When compiling many dynamically changing scripts, parameterized
scripts (<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/master/modules-scripting-using.html#prefer-params>)
should be preferred. This enforces a limit to the number of scripts that
can be compiled within a minute. A new dynamic setting is added -
`script.max_compilations_per_minute`, which defaults to 15.
If more dynamic scripts are sent, a user will get the following
"error" : {
"root_cause" : [
"type" : "circuit_breaking_exception",
"reason" : "[script] Too many dynamic script compilations within one minute, max: [15/min]; please use on-disk, indexed, or scripts with parameters instead",
"bytes_wanted" : 0,
"bytes_limit" : 0
"type" : "search_phase_execution_exception",
"reason" : "all shards failed",
"phase" : "query",
"grouped" : true,
"failed_shards" : [
"shard" : 0,
"index" : "i",
"node" : "a5V1eXcZRYiIk8lecjZ4Jw",
"reason" : {
"type" : "general_script_exception",
"reason" : "Failed to compile inline script [\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\"] using lang [painless]",
"caused_by" : {
"type" : "circuit_breaking_exception",
"reason" : "[script] Too many dynamic script compilations within one minute, max: [15/min]; please use on-disk, indexed, or scripts with parameters instead",
"bytes_wanted" : 0,
"bytes_limit" : 0
"caused_by" : {
"type" : "general_script_exception",
"reason" : "Failed to compile inline script [\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\"] using lang [painless]",
"caused_by" : {
"type" : "circuit_breaking_exception",
"reason" : "[script] Too many dynamic script compilations within one minute, max: [15/min]; please use on-disk, indexed, or scripts with parameters instead",
"bytes_wanted" : 0,
"bytes_limit" : 0
"status" : 500
This also fixes a bug in `ScriptService` where requests being executed
concurrently on a single node could cause a script to be compiled
multiple times (many in the case of a powerful node with many shards)
due to no synchronization between checking the cache and compiling the
script. There is now synchronization so that a script being compiled
will only be compiled once regardless of the number of concurrent
searches on a node.
Relates to #19396
This commit fixes a test bug in
EvilJNANativesTests#testSetMaximumNumberOfThreads. Namely, the test was
not checking whether or not the value from /proc/self/limits was equal
to "unlimited" before attempting to parse as a long. This commit fixes
that error.
Today when we load the Netty plugins, we indirectly cause several Netty
classes to initialize. This is because we attempt to load some classes
by name, and loading these classes is done in a way that triggers a long
chain of class initializers within Netty. We should not do this, this
can lead to log messages before the logger is loader, and it leads to
initialization in cases when the classes would never be needed (for
example, Netty 3 class initialization is never needed if Netty 4 is
used, and vice versa). This commit avoids this early initialization of
these classes by removing the need for the early loading.
Relates #19819
This makes it obvious that these tests are for running the client yaml
suites. Now that there are other ways of running tests using the REST
client against a running cluster we can't go on calling the shared
client yaml tests "REST tests". They are rest tests, but they aren't
**the** rest tests.
This adds a header that looks like `Location: /test/test/1` to the
response for the index/create/update API. The requirement for the header
comes from https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.htmlhttps://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-7.1.2 claims that relative
URIs are OK. So we use an absolute path which should resolve to the
appropriate location.
This makes large changes to our rest test infrastructure, allowing us
to write junit tests that test a running cluster via the rest client.
It does this by splitting ESRestTestCase into two classes:
* ESRestTestCase is the superclass of all tests that use the rest client
to interact with a running cluster.
* ESClientYamlSuiteTestCase is the superclass of all tests that use the
rest client to run the yaml tests. These tests are shared across all
official clients, thus the `ClientYamlSuite` part of the name.
* rethrow script compilation exceptions into ingest configuration exceptions
* update readProcessor to rethrow any exception as an ElasticsearchException
Remove `ParseField` constants used for names where there are no deprecated
names and just use the `String` version of the registration method instead.
This is step 2 in cleaning up the plugin interface for extending
search time actions. Aggregations are next.
