Simplify range query methods for range types. (#56976)

For me this is easier to follow. It also avoids parsing the query bounds twice.
This commit is contained in:
Julie Tibshirani 2020-05-20 11:57:14 -07:00
parent 5cb34d9a6e
commit fb000d6cf4

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@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ public enum RangeType {
public Double doubleValue (Object endpointValue) {
public Double doubleValue(Object endpointValue) {
return LONG.doubleValue(endpointValue);
@ -233,16 +233,15 @@ public enum RangeType {
DateMathParser dateMathParser = (parser == null) ?
DateFieldMapper.DEFAULT_DATE_TIME_FORMATTER.toDateMathParser() : parser;
boolean roundUp = includeLower == false; // using "gt" should round lower bound up
Long low = lowerTerm == null ? Long.MIN_VALUE :
Long low = lowerTerm == null ? minValue() :
dateMathParser.parse(lowerTerm instanceof BytesRef ? ((BytesRef) lowerTerm).utf8ToString() : lowerTerm.toString(),
context::nowInMillis, roundUp, zone).toEpochMilli();
roundUp = includeUpper; // using "lte" should round upper bound up
Long high = upperTerm == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE :
Long high = upperTerm == null ? maxValue() :
dateMathParser.parse(upperTerm instanceof BytesRef ? ((BytesRef) upperTerm).utf8ToString() : upperTerm.toString(),
context::nowInMillis, roundUp, zone).toEpochMilli();
return super.rangeQuery(field, hasDocValues, low, high, includeLower, includeUpper, relation, zone,
dateMathParser, context);
return createRangeQuery(field, hasDocValues, low, high, includeLower, includeUpper, relation);
public Query withinQuery(String field, Object from, Object to, boolean includeLower, boolean includeUpper) {
@ -622,11 +621,17 @@ public enum RangeType {
public Object parse(Object value, boolean coerce) {
return numberType.parse(value, coerce);
public Query rangeQuery(String field, boolean hasDocValues, Object from, Object to, boolean includeFrom, boolean includeTo,
ShapeRelation relation, @Nullable ZoneId timeZone, @Nullable DateMathParser dateMathParser,
QueryShardContext context) {
Object lower = from == null ? minValue() : parse(from, false);
Object upper = to == null ? maxValue() : parse(to, false);
return createRangeQuery(field, hasDocValues, lower, upper, includeFrom, includeTo, relation);
protected final Query createRangeQuery(String field, boolean hasDocValues, Object lower, Object upper,
boolean includeFrom, boolean includeTo, ShapeRelation relation) {
Query indexQuery;
if (relation == ShapeRelation.WITHIN) {
indexQuery = withinQuery(field, lower, upper, includeFrom, includeTo);