Inner hits allows to embed nested inner objects, children documents or the parent document that contributed to the matching of the returned search hit as inner hits, which would otherwise be hidden.
Some QueryBuilders are missing or have a different naming than the other ones.
This patch is applied to branch 1.x and master (elasticsearch 1.5 and 2.0):
* `templateQuery(...)`
* `commonTermsQuery(...)`
* `queryStringQuery(...)`
* `simpleQueryStringQuery(...)`
* `commonTerms(...)`
* `queryString(...)`
* `simpleQueryString(...)`
Adds a `ignore_like` parameter to the MLT Query, which simply tells the
algorithm to skip all the terms from the given documents. This could be useful
in order to better guide nearest neighbor search by telling the algorithm to
never explore the space spanned by the given `ignore_like` docs. In essence we
are interested about the characteristic of a given item, but not of the ones
provided by `ignore_like`, thereby forcing the algorithm to go deeper in its
selection of terms. Note that this is different than simply performing a must
not boolean query on the unliked items. The syntax is exactly the same as the
`like` parameter.
functon_score matched each document regardless of the computed score.
This commit adds a query parameter `min_score` (-Float.MAX_VALUE default).
Documents that have a score lower than this threshold will not be mached.
Today, Elasticsearch has a separate merge thread pool checking once
per second (by default) if any merges are necessary, but this is no
longer necessary since we can and do now tell Lucene's
ConcurrentMergeScheduler never to "hard pause" threads when merges
fall behind, since we do our own index throttling.
This change goes back to letting Lucene launch merges as needed, and
removes these two expert settings:
Now merges kick off immediately instead of waiting up to 1 second
before running.
Always use the LocalGateway* equivalents
We already check in the LocalGateway whether a node is a client node, or
is not master-eligible, and skip writing the state there. This allows us
to remove this code that was previously used only for tribe nodes (which
are not master eligible anyway and wouldn't write state) and in
tests (which can shake more bugs out)
Elasticsearch no longer unlocks the Lucene index on startup (this was
dangerous, and could possibly lead to corruption).
Added the new serbian_normalization TokenFilter from Lucene.
NoLockFactory is no longer supported ( = none),
and if you have a typo in your fs_lock you'll now hit a StoreException
instead of silently using NoLockFactory.
We speak of the term vectors of a document, where each field has an associated
stored term vector. Since by default we are requesting all the term vectors of
a document, the HTTP request endpoint should rather be called `_termvectors`
instead of `_termvector`. The usage of `_termvector` is now deprecated, as
well as the transport client call to termVector and prepareTermVector.
make the "es090" postings format read-only, just to support old segments. There is a test version that subclasses it with write-capability for testing.
In addition to `_source`, the following variables are available through
the `ctx` map: `_index`, `_type`, `_id`, `_version`, `_routing`,
`_parent`, `_timestamp`, `_ttl`.
Some of these fields are more useful still within the context of an
Update By Query, see #1607, #2230, #2231.
Previous to this change all features (_alias,_mapping,_settings,_warmer) are run regardless of which features are actually requested. This change fixes the request object to resolve this bug
Updated log4j link so it doesn't point to log4j 2.0 but version 1.2. Clarified which formats are supported and briefly explained what loggers and appenders are, plus added a link to the log4j docs.