When we introduces [persistent node ids](https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/pull/19140) we were concerned that people may copy data folders from one to another resulting in two nodes competing for the same id in the cluster. To solve this we elected to not allow an incoming join if a different with same id already exists in the cluster, or if some other node already has the same transport address as the incoming join. The rationeel there was that it is better to prefer existing nodes and that we can rely on node fault detection to remove any node from the cluster that isn't correct any more, making room for the node that wants to join (and will keep trying).
Sadly there were two problems with this:
1) One minor and easy to fix - we didn't allow for the case where the existing node can have the same network address as the incoming one, but have a different ephemeral id (after node restart). This confused the logic in `AllocationService`, in this rare cases. The cluster is good enough to detect this and recover later on, but it's not clean.
2) The assumption that Node Fault Detection will clean up is *wrong* when the node just won an election (it wasn't master before) and needs to process the incoming joins in order to commit the cluster state and assume it's mastership. In those cases, the Node Fault Detection isn't active.
This PR fixes these two and prefers incoming nodes to existing node when finishing an election.
On top of the, on request by @ywelsch , `AllocationService` synchronization between the nodes of the cluster and it's routing table is now explicit rather than something we do all the time. The same goes for promotion of replicas to primaries.
AbstractQueryTestCase parses the main version of the query in strict mode, meaning that it will fail if any deprecated syntax is used. It should do the same for alternate versions (e.g. short versions). This is the way it is because the two alternate versions for ids query are both deprecated. Moved testing for those to a specific test method that isolates the deprecations and actually tests that the two are deprecated.
Factor rounding and Interval rounding (the non-date based rounding)
was no longer used so it has been removed. Offset rounding has been
retained for no since both date based rounding classes rely on it
This change does three things:
1. Makes PreBuiltTransportClientTests run since it was silently
failing on a missing dependency
2. Makes PreBuiltTransportClientTests pass
3. Removes the http.type and transport.type from being set in the
transport clients additional settings since these are set to `netty4` by
default anyway.
Fixes an issue where a node that receives a cluster state
update with a brand new cluster UUID but without an
initial persistence block could cause indices to be wiped out,
preventing them from being reimported as dangling indices.
This commit only removes the in-memory data structures and
thus, are subsequently reimported as dangling indices.
A primary shard currently instructs the master to fail a replica shard that it fails to replicate writes to before acknowledging the writes to the client. To ensure that the primary instructing the master to fail the replica is still the current primary in the cluster state on the master, it submits not only the identity of the replica shard to fail to the master but also its own shard identity. This can be problematic however when the primary is relocating. After primary relocation handoff but before the primary relocation target is activated, the primary relocation target is replicating writes through the authority of the primary relocation source. This means that the primary relocation target should probably send the identity of the primary relocation source as authority. However, this is not good enough either, as primary shard activation and shard failure instructions can arrive out-of-order. This means that the relocation target would have to send both relocation source and target identity as authority. Fortunately, there is another concept in the cluster state that represents this joint authority, namely primary terms. The primary term is only increased on initial assignment or when a replica is promoted. It stays the same however when a primary relocates.
This commit changes ShardStateAction to rely on primary terms for shard authority. It also changes the wire format to only transmit ShardId and allocation id of the shard to fail (instead of the full ShardRouting), so that the same action can be used in a subsequent PR to remove allocation ids from the active allocation set for which there exist no ShardRouting in the cluster anymore. Last but not least, this commit also makes AllocationService less lenient, requiring ShardRouting instances that are passed to its applyStartedShards and applyFailedShards methods to exist in the routing table. ShardStateAction, which is calling these methods, now has the responsibility to resolve the ShardRouting objects that are to be started / failed, and remove duplicates.
Today, when listing thread pools via the cat thread pool API, thread
pools are listed in a column-delimited format. This is unfriendly to
command-line tools, and inconsistent with other cat APIs. Instead,
thread pools should be listed in a row-delimited format.
Additionally, the cat thread pool API is limited to a fixed list of
thread pools that excludes certain built-in thread pools as well as all
custom thread pools. These thread pools should be available via the cat
thread pool API.
This commit improves the cat thread pool API by listing all thread pools
(built-in or custom), and by listing them in a row-delimited
format. Finally, for each node, the output thread pools are sorted by
thread pool name.
Relates #19721
Our parsing code accepted up until now queries in the following form (note that the query starts with `[`:
"bool" : [
"must" : []
This would lead to a null pointer exception as most parsers assume that the field name ("must" in this example) is the first thing that can be found in a query if its json is valid, hence always non null while parsing. Truth is that the additional array layer doesn't make the json invalid, hence the following code fragment would cause NPE within ParseField, because null gets passed to `parseContext.isDeprecatedSetting`:
if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
currentFieldName = parser.currentName();
} else if (parseContext.isDeprecatedSetting(currentFieldName)) {
// skip
} else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) {
We could add null checks in each of our parsers in lots of places, but we rely on `currentFieldName` being non null in all of our parsers, and we should consider it a bug when these unexpected situations are not caught explicitly. It would be best to find a way to prevent such queries altogether without changing all of our parsers.
