* Params improvements to Cluster Health API wait for shards
Previously, the cluster health API used a strictly numeric value
for `wait_for_active_shards`. However, with the introduction of
ActiveShardCount and the removal of write consistency level for
replication operations, `wait_for_active_shards` is used for
write operations to represent values for ActiveShardCount. This
commit moves the cluster health API's usage of `wait_for_active_shards`
to be consistent with its usage in the write operation APIs.
This commit also changes `wait_for_relocating_shards` from a
numeric value to a simple boolean value `wait_for_no_relocating_shards`
to set whether the cluster health operation should wait for
all relocating shards to complete relocation.
* Addresses code review comments
* Don't be lenient if `wait_for_relocating_shards` is set
Rest test suites are currently only the directory above the yaml test
file. That is confusing when there are more than one directory level
which contain yaml tests, as there are in generated docs tests. This
change makes rest tests use the full relative path to the rest test root
as the suite name, and also makes the test names for docs tests a little
clearer (that they are testing an example from a specific line number,
instead of just the line number as an opaque test name).
Removed null check for token, if we are outside the null it already means it is null.
Fixed typo in comment and remove leftover assignment to unused local variable.
This test is periodically failing. As I suspect that the GCDisruption scheme is somehow making the wrong node block on
its cluster state update thread, I've added some more logging and a thread dump once the given assertion triggers
Adds an explicit recoverySource field to ShardRouting that characterizes the type of recovery to perform:
- fresh empty shard copy
- existing local shard copy
- recover from peer (primary)
- recover from snapshot
- recover from other local shards on same node (shrink index action)
Objects hierarchy must be tracked when entering/leaving an object so that it better knows if the "newField" has been inserted into an arbitrary holding object.
Can be reproduced with gradle :core:test -Dtests.seed=760F8BD0F7E46D45 -Dtests.class=org.elasticsearch.index.query.MoreLikeThisQueryBuilderTests -Dtests.method="testUnknownObjectException" -Dtests.security.manager=true -Dtests.locale=ko -Dtests.timezone=Etc/Zulu
When need to check the whole hierarchy of objects to know if the newly inserted "newField" object is part of an arbitrary holding object or not.
Reproduced with `gradle :modules:percolator:test -Dtests.seed=736B0B67DA7A3632 -Dtests.class=org.elasticsearch.percolator.PercolateQueryBuilderTests -Dtests.method="testUnknownObjectException" -Dtests.security.manager=true -Dtests.locale=es-ES -Dtests.timezone=ART`
This method fails when a randomized string value contains a double-quote. This commit changes the method so that it is not based on string concatenation anymore. It now use XContentGenerator & XContentParser to mutate the valid queries.
Related #19864
This change adds a special field named _none_ that allows to disable the retrieval of the stored fields in a search request or in a TopHitsAggregation.
To completely disable stored fields retrieval (including disabling metadata fields retrieval such as _id or _type) use _none_ like this:
POST _search
"stored_fields": "_none_"
Deprecates the optimize_bbox parameter on geodistance queries. This has no longer been needed since version 2.2 because lucene geo distance queries (postings and LatLonPoint) already optimize by bounding box.
This change converts AllocationDecider registration from push based on
ClusterModule to implementing with a new ClusterPlugin interface.
AllocationDecider instances are allowed to use only Settings and
Adds a class that records changes made to RoutingAllocation, so that at the end of the allocation round other values can be more easily derived based on these changes. Most notably, it:
- replaces the explicit boolean flag that is passed around everywhere to denote changes to the routing table. The boolean flag is automatically updated now when changes actually occur, preventing issues where it got out of sync with actual changes to the routing table.
- records actual changes made to RoutingNodes so that primary term and in-sync allocation ids, which are part of index metadata, can be efficiently updated just by looking at the shards that were actually changed.
In addition to be an allocation decider, DiskThresholdDecider also
monitors the used disk in order to trigger a reroute when the thresholds
are crossed. This change splits out the settings for disk thresholds
into DiskThresholdSettings, and moves the monitoring to a new
DiskThresholdMonitor. DiskThresholdDecider is then in line with other
allocation deciders, needing only Settings and ClusterSettings for
construction, which will allow deguicing allocation deciders.
`LobObtainFailedException` should be reserved for on-disk locks that
Lucene attempts (like `write.lock`). This switches our in-memory
semaphore locks for shards to use a different exception. Additionally,
ShardLockObtainFailedException no longer subclasses IOException, since
no IO is being done is this case.
As the most complicated `FetchSubPhase` highlighting gets its own package
(`o.e.seach.fetch.subphase.highlight`. No other `FetchSubPhase`s get their
own package. Instead they all reside together in `o.e.search.fetch.subphase`.
