This suite still fails one per week sometimes with a worrying assertion.
Sadly we are still unable to find the actual source.
Expected: <SeqNoStats{maxSeqNo=229, localCheckpoint=86, globalCheckpoint=86}>
but: was <SeqNoStats{maxSeqNo=229, localCheckpoint=-1, globalCheckpoint=86}>
This change enables trace log in the suite so we will have a better
picture if this fails again.
Relates #3333
This PR removes the temporary change we made to the yml test harness in #37285
to automatically set `include_type_name` to `true` in index creation requests
if it's not already specified. This is possible now that the vast majority of
index creation requests were updated to be typeless in #37611. A few additional
tests also needed updating here.
Additionally, this PR updates the test harness to set `include_type_name` to
`false` in index creation requests when communicating with 6.x nodes. This
mirrors the logic added in #37611 to allow for typeless document write requests
in test set-up code. With this update in place, we can remove many references
to `include_type_name: false` from the yml tests.
Unlike assertBusy, awaitBusy does not retry if the code-block throws an
AssertionError. A refresh in atLeastDocsIndexed can fail because we call
this method while we are closing some node in FollowerFailOverIT.
Currently we use the raw byte array length when calling the IndexInput
read call to determine how many bytes we want to read. However, due to
how BigArrays works, the array length might be longer than the reference
length. This commit fixes the issue and uses the BytesRef length when
calling read. Additionally, it expands the index follow test to index
many more documents. These documents should potentially lead to large
enough segment files to trigger scenarios where this fix matters.
Scheduler.schedule(...) would previously assume that caller handles
exception by calling get() on the returned ScheduledFuture.
schedule() now returns a ScheduledCancellable that no longer gives
access to the exception. Instead, any exception thrown out of a
scheduled Runnable is logged as a warning.
This is a continuation of #28667, #36137 and also fixes#37708.
This commit allows implementors of the `HandledTransportAction` to
specify what thread the action should be executed on. The motivation for
this commit is that certain CCR requests should be performed on the
generic threadpool.
This fixes#38027. Currently we assert that all shards have failed.
However, it is possible that some shards do not have segement files
created yet. The action that we block is fetching these segement files
so it is possible that some shards successfully recover.
This commit changes the assertion to ensure that at least some of the
shards have failed.
This commit fixes a potential race in the IndexFollowingIT. Currently it
is possible that we fetch the task metadata, it is null, and that throws
a null pointer exception. Assertbusy does not catch null pointer
exceptions. This commit assertions that the metadata is not null.
This is related to #35975. It adds a action timeout setting that allows
timeouts to be applied to the individual transport actions that are
used during a ccr recovery.
This commit modifies the put follow index action to use a
CcrRepository when creating a follower index. It routes
the logic through the snapshot/restore process. A
wait_for_active_shards parameter can be used to configure
how long to wait before returning the response.
In order to support JSON log format, a custom pattern layout was used and its configuration is enclosed in ESJsonLayout. Users are free to use their own patterns, but if smooth Beats integration is needed, they should use ESJsonLayout. EvilLoggerTests are left intact to make sure user's custom log patterns work fine.
To populate additional fields and cluster.uuid which are not available at start time,
a cluster state update will have to be received and the values passed to log4j pattern converter.
A ClusterStateObserver.Listener is used to receive only one ClusteStateUpdate. Once update is received the nodeId and clusterUUid are set in a static field in a NodeAndClusterIdConverter.
Following fields are expected in JSON log lines: type, tiemstamp, level, component,,,, cluster.uuid, message, stacktrace
see for more details and field descriptions
Docker log4j2 configuration is now almost the same as the one use for ES binary.
The only difference is that docker is using console appenders, whereas ES is using file appenders.
relates: #32850
If the index request is executed before the mapping update is applied on
the IndexShard, the index request will perform a dynamic mapping update.
This mapping update will be timeout (i.e, ProcessClusterEventTimeoutException)
because the latch is not open. This leads to the failure of the index
request and the test. This commit makes sure the mapping is ready
before we execute the index request.
* Changed `LuceneSnapshot` to throw an `OperationsMissingException` if the requested ops are missing.
* Changed the shard changes api to handle the `OperationsMissingException` and wrap the exception into `ResourceNotFound` exception and include metadata to indicate the requested range can no longer be retrieved.
* Changed `ShardFollowNodeTask` to handle this `ResourceNotFound` exception with the included metdata header.
Relates to #35975
Replace `threadPool().schedule()` / catch
`EsRejectedExecutionException` pattern with direct calls to
The TransportUnfollowAction updates the index settings but does not
increase the settings version to reflect that change.
This issue has been caught while working on the replication of closed
indices (#33888). The IndexFollowingIT.testUnfollowIndex() started to
fail and this specific assertion tripped. It does not happen on master
branch today because index metadata for closed indices are never
updated in IndexService instances, but this is something that is going
to change with the replication of closed indices.
Today, the mapping on the follower is managed and replicated from its
leader index by the ShardFollowTask. Thus, we should prevent users
from modifying the mapping on the follower indices.
Relates #30086
The filtering by follower index was completely broken.
Also the wrong persistent tasks were selected, causing the
wrong status to be reported.
Today we keep the mapping on the follower in sync with the leader's
using the mapping version from changes requests. There are two rare
cases where the mapping on the follower is not synced properly:
1. The returned mapping version (from ClusterService) is outdated than
the actual mapping. This happens because we expose the latest cluster
state in ClusterService after applying it to IndexService.
2. It's possible for the FollowTask to receive an outdated mapping than
the min_required_mapping. In that case, it should fetch the mapping
again; otherwise, the follower won't have the right mapping.
