(tuple.v1(), notNullValue());
assertThat(tuple.v1().getAccount(), is("myaccount1"));
assertThat(tuple.v1().getKey(), is("mykey1"));
assertThat(tuple.v2().keySet(), hasSize(1));
assertThat(tuple.v2().get("azure2"), notNullValue());
assertThat(tuple.v2().get("azure2").getAccount(), is("myaccount2"));
assertThat(tuple.v2().get("azure2").getKey(), is("mykey2"));
try {
fail("Should have failed with a SettingsException (multiple default data stores)");
} catch (SettingsException ex) {
assertEquals(ex.getMessage(), "Multiple default Azure data stores configured: [azure1] and [azure2]");
public void testParseEmptySettings() {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user