to the lucene version is that `discreteMultiValueHighlighting` does default to `true`. Yet
we set this anyway in the HighlightingPhase such that the classes are obsolet.
if a single highlight phrase or term was greater than the fragCharSize producing negative string offsets
The fixed BaseFragListBuilder was added as XSimpleFragListBuilder which triggers an assert once Elasticsearch
upgrades to Lucene 4.3
In order to handle exceptions correctly, when classes are not found, one
needs to handle ClassNotFoundException as well as NoClassDefFoundError
in order to be sure to have caught every possible case. We did not cater
for the latter in ImmutableSettings yet.
This fix is just executing the same logic for both exceptions instead of
simply bubbling up NoClassDefFoundError.
When specifying minimum_should_match in a multi_match query it was being applied
to the outer bool query instead of to each of the inner field-specific bool queries.
If cluster settings are update the REST API returns the accepted values. For
example, updating the `cluster.routing.allocation.disable_allocation` via
cluster settings:
```curl -XPUT http://localhost:9200/_cluster/settings -d '{
will respond:
FieldData is an in-memory representation of the term dictionary in an uninverted form. Under certain circumstances this FieldData representation can grow very large on high-cardinality fields like tokenized full-text. Depending on the use-case filtering the terms that are hold in the FieldData representation can heavily improve execution performance and application stability.
FieldData Filters can be applied on a per-segment basis. During FieldData loading the terms enumeration is passed through a filter predicate that either accepts or rejects a term.
## Frequency Filter
The Frequency Filter acts as a high / low pass filter based on the document frequencies of a certain term within the segment that is loaded into field data. It allows to reject terms that are very high or low frequent based on absolute frequencies or percentages relative to the number of documents in the segment or more precise the number of document that have at least one value in the field that is loaded in the current segment.
Here is an example mapping
Here is an example mapping:
"tweet" : {
"properties" : {
"locale" : {
"type" : "string",
"fielddata" : "format=paged_bytes;filter.frequency.min=0.001;filter.frequency.max=0.1",
"index" : "analyzed",
### Paramters
* `filter.frequency.min` - the minimum document frequency (inclusive) in order to be loaded in to memory. Either a percentage if < `1.0` or an absolute value. `0` if omitted.
* `filter.frequency.max` - the maximum document frequency (inclusive) in order to be loaded in to memory. Either a percentage if < `1.0` or an absolute value. `0` if omitted.
* `filter.frequency.min_segment_size` - the minimum number of documents in a segment in order for the filter to be applied. Small segments might be omitted with this setting.
## Regular Expression Filter
The regular expression filter applies a regular expression to each term during loading and only loads terms into memory that match the given regular expression.
Here is an example mapping:
"tweet" : {
"properties" : {
"locale" : {
"type" : "string",
"fielddata" : "format=paged_bytes;filter.regex=^en_.*",
"index" : "analyzed",