This is breaking for plugins because those that register a new query should
now implement `SearchPlugin` rather than `onModule(SearchModule)`.
We throw IOException, which is the exception that is going to be thrown in 99% of the cases. A more generic exception can happen, and if it is a runtime one we just let it bubble up as is, otherwise we wrap it into runtime one so that we don't require to catch Exception everywhere, which seems odd.
Also adjusted javadocs for all performRequest methods
The new method accepts the usual parameters (method, endpoint, params, entity and headers) plus a response listener and an async response consumer. Shortcut methods are also added that don't require params, entity and the async response consumer optional.
There are a few relevant api changes as a consequence of the move to async client that affect sync methods:
- Response doesn't implement Closeable anymore, responses don't need to be closed
- performRequest throws Exception rather than just IOException, as that is the the exception that we get from the FutureCallback#failed method in the async http client
- ssl configuration is a bit simpler, one only needs to call setSSLStrategy from a custom HttpClientConfigCallback, that doesn't end up overridng any other default around connection pooling (it used to happen with the sync client and make ssl configuration more complex)
Relates to #19055
The `client/transport` project adds a new jar build project that
pulls in all dependencies and configures all required modules.
Preinstalled modules are:
* transport-netty
* lang-mustache
* reindex
* percolator
The `TransportClient` classes are still in core
while `TransportClient.Builder` has only a protected construcutor
such that users are redirected to use the new `TransportClientBuilder`
from the new jar.
This change removes the multiple ways that plugins can be added to the
integ test cluster. It also removes the use of the default
configuration, and instead adds a zip configuration to all plugins. This
will enable using project substitutions with plugins, which must be done
with the default configuration.
creation in the REST tests, as we no longer need it due
to index creation now waiting for active shard copies
before returning (by default, it waits for the primary of
each shard, which is the same as ensuring yellow health).
Relates #19450
This commit renames the Netty 3 transport module from transport-netty to
transport-netty3. This is to make room for a Netty 4 transport module,
Relates #19439
Currently custom headers that should be passed through rest requests are
registered by depending on the RestController in guice and calling a
registration method. This change moves that registration to a getter for
plugins, and makes the RestController take the set of headers on
Today `node.mode` and `node.local` serve almost the same purpose, they
are a shortcut for `discovery.type` and `transport.type`. If `node.local: true`
or `node.mode: local` is set elasticsearch will start in _local_ mode which means
only nodes within the same JVM are discovered and a non-network based transport
is used. The _local_ mode it only really used in tests or if nodes are embedded.
For both, embedding and tests explicit configuration via `discovery.type` and `transport.type`
should be preferred.
This change removes all the usage of these settings and by-default doesn't
configure a default transport implemenation since netty is now a module. Yet, to make
the user expericence flawless, plugins or modules can set a `http.type.default` and
`transport.type.default`. Plugins set this via `PluginService#additionalSettings()`
which enforces _set-once_ which prevents node startup if set multiple times. This means
that our distributions will just startup with netty transport since it's packaged as a
module unless `transport.type` or `http.transport.type` is explicitly set.
This change also found a bunch of bugs since several NamedWriteables were not registered if a
transport client is used. Now that we don't rely on the `node.mode` leniency which is inherited
instead of using explicit settings, `TransportClient` uses `AssertingLocalTransport` which detects these problems since it serializes all messages.
This moves all netty related code into modules/transport-netty the module is build as a zip file as well as a JAR to serve as a dependency for transport client. For the time being this is required otherwise we have no network based impl. for transport client users. This might be subject to change given that we move forward http client.
Some tests still start http implicitly or miss configuring the transport clients correctly.
This commit fixes all remaining tests and adds a depdenceny to `transport-netty` from
`qa/smoke-test-http` and `modules/reindex` since they need an http server running on the nodes.
This also moves all required permissions for netty into it's module and out of core.
The callback replaces the ability to fully replace the http client instance. By doing that, one used to lose any default that the RestClient had set for the underlying http client. Given that you'd usually override one or two things only, like a couple of timeout values, the ssl factory or the default credentials providers, it is not uder friendly if by doing that users end up replacing the whole http client instance and lose any default set by us.