Add package descriptions to `o.e.search.fetch` and subpackages.
This commit defaults the max local storage nodes to one. The motivation
for this change is that a default value greather than one is dangerous
as users sometimes end up unknowingly starting a second node and start
thinking that they have encountered data loss.
Relates #19964
This commit separates the description of the links in the network that are to be disrupted from the failure that is to be applied to the links (disconnect/unresponsive/delay). Previously we had subclasses for the various kind of network disruption schemes combining on one hand failure mode (disconnect/unresponsive/delay) as well as the network links to cut (two partitions / bridge partitioning) into a single class.
I also reduced the visibility of a couple classes and renamed/consolidated some
test classes for consistency, eg. removing the `Simple` prefix or using the
`<Type>FieldMapperTests` convention for testing field mappers.
testUnknownObjectException used to generate malformed json objects in some cases, due to the existence of arrays as it was not closing the injected object correctly. That is why the test was catching JsonParseException among the exception that are expected to be thrown. That is fixed by tracking where the new object is placed and placing its end object marker to the right level rather than always at the end.
Also introduced a mechanism to explicitly declare objects that won't cause any exception when they get additional objects injected, so that there is no need to override the method anymore as that caused copy pasting of the whole test method. This also makes sure that changes are reflected in tests, as those inner objects are not skipped but we actually check that what is declared is true (no exceptions get thrown when an additional object is added within them.
When compiling many dynamically changing scripts, parameterized
scripts (<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/master/modules-scripting-using.html#prefer-params>)
should be preferred. This enforces a limit to the number of scripts that
can be compiled within a minute. A new dynamic setting is added -
`script.max_compilations_per_minute`, which defaults to 15.
If more dynamic scripts are sent, a user will get the following
"error" : {
"root_cause" : [
"type" : "circuit_breaking_exception",
"reason" : "[script] Too many dynamic script compilations within one minute, max: [15/min]; please use on-disk, indexed, or scripts with parameters instead",
"bytes_wanted" : 0,
"bytes_limit" : 0
"type" : "search_phase_execution_exception",
"reason" : "all shards failed",
"phase" : "query",
"grouped" : true,
"failed_shards" : [
"shard" : 0,
"index" : "i",
"node" : "a5V1eXcZRYiIk8lecjZ4Jw",
"reason" : {
"type" : "general_script_exception",
"reason" : "Failed to compile inline script [\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\"] using lang [painless]",
"caused_by" : {
"type" : "circuit_breaking_exception",
"reason" : "[script] Too many dynamic script compilations within one minute, max: [15/min]; please use on-disk, indexed, or scripts with parameters instead",
"bytes_wanted" : 0,
"bytes_limit" : 0
"caused_by" : {
"type" : "general_script_exception",
"reason" : "Failed to compile inline script [\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\"] using lang [painless]",
"caused_by" : {
"type" : "circuit_breaking_exception",
"reason" : "[script] Too many dynamic script compilations within one minute, max: [15/min]; please use on-disk, indexed, or scripts with parameters instead",
"bytes_wanted" : 0,
"bytes_limit" : 0
"status" : 500
This also fixes a bug in `ScriptService` where requests being executed
concurrently on a single node could cause a script to be compiled
multiple times (many in the case of a powerful node with many shards)
due to no synchronization between checking the cache and compiling the
script. There is now synchronization so that a script being compiled
will only be compiled once regardless of the number of concurrent
searches on a node.
Relates to #19396
Some random operations were conditionally performed in the before test, which made tests not repeatable. For instance take the seed chain to repeat a specific iteration and try to reproduce it, this conditional code would get executed in both cases when trying to isolate the failure, but not among the different iterations (as only the first method/iteration executes it), hence the failure will not reproduce.
Moved the random operations to beforeClass and left the non random part in the before method, which is needed as it depends on some method that can be overridden by subclasses.
This commit cleans up indices in a snapshot repository when all
snapshots containing the index are all deleted. Previously, empty
indices folders would lay around after all snapshots containing
them were deleted.
Adds `warnings` syntax to the yaml test that allows you to expect
a `Warning` header that looks like:
- do:
- '[index] is deprecated'
- quotes are not required because yaml
- but this argument is always a list, never a single string
- no matter how many warnings you expect
index: test
type: test
id: 1
These are accessible from the docs with:
// TEST[warning:some warning]
This should help to force you to update the docs if you deprecate
something. You *must* add the warnings marker to the docs or the build
will fail. While you are there you *should* update the docs to add
deprecation warnings visible in the rendered results.
