mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 14:34:43 +00:00
test: Ported more OldIndexBackwardsCompatibilityIT tests to full cluster restart qa tests. (#25173)
Relates to #24939
This commit is contained in:
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ public class XContentMapValues {
public static Object extractValue(String path, Map<String, Object> map) {
public static Object extractValue(String path, Map<?, ?> map) {
String[] pathElements = path.split("\\.");
if (pathElements.length == 0) {
return null;
@ -228,10 +228,6 @@ public class OldIndexBackwardsCompatibilityIT extends ESIntegTestCase {
// node startup
assertUpgradeWorks(client(), indexName, version);
assertPositionIncrementGapDefaults(indexName, version);
assertAliasWithBadName(indexName, version);
@ -239,94 +235,6 @@ public class OldIndexBackwardsCompatibilityIT extends ESIntegTestCase {
boolean findPayloadBoostInExplanation(Explanation expl) {
if (expl.getDescription().startsWith("payloadBoost=") && expl.getValue() != 1f) {
return true;
} else {
boolean found = false;
for (Explanation sub : expl.getDetails()) {
found |= findPayloadBoostInExplanation(sub);
return found;
void assertAllSearchWorks(String indexName) {
logger.info("--> testing _all search");
SearchResponse searchRsp = client().prepareSearch(indexName).get();
assertThat(searchRsp.getHits().getTotalHits(), greaterThanOrEqualTo(1L));
SearchHit bestHit = searchRsp.getHits().getAt(0);
// Make sure there are payloads and they are taken into account for the score
// the 'string' field has a boost of 4 in the mappings so it should get a payload boost
String stringValue = (String) bestHit.getSourceAsMap().get("string");
Explanation explanation = client().prepareExplain(indexName, bestHit.getType(), bestHit.getId())
.setQuery(QueryBuilders.matchQuery("_all", stringValue)).get().getExplanation();
assertTrue("Could not find payload boost in explanation\n" + explanation, findPayloadBoostInExplanation(explanation));
// Make sure the query can run on the whole index
searchRsp = client().prepareSearch(indexName).setQuery(QueryBuilders.matchQuery("_all", stringValue)).setExplain(true).get();
assertThat(searchRsp.getHits().getTotalHits(), greaterThanOrEqualTo(1L));
void assertBasicAggregationWorks(String indexName) {
// histogram on a long
SearchResponse searchRsp = client().prepareSearch(indexName).addAggregation(AggregationBuilders.histogram("histo").field
Histogram histo = searchRsp.getAggregations().get("histo");
long totalCount = 0;
for (Histogram.Bucket bucket : histo.getBuckets()) {
totalCount += bucket.getDocCount();
assertEquals(totalCount, searchRsp.getHits().getTotalHits());
// terms on a boolean
searchRsp = client().prepareSearch(indexName).addAggregation(AggregationBuilders.terms("bool_terms").field("bool")).get();
Terms terms = searchRsp.getAggregations().get("bool_terms");
totalCount = 0;
for (Terms.Bucket bucket : terms.getBuckets()) {
totalCount += bucket.getDocCount();
assertEquals(totalCount, searchRsp.getHits().getTotalHits());
void assertRealtimeGetWorks(String indexName) {
.put("refresh_interval", -1)
SearchRequestBuilder searchReq = client().prepareSearch(indexName).setQuery(QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery());
SearchHit hit = searchReq.get().getHits().getAt(0);
String docId = hit.getId();
// foo is new, it is not a field in the generated index
client().prepareUpdate(indexName, "doc", docId).setDoc(Requests.INDEX_CONTENT_TYPE, "foo", "bar").get();
GetResponse getRsp = client().prepareGet(indexName, "doc", docId).get();
Map<String, Object> source = getRsp.getSourceAsMap();
assertThat(source, Matchers.hasKey("foo"));
.put("refresh_interval", IndexSettings.DEFAULT_REFRESH_INTERVAL)
void assertNewReplicasWork(String indexName) throws Exception {
final int numReplicas = 1;
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
logger.debug("--> creating [{}] replicas for index [{}]", numReplicas, indexName);
.put("number_of_replicas", numReplicas)
ensureGreen(TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(2), indexName);
logger.debug("--> index [{}] is green, took [{}]", indexName, TimeValue.timeValueMillis(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime));
logger.debug("--> recovery status:\n{}", XContentHelper.toString(client().admin().indices().prepareRecoveries(indexName).get()));
// TODO: do something with the replicas! query? index?
