Adds a version constant for it, bwc indices, and a vagrant upgrade-from
version. Also bumps the "upgrade from" version for the backwards-5.0
test and adds `skip`s for tests that don't fail against 5.0 so we skip
them during the backwards testing.
Finally, this skips the "Shrink index via API" test because it fails
consistently for me. Inconsistently for CI, but consistently for me.
I'll work on making it consistent tomorrow.
In #21348 the command executed to run the packaging tests has been changed to "sudo -E bats ...", forcing all environment variables from the vagrant user to be passed to the `sudo` command. This breaks a test on opensuse-13 (the one where it checks that elasticsearch cannot be started when `java` is not found) because all the PATH from the user is passed to the sudo command.
This commit restores the previous behavior while allowing only necessary testing environment variables to be passed using a /etc/sudoers.d file.
This changes adds a test discovery (which internally uses the existing
mock zenping by default). Having the mock the test framework selects be a discovery
greatly simplifies discovery setup (no more weird callback to a Node
Today when a node starts, we create dynamic socket permissions based on
the configured HTTP ports and transport ports. If no ports are
configured, we use the default port ranges. When a tribe node starts, a
tribe node creates an internal node client for connecting to each remote
cluster. If neither an explicit HTTP port nor transport ports were
specified, the default port ranges are large enough for the tribe node
and its internal node clients. If an explicit HTTP port or transport
port was specified for the tribe node, then socket permissions for those
ports will be created, but not for the internal node clients. Whether
the internal node clients have explicit ports specified, or attempt to
bind within the default range, socket permissions for these will not
have been created and the internal node clients will hit a permissions
issue when attempting to bind. This commit addresses this issue by also
accounting for tribe nodes when creating the dynamic socket
permissions. Additionally, we add our first real integration test for
tribe nodes.
This commit enables real BWC testing against a 5.1 snapshot. All
REST tests plus rolling upgrade test now run against a mixed version
cross major version cluster.
This commit enables real BWC testing against a 5.1 snapshot. All
REST tests plus rolling upgrade test now run against a mixed version
cross major version cluster.
This commit changes the current :elactisearch:qa:vagrant build file and transforms it into a Gradle plugin in order to reuse it in other projects.
Most of the code from the build.gradle file has been moved into the VagrantTestPlugin class. To avoid duplicated VMs when running vagrant tests, the Gradle plugin sets the following environment variables before running vagrant commands:
VAGRANT_CWD: absolute path to the folder that contains the Vagrantfile
VAGRANT_PROJECT_DIR: absolute path to the Gradle project that use the VagrantTestPlugin
The VAGRANT_PROJECT_DIR is used to share project folders and files with the vagrant VM. These folders and files are exported when running the task `gradle vagrantSetUp` which:
- collects all project archives dependencies and copies them into `${project.buildDir}/bats/archives`
- copy all project bats testing files from 'src/test/resources/packaging/tests' into `${project.buildDir}/bats/tests`
- copy all project bats utils files from 'src/test/resources/packaging/utils' into `${project.buildDir}/bats/utils`
It is also possible to inherit and grab the archives/tests/utils files from project dependencies using the plugin configuration:
apply plugin: 'elasticsearch.vagrant'
esvagrant {
inheritTestUtils true|false
inheritTestArchives true|false
inheritTests true|false
dependencies {
// Inherit Bats test utils from :qa:vagrant project
bats project(path: ':qa:vagrant', configuration: 'bats')
The folders `${project.buildDir}/bats/archives`, `${project.buildDir}/bats/tests` and `${project.buildDir}/bats/utils` are then exported to the vagrant VMs and mapped to the BATS_ARCHIVES, BATS_TESTS and BATS_UTILS environnement variables.
The following Gradle tasks have also be renamed:
* gradle vagrantSetUp
This task copies all the necessary files to the project build directory (was `prepareTestRoot`)
* gradle vagrantSmokeTest
This task starts the VMs and echoes a "Hello world" within each VM (was: `smokeTest`)
On some systems these utilities are in /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-sysctl
and /usr/sbin/sysctl, and on others the /usr is dropped. This commit
accounts for that fact.
