This commit updates the documentation for GeoPointField by removing all references to the coerce and doc_values parameters. DocValues are enabled in lucene GeoPointField by default (required for boundary filtering). The QueryBuilders are updated to automatically normalize points (ignoring the coerce parameter) for any index created onOrAfter version 2.2.
With this commit we deprecate the widely misunderstood
fuzzy query but will still allow the fuzziness
parameter in match queries and suggesters.
Relates to #15760
* Remove remaining 1.x bwc logic.
* Stop storing stored fields and indexed terms. The _parent field's only purpose is to support joins between parent and child type and only storing doc values is sufficient.
* In the mapping the parent field mapper is now known under '{parent}#{child}' key, because this is the field the parent/child join uses too.
* Added new sub fetch phase to lookup that _parent field from doc values field if that is required (before this was fetched from stored _parent field)
* Removed the ability to query directly on `_parent` in the query dsl. Instead the `{parent}#{child}` field should be used. Under the hood a doc values query is used instead of a term query, because only doc values fields are stored now.
* Added a new `parent_id` query to easily query child documents with a specific parent id without having to know what join field to use
* Also in aggregations `_parent` field can't be used any more and `{parent}#{child}` field name should be used instead to aggregate directly on the _parent join field.
This commit adds the following:
* SpatialStrategy documentation to the geo-shape reference docs.
* Updates relation documentation to geo-shape-query reference docs.
* Updates GeoShapeFiledMapper to set points_only to true if TERM strategy is used (to be consistent with documentation)
As a replacement use ExistsQueryBuilder inside a mustNot() clause.
So instead of using `new ExistsQueryBuilder(name)` now use:
`new BoolQueryBuilder().mustNot(new ExistsQueryBuilder(name))`.
In the example we show an `exists` query inside a constant score query. While this is possible, it can mislead users to think it is necessary so we should remove it.
At the time of geo_shape query conception, CONTAINS was not yet a supported spatial operation in Lucene. Since it is now available this commit adds ShapeRelation.CONTAINS to GeoShapeQuery. Randomized testing is included and documentation is updated.
We already introduced the MatchNoneQueryBuilder query that does not
return any documents, mainly because we needed it for internal
representation of the NONE option in the IndicesQueryBuilder.
However, the query was requested at least once also for the query dsl,
and since we can parser it already we should document it as
`match_none` query in the relevant reference docs as well.
The NotQueryBuilder has been deprecated on the 2.x branches
and can be removed with the next major version. It can be
replaced by boolean query with added mustNot() clause.
* Dropped ScoreType in favour of Lucene's ScoreMode
* Removed `score_type` option from `has_child` and `has_parent` queries in favour for the already existing `score_mode` option.
* Removed the score mode `sum` in favour for the already existing `total` score mode. (`sum` doesn't exist in Lucene's ScoreMode class)
* If `max_children` is set to `0` it now really means that zero children are allowed to match.
This commit splits HasParentQueryParser into toQuery and fromXContent.
This change also deprecates several keys in favor of simplified settings
and adds basic unittests for HasParentQueryParser.
Relates to #10217
The `multi_match` query groups terms that have the same analyzer together and
then applies the boost of the first query in each group. This is not necessary
given that boosts for each term are already applied another way.