void assertPositionIncrementGapDefaults(String indexName, Version version) throws Exception {
client().prepareIndex(indexName, "doc", "position_gap_test").setSource("string", Arrays.asList("one", "two three"))
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import org.junit.Before;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ import static java.util.Collections.singletonList;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonMap;
import static org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentFactory.jsonBuilder;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.greaterThanOrEqualTo;
* Tests to run before and after a full cluster restart. This is run twice,
@ -131,6 +133,80 @@ public class FullClusterRestartIT extends ESRestTestCase {
count = countOfIndexedRandomDocuments();
public void testNewReplicasWork() throws Exception {
if (runningAgainstOldCluster) {
XContentBuilder mappingsAndSettings = jsonBuilder();
mappingsAndSettings.field("number_of_shards", 1);
mappingsAndSettings.field("number_of_replicas", 0);
mappingsAndSettings.field("type", "text");
client().performRequest("PUT", "/" + index, Collections.emptyMap(),
new StringEntity(mappingsAndSettings.string(), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON));
int numDocs = randomIntBetween(2000, 3000);
indexRandomDocuments(numDocs, true, false, i -> {
return JsonXContent.contentBuilder().startObject()
.field("field", "value")
logger.info("Refreshing [{}]", index);
client().performRequest("POST", "/" + index + "/_refresh");
} else {
final int numReplicas = 1;
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
logger.debug("--> creating [{}] replicas for index [{}]", numReplicas, index);
String requestBody = "{ \"index\": { \"number_of_replicas\" : " + numReplicas + " }}";
Response response = client().performRequest("PUT", "/" + index + "/_settings", Collections.emptyMap(),
new StringEntity(requestBody, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON));
assertEquals(200, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("timeout", "2m");
params.put("wait_for_status", "green");
params.put("wait_for_no_relocating_shards", "true");
params.put("wait_for_events", "languid");
Map<String, Object> healthRsp = toMap(client().performRequest("GET", "/_cluster/health/" + index, params));
assertEquals("green", healthRsp.get("status"));
assertFalse((Boolean) healthRsp.get("timed_out"));
logger.debug("--> index [{}] is green, took [{}] ms", index, (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime));
Map<String, Object> recoverRsp = toMap(client().performRequest("GET", "/" + index + "/_recovery"));
logger.debug("--> recovery status:\n{}", recoverRsp);
Map<String, Object> responseBody = toMap(client().performRequest("GET", "/" + index + "/_search",
Collections.singletonMap("preference", "_primary")));
int foundHits1 = (int) XContentMapValues.extractValue("hits.total", responseBody);
responseBody = toMap(client().performRequest("GET", "/" + index + "/_search",
Collections.singletonMap("preference", "_replica")));
int foundHits2 = (int) XContentMapValues.extractValue("hits.total", responseBody);
assertEquals(foundHits1, foundHits2);
// TODO: do something more with the replicas! index?
void assertBasicSearchWorks(int count) throws IOException {
@ -165,6 +241,89 @@ public class FullClusterRestartIT extends ESRestTestCase {
assertEquals(count, numDocs);
void assertAllSearchWorks(int count) throws IOException {
logger.info("--> testing _all search");
Map<String, Object> searchRsp = toMap(client().performRequest("GET", "/" + index + "/_search"));
int totalHits = (int) XContentMapValues.extractValue("hits.total", searchRsp);
assertEquals(count, totalHits);
Map<?, ?> bestHit = (Map<?, ?>) ((List)(XContentMapValues.extractValue("hits.hits", searchRsp))).get(0);
// Make sure there are payloads and they are taken into account for the score
// the 'string' field has a boost of 4 in the mappings so it should get a payload boost
String stringValue = (String) XContentMapValues.extractValue("_source.string", bestHit);
String type = (String) bestHit.get("_type");
String id = (String) bestHit.get("_id");
String requestBody = "{ \"query\": { \"match_all\" : {} }}";
String explanation = toStr(client().performRequest("GET", "/" + index + "/" + type + "/" + id,
Collections.emptyMap(), new StringEntity(requestBody, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON)));
assertFalse("Could not find payload boost in explanation\n" + explanation, explanation.contains("payloadBoost"));
