The static old index tests currently take a long time to run because
each index version essentially recreates the cluster, and spins up
new nodes. This PR instead loads each old version into the existing
cluster as a dangling index. It also removes the intermediate
"StaticIndexBackwardCompatibilityTest" which was an extra layer
with no purpose, and moves a shared version of a commonly found
function to get an http client.
The test now takes between 40 and 60 seconds for me. I also ran it
"under stress" by running all ES tests in one shell, while
simultaneously running 10 iterations of the old index tests. Each
iteration took on average about 90 seconds, which is much better
than the 20+ minutes we see in master on jenkins.
When doc values are explicitly set to the default value serialization
is skipped. This means the alternate way of specifying doc values,
through `fielddata.format: doc_values`, will take precedense if
This change fixes doc values to always be serialized when an explicit value
was passed, so that it continues to take precedence over
The current version is normally a snapshot while in development.
However, when the release process changes the snapshot flag to false,
this causes the static bwc tests to fail because they cannot
find an index for the current version. Instead, this change
skips the current version, because there is no need to test
a verion's bwc against itself.
We recently increased the size of bw indexes and backward compatibility tests
are now taking more time so it makes sense to ask them to do a bit less. This
commit changes the number of replicas we try to copy primaries to from (2 or 3)
to (1 or 2).
Separate repository registration to make sure that failure in registering one repository doesn't cause failures to register other repositories.
1.1.0 is affected by #5817 which prevents merges from keeping up with the
indexing rate. As a consequence it generates lots of segments and makes bw
compat tests slow. So I added a special case for this version to index fewer
Many scripts are used to start/stop and install/uninstall elasticsearch. These scripts share a lot of configuration properties like directory paths, max value for a setting, default user etc. Most of the values are identical but some of them are different depending of the platform (Debian-based or Redhat-based OS), depending of the way elasticsearch is started (shell script, systemd, sysv-init...) or the way it is installed (zip, rpm, deb...). Today the values are duplicated in multiple places, making it difficult to maintain the scripts or to update a value.
This pull request make this more uniform: values used in scripts must be defined in a common file. Each value can be overridden in another specific file for Debian or Redhat. All startup and installation scripts are filtered with the common then the custom files before being packaged as a zip/tar.gz/rpm/dpkf archive.
This pull request makes boolean handled like dates and ipv4 addresses: things
are stored as as numerics under the hood and aggregations add some special
formatting logic in order to return true/false in addition to 1/0.
For example, here is an output of a terms aggregation on a boolean field:
"aggregations": {
"top_f": {
"doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0,
"buckets": [
"key": 0,
"key_as_string": "false",
"doc_count": 2
"key": 1,
"key_as_string": "true",
"doc_count": 1
Sorted numeric doc values are used under the hood.
A shard recovery response might serialize a shard state at the same time that it is
modified by the recovery process. The test
failed because of this with a ConcurrentModificationException.
RoutingTables activePrimaryShardsGrouped(), allActiveShardsGrouped() and
allAssignedShardsGrouped() methods treated empty index array input
parameters as meaning "all" indices and expanded to the routing maps
keyset. However, the expansion of index names is now already done in
MetaData#concreteIndices(). Returning an empty index name list here
when a wildcard pattern didn't match any index name could lead to
problems like #9081 because the RoutingTable still expanded this
list of names to "_all". In case of e.g. the recovery endpoint this
could lead to problems.
This fixes an issue where this was logged:
[node_t1] [test][0] flush with org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.flush.FlushRequest@65f6f1e
by adding a .toString() method to FlushRequest.
It also changes:
creating Index [test], shards [1]/[2]
creating Index [test], shards [1]/[2s]
If shadow replicas are being used.
Today we reuse the UUID of the source index on restore. This can create conflicts
with existing shard state on disk. This also causes multiple indices with the same
UUID. This commit preserves the UUID of an existing index or creates a new UUID for
a newly created index.
For quite some time now, our networking layer makes sure to create safe messages as in not using the shared buffers. This is great, and we should remove the old support for "unsafe" notion in our codebase.
Prevents a current edge case resolving concrete aliases or index names in cluster MetaData
that could potentialy lead to NullPointerException when the IndicesOptions don't allow
wildcard expansion and the method is called with aliasesOrIndices argument null or emtpy list.
This change adds a check for that and introduces randomized test that catches this.