Indeed, we check within the test suite that we have not unassigned shards.
But when the test starts on my machine I get:
[elasticsearch] [2015-08-13 12:03:18,801][INFO ][org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.allocation.decider] [Kehl of Tauran] low disk watermark [85%] exceeded on [eLujVjWAQ8OHdhscmaf0AQ][Jackhammer] free: 59.8gb[12.8%], replicas will not be assigned to this node
2> REPRODUCE WITH: mvn verify -Pdev -Dskip.unit.tests -Dtests.seed=2AE3A3B7B13CE3D6 -Dtests.class=org.elasticsearch.smoketest.SmokeTestMultiIT -Dtests.method="test {yaml=smoke_test_multinode/10_basic/cluster health basic test, one index}" -Des.logger.level=ERROR -Dtests.assertion.disabled=false -Dtests.heap.size=512m -Dtests.locale=ar_YE -Dtests.timezone=Asia/Hong_Kong
FAILURE 38.5s | SmokeTestMultiIT.test {yaml=smoke_test_multinode/10_basic/cluster health basic test, one index} <<<
> Throwable #1: java.lang.AssertionError: expected [2xx] status code but api [] returned [408 Request Timeout] [{"cluster_name":"prepare_release","status":"yellow","timed_out":true,"number_of_nodes":2,"number_of_data_nodes":2,"active_primary_shards":3,"active_shards":3,"relocating_shards":0,"initializing_shards":0,"unassigned_shards":3,"delayed_unassigned_shards":0,"number_of_pending_tasks":0,"number_of_in_flight_fetch":0,"task_max_waiting_in_queue_millis":0,"active_shards_percent_as_number":50.0}]
We don't check anymore if we have unassigned shards and we wait for `yellow` status instead of `green`.
This adds the infrastrucutre to run integration tests with more than one node.
* it adds relevant macros and targets to integration-tests.xml to start unicast nodes
* there is a qa/smoke-test-multinode project that simulates such a setup
this commit is soely the infrastructure and doesn't hook up any projects to use this.
For reliability and stability reasons this should be used with care and only if it's really