Our docs claim that we set vm.max_map_count automatically. This is not
quite the case. The story is that on SysV init we set vm.max_map_count
each time the service starts, which is good. On systemd, we create a
sysctl.d conf file that sets vm.map_max_count, but this is only
meaningful if the system is rebooted after package install. This commit
modifies the post-install script so that we run systemd-sysctl so that
the vm.max_map_count change occurs after package install without a
Relates #21507
This commit ensure that VirtualBox is available in version 5.1+ in the system before running packaging tests. It also check for Vagrant version is now greater than 1.8.6.
The environment variable ES_JVM_OPTIONS allows end-users to specify a
custom location for the jvm.options file. Unfortunately, this
environment variable is not exported from the SysV init scripts. This
commit addresses this issue, and includes a test that ES_JVM_OPTIONS and
ES_JAVA_OPTS work for the SysV init packages.
Relates #21445
At one point in the past when moving out the rest tests from core to
their own subproject, we had multiple test classes which evenly split up
the tests to run. However, we simplified this and went back to a single
test runner to have better reproduceability in tests. This change
removes the remnants of that multiplexing support.
Today if you start Elasticsearch with the status logger configured to
the warn level, or use a transport client with the default status logger
level, you will see warn messages about deprecation loggers being
created with different message factories and that formatting might be
broken. This happens because the deprecation logger is constructed using
the message factory from its parent, an artifact leftover from the first
Log4j 2 implementation that used a custom message factory. When that
custom message factory was removed, this constructor invocation should
have been changed to not explicitly use the message factory from the
parent. This commit fixes this invocation. However, we also had some
status checking to all tests to ensure that there are no warn status log
messages that might indicate a configuration problem with Log4j 2. These
assertions blow up badly without the fix for the deprecation logger
construction, and also caught a misconfiguration in one of the logging
Relates #21339
The usage information for `elasticsearch-plugin` is quiet verbose and makes the
actual error message that is shown when trying to remove an non-existing plugin
hard to spot. This changes the error code to not trigger printing the usage
Plugins: Remove pluggability of ZenPing
ZenPing is the part of zen discovery which knows how to ping nodes.
There is only one alternative implementation, which is just for testing.
This change removes the ability to add custom zen pings, and instead
hooks in the MockZenPing for tests through an overridden method in
MockNode. This also folds in the ZenPingService (which was really just a
single method) into ZenDiscovery, and removes the idea of having
multiple ZenPing instances. Finally, this was the last usage of the
ExtensionPoint classes, so that is also removed here.
When installing a plugin when the plugins directory does not exist, the
install plugin command outputs a line saying that it is creating this
directory. The packaging tests for the archive distributions accounted
for this including an assertion that this line was output. The packages
have since been updated to include an empty plugins folder, so this line
will no longer be output. This commit removes this stale assertion from
the packaging tests.
Relates #21275
Today when installing Elasticsearch from an archive distribution (tar.gz
or zip), an empty plugins folder is not included. This means that if you
install Elasticsearch and immediately run elasticsearch-plugin list, you
will receive an error message about the plugins directory missing. While
the plugins directory would be created when starting Elasticsearch for
the first time, it would be better to just include an empty plugins
directory in the archive distributions. This commit makes this the
case. Note that the package distributions already include an empty
plugins folder.
Relates #21204
This adds support for templating in rank eval requests.
Relates to #20231
Problem: In it's current state the rank-eval request API forces the user to repeat complete queries for each test request. In most use cases the structure of the query to test will be stable with only parameters changing across requests, so this looks like lots of boilerplate json for something that could be expressed in a more concise way.
Uses templating/ ScriptServices to enable users to submit only one test request template and let them only specify template parameters on a per test request basis.
Vagrant tests use a static list of dependencies to upgrade from
and we weren't including 5.0.0 deps in that list. Also when the
list was incorrect we weren't sorting the "current" list so it
was difficult to read.