The reason why such a query goes through is that we've been allowing a query to start with either `[` or `{`. The only reason I found is that we accept `match_all : []`. This seems like an undocumented corner case that we could drop support for. Then we can be stricter and accept only `{` as start token of a query. That way the only next token that the parser can encounter if the json is valid (otherwise the json parser would barf earlier) is actually a field_name, hence the assumption that all our parser makes hold.
The downside of this is simply dropping support for `match_all : []`
Relates to #12887
We just overwrite `toString()` method so it calls toXContent
with `group_by` = "whatever" so we don't try to group by nodes
which does not make sense in a toString() method.
We keep the old behavior for `toXContent()` method which
means that there is no impact in the REST layer but
only in logs and tests (where we call `toString()`).
Currently both aggregations really share the same implementation. This commit
splits the implementations so that regular histograms can support decimal
intervals/offsets and compute correct buckets for negative decimal values.
However the response API is still the same. So for intance both regular
histograms and date histograms will produce an
The optimization to compute an identifier of the rounded value and the
rounded value itself has been removed since it was only used by regular
histograms, which now do the rounding themselves instead of relying on the
Rounding abstraction.
In several places in our code we need to get a consistent list of files + metadata of the current index. We currently have a couple of ways to do in the `Store` class, which also does the right things and tries to verify the integrity of the smaller files. Sadly, those methods can run into trouble if anyone writes into the folder while they are busy. Most notably, the index shard's engine decides to commit half way and remove a `segment_N` file before the store got to checksum (but did already list it). This race condition typically doesn't happen as almost all of the places where we list files also happen to be places where the relevant shard doesn't yet have an engine. There is however an exception (of course :)) which is the API to list shard stores, used by the master when it is looking for shard copies to assign to.
I already took one shot at fixing this in #19416 , but it turns out not to be enough - see for example https://elasticsearch-ci.elastic.co/job/elastic+elasticsearch+master+multijob-os-compatibility/os=sles/822.
The first inclination to fix this was to add more locking to the different Store methods and acquire the `IndexWriter` lock, thus preventing any engine for accessing if if the a shard is offline and use the current index commit snapshotting logic already existing in `IndexShard` for when the engine is started. That turned out to be a bad idea as we create more subtleties where, for example, a store listing can prevent a shard from starting up (the writer lock doesn't wait if it can't get access, but fails immediately, which is good). Another example is running on a shared directory where some other engine may actually hold the lock.
Instead I decided to take another approach:
1) Remove all the various methods on store and keep one, which accepts an index commit (which can be null) and also clearly communicates that the *caller* is responsible for concurrent access. This also tightens up the API which is a plus.
2) Add a `snapshotStore` method to IndexShard that takes care of all the concurrency aspects with the engine, which is now possible because it's all in the same place. It's still a bit ugly but at least it's all in one place and we can evaluate how to improve on this later on. I also renamed the `snapshotIndex` method to `acquireIndexCommit` to avoid confusion and I think it communicates better what it does.
In 2.0, the ability to specify metadata fields like _routing and _ttl
inside a document was removed. However, the ability to break through
this restriction has lingered, and the check that enforced it is
completely broken.
This change fixes the check, and adds a parsing test.
Currently any code that wants to added NamedWriteables to the
NamedWriteableRegistry can do so via guice injection of the registry,
and registering at construction time. However, this makes the registry
complex: it has both get and register methods synchronized, and there is
likely contention on the read side from multiple threads. The
registration has mostly already been contained to guice modules at node
construction time.
This change makes the registry immutable, taking all of the
NamedWriteable readers at construction time. It also allows plugins to
added arbitrary named writables that it may use in its own transport
ActiveShardCount.ALL by checking for active shards,
not just started shards, as a shard could be active
but in the relocating state (i.e. not in the started
conform with the requirements of the writeBlob method by
throwing a FileAlreadyExistsException if attempting to write
to a blob that already exists. This change means implementations
of BlobContainer should never overwrite blobs - to overwrite a
blob, it must first be deleted and then can be written again.
With this commit we add documentation and additional checks to
enforce the cancellation policy of CancellableThreads (which is
disallow `Thread#interrupt()` on any of the threads managed by
If the uuidBytes and ref are converted to utf8, it's possible they can
trip an assertion related to valid UTF-8/UTF-16 ranges, so display them
as hex, not as strings.
method to determine if a write consistency check should be performed
before proceeding with the action. This commit removes this method from
the transport replication actions in favor of setting the ActiveShardCount
on the request, with setting the value to ActiveShardCount.NONE if the
transport action's checkWriteConsistency() method returned false.