An index template for the '.ingest' index is required because:
* We don't want arbitrary fields in pipeline documents, because that can turn into upgrade problems if we add more properties to the pipeline dsl.
* We know what are the usages are of the '.ingest' index, so we can optimize for that and prevent that this index is used for different purposes.
This changes a couple of things:
Mappings are truly immutable. Before, each field mapper stored a
MappedFieldTypeReference that was shared across fields that have the same name
across types. This means that a mapping update could have the side-effect of
changing the field type in other types when updateAllTypes is true. This works
differently now: after a mapping update, a new copy of the mappings is created
in such a way that fields across different types have the same MappedFieldType.
See the new Mapper.updateFieldType API which replaces MappedFieldTypeReference.
DocumentMapper is now immutable and MapperService.merge has been refactored in
such a way that if an exception is thrown while eg. lookup structures are being
updated, then the whole mapping update will be aborted. As a consequence,
FieldTypeLookup's checkCompatibility has been folded into copyAndAddAll.
Synchronization was simplified: given that mappings are truly immutable, we
don't need the read/write lock so that no documents can be parsed while a
mapping update is being processed. Document parsing is not performed under a
lock anymore, and mapping merging uses a simple synchronized block.
This adds the required changes/checks so that the build can run on
There are a few things that differ between FreeBSD and Linux:
- CPU probes return -1 for CPU usage
- `hot_threads` cannot be supported on FreeBSD
From OpenJDK's `os_bsd.cpp`:
bool os::is_thread_cpu_time_supported() {
#ifdef __APPLE__
return true;
return false;
So this API now returns (for each FreeBSD node):
curl -s localhost:9200/_nodes/hot_threads
::: {Devil Hunter Gabriel}{q8OJnKCcQS6EB9fygU4R4g}{}{}
hot_threads is not supported on FreeBSD
- multicast fails in native `join` method - known bug:
Which causes:
1> Caused by: Invalid argument
1> at Method)
1> at
1> at
1> at org.elasticsearch.plugin.discovery.multicast.MulticastChannel$Plain.buildMulticastSocket(
So these tests are skipped on FreeBSD.
both processors and pipelines now have the ability to define
a separate list of processors to be executed if the original line
of execution throws an Exception.
processors without an on_failure parameter defined will throw an
exception and exit the pipeline immediately. processors with on_failure
defined will catch the exception and allow for further processors to
run. Exceptions within the on_failure block will be treated the same as
the top-level.
The append processor allows to append one or more values to an existing list; add a new list with the provided values if the field doesn't exist yet, or convert an existing scalar into a list and add the provided values to the newly created list.
This required adapting of IngestDocument#appendFieldValue behaviour, also added support for templating to it.
DocumentMapperParser has both parse and parseCompressed methods. Except that the
parse methods are ONLY used from the unit tests. This commit removes the parse
method and moves all tests to parseCompressed so that they test more
realistically how mappings are managed.
Then I renamed parseCompressed to parse given that this is the only alternative