The test spawns up 3 nodes, waits for a master to be elected and starts network disruptions. If those kick in too early we may have a cluster with a state not recovered block which causes failure during clean ups.
* Allow for multiple host specifications (e.g. _en0_,,_site_).
* Add _site_ and _global_ scopes as counterparts to _local_.
* Warn on heuristic selection of publish address.
* Remove the arbitrary _non_loopback_ setting.
We should not implement this method, it is a real problem. But I think
it is ok to workaround the JDK bug (
This allows jconsole/visualvm to work in the meantime.
The @IndexSettings annoationat has been used to differentiate between node-level
and index level settings. It was also decoupled from realtime-updates such that
the settings object that a class got injected when it was created was static and
not subject to change when an update was applied. This change removes the annoation
and replaces it with a full-fledged class that adds type-safety and encapsulates additional
functionality as well as checks on the settings.
Today IndicesLifecycle is a per-node class that allows to register
listeners at any time. It also requires to de-register if listeners
are not needed anymore ie. if classes are created per-index / shard etc.
They also cause issues where listeners are registered more than once as in #13259
This commit removes the per-node class and replaces it with an well defined
extension point that allows listeners to be registered at index creation time
without the need to unregister since listeners are go out of scope if the index
goes out of scope. Yet, this still allows to share instances across indices as before
but without the risk of double registering them etc.
All data-structures used for event notifications are now immuatble and can only changes
on index creation time. This removes flexibility to some degree but increases maintainability
of the interface and the code itself dramatically especially with the step by step removal of
the index level dependency injection.
The ExtensionPoint.ClassSet binds adds the extension classes to a a Multibinder and binds
the classes and calls the asEagerSingleton method on the multibinder. This does not actually
create a singleton. Instead we first bind the class as a singleton and add then add the class
to the multibinder.
Numeric and boolean fields have doc values enabled by default as of
elasticsearch 2.0. This commit removes support for uninverted/in-memory
fielddata, as well as numeric fields encoded in binary doc values which was
the way that elasticsearch stored doc values in a Lucene index before the
1.4 release.
As a consequence, you will only be able to sort and aggregate on numeric and
boolean fields in Elasticsearch 3.0 if doc values have not been switched off.
With #13691 we introduced some custom logic to make sure that date math expressions like <logstash-{now/D}> don't get broken up into two where the slash appears in the expression. That said the only correct way to provide such a date math expression as part of the uri would be to properly escape the '/' instead. This fix also introduced a regression, as it would make sure that unescaped '/' are handled only in the case of date math expressions, but it removed support for properly escaped slashes anywhere else. The solution is to keep supporting escaped slashes only and require client libraries to properly escape them.
This commit reverts 93ad696 and makes sure that our REST tests runner supports escaping of path parts, which was more involving than expected as each single part of the path needs to be properly escaped. I am not too happy with the current solution but it's the best I could do for now, maybe not that concerning anyway given that it's just test code. I do find uri encoding quite frustrating in java.
Relates to #13691
Relates to #13665Closes#14177Closes#14216
There are three ways `@Test` was used. Way one:
public void flubTheBlort() {
This way was always replaced with:
public void testFlubTheBlort() {
Or, maybe with a better method name if I was feeling generous.
Way two:
public void testFoo() {
This way of using `@Test` is actually pretty OK, but to get the tools to ban
`@Test` entirely it can't be used. Instead:
public void testFoo() {
try {
fail("Expected IllegalArgumentException");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e ) {
assertThat(e.getMessage(), containsString("something"));
This is longer but tests more than the old ways and is much more precise.
public void testFoo() {
code(); // <---- This was left here by mistake and is never called
public void testFoo() {
try {
fail("Expected IllegalArgumentException");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e ) {
assertThat(e.getMessage(), containsString("something"));
The final use of test is:
public void testFoo() {
This is the most insidious use of `@Test` because its tempting but tragically
flawed. Its flaws are:
1. Hard and fast timeouts can look like they are asserting that something is
faster and even do an ok job of it when you compare the timings on the same
machine but as soon as you take them to another machine they start to be
invalid. On a slow VM both the new and old methods fail. On a super-fast
machine the slower and faster ways succeed.
2. Tests often contain slow `assert` calls so the performance of tests isn't
sure to predict the performance of non-test code.
3. These timeouts are rude to debuggers because the test just drops out from
under it after the timeout.
Confusingly, timeouts are useful in tests because it'd be rude for a broken
test to cause CI to abort the whole build after it hits a global timeout. But
those timeouts should be very very long "backstop" timeouts and aren't useful
assertions about speed.
