In #12853 we actually introduced a test regression. Now as we wait for yellow instead of green, we might have some pending tasks.
This commit simplify all that and only checks the number of nodes within the cluster.
Indeed, we check within the test suite that we have not unassigned shards.
But when the test starts on my machine I get:
[elasticsearch] [2015-08-13 12:03:18,801][INFO ][org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.allocation.decider] [Kehl of Tauran] low disk watermark [85%] exceeded on [eLujVjWAQ8OHdhscmaf0AQ][Jackhammer] free: 59.8gb[12.8%], replicas will not be assigned to this node
2> REPRODUCE WITH: mvn verify -Pdev -Dskip.unit.tests -Dtests.seed=2AE3A3B7B13CE3D6 -Dtests.class=org.elasticsearch.smoketest.SmokeTestMultiIT -Dtests.method="test {yaml=smoke_test_multinode/10_basic/cluster health basic test, one index}" -Des.logger.level=ERROR -Dtests.assertion.disabled=false -Dtests.heap.size=512m -Dtests.locale=ar_YE -Dtests.timezone=Asia/Hong_Kong
FAILURE 38.5s | SmokeTestMultiIT.test {yaml=smoke_test_multinode/10_basic/cluster health basic test, one index} <<<
> Throwable #1: java.lang.AssertionError: expected [2xx] status code but api [] returned [408 Request Timeout] [{"cluster_name":"prepare_release","status":"yellow","timed_out":true,"number_of_nodes":2,"number_of_data_nodes":2,"active_primary_shards":3,"active_shards":3,"relocating_shards":0,"initializing_shards":0,"unassigned_shards":3,"delayed_unassigned_shards":0,"number_of_pending_tasks":0,"number_of_in_flight_fetch":0,"task_max_waiting_in_queue_millis":0,"active_shards_percent_as_number":50.0}]
We don't check anymore if we have unassigned shards and we wait for `yellow` status instead of `green`.
This move the `murmur3` field to the `mapper-murmur3` plugin and fixes its
defaults so that values will not be indexed by default, as the only purpose
of this field is to speed up `cardinality` aggregations on high-cardinality
string fields, which only requires doc values.
I also removed the `rehash` option from the `cardinality` aggregation as it
doesn't bring much value (rehashing is cheap) and allowed to remove the
coupling between the `cardinality` aggregation and the `murmur3` field.
In the bats test ES_CLEAN_BEFORE_TEST was used to clean the environment
before running the tests. Unfortunately the tests don't work unless you
specify it every time. This removes that option and always runs the clean.
Build fails with maven 3.3.1 and 3.3.3. To reproduce, install one of the 3.3.x versions of maven and run `mvn clean verify` in the root directory of the project. The build will fail in the QA: Smoke Test Shaded Jar module with the following error:
Started J0 PID(99979@flea.local).
Suite: org.elasticsearch.shaded.test.ShadedIT
2> NOTE: reproduce with: ant test -Dtestcase=ShadedIT -Dtests.method=testJodaIsNotOnTheCP -Dtests.seed=2F4D23A7462CF921 -Dtests.locale= -Dtests.timezone=Asia/Baku -Dtests.asserts=true -Dtests.file.encoding=UTF-8
FAILURE 0.06s | ShadedIT.testJodaIsNotOnTheCP <<<
> Throwable #1: junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected an exception but the test passed: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
> at __randomizedtesting.SeedInfo.seed([2F4D23A7462CF921:3A9404F1F69FD80]:0)
> at
> at
2> NOTE: reproduce with: ant test -Dtestcase=ShadedIT -Dtests.method=testGuavaIsNotOnTheCP -Dtests.seed=2F4D23A7462CF921 -Dtests.locale= -Dtests.timezone=Asia/Baku -Dtests.asserts=true -Dtests.file.encoding=UTF-8
FAILURE 0.01s | ShadedIT.testGuavaIsNotOnTheCP <<<
> Throwable #1: junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected an exception but the test passed: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
> at __randomizedtesting.SeedInfo.seed([2F4D23A7462CF921:C2502FD54D83433D]:0)
> at
> at
2> NOTE: reproduce with: ant test -Dtestcase=ShadedIT -Dtests.method=testjsr166eIsNotOnTheCP -Dtests.seed=2F4D23A7462CF921 -Dtests.locale= -Dtests.timezone=Asia/Baku -Dtests.asserts=true -Dtests.file.encoding=UTF-8
FAILURE 0.01s | ShadedIT.testjsr166eIsNotOnTheCP <<<
> Throwable #1: junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected an exception but the test passed: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
> at __randomizedtesting.SeedInfo.seed([2F4D23A7462CF921:35593286F4269392]:0)
> at
> at
2> NOTE: leaving temporary files on disk at: /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Home/workspace/elasticsearch-master/qa/smoke-test-shaded/target/J0/temp/org.elasticsearch.shaded.test.ShadedIT_2F4D23A7462CF921-001
2> NOTE: test params are: codec=CheapBastard, sim=DefaultSimilarity, locale=, timezone=Asia/Baku
2> NOTE: Mac OS X 10.10.4 x86_64/Oracle Corporation 1.8.0_25 (64-bit)/cpus=8,threads=1,free=482137936,total=514850816
2> NOTE: All tests run in this JVM: [ShadedIT]
Completed [1/1] in 6.61s, 5 tests, 3 failures <<< FAILURES!