This change adds a createComponents() method to Plugin implementations
which they can use to return already constructed componenents/services.
Eventually this should be just services ("components" don't really do
anything), but for now it allows any object so that preconstructed
instances by plugins can still be bound to guice. Over time we should
add basic services as arguments to this method, but for now I have left
it empty so as to not presume what is a necessary service.
this commit moves the most of the http related integ tests out into it's own
`qa/smoke-test-http` project where most of the test can run against the external cluster.
This commit migrates the Vagrant box for Fedora for the packaging tests
from Fedora 22 to Fedora 24 as Fedora 22 reached end-of-line upon the
release of Fedora 24.
Relates #19308
The top-level class Throwable represents all errors and exceptions in
Java. This hierarchy is divided into Error and Exception, the former
being serious problems that applications should not try to catch and the
latter representing exceptional conditions that an application might
want to catch and handle. This commit renames
org.elasticsearch.cli.UserError to org.elasticsearch.UserException to
make its name consistent with where it falls in this hierarchy.
Relates #19254
Node IDs are currently randomly generated during node startup. That means they change every time the node is restarted. While this doesn't matter for ES proper, it makes it hard for external services to track nodes. Another, more minor, side effect is that indexing the output of, say, the node stats API results in creating new fields due to node ID being used as keys.
The first approach I considered was to use the node's published address as the base for the id. We already [treat nodes with the same address as the same](https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/blob/master/core/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/discovery/zen/NodeJoinController.java#L387) so this is a simple change (see [here](https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/compare/master...bleskes:node_persistent_id_based_on_address)). While this is simple and it works for probably most cases, it is not perfect. For example, if after a node restart, the node is not able to bind to the same port (because it's not yet freed by the OS), it will cause the node to still change identity. Also in environments where the host IP can change due to a host restart, identity will not be the same.
Due to those limitation, I opted to go with a different approach where the node id will be persisted in the node's data folder. This has the upside of connecting the id to the nodes data. It also means that the host can be adapted in any way (replace network cards, attach storage to a new VM). I
It does however also have downsides - we now run the risk of two nodes having the same id, if someone copies clones a data folder from one node to another. To mitigate this I changed the semantics of the protection against multiple nodes with the same address to be stricter - it will now reject the incoming join if a node exists with the same id but a different address. Note that if the existing node doesn't respond to pings (i.e., it's not alive) it will be removed and the new node will be accepted when it tries another join.
Last, and most importantly, this change requires that *all* nodes persist data to disk. This is a change from current behavior where only data & master nodes store local files. This is the main reason for marking this PR as breaking.
Other less important notes:
- DummyTransportAddress is removed as we need a unique network address per node. Use `LocalTransportAddress.buildUnique()` instead.
- I renamed `node.add_lid_to_custom_path` to `node.add_lock_id_to_custom_path` to avoid confusion with the node ID which is now part of the `NodeEnvironment` logic.
- I removed the `version` paramater from `MetaDataStateFormat#write` , it wasn't really used and was just in the way :)
- TribeNodes are special in the sense that they do start multiple sub-nodes (previously known as client nodes). Those sub-nodes do not store local files but derive their ID from the parent node id, so they are generated consistently.
Today throughout the codebase, catch throwable is used with reckless
abandon. This is dangerous because the throwable could be a fatal
virtual machine error resulting from an internal error in the JVM, or an
out of memory error or a stack overflow error that leaves the virtual
machine in an unstable and unpredictable state. This commit removes
catch throwable from the codebase and removes the temptation to use it
by modifying listener APIs to receive instances of Exception instead of
the top-level Throwable.
Relates #19231
As discussed at https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-cloud-azure/issues/91#issuecomment-229113595, we know that the current `discovery-azure` plugin only works with Azure Classic VMs / Services (which is somehow Legacy now).
The proposal here is to rename `discovery-azure` to `discovery-azure-classic` in case some users are using it.
And deprecate it for 5.0.