If a project is pulling in an external org.elasticsearch dependency, the dependency
report generation would require a license file for the dependency to be present.
This would break precommit because a license was present that it did not feel was
warranted. This un-reverts the update to the dependenciesInfo task, as well as the
JNA license addition.
* Update the JLine dependency to 3.14.1
Update the JLine dependency from 3.10.0 to 3.14.1.
(cherry picked from commit c2d9b74046fa5ddb54604da3afa7887cc38548a1)
Upgrade JLine to 3.10.0
Switch to using JLine granular jars instead of the uber-one
Remove Jansi dependency (due to errors in closing streams)
Pin JNA dependency to our own artifact
(cherry picked from commit 9afa65fa80111f3b68c13373c7b6db13c11dde31)