This commit removes and now forbids all uses of across the codebase. This is one of
many steps in the eventual removal of Guava as a dependency.
Relates #13224
graduate this from a hack for insecure plugins to something we can
live with for per-module/plugin permissions, it now works reasonably
in unit tests and with Intellij and Eclipse IDEs.
remove security warnings: we will deal with these issues in a secure
way, if we cannot, then the plugin shouldn't be in our core codebase.
This is the more sheisty business along the same lines as
1 hour total adding the real functionality, days of wasted time
on simulated fake functionality to satisfy our crazy test framework...
I debugged on the problematic jenkins machine and I think issues are
from parsing the classpath and URL normalization etc (trailing slashes
vs not, etc in URLs). So I simplifed the code, to remove this completely,
inverting the logic so we just use an exclusion list instead of inclusion one.
I also allow tests for these plugins to run from the IDE (works at least for eclipse) too.
At least for eclipse this is even less realistic as it piles all the code (src and test)
into a single codebase, but it means you can *use it* and you just have to run mvn verify
before pushing as always. And as always... best effort.
Removes an esoteric `apt-get update` variant used in Vagrantfile that was
causing only parts of the apt repository to update. That was the point of
the command but when it would leave the repository only half built which
made installing anything but Java difficult. The speed isn't worth the
A JTS bug causes a misinterpretation of polygon coordinates leading to an unhelpful "geom" AssertionError. While this assertion occurs approx 0.02% of the time it can lead to a misleading test failure. This patch catches the geom assertion and retries randomShapeCreation. For safety a threshold is set to prevent unlimited retrying - though 1 retry is typically sufficient for correcting the invalid shape.
With 2.0, we now bind to `localhost` by default instead of binding to the network card and use its IP address.
When the discovery plugin gets from Azure API the list of nodes that should form the cluster, this list is pinged then. But as each node is bound to `localhost`, ping does not get an answer and the node elects itself as the master node.
We don't have a plugin .zip for unit tests, so we can't do it
correctly. But we can approximate it better, so that if code
is simply missing an AccessController block at least tests will fail.
Classnames change quickly due to refactorings etc. If that happens in a minor release
we loose the ability to deserialize the exceptoin coming from another node sicne we today
look it up by classname. This change uses a dedicated static id instead of the classname
to lookup the actual class.