[UTIL] Added a source code generator using the JSON API specs

The generator is based on [Thor](https://github.com/wycats/thor),
a library/framework for command line applications.

The generator will read the JSON API spec file(s), and generate
the Ruby source code (one file per API endpoint) with correct
module namespace, method names, and RDoc documentation.

It will generate a test file for each API endpoint as well.

Currently it only generates Ruby source, but can easily be
extended and adapted to generate source code for other
programming languages.

Usage example:

    $ thor api:code:generate ../../api-spec/*.json --force --verbose
This commit is contained in:
Karel Minarik 2013-06-16 23:25:08 +02:00
parent 74837bfe86
commit faa0ee14bd
7 changed files with 262 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem 'activesupport'
gem 'rest-client'
gem 'coderay'
gem 'multi_json'
gem 'thor'
gem 'json'
gem 'pry'

View File

@ -1 +1,2 @@
require File.expand_path('./thor/generate_api')
require File.expand_path('./thor/generate_source')

View File

@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ module Elasticsearch
# * Assemble the JSON format for the API spec
class JsonGenerator < Thor
namespace 'api:generate'
namespace 'api:spec'
include Thor::Actions
@ -110,14 +110,14 @@ module Elasticsearch
# Usage: thor help api:generate:spec
desc "spec", "Generate JSON API spec files from Elasticsearch source code"
desc "generate", "Generate JSON API spec files from Elasticsearch source code"
method_option :force, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: 'Overwrite the output'
method_option :verbose, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: 'Output more information'
method_option :output, default: __root.join('tmp/out'), desc: 'Path to output directory'
method_option :elasticsearch, default: __root.join('tmp/elasticsearch'), desc: 'Path to directory with Elasticsearch source code'
method_option :crawl, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: 'Extract URLs from Elasticsearch website'
def spec
def generate
self.class.source_root File.expand_path('../', __FILE__)
@output = options[:output]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'thor'
require 'pathname'
require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/deep_merge'
require 'active_support/inflector'
require 'multi_json'
require 'coderay'
require 'pry'
module Elasticsearch
module API
# A command line application based on [Thor](https://github.com/wycats/thor),
# which will read the JSON API spec file(s), and generate
# the Ruby source code (one file per API endpoint) with correct
# module namespace, method names, and RDoc documentation,
# as well as test files for each endpoint.
# Currently it only generates Ruby source, but can easily be
# extended and adapted to generate source code for other
# programming languages.
class SourceGenerator < Thor
namespace 'api:code'
include Thor::Actions
__root = Pathname( File.expand_path('../../..', __FILE__) )
desc "generate <PATH TO JSON SPEC FILES>", "Generate source code and tests from the REST API JSON specification"
method_option :language, default: 'ruby', desc: 'Programming language'
method_option :force, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: 'Overwrite the output'
method_option :verbose, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: 'Output more information'
method_option :input, default: File.expand_path('../../../api-spec', __FILE__), desc: 'Path to directory with JSON API specs'
method_option :output, default: File.expand_path('../../../tmp/out', __FILE__), desc: 'Path to output directory'
def generate(*files)
self.class.source_root File.expand_path('../', __FILE__)
@input = Pathname(options[:input])
@output = Pathname(options[:output])
# -- Test helper
copy_file "templates/ruby/test_helper.rb", @output.join('test').join('test_helper.rb') if options[:language] == 'ruby'
files.each do |file|
@path = Pathname(file)
@json = MultiJson.load( File.read(@path) )
@spec = @json.values.first
say_status 'json', @path, :yellow
# say_status 'JSON', @spec.inspect, options[:verbose]
@full_namespace = @json.keys.first.split('.')
@namespace_depth = @full_namespace.size > 0 ? @full_namespace.size-1 : 0
@module_namespace = @full_namespace[0, @namespace_depth]
@method_name = @full_namespace.last
# -- Ruby files
@path_to_file = @output.join('api').join( @module_namespace.join('/') ).join("#{@method_name}.rb")
empty_directory @output.join('api').join( @module_namespace.join('/') )
template "templates/#{options[:language]}/method.erb", @path_to_file
if options[:verbose]
colorized_output = CodeRay.scan_file(@path_to_file, :ruby).terminal
lines = colorized_output.split("\n")
say_status options[:language].downcase,
lines.first + "\n" + lines[1, lines.size].map { |l| ' '*14 + l }.join("\n"),
# --- Test files
@test_directory = @output.join('test/api').join( @module_namespace.join('/') )
@test_file = @test_directory.join("#{@method_name}_test.rb")
empty_directory @test_directory
template "templates/#{options[:language]}/test.erb", @test_file
if options[:verbose]
colorized_output = colorized_output = CodeRay.scan_file(@test_file, :ruby).terminal
lines = colorized_output.split("\n")
say_status options[:language].downcase,
lines.first + "\n" + lines[1, lines.size].map { |l| ' '*14 + l }.join("\n"),
say '▬'*terminal_width
# -- Tree output
if options[:verbose] && `which tree > /dev/null 2>&1`
lines = `tree #{@output}`.split("\n")
say_status 'tree',
lines.first + "\n" + lines[1, lines.size].map { |l| ' '*14 + l }.join("\n")
# Create the hierarchy of directories based on API namespaces
def __create_directories(key, value)
unless value['documentation']
empty_directory @output.join(key)
create_directory_hierarchy *value.to_a.first

