The rest test framework, because it used to be tightly integrated with
ESIntegTestCase, currently expects the addresses for the test cluster to
be passed using the transport protocol port. However, it only uses this
to then find the http address.
This change makes ESRestTestCase extend from ESTestCase instead of
ESIntegTestCase, and changes the sysprop used to,
which now takes the http address.
Transitive dependencies can be confusing and hard to deal with when
conflicts arise between them. This change removes transitive
dependencies from elasticsearch, and forces any dependency conflicts to
be resolved manually, instead of automatically by gradle.
This change moves all the analysis component registration to the node level
and removes the significant API overhead to register tokenfilter, tokenizer,
charfilter and analyzer. All registration is done without guice interaction such
that real factories via functional interfaces are passed instead of class objects
that are instantiated at runtime.
This change also hides the internal analyzer caching that was done previously in the
IndicesAnalysisService entirely and decouples all analysis registration and creation
from dependency injection.
This change removes the leftover pom files. A couple files were left for
reference, namely in qa tests that have not yet been migrated (vagrant
and multinode). The deb and rpm assemblies also still exist for
reference when finishing their setup in gradle.
See #13930
The @IndexSettings annoationat has been used to differentiate between node-level
and index level settings. It was also decoupled from realtime-updates such that
the settings object that a class got injected when it was created was static and
not subject to change when an update was applied. This change removes the annoation
and replaces it with a full-fledged class that adds type-safety and encapsulates additional
functionality as well as checks on the settings.
There are three ways `@Test` was used. Way one:
public void flubTheBlort() {
This way was always replaced with:
public void testFlubTheBlort() {
Or, maybe with a better method name if I was feeling generous.
Way two:
public void testFoo() {
This way of using `@Test` is actually pretty OK, but to get the tools to ban
`@Test` entirely it can't be used. Instead:
public void testFoo() {
try {
fail("Expected IllegalArgumentException");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e ) {
assertThat(e.getMessage(), containsString("something"));
This is longer but tests more than the old ways and is much more precise.
public void testFoo() {
code(); // <---- This was left here by mistake and is never called
public void testFoo() {
try {
fail("Expected IllegalArgumentException");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e ) {
assertThat(e.getMessage(), containsString("something"));
The final use of test is:
public void testFoo() {
This is the most insidious use of `@Test` because its tempting but tragically
flawed. Its flaws are:
1. Hard and fast timeouts can look like they are asserting that something is
faster and even do an ok job of it when you compare the timings on the same
machine but as soon as you take them to another machine they start to be
invalid. On a slow VM both the new and old methods fail. On a super-fast
machine the slower and faster ways succeed.
2. Tests often contain slow `assert` calls so the performance of tests isn't
sure to predict the performance of non-test code.
3. These timeouts are rude to debuggers because the test just drops out from
under it after the timeout.
Confusingly, timeouts are useful in tests because it'd be rude for a broken
test to cause CI to abort the whole build after it hits a global timeout. But
those timeouts should be very very long "backstop" timeouts and aren't useful
assertions about speed.
For all its flaws `@Test(timeout=1000)` doesn't have a good replacement __in__
__tests__. Nightly benchmarks like are
useful here because they run on the same machine but they aren't quick to check
and it takes lots of time to figure out the regressions. Sometimes its useful
to compare dueling implementations but that requires keeping both
implementations around. All and all we don't have a satisfactory answer to the
question "what do you replace `@Test(timeout=1000)`" with. So we handle each
occurrence on a case by case basis.
For files with `@Test` this also:
1. Removes excess blank lines. They don't help anything.
2. Removes underscores from method names. Those would fail any code style
checks we ever care to run and don't add to readability. Since I did this manually
I didn't do it consistently.
3. Make sure all test method names start with `test`. Some used to end in `Test` or start
with `verify` or `check` and they were picked up using the annotation. Without the
annotation they always need to start with `test`.
4. Organizes imports using the rules we generate for Eclipse. For the most part
this just removes `*` imports which is a win all on its own. It was "required"
to quickly remove `@Test`.
5. Removes unneeded casts. This is just a setting I have enabled in Eclipse and
forgot to turn off before I did this work. It probably isn't hurting anything.
6. Removes trailing whitespace. Again, another Eclipse setting I forgot to turn
off that doesn't hurt anything. Hopefully.
7. Swaps some tests override superclass tests to make them empty with
`assumeTrue` so that the reasoning for the skips is logged in the test run and
it doesn't "look like" that thing is being tested when it isn't.
8. Adds an oxford comma to an error message.
The total test count doesn't change. I know. I counted.
git checkout master && mvn clean && mvn install | tee with_test
git no_test_annotation master && mvn clean && mvn install | tee not_test
grep 'Tests summary' with_test > with_test_summary
grep 'Tests summary' not_test > not_test_summary
diff with_test_summary not_test_summary
These differ somewhat because some tests are skipped based on the random seed.
The total shouldn't differ. But it does!
