The default precision was way too exact and could lead people to
think that geo context suggestions are not working. This patch now
requires you to set the precision in the mapping, as elasticsearch itself
can never tell exactly, what the required precision for the users
suggestions are.
The `field_value_factor` function uses the value of a field in the
document to influence the score.
A query that looks like:
"query": {
"function_score": {
"query": {"match": { "body": "foo" }},
"functions": [
"field_value_factor": {
"field": "popularity",
"factor": 1.1,
"modifier": "square"
"score_mode": "max",
"boost_mode": "sum"
Would have the score modified by:
square(1.1 * doc['popularity'].value)
allow to configure on the index level which blocks can optionally be applied using tribe.blocks.indices prefix settings.
allow to control what will be done when a conflict is detected on index names coming from several clusters using the tribe.on_conflict setting. Defaults remains "any", but now support also "drop" and "prefer_[tribeName]".
Adds a new API endpoint at /_recovery as well as to the Java API. The
recovery API allows one to see the recovery status of all shards in the
cluster. It will report on percent complete, recovery type, and which
files are copied.
By default the date_/histogram returns all the buckets within the range of the data itself, that is, the documents with the smallest values (on which with histogram) will determine the min bucket (the bucket with the smallest key) and the documents with the highest values will determine the max bucket (the bucket with the highest key). Often, when when requesting empty buckets (min_doc_count : 0), this causes a confusion, specifically, when the data is also filtered.
To understand why, let's look at an example:
Lets say the you're filtering your request to get all docs from the last month, and in the date_histogram aggs you'd like to slice the data per day. You also specify min_doc_count:0 so that you'd still get empty buckets for those days to which no document belongs. By default, if the first document that fall in this last month also happen to fall on the first day of the **second week** of the month, the date_histogram will **not** return empty buckets for all those days prior to that second week. The reason for that is that by default the histogram aggregations only start building buckets when they encounter documents (hence, missing on all the days of the first week in our example).
With extended_bounds, you now can "force" the histogram aggregations to start building buckets on a specific min values and also keep on building buckets up to a max value (even if there are no documents anymore). Using extended_bounds only makes sense when min_doc_count is 0 (the empty buckets will never be returned if the min_doc_count is greater than 0).
Note that (as the name suggest) extended_bounds is **not** filtering buckets. Meaning, if the min bounds is higher than the values extracted from the documents, the documents will still dictate what the min bucket will be (and the same goes to the extended_bounds.max and the max bucket). For filtering buckets, one should nest the histogram agg under a range filter agg with the appropriate min/max.
Today, we use ConcurrentMergeScheduler, and this can be painful since it is concurrent on a shard level, with a max of 3 threads doing concurrent merges. If there are several shards being indexed, then there will be a minor explosion of threads trying to do merges, all being throttled by our merge throttling.
Moving to serial merge scheduler will still maintain concurrency of merges across shards, as we have the merge thread pool that schedules those merges. It will just be a serial one on a specific shard.
Also, on serial merge scheduler, we now have a limit of how many merges it will do at one go, so it will let other shards get their fair chance of merging. We use the pending merges on IW to check if merges are needed or not for it.
Note, that if a merge is happening, it will not block due to a sync on the maybeMerge call at indexing (flush) time, since we wrap our merge scheduler with the EnabledMergeScheduler, where maybeMerge is not activated during indexing, only with explicit calls to IW#maybeMerge (see Merges).
If we want to have a full picture of versions running in a cluster, we need to add a `_cat/plugins` endpoint.
Response could look like:
% curl es2:9200/_cat/plugins?v
node component version type url desc
es1 mapper-attachments 1.7.0 j Adds the attachment type allowing to parse difference attachment formats
es1 lang-javascript 1.4.0 j JavaScript plugin allowing to add javascript scripting support
es1 analysis-smartcn 1.9.0 j Smart Chinese analysis support
es1 marvel 1.1.0 j/s http://localhost:9200/_plugins/marvel Elasticsearch Management & Monitoring
es1 kopf 0.5.3 s http://localhost:9200/_plugins/kopf kopf - simple web administration tool for ElasticSearch
es2 mapper-attachments 2.0.0.RC1 j Adds the attachment type allowing to parse difference attachment formats
es2 lang-javascript 2.0.0.RC1 j JavaScript plugin allowing to add javascript scripting support
es2 analysis-smartcn 2.0.0.RC1 j Smart Chinese analysis support
Significance is related to the changes in document frequency observed between everyday use in the corpus and
frequency observed in the result set. The asciidocs include extensive details on the applications of this feature.
This aggregation computes unique term counts using the hyperloglog++ algorithm
which uses linear counting to estimate low cardinalities and hyperloglog on
higher cardinalities.
Since this algorithm works on hashes, it is useful for high-cardinality fields
to store the hash of values directly in the index, which is the purpose of
the new `murmur3` field type. This is less necessary on low-cardinality
string fields because the aggregator is smart enough to only compute the hash
once per unique value per segment thanks to ordinals, or on numeric fields
since hashing them is very fast.