AbstractQueryTestCase parses the main version of the query in strict mode, meaning that it will fail if any deprecated syntax is used. It should do the same for alternate versions (e.g. short versions). This is the way it is because the two alternate versions for ids query are both deprecated. Moved testing for those to a specific test method that isolates the deprecations and actually tests that the two are deprecated.
Our parsing code accepted up until now queries in the following form (note that the query starts with `[`:
"bool" : [
"must" : []
This would lead to a null pointer exception as most parsers assume that the field name ("must" in this example) is the first thing that can be found in a query if its json is valid, hence always non null while parsing. Truth is that the additional array layer doesn't make the json invalid, hence the following code fragment would cause NPE within ParseField, because null gets passed to `parseContext.isDeprecatedSetting`:
if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
currentFieldName = parser.currentName();
} else if (parseContext.isDeprecatedSetting(currentFieldName)) {
// skip
} else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) {
We could add null checks in each of our parsers in lots of places, but we rely on `currentFieldName` being non null in all of our parsers, and we should consider it a bug when these unexpected situations are not caught explicitly. It would be best to find a way to prevent such queries altogether without changing all of our parsers.
The reason why such a query goes through is that we've been allowing a query to start with either `[` or `{`. The only reason I found is that we accept `match_all : []`. This seems like an undocumented corner case that we could drop support for. Then we can be stricter and accept only `{` as start token of a query. That way the only next token that the parser can encounter if the json is valid (otherwise the json parser would barf earlier) is actually a field_name, hence the assumption that all our parser makes hold.
The downside of this is simply dropping support for `match_all : []`
Relates to #12887
> Throwable #1: java.lang.AssertionError: expected [2xx] status code but api [reindex] returned [400 Bad Request] [{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"parsing_exception","reason":"[reindex] failed to parse field [dest]","line":1,"col":25}],"type":"parsing_exception","reason":"[reindex] failed to parse field [dest]","line":1,"col":25,"caused_by":{"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"[dest] unknown field [asdfadf], parser not found"}},"status":400}]
> at __randomizedtesting.SeedInfo.seed([9325F8C5C6F227DD:1B71C71F680E4A25]:0)
> at org.elasticsearch.test.rest.yaml.section.DoSection.execute(DoSection.java:119)
> at org.elasticsearch.test.rest.yaml.ESClientYamlSuiteTestCase.test(ESClientYamlSuiteTestCase.java:309)
> at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
> Throwable #1: java.lang.AssertionError: Failure at [reindex/10_basic:12]: expected [2xx] status code but api [reindex] returned [400 Bad Request] [{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"parsing_exception","reason":"[reindex] failed to parse field [dest]","line":1,"col":25}],"type":"parsing_exception","reason":"[reindex] failed to parse field [dest]","line":1,"col":25,"caused_by":{"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"[dest] unknown field [asdfadf], parser not found"}},"status":400}]
> at __randomizedtesting.SeedInfo.seed([444DEEAF47322306:CC19D175E9CE4EFE]:0)
> at org.elasticsearch.test.rest.yaml.ESClientYamlSuiteTestCase.executeSection(ESClientYamlSuiteTestCase.java:329)
> at org.elasticsearch.test.rest.yaml.ESClientYamlSuiteTestCase.test(ESClientYamlSuiteTestCase.java:309)
> at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
> Caused by: java.lang.AssertionError: expected [2xx] status code but api [reindex] returned [400 Bad Request] [{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"parsing_exception","reason":"[reindex] failed to parse field [dest]","line":1,"col":25}],"type":"parsing_exception","reason":"[reindex] failed to parse field [dest]","line":1,"col":25,"caused_by":{"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"[dest] unknown field [asdfadf], parser not found"}},"status":400}]
> at org.elasticsearch.test.rest.yaml.section.DoSection.execute(DoSection.java:119)
> at org.elasticsearch.test.rest.yaml.ESClientYamlSuiteTestCase.executeSection(ESClientYamlSuiteTestCase.java:325)
> ... 37 more
Sorry for the longer stack trace, but I wanted to be sure I didn't throw
anything away by accident.
Currently any code that wants to added NamedWriteables to the
NamedWriteableRegistry can do so via guice injection of the registry,
and registering at construction time. However, this makes the registry
complex: it has both get and register methods synchronized, and there is
likely contention on the read side from multiple threads. The
registration has mostly already been contained to guice modules at node
construction time.
This change makes the registry immutable, taking all of the
NamedWriteable readers at construction time. It also allows plugins to
added arbitrary named writables that it may use in its own transport
conform with the requirements of the writeBlob method by
throwing a FileAlreadyExistsException if attempting to write
to a blob that already exists. This change means implementations
of BlobContainer should never overwrite blobs - to overwrite a
blob, it must first be deleted and then can be written again.