Site plugins used to be used for things like kibana and marvel, but
there is no longer a need since kibana (and marvel as a kibana plugin)
uses node.js. This change removes site plugins, as well as the flag for
jvm plugins. Now all plugins are jvm plugins.
This gets the tar and tar_plugins tests working in gradle. It does so by
adding a subproject, qa/vagrant, which adds the following tasks:
checkPackages - Check the packages against a representative sample of the
linux distributions we have in our Vagrantfile
checkPackagesAllDistros - Check the packages against all the linux
distributions we have in our Vagrantfile
Package Verification
checkCentos6 - Run packaging tests against centos-6
checkCentos7 - Run packaging tests against centos-7
checkDebian8 - Run packaging tests against debian-8
checkFedora22 - Run packaging tests against fedora-22
checkOel7 - Run packaging tests against oel-7
checkOpensuse13 - Run packaging tests against opensuse-13
checkSles12 - Run packaging tests against sles-12
checkUbuntu1204 - Run packaging tests against ubuntu-1204
checkUbuntu1404 - Run packaging tests against ubuntu-1404
checkUbuntu1504 - Run packaging tests against ubuntu-1504
smokeTestCentos6 - Smoke test the centos-6 VM
smokeTestCentos7 - Smoke test the centos-7 VM
smokeTestDebian8 - Smoke test the debian-8 VM
smokeTestFedora22 - Smoke test the fedora-22 VM
smokeTestOel7 - Smoke test the oel-7 VM
smokeTestOpensuse13 - Smoke test the opensuse-13 VM
smokeTestSles12 - Smoke test the sles-12 VM
smokeTestUbuntu1204 - Smoke test the ubuntu-1204 VM
smokeTestUbuntu1404 - Smoke test the ubuntu-1404 VM
smokeTestUbuntu1504 - Smoke test the ubuntu-1504 VM
vagrantHaltCentos6 - Shutdown the vagrant VM running centos-6
vagrantHaltCentos7 - Shutdown the vagrant VM running centos-7
vagrantHaltDebian8 - Shutdown the vagrant VM running debian-8
vagrantHaltFedora22 - Shutdown the vagrant VM running fedora-22
vagrantHaltOel7 - Shutdown the vagrant VM running oel-7
vagrantHaltOpensuse13 - Shutdown the vagrant VM running opensuse-13
vagrantHaltSles12 - Shutdown the vagrant VM running sles-12
vagrantHaltUbuntu1204 - Shutdown the vagrant VM running ubuntu-1204
vagrantHaltUbuntu1404 - Shutdown the vagrant VM running ubuntu-1404
vagrantHaltUbuntu1504 - Shutdown the vagrant VM running ubuntu-1504
vagrantSmokeTest - Smoke test some representative distros from the Vagrantfile
vagrantSmokeTestAllDistros - Smoke test all distros from the Vagrantfile
vagrantUpCentos6 - Startup a vagrant VM running centos-6
vagrantUpCentos7 - Startup a vagrant VM running centos-7
vagrantUpDebian8 - Startup a vagrant VM running debian-8
vagrantUpFedora22 - Startup a vagrant VM running fedora-22
vagrantUpOel7 - Startup a vagrant VM running oel-7
vagrantUpOpensuse13 - Startup a vagrant VM running opensuse-13
vagrantUpSles12 - Startup a vagrant VM running sles-12
vagrantUpUbuntu1204 - Startup a vagrant VM running ubuntu-1204
vagrantUpUbuntu1404 - Startup a vagrant VM running ubuntu-1404
vagrantUpUbuntu1504 - Startup a vagrant VM running ubuntu-1504
It does not make the "check" task depend on "checkPackages" so running the
vagrant tests is still optional. They are slow and depend on vagrant and
The Package Verification tasks are useful for testing individual distros.
The Vagrant tasks are listed in `gradle tasks` primarily for discoverability.
This commit makes sure that the plugin script looks at user, group and permissions of the elasticsearch bin dir and copies them over to the plugin bin subdirectory, whatever they are, so that they get properly setup depending on how elasticsearch was installed. We also make sure that execute permissions are added for files (we already did this before).
Relates to #11016Closes#14088
Depending on how elasticsearch is installed, we have two scenarios to take into account that relate to user, group and permissions assigned to the config directory:
1) deb/rpm package: /etc/elasticsearch is root:elasticsearch 750 and the plugin script is run from root user
2) tar/zip archive: es config dir is most likely elasticsearch:elasticsearch and the plugin script is most likely run from elasticsearch user
When the plugin script copies over the plugin config dir within the es config dir, it should take care of setting the proper user, group and permissions, which vary depending on how elasticsearch was installed in the first place. Should be root:elasticsearch 750 if installed from a package, or elasticsearch:elasticsearch if installed from an archive.