Relates to #31140
The integ tests currently use the raw zip project name as the
distribution type. This commit simplifies this specification to be
"default" or "oss". Whether zip or tar is used should be an internal
implementation detail of the integ test setup, which can (in the future)
be platform specific.
Currently we add the CcrRestoreSourceService as a index event
listener. However, if ccr is disabled, this service is null and we
attempt to add a null listener throwing an exception. This commit only
adds the listener if ccr is enabled.
This is related to #35975. This commit adds timeout functionality to
the local session on a leader node. When a session is started, a timeout
is scheduled using a repeatable runnable. If the session is not accessed
in between two runs the session is closed. When the sssion is closed,
the repeating task is cancelled.
Additionally, this commit moves session uuid generation to the leader
cluster. And renames the PutCcrRestoreSessionRequest to
StartCcrRestoreSessionRequest to reflect that change.
* Add ccr follow info api
This api returns all follower indices and per follower index
the provided parameters at put follow / resume follow time and
whether index following is paused or active.
* iter
* [DOCS] Edits the get follower info API
* [DOCS] Fixes link to remote cluster
* [DOCS] Clarifies descriptions for configured parameters
Commit #37535 removed an internal restore request in favor of the
RestoreSnapshotRequest. Commit #37449 added a new test that used the
internal restore request. This commit modifies the new test to use the
The AbstracLifecycleComponent used to extend AbstractComponent, so it had to pass settings to the constractor of its supper class.
It no longer extends the AbstractComponent so there is no need for this constructor
There is also no need for AbstracLifecycleComponent subclasses to have Settings in their constructors if they were only passing it over to super constructor.
This is part 1. which will be backported to 6.x with a migration guide/deprecation log.
part 2 will have this constructor removed in 7
relates #35560
relates #34488
Currently when there are no more auto follow patterns for a remote cluster then
the AutoFollower instance for this remote cluster will be removed. If
a new auto follow pattern for this remote cluster gets added quickly enough
after the last delete then there may be two AutoFollower instance running
for this remote cluster instead of one.
Each AutoFollower instance stops automatically after it sees in the
start() method that there are no more auto follow patterns for the
remote cluster it is tracking. However when an auto follow pattern
gets removed and then added back quickly enough then old AutoFollower
may never detect that at some point there were no auto follow patterns
for the remote cluster it is monitoring. The creation and removal of
an AutoFollower instance happens independently in the `updateAutoFollowers()`
as part of a cluster state update.
By adding the `removed` field, an AutoFollower instance will not miss the
fact there were no auto follow patterns at some point in time. The
`updateAutoFollowers()` method now marks an AutoFollower instance as
removed when it sees that there are no more patterns for a remote cluster.
The updateAutoFollowers() method can then safely start a new AutoFollower
Relates to #36761
* Default include_type_name to false for get and put mappings.
* Default include_type_name to false for get field mappings.
* Add a constant for the default include_type_name value.
* Default include_type_name to false for get and put index templates.
* Default include_type_name to false for create index.
* Update create index calls in REST documentation to use include_type_name=true.
* Some minor clean-ups around the get index API.
* In REST tests, use include_type_name=true by default for index creation.
* Make sure to use 'expression == false'.
* Clarify the different IndexTemplateMetaData toXContent methods.
* Fix FullClusterRestartIT#testSnapshotRestore.
* Fix the ml_anomalies_default_mappings test.
* Fix GetFieldMappingsResponseTests and GetIndexTemplateResponseTests.
We make sure to specify include_type_name=true during xContent parsing,
so we continue to test the legacy typed responses. XContent generation
for the typeless responses is currently only covered by REST tests,
but we will be adding unit test coverage for these as we implement
each typeless API in the Java HLRC.
This commit also refactors GetMappingsResponse to follow the same appraoch
as the other mappings-related responses, where we read include_type_name
out of the xContent params, instead of creating a second toXContent method.
This gives better consistency in the response parsing code.
* Fix more REST tests.
* Improve some wording in the create index documentation.
* Add a note about types removal in the create index docs.
* Fix SmokeTestMonitoringWithSecurityIT#testHTTPExporterWithSSL.
* Make sure to mention include_type_name in the REST docs for affected APIs.
* Make sure to use 'expression == false' in FullClusterRestartIT.
* Mention include_type_name in the REST templates docs.
This is related to #35975. It implements a file based restore in the
CcrRepository. The restore transfers files from the leader cluster
to the follower cluster. It does not implement any advanced resiliency
features at the moment. Any request failure will end the restore.
Fail with a 403 when indexing a document directly into a follower index.
In order to test this change, I had to move specific assertions into a dedicated class and
disable assertions for that class in the rest qa module. I think that is the right trade off.
If a running shard follow task needs to be restarted and
the remote connection seeds have changed then
a shard follow task currently fails with a fatal error.
The change creates the remote client lazily and adjusts
the errors a shard follow task should retry.
This issue was found in test failures in the recently added
ccr rolling upgrade tests. The reason why this issue occurs
more frequently in the rolling upgrade test is because ccr
is setup in local mode (so remote connection seed will become stale) and
all nodes are restarted, which forces the shard follow tasks to get
restarted at some point during the test. Note that these tests
cannot be enabled yet, because this change will need to be backported
to 6.x first. (otherwise the issue still occurs on non upgraded nodes)
I also changed the RestartIndexFollowingIT to setup remote cluster
via persistent settings and to also restart the leader cluster. This
way what happens during the ccr rolling upgrade qa tests, also happens
in this test.
Relates to #37231
This commit implements a straightforward approach to retention lease
expiration. Namely, we inspect which leases are expired when obtaining
the current leases through the replication tracker. At that moment, we
clean the map that persists the retention leases in memory.