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
module Elasticsearch
module API
<%- @module_namespace.each_with_index do |name, i| -%>
<%= ' '*i %>module <%= name.capitalize %>
<%- end -%>
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %>module Actions
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %># <%= @spec['description'] || 'TODO: Description' %>
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %>#
<%# URL parts -%>
<%- @spec['url']['parts'].each do |name,info| -%>
<%- info['type'] = 'String' if info['type'] == 'enum' # Rename 'enums' to 'strings' -%>
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth + "# @option arguments [#{info['type'] ? info['type'].capitalize : 'String'}] :#{name} #{info['description']}" + ( info['required'] ? ' (*Required*)' : '' ) -%><%= " (options: #{info['options'].join(', ')})" if info['options'] -%>
<%= "\n" -%>
<%- end -%>
<%# Body -%>
<%= ' '*(@namespace_depth+3) + '# @option arguments [Hash] :body ' + (@spec['body']['description'] || 'TODO: Description') + "\n" if @spec['body'] -%>
<%# URL parameters -%>
<%- @spec['url']['params'].each do |name,info| -%>
<%- info['type'] = 'String' if info['type'] == 'enum' # Rename 'enums' to 'strings' -%>
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth + "# @option arguments [#{info['type'] ? info['type'].capitalize : 'String'}] :#{name} #{info['description']}" -%><%= " (options: #{info['options'].join(', ')})" if info['options'] -%>
<%= "\n" -%>
<%- end -%>
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth -%>#
<%# Documentation link -%>
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %># @see <%= @spec['documentation'] %>
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %>#
<%# Method definition -%>
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth -%>def <%= @method_name %>(arguments={})
<%# Required arguments -%>
<%- @spec['url']['parts'].select { |name, info| info['required'] }.each do |name, info| -%>
<%= ' '*(@namespace_depth+1) + "raise ArgumentError, \"Required argument '#{name}' missing\" unless arguments[:#{name}]" + "\n" -%>
<%- end -%>
<%# Method, path, params, body -%>
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %> method = '<%= @spec['methods'].first %>'
<%- unless @spec['url']['parts'].empty? -%>
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %> path = "<%= @spec['url']['path'].split('/').compact.reject {|p| p =~ /^\s*$/}.map do |p|
p =~ /\{/ ? "\#\{arguments[:#{p.tr('{}', '')}]\}" : p
end.join('/') %>"
<%- else -%>
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %> path = "<%= @spec['url']['path'] %>"
<%- end -%>
<%- unless @spec['url']['params'].keys.empty? -%>
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %> params = arguments.select do |k,v|
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %> [ :<%= @spec['url']['params'].keys.join(",\n#{' '*(@namespace_depth+6)}:") %> ].include?(k)
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %> end
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %> # Normalize Ruby 1.8 and Ruby 1.9 Hash#select behaviour
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %> params = Hash[params] unless params.is_a?(Hash)
<%- end -%>
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %> body = <%= @spec['body'].nil? ? 'nil' : '"TODO: Body specification missing"' %>
<%# Perform request %>
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %> perform_request(method, path, params, body).body
<%= ' '*@namespace_depth %>end
<%- @namespace_depth.downto(1) do |i| -%>
<%= ' '*(i-1) %>end
<%- end if @namespace_depth > 0 -%>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
require 'test_helper'
module Elasticsearch
module Test
class <%= @module_namespace.empty? ? @method_name.camelize : @module_namespace.map {|n| n.capitalize}.join + @method_name.camelize %>Test < ::Test::Unit::TestCase
context "<%= @module_namespace.empty? ? '' : @module_namespace.map {|n| n.capitalize}.join + ': ' %><%= @method_name.humanize %>" do
subject { FakeClient.new(nil) }
should "perform correct request" do
subject.expects(:perform_request).with do |method, url, params, body|
assert_equal 'FAKE', method
assert_equal 'test', url
assert_equal Hash.new, params
<%= @spec['body'].nil? ? 'assert_nil body' : 'assert_equal Hash.new, body' %>
subject.<%= @full_namespace.join('.') %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
RUBY_1_8 = defined?(RUBY_VERSION) && RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
require 'rubygems' if RUBY_1_8
require 'simplecov' and SimpleCov.start { add_filter "/test|test_/" } if ENV["COVERAGE"]
require 'test/unit'
require 'shoulda-context'
require 'mocha/setup'
require 'turn' unless ENV["TM_FILEPATH"] || ENV["NOTURN"] || RUBY_1_8
require 'require-prof' if ENV["REQUIRE_PROF"]
Dir[ File.expand_path('../../lib/elasticsearch/api/**/*.rb', __FILE__) ].each do |f|
puts 'Loading: ' + f.to_s if ENV['DEBUG']
require f
RequireProf.print_timing_infos if ENV["REQUIRE_PROF"]
module Elasticsearch
module Test
def __full_namespace(o)
o.constants.inject([o]) do |sum, c|
m = o.const_get(c.to_s.to_sym)
sum << __full_namespace(m).flatten if m.is_a?(Module)
end; module_function :__full_namespace
class FakeClient
# Include all "Actions" modules into the fake client
Elasticsearch::Test.__full_namespace(Elasticsearch::API).select { |m| m.to_s =~ /Actions$/ }.each do |m|
puts "Including: #{m}" if ENV['DEBUG']
include m
def perform_request(method, path, params, body)
puts "PERFORMING REQUEST:", "--> #{method.to_s.upcase} #{path} #{params} #{body}"
FakeResponse.new(200, 'FAKE', {})
FakeResponse = Struct.new(:status, :body, :headers) do
def status
values[0] || 200
def body
values[1] || '{}'
def headers
values[2] || {}