When running a RestIT test from the IDE, you actually start an internal node which does not automatically load the plugin you would like to test.
We need to add:
protected Collection<Class<? extends Plugin>> nodePlugins() {
return pluginList(PLUGIN_HERE.class);
Everything works fine when running from maven because each test basically:
* installs elasticsearch
* installs one plugin
* starts elasticsearch with this plugin loaded
* runs the test
Note that this PR only fixes the fact we run an internal cluster with the expected plugin.
Cloud tests will still fail when run from the IDE because is such a case you actually start an internal node with many mock plugins.
And REST test suite for cloud plugins basically checks if the plugin is running by checking the output of NodesInfo API.
And we check:
- match: { nodes.$master.plugins.0.name: cloud-azure }
- match: { nodes.$master.plugins.0.jvm: true }
But in that case, this condition is certainly false as we started also `mock-transport-service`, `mock-index-store`, `mock-engine-factory`, `node-mocks`, `asserting-local-transport`, `mock-search-service`.
This move the `murmur3` field to the `mapper-murmur3` plugin and fixes its
defaults so that values will not be indexed by default, as the only purpose
of this field is to speed up `cardinality` aggregations on high-cardinality
string fields, which only requires doc values.
I also removed the `rehash` option from the `cardinality` aggregation as it
doesn't bring much value (rehashing is cheap) and allowed to remove the
coupling between the `cardinality` aggregation and the `murmur3` field.