// Make sure the query can run on the whole index
searchRsp = toMap(client().performRequest("GET", "/" + index + "/_search",
Collections.singletonMap("explain", "true"), new StringEntity(requestBody, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON)));
totalHits = (int) XContentMapValues.extractValue("hits.total", searchRsp);
assertEquals(count, totalHits);
void assertBasicAggregationWorks(int count) throws IOException {
// histogram on a long
String requestBody = "{ \"aggs\": { \"histo\" : {\"histogram\" : {\"field\": \"int\", \"interval\": 10}} }}";
Map<?, ?> searchRsp = toMap(client().performRequest("GET", "/" + index + "/_search", Collections.emptyMap(),
new StringEntity(requestBody, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON)));
List<?> histoBuckets = (List<?>) XContentMapValues.extractValue("aggregations.histo.buckets", searchRsp);
long totalCount = 0;
for (Object entry : histoBuckets) {
Map<?, ?> bucket = (Map<?, ?>) entry;
totalCount += (Integer) bucket.get("doc_count");
int totalHits = (int) XContentMapValues.extractValue("hits.total", searchRsp);
assertEquals(totalHits, totalCount);
// terms on a boolean
requestBody = "{ \"aggs\": { \"bool_terms\" : {\"terms\" : {\"field\": \"bool\"}} }}";
searchRsp = toMap(client().performRequest("GET", "/" + index + "/_search", Collections.emptyMap(),
new StringEntity(requestBody, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON)));
List<?> termsBuckets = (List<?>) XContentMapValues.extractValue("aggregations.bool_terms.buckets", searchRsp);
totalCount = 0;
for (Object entry : termsBuckets) {
Map<?, ?> bucket = (Map<?, ?>) entry;
totalCount += (Integer) bucket.get("doc_count");
totalHits = (int) XContentMapValues.extractValue("hits.total", searchRsp);
assertEquals(totalHits, totalCount);
void assertRealtimeGetWorks(int count) throws IOException {
String requestBody = "{ \"index\": { \"refresh_interval\" : -1 }}";
Response response = client().performRequest("PUT", "/" + index + "/_settings", Collections.emptyMap(),
new StringEntity(requestBody, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON));
assertEquals(200, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
requestBody = "{ \"query\": { \"match_all\" : {} }}";
Map<String, Object> searchRsp = toMap(client().performRequest("GET", "/" + index + "/_search", Collections.emptyMap(),
new StringEntity(requestBody, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON)));
Map<?, ?> hit = (Map<?, ?>) ((List)(XContentMapValues.extractValue("hits.hits", searchRsp))).get(0);
String docId = (String) hit.get("_id");
requestBody = "{ \"doc\" : { \"foo\": \"bar\"}}";
response = client().performRequest("POST", "/" + index + "/doc/" + docId + "/_update", Collections.emptyMap(),
new StringEntity(requestBody, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON));
assertEquals(200, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
Map<String, Object> getRsp = toMap(client().performRequest("GET", "/" + index + "/doc/" + docId));
Map<?, ?> source = (Map<?, ?>) getRsp.get("_source");
assertTrue("doc does not contain 'foo' key: " + source, source.containsKey("foo"));
requestBody = "{ \"index\": { \"refresh_interval\" : \"1s\" }}";
response = client().performRequest("PUT", "/" + index + "/_settings", Collections.emptyMap(),
new StringEntity(requestBody, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON));
assertEquals(200, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
static Map<String, Object> toMap(Response response) throws IOException {
return toMap(EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()));
@ -173,7 +332,11 @@ public class FullClusterRestartIT extends ESRestTestCase {
return XContentHelper.convertToMap(JsonXContent.jsonXContent, response, false);
static void assertNoFailures(Map<String, Object> response) {
static String toStr(Response response) throws IOException {
return EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
static void assertNoFailures(Map<?, ?> response) {
int failed = (int) XContentMapValues.extractValue("_shards.failed", response);
assertEquals(0, failed);
@ -190,12 +353,12 @@ public class FullClusterRestartIT extends ESRestTestCase {
new StringEntity(doc, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON));
assertThat(EntityUtils.toString(client().performRequest("GET", docLocation).getEntity()), containsString(doc));
assertThat(toStr(client().performRequest("GET", docLocation)), containsString(doc));
* Tests recovery of an index with or without a translog and the
* statistics we gather about that.
* statistics we gather about that.