This commit makes sure that the plugin script looks at user, group and permissions of the config dir and copies them over to the plugin config subdirectory, whatever they are, so that they get properly setup depending on how elasticsearch was installed in the first place. We also make sure that execute permissions are left untouched for files.
Relates to #11016Closes#14048
When generating the rpm and dep package we now set proper group (elasticsearch) and permissions (750) to the conf dir (default /etc/elasticsearch). Same for the scripts subdirectory.
Expanded the assert_file bash function to also optionally check the group of files, so we can actually test that the group was set correctly.
Relates to #11016Closes#14017
It is rarely used and was not consistently handled by different distributions anyway.
This commit also adds a test for specifying CONF_DIR when installing plugins and
starting elasticsearch.
relates to #12712 and #12954closes#5329closes#13715
package installation creates the plugin directory already so when a plugin
is installed it prints the additional line
Plugins directory [/tmp/elasticsearch/plugins] does not exist. Creating...
Plugin cli tools configures logging with whatever is in the logging.yml.
If a file appender is configured for any of the logs this will cause creation
of an empty log file. If a plugin was for example installed as root it will
create empty logs at es.home/logs.
This is problematic when for example plugins are installed as root and es is run
as service. Logs will then be created in /usr/share/elasticsearch/logs
and can later not be removed by for example dpkg -r or -purge.
To avoid this, configure the logger to use an appender that writes to the same
output that plugin cli tool does. This allows other components that are called
from Plugin cli tool to write to the same terminal that plugin cli tool writes to
by using the logging mechanism already in place.
The logging conf is not read at all pb plugin cli tool.
As a side effect, the loging level for components that are called
from the plugin command such as the jar hell check can now be configured
with -Des.logger.level which makes it easier to debug the jar hell check.
Installs javatana in vivid, emulates its on-login actions when starting
elasticsearch and verifies that elasticsearch turns off javatana.
Relates to #13813
Before this commit he tests always run bin/plugin as root which is somewhat
unrealistic and causes trouble (log files owned by root instead of
elasticsearch). After this commit `bin/plugin` runs as root when elasticsearch
is installed via the repository and as elasticsearch otherwise which is much
more realistic.
This also adds extra timeout to starting elasticsearch which is required
when all the plugins are installed. And it fixes up a problem with logging
elasticsearch's log if elasticsearch doesn't start which came up multiple
time while debugging this problem.
Also adds docs recommending running `bin/plugin` as the user that owns the
Elasticsearch files or root if installed with the packages.
Fix the vagrant tests after azure was split into 3 plugins. The tests
need to list all the plugins and some dependency so we can make sure the
plugin can be installed and uninstalled.
Right now we execute some debian-isms in the init.d tests. This switches to
trying both the debian and centos ways to stop services from starting
The AWS plugin was broken into discovery-ec2 and repository-s3 so we can't
test the old plugin and must test the new ones.
Fixed some wording issues in test names.
This changes the packaging tests to start Elasticsearch with all plugins
installed and checks `_cat/plugins?h=c` against the list of plugins in
the plugins directory. If the list differs, error! So it proves that the
plugins can be installed using bin/plugin as shipped in the rpm and deb
There are two other obvious ways to implement the "packages don't start
elasticsearch" checks but when you work through them they aren't as nice
as the implementation of the checks that we use now. This just adds
documentation to that effect.
We don't want either the deb or rpm package to start elasticsearch as soon
as they install nor do we want the package to register elasticsearch to
start on restart. That action is reserved for the administrator. This adds
tests for that.
This cleans up deb, rpm, systemd, and sysvinit tests:
1. Move skip_not_rpm, skip_not_dpkg, etc to the setup() methods for faster
runtime and cleaner code.
2. Removed lots of needless invocations of `run`
3. Created install_package for use in the systemd and sysvinit tests.
4. Removed lots of needless stderr to stdout redirects.
Related to #13074
Virtualbox is the default virtualization provier for vagrant but folks
override that from time to time. If they do then the build will fail because
the boxes used by the build don't usually support non-virtualbox providers.
Now we are using short names for artifactId (see #12879) so we don't need anymore to transform long names `elasticsearch-pluginname` to short names `pluginname` in ant script when we install a plugin.
Modify also convert-plugin-name
Clean up remaining plugins with old format
And fix vagrant tests