* LeafCollector.setScorer() now takes a Scorable
* Scorers may not have null Weights
* IndexWriter.getFlushingBytes() reports how much memory is being used by IW threads writing to disk
The main benefit of the upgrade for users is the search optimization for top scored documents when the total hit count is not needed. However this optimization is not activated in this change, there is another issue opened to discuss how it should be integrated smoothly.
Some comments about the change:
* Tests that can produce negative scores have been adapted but we need to forbid them completely: #33309Closes#32899
The main highlight is the removal of the reclaim_deletes_weight in the TieredMergePolicy.
The es setting index.merge.policy.reclaim_deletes_weight is deprecated in this commit and the value is ignored. The new merge policy setting setDeletesPctAllowed should be added in a follow up.
This snapshot includes:
- LUCENE-8341: Record soft deletes in SegmentCommitInfo which will resolve#30851
- LUCENE-8335: Enforce soft-deletes field up-front
The new snapshot includes LUCENE-8324 which fixes missing checkpoint
after a fully deletes segment is dropped on flush. This snapshot should
resolves failed tests in the CorruptedFileIT suite.
Upgrade to lucene-7.4.0-snapshot-1ed95c097b
This version contains:
* An Analyzer for Korean
* An IntervalQuery and IntervalsSource that retrieve minimum intervals of positional queries.
* A new API to retrieve matches (offsets and positions) of a query for a single document.
* Support for soft deletes in the index writer.
* A fixed shingle filter that handles index time synonyms.
* Support for emoji sequence in ICUTokenizer (with an upgrade to icu 61.1)
This new snapshot mostly brings a change to TopFieldCollector which can now
early terminate collection when trackTotalHits is `false`.
As a follow-up, we should replace our usage of
`EarlyTerminatingSortingCollector` with this new option.
The main highlight of this new snapshot is that it introduces the opportunity
for queries to opt out of caching. In case a query opts out of caching, not only
will it never be cached, but also no compound query that wraps it will be
Most notable changes:
- better update concurrency: LUCENE-7868
- TopDocs.totalHits is now a long: LUCENE-7872
- QueryBuilder does not remove the boolean query around multi-term synonyms:
- removal of Fields: LUCENE-7500
For the `TopDocs.totalHits` change, this PR relies on the fact that the encoding
of vInts and vLongs are compatible: you can write and read with any of them as
long as the value can be represented by a positive int.
This snapshot has faster range queries on range fields (LUCENE-7828), more
accurate norms (LUCENE-7730) and the ability to use fake term frequencies
We want to upgrade to Lucene 7 ahead of time in order to be able to check whether it causes any trouble to Elasticsearch before Lucene 7.0 gets released. From a user perspective, the main benefit of this upgrade is the enhanced support for sparse fields, whose resource consumption is now function of the number of docs that have a value rather than the total number of docs in the index.
Some notes about the change:
- it includes the deprecation of the `disable_coord` parameter of the `bool` and `common_terms` queries: Lucene has removed support for coord factors
- it includes the deprecation of the `index.similarity.base` expert setting, since it was only useful to configure coords and query norms, which have both been removed
- two tests have been marked with `@AwaitsFix` because of #23966, which we intend to address after the merge
* Upgrade to Lucene 6.4.0
`ValueSource`s are now converted to `DoubleValueSource`s using the Lucene adapter made for the migration to the new API in 6.4.0.
Set lucene version to 6.4.0-snapshot-ec38570 and update all the sha1s/license
Fix invalid combo after upgrade in query_string query. split_on_whitespace=false is disallowed if auto_generate_phrase_queries=true
Adapt the expectations of some tests to the new format of the Lucene explain output
Lucene 6.3 is expected to be released in the next weeks so it'd be good to give
it some integration testing. I had to upgrade randomized-testing too so that
both Lucene and Elasticsearch are on the same version.
* upgrades numerics to new Point format
* updates geo api changes
* adds GeoPointDistanceRangeQuery as XGeoPointDistanceRangeQuery
* cuts over to ES GeoHashUtils