Tests with failures:
- org.elasticsearch.shaded.test.ShadedIT.testJodaIsNotOnTheCP
- org.elasticsearch.shaded.test.ShadedIT.testGuavaIsNotOnTheCP
- org.elasticsearch.shaded.test.ShadedIT.testjsr166eIsNotOnTheCP
Please note that build doesn't fail with maven 3.2.x and it doesn't fail if mvn command is executed inside the qa/smoke-test-shaded directory. Only when the build is started from the root directory the error above can be observed.
The reason is because of the shaded version which depends on elasticsearch core.
When Maven build the module only, then elasticsearch core is not added to the dependency tree.
mvn dependency:tree -pl :smoke-test-shaded
[INFO] --- maven-dependency-plugin:2.8:tree (default-cli) @ smoke-test-shaded ---
[INFO] +- org.elasticsearch.distribution.shaded:elasticsearch:jar:2.0.0-beta1-SNAPSHOT:compile
[INFO] | +- org.apache.lucene:lucene-core:jar:5.2.1:compile
[INFO] | +- org.apache.lucene:lucene-backward-codecs:jar:5.2.1:compile
[INFO] | +- org.apache.lucene:lucene-analyzers-common:jar:5.2.1:compile
[INFO] | +- org.apache.lucene:lucene-queries:jar:5.2.1:compile
[INFO] | +- org.apache.lucene:lucene-memory:jar:5.2.1:compile
[INFO] | +- org.apache.lucene:lucene-highlighter:jar:5.2.1:compile
[INFO] | +- org.apache.lucene:lucene-queryparser:jar:5.2.1:compile
[INFO] | +- org.apache.lucene:lucene-sandbox:jar:5.2.1:compile
[INFO] | +- org.apache.lucene:lucene-suggest:jar:5.2.1:compile
[INFO] | +- org.apache.lucene:lucene-misc:jar:5.2.1:compile
[INFO] | +- org.apache.lucene:lucene-join:jar:5.2.1:compile
[INFO] | +- org.apache.lucene:lucene-grouping:jar:5.2.1:compile
[INFO] | +- org.apache.lucene:lucene-spatial:jar:5.2.1:compile
[INFO] | \- com.spatial4j:spatial4j:jar:0.4.1:compile
[INFO] +- org.hamcrest:hamcrest-all:jar:1.3:test
[INFO] \- org.apache.lucene:lucene-test-framework:jar:5.2.1:test
[INFO] +- org.apache.lucene:lucene-codecs:jar:5.2.1:test
[INFO] +- com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting:randomizedtesting-runner:jar:2.1.16:test
[INFO] +- junit:junit:jar:4.11:test
[INFO] \- org.apache.ant🐜jar:1.8.2:test
But if shaded plugin is involved during the build, it modifies the `projectArtifactMap`:
mvn dependency:tree -pl org.elasticsearch.distribution.shaded:elasticsearch,:smoke-test-shaded
[INFO] --- maven-dependency-plugin:2.8:tree (default-cli) @ smoke-test-shaded ---
[INFO] +- org.elasticsearch.distribution.shaded:elasticsearch:jar:2.0.0-beta1-SNAPSHOT:compile
[INFO] | \- org.elasticsearch:elasticsearch:jar:2.0.0-beta1-SNAPSHOT:compile
[INFO] | +- org.apache.lucene:lucene-backward-codecs:jar:5.2.1:compile
[INFO] | +- org.apache.lucene:lucene-analyzers-common:jar:5.2.1:compile
[INFO] | +- org.apache.lucene:lucene-queries:jar:5.2.1:compile
[INFO] | +- org.apache.lucene:lucene-memory:jar:5.2.1:compile
[INFO] | +- org.apache.lucene:lucene-highlighter:jar:5.2.1:compile
[INFO] | +- org.apache.lucene:lucene-queryparser:jar:5.2.1:compile
[INFO] | | \- org.apache.lucene:lucene-sandbox:jar:5.2.1:compile
[INFO] | +- org.apache.lucene:lucene-suggest:jar:5.2.1:compile
[INFO] | | \- org.apache.lucene:lucene-misc:jar:5.2.1:compile
[INFO] | +- org.apache.lucene:lucene-join:jar:5.2.1:compile
[INFO] | | \- org.apache.lucene:lucene-grouping:jar:5.2.1:compile
[INFO] | +- org.apache.lucene:lucene-spatial:jar:5.2.1:compile
[INFO] | | \- com.spatial4j:spatial4j:jar:0.4.1:compile
[INFO] | +-
[INFO] | +- com.carrotsearch:hppc:jar:0.7.1:compile
[INFO] | +- joda-time:joda-time:jar:2.8:compile
[INFO] | +- org.joda:joda-convert:jar:1.2:compile
[INFO] | +- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:jar:2.5.3:compile
[INFO] | +- com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-smile:jar:2.5.3:compile
[INFO] | +- com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-yaml:jar:2.5.3:compile
[INFO] | | \- org.yaml:snakeyaml:jar:1.12:compile
[INFO] | +- com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-cbor:jar:2.5.3:compile
[INFO] | +- io.netty:netty:jar:3.10.3.Final:compile
[INFO] | +- com.ning:compress-lzf:jar:1.0.2:compile
[INFO] | +- com.tdunning:t-digest:jar:3.0:compile
[INFO] | +- org.hdrhistogram:HdrHistogram:jar:2.1.6:compile
[INFO] | +- org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:jar:3.3.2:compile
[INFO] | +- commons-cli:commons-cli:jar:1.3.1:compile