For all its flaws `@Test(timeout=1000)` doesn't have a good replacement __in__
__tests__. Nightly benchmarks like are
useful here because they run on the same machine but they aren't quick to check
and it takes lots of time to figure out the regressions. Sometimes its useful
to compare dueling implementations but that requires keeping both
implementations around. All and all we don't have a satisfactory answer to the
question "what do you replace `@Test(timeout=1000)`" with. So we handle each
occurrence on a case by case basis.
For files with `@Test` this also:
1. Removes excess blank lines. They don't help anything.
2. Removes underscores from method names. Those would fail any code style
checks we ever care to run and don't add to readability. Since I did this manually
I didn't do it consistently.
3. Make sure all test method names start with `test`. Some used to end in `Test` or start
with `verify` or `check` and they were picked up using the annotation. Without the
annotation they always need to start with `test`.
4. Organizes imports using the rules we generate for Eclipse. For the most part
this just removes `*` imports which is a win all on its own. It was "required"
to quickly remove `@Test`.
5. Removes unneeded casts. This is just a setting I have enabled in Eclipse and
forgot to turn off before I did this work. It probably isn't hurting anything.
6. Removes trailing whitespace. Again, another Eclipse setting I forgot to turn
off that doesn't hurt anything. Hopefully.
7. Swaps some tests override superclass tests to make them empty with
`assumeTrue` so that the reasoning for the skips is logged in the test run and
it doesn't "look like" that thing is being tested when it isn't.
8. Adds an oxford comma to an error message.
The total test count doesn't change. I know. I counted.
git checkout master && mvn clean && mvn install | tee with_test
git no_test_annotation master && mvn clean && mvn install | tee not_test
grep 'Tests summary' with_test > with_test_summary
grep 'Tests summary' not_test > not_test_summary
diff with_test_summary not_test_summary
These differ somewhat because some tests are skipped based on the random seed.
The total shouldn't differ. But it does!
< [INFO] Tests summary: 564 suites (1 ignored), 3171 tests, 31 ignored (31 assumptions)
> [INFO] Tests summary: 564 suites (1 ignored), 3167 tests, 17 ignored (17 assumptions)
These are the core unit tests. So we dig further:
cat with_test | perl -pe 's/\n// if /^Suite/;s/.*\n// if /IGNOR/;s/.*\n// if /Assumption #/;s/.*\n// if /HEARTBEAT/;s/Completed .+?,//' | grep Suite > with_test_suites
cat not_test | perl -pe 's/\n// if /^Suite/;s/.*\n// if /IGNOR/;s/.*\n// if /Assumption #/;s/.*\n// if /HEARTBEAT/;s/Completed .+?,//' | grep Suite > not_test_suites
diff <(sort with_test_suites) <(sort not_test_suites)
The four tests with lower test numbers are all extend `AbstractQueryTestCase`
and all have a method that looks like this:
public void testToQuery() throws IOException {
assumeTrue("test runs only when at least a type is registered", getCurrentTypes().length > 0);
It looks like this method was being double counted on master and isn't anymore.
The NotQueryBuilder has been deprecated on the 2.x branches
and can be removed with the next major version. It can be
replaced by boolean query with added mustNot() clause.
This commit replaces instances of manually computing a hash code for
primitive longs by XORing the upper bits with the lower bits with a
built-in method for doing the same.
This adds an API for force merging lucene segments. The `/_optimize` API is now
deprecated and replaced by the `/_forcemerge` API, which has all the same flags
and action, just a different name.
This commit removes some cache concurrency level settings that were
applicable when the cache was backed by the Guava cache implementation,
but no longer apply with the cache implementation completed in #13717.
Relates #7836, relates #13224, relates #13717
Today we leak the notion of an engine outside of the shard abstraction
which is not desirable. This commit refactors the infrastrucutre to use
use already existing interfaces to communicate if a shard has failed and
prevents engine private classes to be implemented on a higher level.
This change is purely cosmentical...
This commit removes some build output files from the
burn_maven_with_fire_branch that appear to have been mistakenly
committed to master in bfb9054a11f23eda737b4883b84350fb47102fe3.
This is very simple to do and recommended by `privileges(5)` documentation:
Daemons that never need to exec subprocesses should remove the PRIV_PROC_EXEC privilege from their permitted and limit sets.
Adds *Exception(Throwable cause) constructors and calls them where appropriate
thus getting rid of 16 instances of calling getMessage and eliminating the risk
of loosing exception context.
Fixes ElasticsearchTimeoutException along the way (used to discard the
parameter args in the (String message, Object... args) constructor, passes it
up to super now.
Relates to #10021
Geopoint's equals method was modified to consider two points equal if they are within a threshold. This change was done to accept round-off error introduced from GeoHash encoding methods. This commit removes this trappy leniency from the GeoPoint equals method and instead forces round-off error to be handled at the encoding source.