Also adds 2.4.1 to the list but *doesn't* add 5.0.0 because we
still can't resolve it yet. We still only print an error when
the list is wrong but don't abort the build. We'll abort the build
once we've fixed resolution for 5.0.0 and we can re-add it.
We are upgrading from out of date versions in our tests right now and we
can't fix that because the current versions to upgrade from aren't in
maven central. We'll resolve the resolution issue soon, but for now
let's get the build green.
Since with j`ava-1.8.0-openjdk-`, the OpenJDK packaged for CentOS and OEL override the default value (`false`) for the JVM option `AssumeMP` and force it to `true` (see [this patch](!!java-1.8.0-openjdk.git/ab03fcc7a277355a837dd4c8500f8f90201ea353/SOURCES!always_assumemp.patch))
Because it is forced to true by default for these packages, the following warning message is printed to the standard output when the Vagrant box has only 1 CPU:
> OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: If the number of processors is expected to increase from one, then you should configure the number of parallel GC threads appropriately using -XX:ParallelGCThreads=N
This message will then fail the test introduced in #20422 where we check if no entries have been added to the journal after the service has been started.
This commit restore the default value for the `AssumeMP` option for CentOS and OracleServer.
This commit mutes a check on the output of journalctl after the Elasticsearch's systemd service has been started. It expected no entries in the journal but since OpenJDK build 1.8.0_111-b15 the following warning message is printed:
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: If the number of processors is expected to increase from one, then you should configure the number of parallel GC threads appropriately using -XX:ParallelGCThreads=N
`LocalDiscovery` is a discovery implementation that uses static in memory maps to keep track of current live nodes. This is used extensively in our tests in order to speed up cluster formation (i.e., shortcut the 3 second ping period used by `ZenDiscovery` by default). This is sad as that mean that most of the test run using a different discovery semantics than what is used in production. Instead of replacing the entire discovery logic, we can use a similar approach to only shortcut the pinging components.
This change proposes the removal of all non-tcp transport implementations. The
mock transport can be used by default to run tests instead of local transport that has
roughly the same performance compared to TCP or at least not noticeably slower.
This is a master only change, deprecation notice in 5.x will be committed as a
separate change.
Today when parsing a request, Elasticsearch silently ignores incorrect
(including parameters with typos) or unused parameters. This is bad as
it leads to requests having unintended behavior (e.g., if a user hits
the _analyze API and misspell the "tokenizer" then Elasticsearch will
just use the standard analyzer, completely against intentions).
This commit removes lenient URL parameter parsing. The strategy is
simple: when a request is handled and a parameter is touched, we mark it
as such. Before the request is actually executed, we check to ensure
that all parameters have been consumed. If there are remaining
parameters yet to be consumed, we fail the request with a list of the
unconsumed parameters. An exception has to be made for parameters that
format the response (as opposed to controlling the request); for this
case, handlers are able to provide a list of parameters that should be
excluded from tripping the unconsumed parameters check because those
parameters will be used in formatting the response.
Additionally, some inconsistencies between the parameters in the code
and in the docs are corrected.
Relates #20722
this change adds a hard limit to `index.number_of_shard` that prevents
indices from being created that have more than 1024 shards. This is still
a huge limit and can only be changed via settings a system property.
Today when executing the install plugin command without a plugin id, we
end up throwing an NPE because the plugin id is null yet we just keep
going (ultimatley we try to lookup the null plugin id in a set, the
direct cause of the NPE). This commit modifies the install command so
that a missing plugin id is detected and help is provided to the user.
Relates #20660
When testing tribe nodes in an integration test, we should pass the classpath
plugins of the node down to the tribe client nodes. Without this the tribe client
nodes could be prevented from communicating with the tribes.
Today when CLI tools are executed, logging statements can intentionally
or unintentionally be executed when logging is not configured. This
leads to log messages that the status logger is not configured. This
commit reworks logging configuration for CLI tools so that logging is
always configured.
Relates #20575