[INFO] | \- com.twitter:jsr166e:jar:1.1.0:compile
[INFO] +- org.hamcrest:hamcrest-all:jar:1.3:test
[INFO] \- org.apache.lucene:lucene-test-framework:jar:5.2.1:test
[INFO] +- org.apache.lucene:lucene-codecs:jar:5.2.1:test
[INFO] +- org.apache.lucene:lucene-core:jar:5.2.1:compile
[INFO] +- com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting:randomizedtesting-runner:jar:2.1.16:test
[INFO] +- junit:junit:jar:4.11:test
[INFO] \- org.apache.ant🐜jar:1.8.2:test
A fix could consist of fixing something on Maven side. Probably something changed in a recent version and introduced this "issue" but it might be not really an issue. More a fix.
There are two workarounds:
1) exclude manually elasticsearch core from shaded version in smoke-test-shaded module and add manually each lucene lib needed by elasticsearch
2) add a new `elasticsearch-lucene` (lucene) POM module which simply declares all needed lucene libs in subprojects (such as the smoke tester one).
I choose the later.
This adds the infrastrucutre to run integration tests with more than one node.
* it adds relevant macros and targets to integration-tests.xml to start unicast nodes
* there is a qa/smoke-test-multinode project that simulates such a setup
this commit is soely the infrastructure and doesn't hook up any projects to use this.
For reliability and stability reasons this should be used with care and only if it's really
the default classloader. It had all kinds of leniency in how the
classname was found, and simply cannot work with plugins having isolated
This change removes that method. Some of the uses of it were for custom
extension points, like custom repository or discovery types. A lot were
just there to plugin mock implementations for tests. For the settings
that were legitimate, all now support plugins adding the given setting
via onModule. For those that were specific to tests for mocks, they now
use Classes.loadClass (a helper around Class.forName). This is a
temporary measure until (in a future PR) tests can change the
implementation via package private statics.
I also removed a number of unnecessary intermediate modules, added a
"jvm-example" plugin that can be filled in in the future as a smoke test
for breaking plugins, and gave some documentation to "spawn" modules
If we run the tests as a reactor build we reference the dependencies
before they are shaded. This causes problems since we verify that unshaded versions
of a transitive dependency is not present. This commit moves the verification tests
into the integration test that always runs with the shaded version of the jar.
This creates a module in qa called vagrant that can be run if you have
vagrant and virtualbox installed and will run the packaging tests in trusty
and centos-7.0. You can ask it to run tests in other linuxes. This is the full
* precise aka Ubuntu 12.04
* trusty aka Ubuntu 14.04
* vivid aka Ubuntun 15.04
* wheezy aka Debian 7, the current debian oldstable distribution
* jessie aka Debian 8, the current debina stable distribution
* centos-6
* centos-7
* fedora-22
* oel-7
There is lots of documentation on how to do this in the TESTING.asciidoc.
Moved the license checker config into the parent pom, and overrede
the license dir/target-to-check in distributions/pom.
Disabled the license checker explicitly for projects which run integration
tests but have no licenses dir:
* core
* distribution
* qa
* plugins/delete-by-query
* plugins/mapper-size
* plugins/site-example
this commit adds a simple integration test that starts a
node from a shaded jar, indexes a doc and retrieves it. It
also has some basic unittests that try to load shaded classes and ensure
that their counterpart is not in the classpath.
This is one of our esoteric metadata mappers so I think we should distribute
it in a plugin rather than in elasticsearch core.
This introduces one limitation: the value of the `_size` parameter is not
retrievable for documents that are only in the transaction log.
We have a, but its a bit slow, not integrated
into our build, etc.
I converted this into an integration test. It is definitely uglier
but more robust and fast (e.g. 20 seconds time to verify).
Also there is refactoring of existing integ tests logic, like printing
out commands we execute and stuff