this happens for example because we list assigned shards, and they might not have been allocated on the relevant node yet, no need to list those as actual failures in some APIs
- that isAnnotationPresent bug is known, and probably will be fixed in later versions, but it costs us nothing to not use it now
- some tests fail, mainly due to consistent ordering expected from Map (within versions) which does not seem to be preserved, need to fix those tests to be agnostic to it
The REST Suggester API binds the 'Suggest API' to the REST Layer directly. Hence there is no need to touch the query layer for requesting suggestions.
This API extracts the Phrase Suggester API and makes 'suggestion request' top-level objects in suggestion requests. The complete API can be found in the
underlying ["Suggest Feature API"](
# API Example
The following examples show how Suggest Actions work on the REST layer. According to this a simple request and its response will be shown.
## Suggestion Request
curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/_suggest?pretty=true' -d '{
"text" : "Xor the Got-Jewel",
"simple_phrase" : {
"phrase" : {
"analyzer" : "bigram",
"field" : "bigram",
"size" : 1,
"real_word_error_likelihood" : 0.95,
"max_errors" : 0.5,
"gram_size" : 2
This example shows how to query a suggestion for the global text 'Xor the Got-Jewel'. A 'simple phrase' suggestion is requested and
a 'direct generator' is configured to generate the candidates.
## Suggestion Response
On success the request above will reply with a response like the following:
"simple_phrase" : [ {
"text" : "Xor the Got-Jewel",
"offset" : 0,
"length" : 17,
"options" : [ {
"text" : "xorr the the got got jewel",
"score" : 3.5283546E-4
} ]
} ]
The 'suggest'-response contains a single 'simple phrase' which contains an 'option' in turn. This option represents a suggestion of the
queried text. It contains the corrected text and a score indicating the probability of this option to be meant.