public void testRecovery() throws IOException {
int count;
@ -222,8 +385,7 @@ public class FullClusterRestartIT extends ESRestTestCase {
// Count the documents in the index to make sure we have as many as we put there
String countResponse = EntityUtils.toString(
client().performRequest("GET", "/" + index + "/_search", singletonMap("size", "0")).getEntity());
String countResponse = toStr(client().performRequest("GET", "/" + index + "/_search", singletonMap("size", "0")));
assertThat(countResponse, containsString("\"total\":" + count));
if (false == runningAgainstOldCluster) {
@ -232,7 +394,7 @@ public class FullClusterRestartIT extends ESRestTestCase {
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("h", "index,shard,type,stage,translog_ops_recovered");
params.put("s", "index,shard,type");
String recoveryResponse = EntityUtils.toString(client().performRequest("GET", "/_cat/recovery/" + index, params).getEntity());
String recoveryResponse = toStr(client().performRequest("GET", "/_cat/recovery/" + index, params));
for (String line : recoveryResponse.split("\n")) {
// Find the primaries
foundPrimary = true;
@ -253,34 +415,33 @@ public class FullClusterRestartIT extends ESRestTestCase {
assertTrue("expected to find a primary but didn't\n" + recoveryResponse, foundPrimary);
assertEquals("mismatch while checking for translog recovery\n" + recoveryResponse, shouldHaveTranslog, restoredFromTranslog);
String currentLuceneVersion = Version.CURRENT.luceneVersion.toString();
String bwcLuceneVersion = oldClusterVersion.luceneVersion.toString();
if (shouldHaveTranslog && false == currentLuceneVersion.equals(bwcLuceneVersion)) {
int numCurrentVersion = 0;
int numBwcVersion = 0;
params.put("h", "prirep,shard,index,version");
params.put("s", "prirep,shard,index");
String segmentsResponse = EntityUtils.toString(
client().performRequest("GET", "/_cat/segments/" + index, params).getEntity());
for (String line : segmentsResponse.split("\n")) {
if (false == line.startsWith("p")) {
Matcher m = Pattern.compile("(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)$").matcher(line);
assertTrue(line, m.find());
String version = m.group(1);
if (currentLuceneVersion.equals(version)) {
} else if (bwcLuceneVersion.equals(version)) {
} else {
fail("expected version to be one of [" + currentLuceneVersion + "," + bwcLuceneVersion + "] but was " + line);
String currentLuceneVersion = Version.CURRENT.luceneVersion.toString();
String bwcLuceneVersion = oldClusterVersion.luceneVersion.toString();
if (shouldHaveTranslog && false == currentLuceneVersion.equals(bwcLuceneVersion)) {
int numCurrentVersion = 0;
int numBwcVersion = 0;
params.put("h", "prirep,shard,index,version");
params.put("s", "prirep,shard,index");
String segmentsResponse = toStr(
client().performRequest("GET", "/_cat/segments/" + index, params));
for (String line : segmentsResponse.split("\n")) {
if (false == line.startsWith("p")) {
Matcher m = Pattern.compile("(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)$").matcher(line);
assertTrue(line, m.find());
String version = m.group(1);
if (currentLuceneVersion.equals(version)) {
} else if (bwcLuceneVersion.equals(version)) {
} else {
fail("expected version to be one of [" + currentLuceneVersion + "," + bwcLuceneVersion + "] but was " + line);
assertNotEquals("expected at least 1 current segment after translog recovery", 0, numCurrentVersion);
assertNotEquals("expected at least 1 old segment", 0, numBwcVersion);
assertNotEquals("expected at least 1 current segment after translog recovery", 0, numCurrentVersion);
assertNotEquals("expected at least 1 old segment", 0, numBwcVersion);}
@ -317,8 +478,7 @@ public class FullClusterRestartIT extends ESRestTestCase {
// Count the documents in the index to make sure we have as many as we put there
String countResponse = EntityUtils.toString(
client().performRequest("GET", "/" + index + "/_search", singletonMap("size", "0")).getEntity());
String countResponse = toStr(client().performRequest("GET", "/" + index + "/_search", singletonMap("size", "0")));
assertThat(countResponse, containsString("\"total\":" + count));
if (false == runningAgainstOldCluster) {
@ -330,8 +490,7 @@ public class FullClusterRestartIT extends ESRestTestCase {
// Check the metadata, especially the version
String response = EntityUtils.toString(
client().performRequest("GET", "/_snapshot/repo/_all", singletonMap("verbose", "true")).getEntity());
String response = toStr(client().performRequest("GET", "/_snapshot/repo/_all", singletonMap("verbose", "true")));
Map<String, Object> map = toMap(response);
assertEquals(response, singletonList("snap"), XContentMapValues.extractValue("snapshots.snapshot", map));
assertEquals(response, singletonList("SUCCESS"), XContentMapValues.extractValue("snapshots.state", map));
@ -346,11 +505,10 @@ public class FullClusterRestartIT extends ESRestTestCase {
client().performRequest("POST", "/_snapshot/repo/snap/_restore", singletonMap("wait_for_completion", "true"),
new StringEntity(restoreCommand.string(), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON));
countResponse = EntityUtils.toString(
client().performRequest("GET", "/restored_" + index + "/_search", singletonMap("size", "0")).getEntity());
assertThat(countResponse, containsString("\"total\":" + count));
countResponse = toStr(
client().performRequest("GET", "/restored_" + index + "/_search", singletonMap("size", "0")));
assertThat(countResponse, containsString("\"total\":" + count));
// TODO tests for upgrades after shrink. We've had trouble with shrink in the past.
@ -389,8 +547,7 @@ public class FullClusterRestartIT extends ESRestTestCase {
private String loadInfoDocument(String type) throws IOException {
String doc = EntityUtils.toString(
client().performRequest("GET", "/info/doc/" + index + "_" + type, singletonMap("filter_path", "_source")).getEntity());
String doc = toStr(client().performRequest("GET", "/info/doc/" + index + "_" + type, singletonMap("filter_path", "_source")));
Matcher m = Pattern.compile("\"value\":\"(.+)\"").matcher(doc);
assertTrue(doc, m.find());
return m.group(1);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user