The request tracer logs in TRACE level under the `transport.tracer` log and is dynamically configurable with include and exclude arrays to filter out unneeded info. By default all requests are logged with the exception of fault detection pings (fired every second).
add the notion of tracers in the MockTransportService for testing purposes
This patch allows to create several netty bootstrap, each of which
listening on different ports. This will potentially allow for features
to listen to different network interfaces for node-to-node or node-to-client
communication and is also the base to listen to several interfaces, so that those
can be used to speed up cluster communication in the future.
Removed unused misc.asciidoc file
Added plugins directory to directory layout
Fixed transport.tcp.connect_timeout value to match the code found in NetworkService.TcpSettings
Clarified that phrase query does not preserve order of terms
Clarified merge page
Added instructions on how to build documentation to docs/README
* Clean up s/ElasticSearch/Elasticsearch on docs/*
* Clean up s/ElasticSearch/Elasticsearch on src/* bin/* & pom.xml
* Clean up s/ElasticSearch/Elasticsearch on NOTICE.txt and README.textile