Added base TransportAction class for master read operations that execute locally or not depending on the request class (local flag).
Added support for local flag where missing, in a backwards compatible manner:
- IndicesExistsRequest
- GetAliasesRequest (get alias api, aliases exist api)
- TypesExistsRequest
- GetIndexTemplatesRequest (get template, template exists)
- GetSettingsRequest
- GetRepositoriesRequest
- PendingClusterTasks
Added parsing of the local flag where missing in Rest*Action.
Updated SPEC adding local flag param where missing and added REST tests that contain use of the local flag where it was just added.
* change some string params to list
* make some params or bodies required
* removed incorrect URLs
* removed incorrect params
* Fixed name of pending_tasks
* Made GET mappings consistent, supporting
* /{index}/_mappings/{type}
* /{index}/_mapping/{type}
* /_mapping/{type}
* Added "mappings" in the JSON response to align it with other responses
* Made GET warmers consistent, support /{index}/_warmers/{type} and /_warmer, /_warner/{name}
as well as wildcards and _all notation
* Made GET aliases consistent, support /{index}/_aliases/{name} and /_alias, /_aliases/{name}
as well as wildcards and _all notation
* Made GET settings consistent, added /{index}/_setting/{name}, /_settings/{name}
as well as supportings wildcards in settings name
* Returning empty JSON instead of a 404, if a specific warmer/
setting/alias/type is missing
* Added a ton of spec tests for all of the above
* Added a couple of more integration tests for several features
Relates #4071