< [INFO] Tests summary: 564 suites (1 ignored), 3171 tests, 31 ignored (31 assumptions)
> [INFO] Tests summary: 564 suites (1 ignored), 3167 tests, 17 ignored (17 assumptions)
These are the core unit tests. So we dig further:
cat with_test | perl -pe 's/\n// if /^Suite/;s/.*\n// if /IGNOR/;s/.*\n// if /Assumption #/;s/.*\n// if /HEARTBEAT/;s/Completed .+?,//' | grep Suite > with_test_suites
cat not_test | perl -pe 's/\n// if /^Suite/;s/.*\n// if /IGNOR/;s/.*\n// if /Assumption #/;s/.*\n// if /HEARTBEAT/;s/Completed .+?,//' | grep Suite > not_test_suites
diff <(sort with_test_suites) <(sort not_test_suites)
The four tests with lower test numbers are all extend `AbstractQueryTestCase`
and all have a method that looks like this:
public void testToQuery() throws IOException {
assumeTrue("test runs only when at least a type is registered", getCurrentTypes().length > 0);
It looks like this method was being double counted on master and isn't anymore.
We moved a lot of repositories into elasticsearch, but in their new
location they retained their LICENSE.txt and NOTICE.txt files. These are
all the same, and having the license and notice and the root of the
repository should be sufficient.
Plugin tests require having rest-api tests, and currently copy that spec
from a directory in the root of the plugin source into the test
resources. This change moves the rest-api-spec dir into test resources
so it is like any other test resources. It also removes unnecessary
configuration for resources from the shared plugin pom.
When running a RestIT test from the IDE, you actually start an internal node which does not automatically load the plugin you would like to test.
We need to add:
protected Collection<Class<? extends Plugin>> nodePlugins() {
return pluginList(PLUGIN_HERE.class);
Everything works fine when running from maven because each test basically:
* installs elasticsearch
* installs one plugin
* starts elasticsearch with this plugin loaded
* runs the test
Note that this PR only fixes the fact we run an internal cluster with the expected plugin.
Cloud tests will still fail when run from the IDE because is such a case you actually start an internal node with many mock plugins.
And REST test suite for cloud plugins basically checks if the plugin is running by checking the output of NodesInfo API.
And we check:
- match: { nodes.$ cloud-azure }
- match: { nodes.$master.plugins.0.jvm: true }
But in that case, this condition is certainly false as we started also `mock-transport-service`, `mock-index-store`, `mock-engine-factory`, `node-mocks`, `asserting-local-transport`, `mock-search-service`.
The semantics of the `boost` parameter for `function_score` changed. This is
due to the fact that Lucene now requires that query boosts and top-level boosts
are applied the same way.
In plugins, we are using non consistent naming. We use `elasticsearch-cloud-aws` as the artifactId, which generates a jar file called `elasticsearch-cloud-aws-VERSION.jar`.
But when you want to install the plugin, you will end up with a shorter name for the plugin `cloud-aws`.
bin/plugin install cloud-aws
This commit changes that and use consistent names for `artifactId`, so `finalName`.
Also changed maven names.
The IndicesModule was made up of two submodules, one which
handled registering queries, and the other for registering
hunspell dictionaries. This change moves those into
IndicesModule. It also adds a new extension point type,
InstanceMap. This is simply a Map<K,V>, where K and V are
actual objects, not classes like most other extension points.
I also added a test method to help testing instance map extensions.
This was particularly painful because of how guice binds the key
and value as separate bindings, and then reconstitutes them
into a Map at injection time. In order to gain access to the
object which links the key and value, I had to tweak our
guice copy to not use an anonymous inner class for the Provider.
Note that I also renamed the existing extension point types, since
they were very redundant. For example, ExtensionPoint.MapExtensionPoint
is now ExtensionPoint.ClassMap.
See #12783.
* Centralised plugin docs in docs/plugins/
* Moved integrations into same docs
* Moved community clients into the clients section of the docs
* Removed docs/community
Settings currently has a classloader member, which any user (plugin
or core ES code) can access to load classes/resources. This is extremely
error prone as setting the classloder on the Settings instance is a
public method. Furthermore, it is not really necessary. Classes that
need resources should load resources using normal means
(getClass().getResourceAsStream). Those that need classes
should use Class.forName, which will load the class with the
same classloader as the calling class. This means, in the few
places where classes are loaded by string name, they will use
the appropriate loader: either the default classloader which loads
core ES code, or a child classloader for each plugin.
This change removes the classloader member from Settings, as
well as other classloader related uses (except for a handful
of cases which must use a classloader, at least for now).
Most of the abstract base test classes we have were previously @Ignored.
However, there were also some other tests ignored. Having two ways to
quiet tests is confusing, and clearly it has caused some tests
to get lost in the fold.
This change moves all base test classes to use the "TestCase" suffix,
which is not picked up by the test class name pattern. It also removes
@Ignore from (almost) all tests, and adds it to forbidden apis.
And since we were renaming, I shorted base test class names to use
"ES" instead of "Elasticsearch". I type this a lot of types a day,
and I have heard others express a similar desire for a shorter name.